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Addition and Subtraction

1) Set out and solve: 725 618 + 454 823 + 2589 = ________

2) Set out and solve: 998 569 – 485 510 – 78 105 =

3) What is 384 652 + 473 473? _____

4) Andrej plans to subtract 1990 from 562 010 mentally. Explain how he
might do it. What is the answer?


5) Use a written method to solve 18 457 + 24 562?

6) Use a written method to solve 95 329 − 42 587?

7) Find the total of 0·87, 11·6 and 19·48. Use the space below to set out
your work.

8) Solve this subtraction. 430·26 – 214·83 = _______

9) What is 17·65 + 40·69? ___________

10) Solve:

Frankie scores 5·6 points in a dance competition. Linda scores 0·9 more
points than Frankie. How many points does Linda score? ______

Kiera weighs 26·6 kg. Nula weighs 1·9 kg more than Kiera. How many
kilograms does Nula weigh? ______ kg

11) Set out and solve: £13·45 + £67·89 + £157·37 = _______

12) Use a mental method to solve these calculations.

6.43 + 4.34 = _______

23.07 + 17.03 = _______

12.97 − 8.43 = _______

65.82 – 13.79 = _______

13) Look at the prices on the receipt and work out the total amount
spent. Estimate the total first.

Estimate: ________
Total: _________________

14) Una bought three items in a clothes shop. They cost: £2·75, £39·56
and £16·49.

Estimate how much she spent to the nearest whole pound.


How much exactly did she spend altogether? ________

15) Kiara owns a fruit stall. She sells $48.75 of fruit on Monday,
$203.65 on Tuesday and $466.48 on Wednesday. How much fruit does
she sell all together?

Estimate your answer first: $ ____________

Actual amount: $ ____________

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