Islamic Studies WS.2 - 9B1

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Scripted By


Written By
M. Arslan Abdullah


NAME: ______________________ GRADE: 09 SEC: B1

Worksheet: 02 Subject: Islamic Studies

Q: 1 Fill in the blanks.

1. Nuaym’s acceptance of Islam was kept a secret to confuse the enemy.

2. The Pegans kept the pressure on the Muslims.
3. The battle of trench took place in the month of Shaawaal.
4. The Prophet’s tent of red leather was pitched at the foot of Mount Sal.
5. Abu Sufyaan was the commander-in chief of the Muslim army.
6. Saalat-Ul-Kusoof is to be performed by both men and women.
7. Every Prophet had a disciple, and my disciple is Az-Zubayr.
8. The Makkan and their allies pitched their camps not far from Uhud.
9. The eclipse prayer for Moon is similar to the eclipse prayer for the Sun.
10. The eclipse prayer is an emphasized Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.
Q: 2 Write true or false.

1. Muaadh was struck in the chest by an arrow which severed a vein. (FALSE)
2. The siege of Madeenah lasted for two months. (FALSE)
3. It took them Eight days to complete digging the trench. (FALSE)
4. Nuaym ibn Masood was a friend of the Banu Quraydhah. (TRUE)
5. The eclipse prayer consists of two Rakah. (TRUE)
6. The Quraysh had failed at Uhud to secure their trade routes to Egypt.
7. Abu Bakar RA replaced Usaamah as commander of the army. (TRUE)
8. The Sun and the Moon do not eclipse because of the death or birth of anyone.
9. Wars are won by tricks often and sound decision are not very important in
winning wars. (FALSE)
10. Jaabir RA had been stuck by the Prophet’s increasing pangs of hunger.

Q: 3 Answer the questions.

1. How did the Jews managed to get Banu Ghatafaan to join the confederacy?

2. Did the trench need to be continuous? Why?


3. Where were the women and children housed?


4. Why was the breaking of the treaty by Banu Quraydhah a setback for the

5. Who was Nuaym? What contribution did he make to the battle of the

6. Where should Salaat-Ul-Kusoof be performed?


7. What other acts of goodness must one engage in during an eclipse?


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