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Measurable Learning Objectives

Created by:
Kosay Alshwaiter
English Language Centre
Curriculum Unit 1
Objectives of the workshop:
• At the conclusion of this workshop participants will
be able to:
• Recall the three major domains of objectives without
• Describe the six thinking levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
without confusion.
• Differentiate between the action verbs used in each
level of the objectives by answering at least 4 out of 5
questions correctly.
• Design their own objectives for a suggested lesson with
100% accuracy. 2 3
What is a Learning Objective?
A learning objective is a statement of what students will be able to
do when they have completed instruction.

A learning objective has three major components:

1. A description of what the student will be able to do.

2. The conditions under which the student will perform the task.

3. The criteria for evaluating student performance. 4
Why are Learning Objectives important?
Learning objectives are guides to:

1. Selection of content.

2. Development of an instructional strategy.

3. Development and selection of instructional materials.

4. Construction of tests and other instruments for assessing

and then evaluating student learning outcomes. 5
Learning Domains
• Cognitive: mental skills (knowledge).
learning of information and the
processes of dealing with that
There are information.
three domains • Affective: growth in feelings or
emotional areas (attitude or self).
of educational learning of beliefs, attitudes, and
activities values
• Psychomotor: manual or physical
skills (skills). learning of physical
movements 6
Activity # 1
Rearrange the six levels of thinking in Bloom’s Taxonomy from lower to
higher levels of thinking:











Activity # 2
Match the cognitive Level with the suitable description
Cognitive Level Description
Knowledge Demonstrate an understanding of the facts

Comprehension Create a new product or point of view

Application Recall facts and basic concepts

Analysis Draw connections among ideas

Synthesis Use information in new situation

Evaluation Justify a stand or a decision 9
Cognitive Level Description
Knowledge Recall facts and basic concepts

Comprehension Demonstrate an understanding of the facts

Application Use information in new situation

Analysis Draw connections among ideas

Synthesis Create a new product or point of view

Evaluation Justify a stand or a decision 10
Activity # 3 Match the action verbs related to each level.
Thinking Level Action Verbs
design, diagnose, plan, organize, compose
assess, measure, select, recommend,
investigate, categorize, solve, illustrate,
APPLICATION: differentiate

demonstrate, practice, interpret, apply,

ANALYSIS: prepare,

SYNTHESIS: repeat, list , match, define, recall

distinguish, summarize, classify, discuss,

EVALUATION: give examples 11
Thinking Level Action Verbs
KNOWLEDGE: repeat, list , match, define, recall

distinguish, summarize, classify,

COMPREHENSION: discuss, give examples
demonstrate, practice, interpret,
APPLICATION: apply, prepare,
investigate, categorize, solve,
ANALYSIS: illustrate, differentiate
design, diagnose, plan, organize,
SYNTHESIS: compose
assess, measure, select,
EVALUATION: recommend, determine 12
Words to Avoid:

appreciate believe improve learn

approach increase know understand
become grow thinks critically 13
ABCD Method 14
Audience: Describe the intended learner or end
user of the instruction

Behavior: Describes learner capability

Condition: Equipment or tools that may (or may

not) be utilized in completion of the behavior

Degree: States the standard for acceptable

performance (time, accuracy, proportion, quality,) 15 16
Activity # 4: Learning Outcome Components Exercise
• For each learning outcome, try to identify the four components:
• Audience/Who - Who does the outcome pertain to?
• Behaviour/What - What do you expect the audience to know/be able to do?
• Condition/How - Under what conditions or circumstances will the learning occur?
• Degree/How much - How much will be accomplished, how well will the behaviour need to be performed, and to what level?
• 1) As a result of attending MLOs workshop at the English Language Centre, teachers will be able to Create one or more Learning
objectives without errors.
• Audience: ____________________________________________________________
• Behaviour: ____________________________________________________________
• Condition: ____________________________________________________________
• Degree: _______________________________________________________________
• 2) At the conclusion of the MLOs workshop , Trainees in attendance will be able to identify the six cognitive levels of thinking
• Audience: ____________________________________________________________
• Behaviour: ____________________________________________________________
• Condition: ____________________________________________________________
• Degree: _______________________________________________________________
• 3) Faculty who attend the MLOs workshop, will be able to identify four objective components with 100% accuracy.
• Audience: ____________________________________________________________
• Behaviour: ____________________________________________________________
• Condition: ____________________________________________________________
• Degree: _______________________________________________________________ 17
• 1) As a result of attending MLOs workshop at the English Language Centre, teachers will be able
to Create one or more Learning objectives without errors.
• Audience: teachers
• Behaviour: will be able to Create Learning objectives.
• Condition: As a result of attending MLOs workshop at the English Language Centre
• Degree: one or more without errors
• 2) At the conclusion of the MLOs workshop , Trainees in attendance will be able to identify the six
cognitive levels of thinking properly.
• Audience: Trainees in attendance
• Behaviour: will be able to identify the six cognitive levels of thinking
• Condition: At the conclusion of the MLOs workshop
• Degree: properly
• 3) Faculty who attend the MLOs workshop, will be able to identify four objective components
with 100% accuracy.
• Audience: Faculty
• Behaviour: will be able to identify objective components
• Condition: who attend the MLOs workshop
• Degree: four with 100% accuracy 18
To make sure your goals are clear and
reachable, each one should be:

Time bound
Specific (time-based,
Measurable Achievable (reasonable,
(simple, time limited,
(meaningful, (agreed, realistic and
sensible, time/cost
motivating). attainable). resourced,
significant). limited, timely,
time-sensitive). 19
• When writing objectives, follow these 3 steps:
Step 1: Learning objectives begin with the phrase: “At the
conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to…”
Step 2: Connect step one with an action verb which
communicates the performance by the learner. Use verbs
which describe an action that can be observed and that
are measurable within the teaching time frame (e.g., via a
Step 3: Conclude with the specifics of what the learner will
be doing when demonstrating achievement or mastery of
the objectives. Stress what the participant will walk away
from the activity with. 20
• Activity # 4:
• Please work together to create five Measurable
Learning Objectives for the content provided in
the next slide.
• 1-
• 2-
• 3-
• 4-
• 5- 21 22
Suggested Answers
• At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Name the items people frequently buy when they go
shopping properly.
• Distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns
• Differentiate between the use of how many and how
• Compose questions by using some and any without
• Write a paragraph with no more than 50 words about
shopping using countable and uncountable nouns. 23
If you cannot clearly see that the content
being delivered meets the objectives then you
must decide the following:

Rewrite the objectives to meet the content

Modify, enhance or remove the content to meet the

objective as stated 24
Apply This to Your Life
• Perhaps you've always dreamed of traveling around the
world, but it's never happened. Maybe you tell yourself
it's because you don't have the time or the money, and
you'll think about it next year.
• Try setting SMART goals to help make your travel plans
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time
bound. You might find that the real reason you haven't
traveled is because your plans have been too vague or
unrealistic. Think about how you can adjust your vision
and rephrase it as a SMART goal, so that you can make
your dream come true. 25
• Bloom, B. S., Englehatt, M D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., &
Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational
objectives: Handbook I -- Cognitive domain. New York:
• Saskatchewan Education (1992). The Adaptive Dimension in
Core Curriculum. Regina, Canada: Saskatchewan Education.
• Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design.
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
• 26
Thank you
For any further information, please
don’t hesitate to contact me:
Cellphone : 00966599993767 27

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