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Task 1

The pictures illustrate the process how air balloon be up to the sky and down to the
earth. Overall, a hot air balloon has some parts, but the burners and the valve that are
operated by passengers have the most crucial function to help the balloon fly and landed to
the ground.
A balloon envelope and basket become the larger parts that can be seen from a far
distance. However, the small equipment such as burners and valve are used to drive the
balloon be up to the sky. The double gas tanks inside the basket are the source to make
burning process on, then the hot air is resulted from this process. The valve in the top of
balloon must be closed to make sure that the hot air cannot go out from the balloon envelope.
Through this method, the hot air will push the basket up to the sky.
On the other side, descents a hot air balloon also use the same equipment. The burners
need to be shut down and the valve cord is pulled up by the passengers to open the valve and
release the hot air out. The gas tanks need to be close because the burning process is off.

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