Cell Culture WHO Guidelines

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Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries in the South-East Asia Region Use of Cell Culture

in Virology for
ISBN: 978-92-9022-600-0 developing countries
in the South-East Asia region
World Health House
Indraprastha Estate,
Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110002, India
Website: www.searo.who.int
Use of Cell Culture
in Virology for
developing countries
in the South-East Asia region
© World Health Organization 2017
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adequate capacity to combat such public

health emergencies of international
concern thus obviating mortality, morbidity
and economic losses. One such capacity
indicator is reliable diagnosis of viral

A few years back WHO had published

simple guidelines on how to establish a
virology laboratory in developing countries.
There have been many technological
Viral diseases have assumed great advances since then. Newer genetic-
importance in the recent past for based methods have become available.
individual, community and global health. However, isolation of viruses and their
During the past four decades, around 40 characterization continues to remain as the
new pathogens have been discovered, half gold standard in virology.
of which are viruses. Some of these viruses
have brought about a paradigm shift in Recognizing the need for a comprehensive
medical sciences and public health. These document on cell culture-based isolation
include the human immunodeficiency techniques along with strengthening
virus, hepatitis C virus, and a few more. quality system and the need for and care
of equipment and biosafety, this document
Few of these viruses have triggered alarm has been developed by a group of
bells globally through epidemics and renowned regional virologists.
pandemics. During the current millennium
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), I am sure that this document will be of
influenza H5N1, influenza H1N1, Middle immense use to our Member States in
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) establishing virological diagnostic services
Coronavirus, Ebola and Zika Virus have in consonance with the International
disrupted life in several parts of the Health Regulations (2005), thus
world with conspicuous implications on contributing to global health security.
human health, animal health and the
global economy due to travel and trade

The International Health Regulations Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh

(2005) call for all countries to build Regional Director

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 3

Foreword.......................................................................................................... 3
Abbreviations................................................................................................. 10
1. Introduction to cell culture...................................................................... 13
1.1 Scope.............................................................................................................. 16
1.2 Guideline development process........................................................................ 16
1.3 Guidelines development team.......................................................................... 16

2. Principles of cell culture........................................................................... 17

2.1 Definitions....................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Types of cell culture.......................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Primary explantation.............................................................................. 19
2.2.2 Organotypic culture............................................................................... 20
2.2.3 Continuous cell culture.......................................................................... 20
2.2.4 Adherent and suspension culture........................................................... 20
2.3 Essential components of cell culture................................................................. 21
2.3.1 Substrates and matrices......................................................................... 21
2.3.2 Media................................................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Animal sera........................................................................................... 21
2.3.4 Antibiotics and antimycotics.................................................................. 21
2.4 Equipment....................................................................................................... 22
2.4.1 Cell culture hood................................................................................... 22
2.4.2 Culture vessels....................................................................................... 22
2.4.3 Flasks.................................................................................................... 22
2.4.4 Cell culture dishes.................................................................................. 23
2.4.5 Multiwell plates..................................................................................... 23
2.4.6 Other equipment................................................................................... 23
2.5 Subculture....................................................................................................... 23
2.6 Cryopreservation.............................................................................................. 23
2.7 Contamination................................................................................................. 24
2.7.1 Microbial contamination....................................................................... 24
2.7.2 Cellular cross-contamination.................................................................. 24
2.8 Three-dimensional cell culture.......................................................................... 25

3. Designing a cell culture laboratory and the requirements................... 27

3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Layout of a cell culture laboratory..................................................................... 29
3.3 Equipment for a cell culture laboratory............................................................. 31
3.3.1 Cell culture vessels................................................................................. 32
3.3.2 Centrifuges............................................................................................ 32
3.3.3 Incubators............................................................................................. 33
3.3.4 Inverted microscopes............................................................................. 33

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 5
3.3.5 Freezers.............................................................................................. 34
3.3.6 Haemocytometers and Coulter counter............................................... 34
3.3.7 Laminar flow hoods (microbiological safety cabinets).......................... 34
3.3.8 Liquid nitrogen................................................................................... 35
3.3.9 Pipettes and pipette aids..................................................................... 35
3.3.10 Plasticware and consumables.............................................................. 36
3.3.11 Refrigerators....................................................................................... 36
3.3.12 Sterilizing oven or autoclave................................................................ 36
3.3.13 Water purification system.................................................................... 36
3.3.14 Water bath......................................................................................... 36
3.4 Cell culture media and reagents...................................................................... 36
3.4.1 Serum................................................................................................. 37
3.4.2 Basal media........................................................................................ 37
3.4.3 Reduced-serum media........................................................................ 37
3.4.4 Serum-free media............................................................................... 37
3.5 Human resource............................................................................................. 38

4. Types of cell culture................................................................................. 39

4.1 Types of adherent cells.................................................................................... 42
4.1.1 Primary cell culture.............................................................................. 42
4.1.2 Continuous cell lines........................................................................... 43
4.1.3 Mixed cell cultures.............................................................................. 43
4.1.4 Genetically engineered cells................................................................. 43

5. Applications of cell culture in medicine and allied sciences................. 45

5.1 Virus isolation and identification of viruses from clinical specimens.................. 47
5.2 Vaccine production......................................................................................... 48
5.3 Production of monoclonal antibodies.............................................................. 48
5.4 Cancer research.............................................................................................. 49
5.5 Tissue culture and engineering........................................................................ 49
5.6 Genetic engineering........................................................................................ 49
5.7 Study of the effects of toxins and drugs.......................................................... 50
5.8 Production of high value therapeutics............................................................. 50
5.9 Cell culture in three dimensions...................................................................... 50

6. Use of cell culture in a diagnostic virology laboratory......................... 53

7. Quality in a cell culture laboratory......................................................... 61

7.1 Key elements of quality system........................................................................ 63
7.1.1 Management commitment................................................................. 63
7.1.2 Quality standards................................................................................ 63
7.1.3 Documents......................................................................................... 63
7.1.4 Training.............................................................................................. 64
7.1.5 Assessment of quality system.............................................................. 64
7.2 Quality control checks in cell culture laboratories............................................. 64
7.2.1 Tissue culture and media..................................................................... 64
7.2.2 Media................................................................................................. 65
7.2.3 Equipment.......................................................................................... 65

6 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
7.3 Development and implementation of the quality system.................................. 66
7.4 Avoidance of microbial contamination............................................................ 66
7.4.1 Bacterial and fungal contamination..................................................... 68
7.4.2 Mycoplasma contamination................................................................ 68
7.4.3 Viral contamination............................................................................ 68
7.4.4 Environmental monitoring.................................................................. 68
7.4.5 Troubleshooting for contamination..................................................... 68

8. Biosafety and biosecurity in a cell culture laboratory........................... 71

8.1 Biosafety......................................................................................................... 73
8.2 Biorisk............................................................................................................ 73
8.3 Biorisk assessment.......................................................................................... 73
8.4 Laboratory layout............................................................................................ 74
8.5 Work surfaces, flooring and other requirements.............................................. 74
8.6 Care and maintenance of laboratory areas...................................................... 75
8.7 Waste disposal................................................................................................ 75
8.8 Risk assessment of cell cultures....................................................................... 75
8.9 Intrinsic properties of cell cultures................................................................... 76
8.10 Origin of cells/pathogens species.................................................................... 76
8.11 Cell type......................................................................................................... 76
8.12 Type of manipulation...................................................................................... 76
8.13 Deliberate infection of cell cultures with pathogenic microorganisms.............. 76
8.14 Risk with adventitious contaminating agents................................................... 78
8.15 Risk assessment of genetically modified cell cultures........................................ 78
8.16 Biological risk management in cell culture laboratories.................................... 79
8.17 Novel approaches in biological risk management of cell culture laboratories.... 80

9. Care and maintenance of the cell culture laboratory equipment......... 81

9.1 Prerequisites of equipment.............................................................................. 84
9.2 Positioning of equipment................................................................................ 84
9.3 Care and maintenance of critical equipment................................................... 84
9.3.1 Biosafety cabinet................................................................................. 84
9.3.2 Incubator............................................................................................ 85
9.3.3 Centrifuge.......................................................................................... 86
9.3.4 Autoclave........................................................................................... 86
9.3.5 Dry oven............................................................................................. 87
9.3.6 Liquid nitrogen................................................................................... 87
9.3.7 Refrigerator........................................................................................ 87
9.3.8 Microscope......................................................................................... 88
9.3.9 Pipettes.............................................................................................. 88

10. Sources of cell lines (repositories), equipment and reagents............... 91

10.1 Sources of cell lines......................................................................................... 93
10.2 Major global suppliers of cell lines................................................................... 94
10.2.1 American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)............................................. 94
10.2.2 European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures (ECACC)................ 94
10.3 Equipment...................................................................................................... 94

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 7
10.3.1 Biosafety cabinet................................................................................. 95
10.3.2 CO2incubator.................................................................................... 95
10.3.3 Inverted microscope........................................................................... 96
10.3.4 Centrifuges........................................................................................ 96
10.3.5 Water bath........................................................................................ 96
10.3.6 Refrigerators (+4 oC)......................................................................... 96
10.3.7 Freezer (–20 oC)................................................................................. 96
10.3.8 Freezer (–80 oC)................................................................................. 96
10.3.9 Liquid nitrogen refrigerator and transport container........................... 96
10.3.10 Cell counter....................................................................................... 97
10.3.11 Autoclave.......................................................................................... 97
10.3.12 Water purification unit....................................................................... 97
10.4 Cell culture media and reagents...................................................................... 97
10.4.1 Minimum Essential Medium with Earle salts (MEM)............................ 98
10.4.2 Dulbecco’s Minimum Essential medium (DMEM)................................ 98
10.4.3 Leibovitz’s L-15 medium.................................................................... 98
10.4.4 RPMI 1640 medium (Roswell Park Memorial Institute)........................ 98
10.4.5 Ham’s nutrient mixtures..................................................................... 98
10.4.6 Grace’s medium................................................................................. 98
10.4.7 Animal serum.................................................................................... 98
10.4.8 Antibiotics......................................................................................... 99
10.5 Other cell culture reagents.............................................................................. 99
10.5.1 Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)......................................................... 99
10.5.2 Trypsin............................................................................................... 99
10.5.3 Trypan blue........................................................................................ 99
10.5.4 Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)................................................................ 99
10.5.5 Carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC)........................................................ 100
10.6 Plasticware for cell growth............................................................................ 100

11. A. Standard operating procedures Basic Cell Culture Techniques...... 101

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 103
A. Subculture of cell line........................................................................................ 103
1.0 Purpose........................................................................................................ 103
2.0 Equipment.................................................................................................... 103
3.0 Aseptic techniques........................................................................................ 103
4.0 General........................................................................................................ 103
5.0 Media preparation for cell culture................................................................. 104
5.1 Dehydrated tissue culture media............................................................ 104
antibiotics............................................................................................. 104
5.2 Sterilization of tissue culture media....................................................... 104
sterility check........................................................................................ 104
5.3 TVG (trypsin versene glucose)................................................................ 104
Stock solutions for TVG......................................................................... 104
Preparation of working solution of TVG................................................. 105
6.0 Subculturing................................................................................................. 105
6.1 Subculture of adherent cells.................................................................. 105
6.2 Subculture of suspension cells............................................................... 105
7.0 Quality control.............................................................................................. 106

8 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
8.0 Measures to minimize contamination in a cell culture laboratory................... 106
B. Cryopreservation of cell lines.............................................................................. 106
Purpose/ scope...................................................................................................... 106
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 106
1.0 Purpose........................................................................................................ 107
2.0 Material and equipment............................................................................... 107
3.0 Procedure for cryopreservation of cells.......................................................... 107
4.0 Safety precautions........................................................................................ 107
C. Revival of cell line.............................................................................................. 107
1.0 Purpose........................................................................................................ 107
2.0 Equipment.................................................................................................... 107
3.0 Procedure for revival of cell lines................................................................... 108
D. Detection of Mycoplasma in cell line culture...................................................... 108
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................. 108
2.0 Purpose........................................................................................................ 108
3.0 Methods....................................................................................................... 109
3.1.1 Different methods to detect Mycoplasma in Laboratory..................... 109
3.1.2. Mycoplasma detection methods, their sensitivity, and advantages and
disadvantages.............................................................................................. 110
3.1.3. Procedure for DNA fluorochrome staining method to detect Mycoplasma.... 110
3.1.3. A: Reagents................................................................................................. 110
3.1.3. B: Method................................................................................................... 110

B. Standard operating procedures : Isolation of viruses from clinical samples..111

Propose................................................................................................................ 113
Principle................................................................................................................ 113
Equipments .......................................................................................................... 113
Reagents............................................................................................................... 113
Safety.................................................................................................................... 114
Precaution............................................................................................................. 114
Qualitycontrol ....................................................................................................... 114
I. Subculture of cell line................................................................................... 114
Procedure..................................................................................................... 114
II. Specimen handling....................................................................................... 115
Procedure..................................................................................................... 115
III. Specimen preparation and testing................................................................. 115
Procedure..................................................................................................... 115
Result analysis............................................................................................... 116
Viral transport media (VTM).......................................................................... 117
1.0 % BSA in MEM....................................................................................... 117
Reagents used for cell culture................................................................................ 117
Work sheet for respiratory viral isolation by cell culture........................................... 119

12. Further reading / References................................................................. 121

Annex............................................................................................................ 126

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 9

2D two dimensional HDC human diploid cell(s)

3D three dimensional HEK-293 human embryo kidney 293
ACDP Advisory Committee Hep B hepatitis B
on Dangerous Hep C hepatitis C
Pathogens(guidelines) HEPA high-efficiency particulate
ATCC American Type Culture arrestor
Collection Hepes N-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine
BHK baby hamster kidney N´- (2-ethanesulfonic acid)
BSA bovine serum albumin HIV human immunodeficiency virus
BSC biosafety cabinet HPV human papillomavirus
BSL biosafety level HSV herpes simplex viruses
BSS balanced salt solution ID50 inhibitory dose 50
BVDV bovine viral diarrhoea virus IFA immunofluorescence assay
CHO Chinese hamster ovary IQAS internal quality assessment
CMC carboxy methyl cellulose scheme
CPE cytopathic effect IVF in vitro fertilization
CSF cerebrospinal fluid JEV Japanese encephalitis virus
DMEM Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s LAI laboratory-acquired infection
medium LCMV lymphocytic
DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide choriomeningitisvirus
DNA deoxy ribonucleic acid mAbs monoclonal antibodies
DPBS Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered MDBK Madin–Darby bovine kidney
saline (epithelial cell line)
EBSS Earle’s balanced salt solution MDCK Madin–Darby canine kidney
ECACC European Collection of (cell line)
Authenticated Cell Cultures MEM minimum essential medium
ECM extracellular matrix MERS Middle East respiratory
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent syndrome
assay NCCS National Centre for Cell Science
EQAS external quality assessment NIMHANS National Institute of Mental
scheme Health And Neuro Sciences
FBS fetal bovine serum NP nasopharyngeal
FCS fetal calf serum PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear
FDA United States Food and Drug cell
Administration PBS phosphate buffered saline
GLP good laboratory practice PCR polymerase chain reaction
GMEM Glasgow’s Minimum Essential PEG polyethylene glycol
Medium pfu plaque-forming units
GMO genetically modified organism PI post-infection
GMT good microbiological technique PM Pitman-Moore
HBSS Hank’s balanced salt solution PVRV purified vero rabies vaccine

10 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
QA quality assurance TCID50 tissue culture infective dose
RPMI Roswell Park Memorial Institute tPA tissue plasminogen activator
(medium) TSE transmissible spongiform
SARS severe acute respiratory encephalopathies
syndrome VERO Verda reno - African green
SFM serum-free media monkey kidney epithelial
SOP standard operating procedure cells
STR short tandem repeat(s) VTM viral transport medium
SV40 Simian vacuolating virus 40 WHO World Health Organization

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 11
12 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Introduction to
cell culture

Double labeling of Chikungunya virus and cytoskeletal tubulin indicating co-localization in infected
C2C12 cells (murine myoblasts ) at 18h post infection as seen under confocal microscopy

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 13
14 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Introduction to cell culture

It has been over six decades since the the need and utility of cell cultures has
discovery by Enders and his co-workers not diminished. Indeed, they are used in
that polioviruses could replicate in cell monitoring specificity and sensitivity of
cultures of non-neural origin. This has all newer rapid tests. A combination of
stimulated extensive use of cell cultures for virus isolation in cell culture and molecular
propagation of a number of human and methods is still critical in identifying viruses
animal viruses. Consequently, cell culture that were previously unrecognized. The
is an indispensable tool in modern-day influenza A pandemic of 2009 is a classic
medicine with innumerable applications. example of how cell culture was used in
Cell culture involves a complex of processes conjunction with molecular techniques
of cell isolation from their natural for rapid diagnosis and identification of a
environment (in vivo) and subsequent novel recombinant. However, isolation of
growth in a controlled environmental viruses using cell cultures is not appropriate
artificial condition (in vitro). The term “cell for routine daily results, and specialized
culture”denotes growing of cells in vitro laboratories should rely on their own
under conditions where the cells are no ability to use viruses as controls, perform
longer organized into tissues. This should complete investigations when needed,
not be confused with the term “tissue and store representative clinical strains
culture”, which denotes maintenance and whenever possible. By maintaining their
growth of tissues in a way that allows ability to conduct viral culture, these
differentiation and preservation of the laboratories could also provide strains for
architecture and/or function. In cell culture, future vaccine development and human
cells derived from specific tissues or organs isolates for research purposes.
are cultured as short-term, mid-term or
long-term established cell lines, which are Cell culture needs a continuous
widely used for research and diagnosis, commitment of energy and resources
particularly in the case of viral infection, for professional use. Therefore, the key
because pathogenic viral isolation depends decision to be made is whether there will
on the availability of permissible cell be an ongoing requirement of culture
cultures. facilities or whether it might be economical
to collaborate with an established
Cell culture provides the optimum setting laboratory or subcontract work for short
for the detection and identification of durations. In case of a clear and accepted
numerous pathogens of humans, which requirement to set up a cell culture facility,
is achieved via virus isolation in the several basic issues need to be considered.
cell culture as the “gold standard” for A number of important conditions must
virus discovery. Despite technological be satisfied for successful establishment
advancements in the past two decades, of a cell culture facility. These include the
starting with monoclonal antibody availability of an appropriate laboratory
development to molecular techniques infrastructure and equipment, cell
for rapid detection of viral infections, culture media, vessels and reagents,

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 15
It has been over standardized protocols 1.2 Guideline development
six decades since the and trained sufficient process
discovery by Enders and his human resources. The WHO Regional Office for South-
co-workers that polioviruses The establishment East Asia commissioned the Department
and use of cell of Neurovirology, National Institute
could replicate in cell cultures
culture also of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
of non-neural origin. This needs people (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, India, to develop
has stimulated extensive with a high degree of the first draft guidelines using a team
use of cell cultures for expertise and knowledge of experts in the country as well as from
of appropriate technology. the region. The objective was to assist
propagation of a
This is because all cell lines are developing countries in establishing
number of human not equal, and the ability of a given practical facilities for cell culture within
and animal virus to grow is quite unpredictable. diagnostic virology settings based upon
viruses. This manual provides the basic guidelines a programme approach and available
related to all these aspects of cell culture. scientific evidence.
It is intended to provide the minimum
requirements for establishing a cell The draft guidelines were first reviewed by
culture laboratory for use in the context WHO and subsequently by two eminent
of diagnostic virology. It is not intended reviewers from the region. Based on their
to serve as a comprehensive laboratory recommendations, the guidelines were
manual on cell culture. revised by NIMHANS.

1.1 Scope The guidelines also provide information

These guidelines cover key aspects of for the procurement of equipment, cell
establishing a cell culture laboratory for lines and products for use by cell culture
diagnostic virology in developing countries laboratories. However, the information
and address issues pertaining to policy is only suggestive and WHO does not
and programme, infrastructure, human specifically endorse these products.
resources, technologies available and high
quality systems. These guidelines do not 1.3 Guidelines development
describe the technique for processing of team
specimens because every laboratory has WHO wishes to acknowledge the support
to develop its own standard operating provided by the various experts in
procedures (SOPs). Moreover, standard drafting, reviewing and finalization of
textbooks are available for these techniques. the guidelines.(Annex)

16 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Principles of cell culture

Filtration of growth medium required for cell culture

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 17
18 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Principles of cell culture

2.1 Definitions to a cell line must be present consistently

The term “cell culture” denotes in vitro during all subsequent cultivation.
growth of cells under conditions where
the cells are no longer organized into Passage: It is the transfer or transplantation
tissues. This should not be confused with of cells, with or without dilution, from one
the term “tissue culture” which denotes culture vessel to another. It is understood
maintenance and growth of tissues in a that at any time cells are transferred from
manner that allows differentiation and one vessel to another, a certain portion
preservation of the architecture and/or of the cells may be lost and, therefore,
function. Therefore, cell culture can be dilution of cells, whether deliberate or not,
broadly defined as the removal of cells may occur. This term is synonymous with
from an animal or plant tissue followed “subculture”. The passage refers to the
by their growth in a favourable synthetic number of times the cells have been
milieu that simulates in vivo conditions. subcultured or passaged. In descriptions
Removal of cells from the tissue may be of this process, the split ratio or dilution
followed by enzymatic or mechanical of the cells should be stated so that the
disaggregation procedures before relative cultural age can be ascertained
cultivation. Besides, cells may also be and the characteristics of the cells remain
derived from an already established cell line unaltered.
or strain.
2.2 Types of cell culture
Primary cell culture: It is a culture initiated 2.2.1 Primary explantation: Cells
from cells, tissues or organs taken directly isolated from donor tissue may be
from organisms. A primary culture may maintained by myriad techniques. An
be regarded as such until it is successfully outgrowth of cells, from a plasma clot,
subcultured for the first time. It then or an extracellular matrix constituent,
becomes a “cell line”. A cell line arises such as collagen, is generally observed
from a primary culture at the time of the when a tissue fragment adheres to
first successful subculture. The term cell the surface either spontaneously or
line implies that cultures from it consist augmented by mechanical means. Such
of numerous lineages of cells originally a culture is termed “primary explant”
present in the primary culture. The terms and the migrating cells are known as the
finite or continuous are used as prefixes if outgrowth. Cells are primarily selected
the status of the culture is known. If not, on the basis of their ability to migrate
the term line will suffice. from the explant and for their ability to
proliferate upon subculture.
Cell strain: This term is used for a cell line
that is derived either from a primary culture Upon mechanical or enzymatic
or a cell line by the selection or cloning of disaggregation, suspension of cells/
cells having specific properties or markers. aggregates comprise a proportion of cells
The properties or markers that are distinct capable of attaching to a solid substrate

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 19
Continuous cells to form a monolayer. Cells a process called transformation, which
grow rapidly; they have within the monolayer, can either occur spontaneously or is
which are proficient in chemical or viral- induced. Transformation
a higher cell density and
proliferation, are of a finite cell line, which acquires the
aneuploid chromosome then selected at ability to divide indefinitely, results in the
number. They differ in the first subculture. formation of a continuous cell line.
phenotypes from the Subsequently, outgrowth
donor tissue and stop from a primary explant may Continuous cells grow rapidly; they
give rise to a cell line. have a higher cell density and aneuploid
expressing certain
chromosome number. They differ in
tissue-specific Explant culture is preferred where only phenotypes from the donor tissue and
genes. small fragments of tissue are available or stop expressing certain tissue-specific
the fragility of the cells impedes survival genes. Continuous cells acquire the
following disaggregation. Differentiated ability to proliferate indefinitely, either
cells found in a tissue have limited ability to through genetic mutations or artificial
proliferate. This is a genetically determined modification; they contain homogeneous
occurrence termed senescence. Hence, genotypic and phenotypic characteristics.
differentiated cells do not contribute
to the formation of a primary culture, For example, the widely used Vero lineage
unless supplemented with conditions to was isolated from epithelial cells of
promote their attachment and preserve the kidney of an African green monkey
their differentiated status. These cell lines, (Chlorocebussp.) by Yasumura and
therefore, are known as finite. Kawakita at Chiba University in Japan. The
word “Vero” is an abbreviation of verda
2.2.2 Organotypic culture: Following reno, which means “green kidney” in
disaggregation, the dispersed cells evidently Esperanto.
lose their native histological characteristics
as flattening of the explant due to cell 2.2.4 Adherent and suspension
migration and varying degree of necrosis. culture: Cells can be grown in culture
in two basic ways: as monolayers on an
Retention of the inherent histology and its artificial substrate (i.e. adherent culture)
associated differentiated properties may or free-floating in the culture medium
be enhanced at the air–medium interface, (suspension culture).
where gas exchange is optimized and
cell migration minimized. Such a culture, Most cells derived from vertebrates,
known as “organ culture” may survive except haematopoietic and a few other
normally up to 3 weeks, but cannot be cell lines, are anchorage-dependent.
propagated further. Therefore, these cells require a specifically
treated surface that allows cell adhesion
An alternative strategy for organ culture and proliferation. Substrate materials
is the amplification of the cell stock by that have undergone specific treatments
generation of cell lines from specific cell to allow growth of cells are termed as
types and subsequent recombination in substrates treated by tissue culture.
organotypic culture. Such an approach
has witnessed limited success for the skin. Other cell lines, especially commercially
available insect lines, grow well in
2.2.3 Continuous cell culture: Certain anchorage-independent suspension
cell lines grow into immortal ones through culture. Such cells can be maintained in

20 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
culture flasks that are not treated by tissue crucial for the growth and proliferation of
culture. However, with the proliferation of cells. The pH in media is maintained by one
cells, the culture volume to surface area or more buffering systems; CO2/sodium
is increased, which hinders adequate gas bicarbonate, phosphate and HEPES being
exchange. Therefore, suspension cultures the most common. Often, phenol red, a pH
demand that the medium should be indicator, is supplemented to the medium
agitated to ensure proper aeration. for colorimetric monitoring of pH variations.
As different cell lines have different growth
2.3 Essential components of requirements, a wide range of media
cell culture formulations are available commercially to
2.3.1 Substrates and matrices: One aid the growth of each cell type.
prerequisite of in vitro cell culture is an
extracellular matrix or substrate which 2.3.3 Animal sera: Sera from fetal
provides in vivo-like environment. Normal and calf bovine sources are a rich source
cells in tissues thrive amidst a three- for amino acids, proteins, vitamins
dimensional (3D) environment, bordered (particularly fat-soluble vitamins such
by other cells, membranes, fibrous layers as A, D, E and K), carbohydrates, lipids,
and adhesion proteins. hormones, growth factors, minerals and
trace elements. Additionally, serum acts as
Presently, cells are cultured on flat a buffering agent in the culture medium,
plasticware which culminate into artificial inactivates proteolytic enzymes, increases
two-dimensional (2D) sheets of cells. Much medium viscosity (thereby reducing shear
research has and continues to be devoted stress during pipetting or stirring), and
to the evolution of extracellular matrices or conditions the growth surface of the culture
substrates that closely mimic the normal vessel. Although the exact composition
physiological conditions. The preference of sera is still undetermined, it is known
of a negatively charged substrate has been to stimulate cell growth. Earlier, animal
eliminated with the availability of plastics serum was a major source of mycoplasma
that are positively charged, which also contamination of tissue culture cells.
provides some cell selectivity. Irrespective Nowadays, commercially available sera
of the net charge of the synthetic are filtered through several 0.1μm pore
substrates, it has been hypothesized that (or smaller) filters to remove mycoplasma.
cells secrete matrix products that adhere Basal media supplemented with animal
to the substrate and provide ligands for sera in specified concentrations is known
the interaction of matrix receptors such as complete growth media. However, some
as integrins. Therefore, recent techniques cells are known to prefer serum-free media
involve treatment of the substrate with for growth.
a matrix product, such as collagen type
IV, fibronectin or laminin, to promote cell 2.3.4 Antibiotics and antimycotics:
adhesion facilitating better attachment. Addition of antibiotics and/or antimycotics
is a precautionary measure (though
2.3.2 Media: Cell culture media not mandatory) to check microbial
are complex combinations of salts, contamination. They are also added to cell
carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, culture media as a prophylactic to prevent
metabolic precursors, growth factors, contamination. Routine use of antibiotics
hormones and trace elements. The or antimycotics for cell culture is not
medium also helps maintain the pH and recommended as they inhibit normal cell
osmolality in a culture system, which is growth. Since animal cells are eukaryotic in

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 21
origin, use of antimycotics may interfere • Stationary monolayer cultures which are
with the normal cell metabolism. grown in undisturbed flasks, dishes and
The American Type Culture Collection multiwell plates.
(ATCC) does not recommend the use of • Moving monolayer cultures which are
antibiotics and/or antimycotics unless the grown primarily in roller bottles.
cell line is irreplaceable as the process is • Stationary suspension cultures which
lengthy and there is no guarantee that are grown without agitation in
contamination will be eliminated. untreated dishes and flasks.
• Moving suspension cultures which
2.4 Equipment are grown in mechanically stirred
2.4.1 Cell culture hood: A clean vessels (spinner flasks), bioreactors or
working environment, free from dust fermentors.
and other airborne contaminants, is The yield for monolayer cultures is limited
absolutely essential for cell culture. The by the area of treated growth surface
cell culture hood ensures an aseptic available. Approximately, 0.5 × 105 cells/
work area, by maintaining a constant, cm² to 1 × 105 cells/cm² of treated surface
unidirectional flow of high-efficiency is a typical yield for confluent continuous
particulate air (HEPA)-filtered air over mammalian cell lines. The total cell yield
the work area, besides permitting the for suspension cultures is determined by
containment of infectious splashes the working volume of the vessel. In stirred
or aerosols generated during culture systems, cell concentrations can easily
procedures. The air flow may be reach between 1 × 106 cells/ml and 2 ×
horizontal, blowing parallel to the 106 cells/ml of medium.
work surface, or vertical, blowing from
the top of the cabinet onto the work 2.4.3 Flasks: The first glass flasks were
surface. Three kinds of cell culture developed by Alexis Carrel in the 1920s
hoods, designated as class I, II and III, followed by Harry Earle who developed
are available to cater to varying research the widely used glass T-flasks in the
and clinical needs. Ideally, uninfected and 1940s. Disposable plasticware products,
infected cell cultures need to be handled which have largely supplanted the use of
in separate (dedicated) biosafety cabinets. glass vessels, are available in many sizes
and shapes to suit the various needs in
2.4.2 Culture vessels: Understanding laboratories. This has reduced the costs
the growth requirements of the cultures of culturing cells in many ways: (i) glass
help in selecting the best culture system. bottles do not have to be washed and
There are four basic culture systems: sterilized between uses; (ii) cell culture

Table 2.1
Description Growth area Recommended Cell yield 106*
(cm2) working volume (mL)
T-25 25 5 to 10 2.5 X 106
T-75 75 15 to 25 7.5 X 106
T-150 150 30 to 50 15.0 X 106
T-175 175 35 to 60 17.5 X 106
T-225 225 45 to 75 22.5 X 106

* Cell line dependent. Based upon a density of 1 x 105/cm2.

22 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
plasticware products can be purchased For an adherent monolayer culture, cells
ready-made with growth surface coatings are ready to be subcultured when the
or electrostatic “treatments” that promote monolayer is 70% to 90% confluent.
cell attachment to the growing surface; While subculturing, the split-ratios
(iii) plasticware is inherently safer in that and medium replenishment schedules
it is relatively shatterproof. A list of the for each cell type must be followed. A
commonly used flasks is given in Table loosely attached cell gets dislodged by
2.1. a sharp blow with the palm against the
side of the flask. Other strongly adherent
2.4.4 Cell culture dishes: Cell culture cell types require the digestion of their
dishes offer the best economy and access protein attachment bonds with proteolytic
to the growth surface; thereby making enzymes such as trypsin/EDTA. Mechanical
them the vessels of choice for cloning or forces such as scraping to dislodge the
other manipulations such as scraping that cells are preferred for remaining cell types.
require direct access to the cell monolayer.
Culture dishes are used with incubators Depending upon the cell type, suspension
that control CO2 and humidity. cultures are seeded at densities from 2
× 104 to 5 × 105 viable cells/mL and
2.4.5 Multiwell plates: Originally can attain densities of 2 × 106 cell/mL. If
designed for virus titration, multiwell cells are seeded at too low a density, they
plates have now become popular owing undergo a lag phase of growth, either
to their convenience in handling and grow very slowly or die out completely.
significant savings in space, media and On the contrary, higher cell densities may
reagents when compared to an equal lead to exhaustion of the nutrients in the
number of dishes. Plates must be used medium leading to abrupt cell death.
with incubators that control humidity and
CO2 levels. 2.6 Cryopreservation
Most cell cultures can be preserved
2.4.6 Other equipment: Incubator for many years, if not indefinitely,
(humid CO2 incubator recommended), at temperatures below –130 °C
water bath, centrifuge, refrigerator and (cryopreservation), thereby eliminating
freezer (–20 °C), cell counter, inverted the time, energy and materials required
microscope, liquid nitrogen (N2) freezer or to maintain cultures not in immediate
cryostorage container, and autoclave. use. Cryopreservation also protects cells
against phenotypic drift in the culture
2.5 Subculture due to genetic instability and/or selective
Cells require subculturing at regular pressure.
intervals to maintain their exponential
growth. In case of primary cultures, Cryopreservation refers to the procedure
subculture involves the dissociation of the of freezing cells slowly (generally –1 °C per
cells from each other and the substrate minute) until they reach a temperature
to generate a quantifiable single-cell below –70 °C in a medium that includes
suspension. Reseeding this cell suspension a cryoprotectant. Cryoprotectant agents
at a reduced concentration into a flask such as glycerol or dimethylsulfoxide
or dish generates a secondary culture, (DMSO) allow water within the cell to
which can subsequently proliferate and escape by osmosis during the cooling
is subcultured again to give a tertiary process, thereby minimizing the formation
culture, and so on. of ice. Vials are subsequently transferred

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 23
Change of the pH of to a liquid-nitrogen freezer changes to the medium such as turbidity,
the medium may or may to maintain them at presence of particles visible in suspension,
temperatures below and a rapid decline in pH (yellow colour,
not be caused by fungal
–130 °C. indicating acidity) indicate bacterial
contaminants. The presence contamination.
of fungal contamination can be Recovery of
distinguished from bacteria cryopreserved cells is Change of the pH of the medium
by the presence of rapid and involves rapid may or may not be caused by fungal
thawing in a water bath contaminants. The presence of fungal
filamentous structures
at 37 °C. The cell suspension contamination can be distinguished from
in the suspension. is then removed from the freeze- bacteria by the presence of filamentous
medium by gentle centrifugation structures in the suspension. On
and/or diluted with growth medium microscopic observation, yeast cells are
followed by seeding in a culture vessel in larger than bacteria appearing round or
complete growth medium. ovoid, but may not appreciably change the
pH of the medium. Microbacterial media,
2.7 Contamination which can be used to test for bacterial and
Multiple risk factors contribute to fungal contamination, include blood agar,
contamination of cells in culture. The thioglycollate broth, tryptic soy broth, BHI
sources commonly implicated are other broth, Sabouraud broth, YM broth and
cell lines (cross-contamination), reagents, nutrient broth with 2% yeast extract.
supplies such as pipettes and culture
vessels, equipment such as tissue culture The use of antibiotics suppresses bacterial
hoods and incubators, and laboratory growth and thus masks contamination,
personnel. The risk of contamination can which becomes very difficult to detect.
be minimized or eliminated by proper
precautions: using only reagents of known Mycoplasma contamination in cell
quality and sterility, quarantining new lines is detected by direct (agarose and
cell lines until they are tested to be free broth culture) and indirect methods.
from contamination, performing routine The fluorochrome DNA stain binds to
maintenance and cleaning of all equipment the DNA of mycoplasma, thus allowing
and proper training of cell culture easy detection of the organisms using a
personnel. A large facility that deals with microscope equipped with appropriate
multiple cell cultures would ideally have fluorescence optics. Some laboratories
a separate sterile cell culture room which perform PCR-based mycoplasma testing,
would have dedicated equipment such using commercially available kits.
as a biosafety cabinet for sterile work,
scientific fridgerator for storage of reagents 2.7.2 Cellular cross-contamination:
to be used on sterile cultures, cupboards The introduction of an undesired cell line
for storage of sterile pipettes and an to the preferred one is termed as cellular
inverted microscope to monitor flasks for cross-contamination. This can sometimes
growth of cell culture monolayers. lead to the replacement of the original
cell with the contaminant, especially when
2.7.1 Microbial contamination: the contaminant grows faster than the
Bacterial contamination occurs within a original.
few days and can be detected by the naked
eye. However, slow-growing fastidious Cell repositories now use DNA
bacteria are difficult to detect. Distinct polymorphisms in addition to enzyme

24 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
polymorphisms, HLA typing and account the in vivo environment where
karyotyping to confirm the identity of their cells are naturally surrounded by other
cell lines. Profiling of short tandem repeats cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) in a 3D
(STR) by PCR amplification, followed by fashion. Therefore, experiments performed
capillary electrophoresis, is one of the with cells grown in a 2D setting sometimes
most reliable methods to study DNA provide misleading and non-predictive
polymorphism. data for in vivo responses. Failure of drugs
during clinical trials, especially during
Cell cultures should be regularly tested to the most expensive phase III, has been
ensure the absence of contamination from partially attributed to data collected from
both microorganisms as well as from other the 2D monolayer culture tests in which
cell lines. If contamination is found, it is the cellular response to drug(s) is altered
advisable to discard the culture and start due to their unnatural microenvironment.
fresh with a new stock. Prior to use for Recent reports suggest that 3D cell culture
virus isolation or detection, cells should be systems, in contrast to 2D culture systems,
“validated” for their intended purpose. A represent actual microenvironment where
valid batch of cells implies that they have cells reside in tissues more accurately.
been tested and confirmed suitable for the
isolation or detection of the target virus. Cells grow into 3D aggregates/spheroids
Three questions must be answered during using a scaffold/matrix or in a scaffold-free
the validation process: manner. Scaffold/matrix based 3D cultures
can be generated by seeding cells on an
• Has authenticity been confirmed (are acellular 3D matrix or by dispersing cells
the cells what they should be)? in a liquid matrix followed by solidification
• Do the cells behave as expected before or polymerization. Scaffold-free 3D cell
their intended use? spheroids can be generated in suspensions
• If the task is virus isolation (or by a number of ways such as the forced
propagation): Will a wild-type virus floating method, the hanging drop
similar to the target virus effectively method or agitation-based approaches.
infect the cells, replicate in them, and
form progeny virions? The 3D cell culture models are preferred
• If the task is virus detection: Will a over the traditional 2D monolayer cultures
wild-type virus similar to the target due to improved cell–cell interactions,
virus effectively infect the cells and form cell–ECM interactions, and cell populations
a virus-encoded product that can be and structures that resemble in vivo
detected by immunochemistry, PCR or architecture. Due to their increased
other relevant methods? applications in drug discovery, cancer cell
biology, stem cell research, and many
2.8 Three-dimensional cell other cell-based analyses and devices,
culture extensive research during the past decades
The major limitation of 2D cell culture has yielded a variety of 3D cell culture
lies in the fact that it does not take into systems.

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 25
Designing a cell culture
laboratory and the requirements –
infrastructure, equipment,
cell culture media,
human resource

Immunofluorescence staining of microtubule network of normal C2C12 cells (murine

myoblasts) as seen under confocal microscope
28 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Designing a cell culture laboratory
and the requirements – infrastructure,
equipment, cell culture media,
consumables, human resource

3.1 Introduction room, an anteroom (physically separating

Ideally, cell culture work should be the general laboratory area from the
conducted in a single-use facility which, cell culture room), and a specific, self-
if possible, should be separated into an contained, cell culture room. It would
area reserved for handling newly received be ideal to locate the virus culture room
material (quarantine area) and an area adjacent to the cell culture room though
for material which is known to be free of it must be physically separated from
contaminants (main tissue culture facility). the clean cell culture facility. If this is
However, several aspects that need to be not possible, work should be separated
considered while designing a tissue culture by time with all manipulations on
facility for use in a virology laboratory clean material being completed before
include the following: manipulations involving infectious
material are undertaken. Different
• The number of users and type of users: incubators should also be designated for
virologists/microbiologists/geneticists different purposes. In addition, the work
• The location would depend on whether surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned
it would be a stand-alone facility for a between activities.
virology laboratory or a common facility
for other users as well. The minimum space requirement for the
• The amount of space available cell culture laboratory of a single-user
• The range and type of equipment facility would be a room that is 3 m x
• Biosafety/biosecurity regulations of the 3.05 m. All flooring, walls and other
country/state. surfaces in the culture environment
should be readily accessible, chemically
Depending on these factors the design of resistant, non-adsorbent, and easy to
the laboratory, equipment, consumables, clean. Shelves should not be used, and
media and reagents should be planned. open flat surfaces should be minimized
This chapter describes the basic principles as these will need to be cleaned and can
which relate to all these aspects. be a source for the collection of dirt and
dust. Walls should be smooth skimmed
3.2 Layout of a cell culture and coated with epoxy paint. The floor
laboratory should also be resistant and bonded to
The standard accepted laboratory scheme the wall so that there are no crevices or
for cell culture involves a general laboratory corners that cannot be cleaned, and any

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 29
The guidelines make spillages can be easily isolated † Advisory Committee on Dangerous
recommendations and cleaned. For storage Pathogens. Categorization of biological
of sterile pipettes and agents according to hazard and categories
regarding the laboratory
other dedicated of containment, 4th edition. Sudbury,
environment including equipment, it is UK:Health & Safety Executive (HSE) books;
lighting, heating, the type preferable to use 1995 (www.hse.gov.uk).
of work surfaces and metal cabinets with glass
flooring and doors that can be closed Ideally, there should be provision for
and cleaned easily. temporary storage of small amounts of
provision of
culture consumables next to the biosafety
hand washing Ventilation and airflow in the cell cabinet (BSC). However, cardboard can
facilities. culture environment are critical to be a significant source of fungal spores,
operation. At its simplest, there must be no and large-scale storage in the culture
disruption to the laminar airflow pattern in area causes clutter. Consumables are
the biological safety cabinet and no undue best stored in a central location, and
circulation of dust and dirt that could if cell culture is being undertaken on a
occur with, for example, significant staff larger scale, it is far more economical
movement around the unit or location near to bulk purchase supplies and distribute
drafts or vents. Ideally, there should be them as necessary to each laboratory.
no openable windows; if so, they should Provision also needs to be made for
be sealed to prevent drafts, insects and storing flammable materials, especially
entry of dust. However, in a purpose-built disinfectant alcohols, which are used
facility, it is ergonomically and aesthetically for local disinfection and “swabbing”
desirable to provide a vent for natural (disinfectant wiping of consumables and
light. When planning, one should also reagents as they enter the working space
make provisions in case there is a need to inside safety cabinets).
fumigate the room or equipment. Sinks,
coat hooks, and so on should all be kept in Regular training, SOPs and centralized
an anteroom and not in the culture room. management of all aspects of cell culture,
It is also preferable that there is double particularly technique and safety, ensure
door access to the room to ensure minimal that there is an economical, continuously
contamination. monitored, high standard of operation.
The functioning of vital equipment should
For most cell lines, the laboratory should be be continuously monitored and recorded.
designated to at least category 2 based on Particular attention should be paid to the
the guidelines of the Advisory Committee monitoring of environmental microbial
on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP, 1995)†. levels throughout the facility. For example,
However, the precise category required is “settle” plates should be periodically left in
dependent upon the cell line and nature of laminar flow cabinets to check for sterility,
the proposed work. The guidelines make as well as in all laboratory areas to validate
recommendations regarding the laboratory their cleanliness.
environment including lighting, heating,
types of work surfaces and flooring and The microbial quality of cell stocks
provision of hand-washing facilities. should also be monitored as part of this
In addition, it is recommended that process. All cells coming into a facility,
laboratories should be run at air pressures regardless of the source, especially if
that are negative to corridors to contain supplied by noncommercial sources,
any risks within the laboratory. should be quarantined and initially

30 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
cultured in isolation from the general methylated spirits or isopropyl alcohol,
culture environment. Mycoplasma is the which is used for local disinfection and
main microbial contaminant of concern “swabbing”.
because such contamination can go
unnoticed for long periods and it is very 3.3 Equipment for a cell
easy to pick up and cross-contaminate culture laboratory
stocks of cells. Ideally, a facility should The specific requirements of a cell culture
have provision for routine Mycoplasma laboratory depend mainly on the type
detection. Experience and expertise are of work undertaken. However, all cell
required to do this job reliably, and where culture laboratories have the common
such expertise is not available in-house, requirement of being free from pathogenic
commercial testing facilities should be microorganisms (i.e. asepsis), and share the
used. same basic equipment that is essential for
culturing cells.
Industrial disinfectants such as Virkon
and/or Tego need to be employed (at Table 3.1 lists the equipment and supplies
recommended dilutions) as part of common to most cell culture laboratories,
routine cleaning of equipment and as well as beneficial equipment that
areas, in addition to diluted industrial allows for efficient performance of work.

Table 3.1: List of essential equipment required for establishing a

tissue culture laboratory
Type of Equipment Remarks
This should be a water-jacketed microprocessor-driven machine, with a digital display for
Cell culture Incubator temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration. It is preferable to have a dual-chambered,
stackable (one on top of another to save space) incubator with an alarm.
One unit for spinning small volumes and one unit for refrigerated centrifuge with multiple
Clinical centrifuge
rotors for small tubes (15mL), large tubes (50mL) and plates (24well and 96 well plates)

Freezers One unit each of –20oC and –80oC freezers to store fetal calf serum, glutamine, antibiotics,
(-20oC and -80oC) conjugates and other reagents.

Hemocytometer This is required for counting of cells.

Inverted microscope This should preferably be with phase-contrast and fluorescence attachments.

Laminar flow hood A biological safety cabinet class IIA is required for subculturing of cell cultutres.
Scientific refrigerator A unit of 300–400 L capacity is required for storing media, serum and other solutions.
Liquid nitrogen tank Its size would depend upon the number of users.
Micropipettes (p20, At least two sets of three micropipettes each with dedicated sets for sterile and infected
p200 and p1000) work.
Motorized pipette dispensers are required for dispensing medium, trypsin, serum and
Pipette pumps
other reagents.
Sterilizing oven or
This is required for sterilization of glassware, filters, reagents, etc.
Vacuum pump This is required for filtration of media.
Water bath This is required for warming up of media and serum.
Water purification
This is required for preparation of cell culture media.

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 31
Figure 3.1: Different types of cell culture flasks used in a virology laboratory

Note that this list is not all inclusive; the petri dishes (10cm) are used for the
requirements for any cell culture laboratory growth of embryoid bodies in the stem cell
would depend upon the type of work experiment.
3.3.2 Centrifuges: Centrifuges are
3.3.1 Cell culture vessels: In most used routinely in tissue culture as part
laboratories, disposable polystyrene plastic of the subculture routine for most cell
vessels are used to grow anchorage- lines and for the preparation of cells for
dependent cells (Figure. 3.1). The vessels cryopreservation. By their very nature,
are flat at the bottom to provide a surface centrifuges produce aerosols and thus it
for cell growth. The bottom surface of is necessary to minimize this risk. This can
the culture vessels is coated by molecules, be achieved by purchasing models that
such as polylysine, laminin, gelatin, have sealed buckets. Ideally, the centrifuge
fibronectin etc. to mimic the natural ECM should have a transparent lid so that the
and allow cell attachment. Three types condition of the load can be observed
of culture vessels are commonly used for without opening the lid. This will reduce
anchorage-dependent cells: flasks, dishes the risk for the operator being exposed
and multiwell plates. All three types are to hazardous material if a centrifuge tube
available in different sizes with different breaks during centrifugation. Care should
surface areas. The choice of the vessel always be taken not to overfill the tubes
depends upon the nature of the procedure and to balance them carefully. These
and personal preference. Flasks with vented simple steps will reduce the risk of aerosols
caps are preferred, since non-vented caps being generated. The centrifuge should
need to be loosened when the flasks are be situated from where it can be easily
in the incubator to allow for exchange of accessed for cleaning and maintenance.
gases (students have a hard time mastering Centrifuges should be checked frequently
this technique). Low-adhesion bacterial for signs of corrosion. A small bench-

32 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
top centrifuge with controlled braking mammalian cell lines) and The incubator
is sufficient for most purposes. Cells set to provide CO2 at
should be large enough,
sediment satisfactorily at 80–150 g. Higher the required level
gravitational forces may cause damage and (e.g. 5–10%). have forced-air circulation,
promote agglutination of the cell pellet. Some incubators and should have temperature
have the facility to control to within
3.3.3 Incubators: Cell cultures require control the O2 levels
a strictly controlled environment for as well. Copper-coated
growth, for which an incubator provides incubators are also now
the optimum environment. The incubator available. These are reported
should be large enough, have forced-air to reduce the risk of microbial
circulation, and should have temperature contamination within the incubator
control to within ±0.2 °C. Stainless steel due to the microbial inhibitory activity
incubators allow easy cleaning and provide of copper. The inclusion of a bactericidal
protection against corrosion, especially agent in the incubator water trays will
if humid air is required for incubation. reduce the risk of bacterial and fungal
Although the requirement for aseptic growth. However, there is no substitute for
conditions in a cell culture incubator is regular cleaning.
not as stringent as that in a cell culture
hood, frequent cleaning of the incubator 3.3.4 Inverted microscopes: Inverted
is essential to avoid contamination of cell microscopes are used to observe the cells
cultures. Specialist incubators are used in culture. Most inverted microscopes used
routinely to provide the optimum growth for cell culture are equipped with 4x, 10x,
conditions, such as temperature, degree of 20x and sometimes larger magnification
humidity and CO2 levels in a controlled and objective lenses. At least one inverted
stable manner. Generally, incubators can microscope is essential for a cell culture
be set to run at temperatures in the range laboratory (Figure 3.2). Some microscopes
of 28 °C (for insect cell lines) to 37 °C (for are equipped with a photo tube and can

Figure 3.2: An inverted microscope used to observe cells in a T-25 flask

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 33
be connected to a camera for taking 3.3.7 Laminar flow hoods
pictures of the experiments. Fluorescent (microbiological safety cabinets):
inverted microscopes are inverted A laminar flow hood is probably the most
microscopes that are used to observe important piece of equipment for cell
cells and molecules which have been culture since, when operated correctly, it
labelled with fluorophores. Fluorescent will provide a clean working environment
microscopes are equipped with filters that for the product, while protecting the
will separate the absorbed light from the operator from aerosols (Figure 3.3). In
emitted fluorescent light. A set of filters these cabinets, operator and/or product
are mounted on a block, called a filter protection is provided through the use
cube. Fluorescent microscopes usually of HEPA (high efficiency particulate
have several filter cubes with different air) filters. The level of containment
sets of filters appropriate for observing provided varies according to the class
different fluorophores. Fluorescent of cabinet used. Three kinds of laminar
microscopes are connected to a high- flow hoods, designated as class I, II and
intensity light source (usually a xenon arc III, have been developed to meet varying
or a mercury vapour lamp). (Refer to the research and clinical needs. Class I cell
manufacturer’s manual for proper care culture hoods offer significant levels of
and use of the fluorescent microscope.) protection to laboratory personnel and to
the environment when used with good
3.3.5 Freezers: Most cell culture microbiological techniques, but they do
reagents can be stored at –5 °C to –20 not provide protection to cultures from
°C; therefore, an ultradeep freezer (i.e. a contamination. In design and air flow
–80 °C freezer) is optional for storing most characteristics, they are similar to chemical
reagents. A domestic freezer is a cheaper fume hoods.
alternative to a laboratory freezer. While
most reagents can withstand temperature Class II cell culture hoods are designed
oscillations in an auto-defrost (i.e. self- for work involving BSL-1, 2 and 3
thawing) freezer, some reagents such as materials, and they also provide an aseptic
antibiotics and enzymes should be stored environment necessary for cell culture
in a freezer that does not auto-defrost. experiments. A class II BSC should be
used for handling potentially hazardous
3.3.6 Haemocytometers and materials (e.g. primate-derived cultures,
Coulter counter: A haemocytometer virally infected cultures, radioisotopes,
is a device invented by Louis-Charles carcinogenic or toxic reagents). This
Malassez (1971) to count cells. It is category of hoods is recommended for use
required in a cell culture laboratory in a cell culture laboratory.
to enumerate cells prior to sub-
culture. It is advisable to have multiple Class III BSCs are gas-tight, and they
hemocytometers, one dedicated to provide the highest attainable level
each laboratory. If the haemocytometer of protection to personnel and the
coverslips are lost or broken, regular environment. A class III BSC is required
microscope coverslips, large enough for work involving known human viral
to cover the chambers, may be used. pathogens and other BSL-4 materials.
An alternative way to count cells is to
use a Coulter counter. (Refer to the Additionally, laminar flow hoods are
manufacturer’s instructions for care and also selected on the basis of air-flow
use of the coulter counter.) characteristics. Since the hoods protect the

34 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Figure 3.3: Subculture of cell line in a biosafety cabinet

working environment from dust and other methods for transport and storage must
airborne contaminants by maintaining be used to get the liquid gas into the cell
a constant, unidirectional flow of HEPA- storage containers. As the storage vessels
filtered air over the work area, the flow usually require topping up at least once
of air in the hood can be horizontal, a week (more regularly as the containers
blowing parallel to the work surface, or age), the route from the gas delivery/
it can be vertical, blowing from the top production area to the laboratory must be
of the cabinet onto the work surface. A as short as possible and the surface and
horizontal flow hood provides protection equipment appropriate for the transport
to the culture (if the air-flow is towards the involved. Storage of cells by multiple
user) whereas a vertical flow hood provides users for prolonged periods necessitates
significant protection to the user and the careful inventory management to ensure
cell culture. It is preferable to always use that cells are maintained optimally and
a vertical flow hood for cell culture. The economically. It is good practice to have
horizontal flow hood is generally used for two independently stored stocks of cells:
media preparation in a virology laboratory. one vessel containing master stocks of
important cells and the other, in the
3.3.8 Liquid nitrogen. Maintenance laboratory environment, containing
of cultured cells for any prolonged period working stocks.
requires that cell stocks can be kept well
below the glass temperature of water 3.3.9 Pipettes and pipette aids:
(approximately –60 °C). In practice, liquid Individually-wrapped, sterile plastic
nitrogen storage is often a convenient serological pipettes of different sizes can be
general storage environment for stocks of purchased. Alternatively, glass pipettes can
cultured cells. However, electrical freezers be washed, plugged with cotton, sterilized
operating at –120 °C can perform a similar and reused. Serological pipettes require the
function. Liquid nitrogen boils at –196 °C, use of electrical or manual pumps to draw
and because the resultant nitrogen gas and release liquid. Micropipettes are used
is an asphyxiant in high concentrations, to transfer small volumes of liquid between
proper handling and ventilation procedures 1 to 1000 µLs. A set of micropipettes
are necessary. Proper, inherently safe should be kept in clean boxes exclusively

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 35
The culture medium for cell culture procedures. re-use. A small- or medium-sized oven
is the most important Micropipettes need to be or autoclave is sufficient to sterilize the
calibrated routinely material required. A sterilizing oven or
component of the culture
to ensure precise an autoclave must be operated and
environment, because it measurements. maintained following the manufacturer’s
provides the necessary Micropipette instructions. A less expensive alternative
nutrients, growth factors and tips are kept is to use a kitchen pressure cooker for
hormones for cell growth, in colour-coded, sterilizing smaller items.
sterile boxes and
as well as regulates the
must be sterilized before 3.3.13 Water purification system: In
pH and the osmotic use. addition to rinsing the glassware, purified
pressure of the water is used for filling the water bath
culture. 3.3.10 Plasticware and and the water container in the incubator.
consumables: Almost every type If used to make solutions and reagents for
of cell culture vessel, together with the cell culture, ultrapure water should
support consumables such as tubes and be used. Most solutions and media used
pipettes, are commercially available as in cell culture are already prepared for
single-use, sterile packs. The use of such purchase to obviate the need for an ultra
plasticware is more cost–effective than purification system.
recycling glassware;it enables a higher level
of quality assurance and removes the need 3.3.14 Water bath: A 37°C water bath
for validation of cleaning and sterilization is required for a cell culture facility to warm
procedures. Plastic tissue culture flasks are up the media and other reagents used for
usually treated to provide a hydrophilic cells. The warm water in the water bath
surface to facilitate attachment of is the ideal environment for the growth
anchorage-dependent cells. of microorganisms and contaminants.
Therefore, the water bath needs to be
3.3.11 Refrigerators: For small cell cleaned and the water replaced with fresh,
culture laboratories, a refrigerator distilled water routinely.
(preferably one without an auto-defrost
freezer) is an adequate and inexpensive 3.4 Cell culture media and
piece of equipment for storing reagents reagents
and media at 2–8 °C. For larger The culture medium is the most important
laboratories, a cold room restricted to cell component of the culture environment,
culture is more appropriate. Make sure that because it provides the necessary nutrients,
the refrigerator or the cold room is cleaned growth factors and hormones for cell
regularly to avoid contamination. growth, as well as regulates the pH and
the osmotic pressure of the culture.
3.3.12 Sterilizing oven or autoclave: Although initial cell culture experiments
All of the glassware, glass pipettes, pipette were performed using natural media
tips and tubes used for cell culture must obtained from tissue extracts and body
be sterilized. Most of the materials can be fluids, the need for standardization and
purchased already sterilized and disposed media quality, as well as an increased
of after use. A cheaper alternative is to demand, led to the development of
purchase the material in bulk, non-sterile, chemically defined media. The three
and sterilize them on site, as needed. The basic classes of media are basal media,
tubes and glassware may be washed, reduced-serum media and serum-free
rinsed with pure water and sterilized for media, which differ in their requirement

36 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Table 3.2: Some examples of commonly used cell culture media
and their uses
Media type Examples Uses
Balanced salt PBS, Hanks’ BSS, Earle’s
Form the basis of many complex media
solutions salts DPBS HBSS EBSS
MEM Primary and diploid culture
Modification of MEM containing increased level of amino
Basal media DMEM acids and vitamins. Supports a wide range of cell types
including hybridomas
GMEM Glasgow’s modified MEM was defined for BHK-21 cells
Originally derived for human leukaemic cells. It supports
RPMI 1640 a wide range of mammalian cells including lymphocytes,
Complex media
Further enriched modification of DMEM, which supports
Iscoves DMEM
high-density growth
Leibovitz L-15 Designed for CO2-free environments
TC 100 Graces insect
medium Designed for culturing insect cells
Schneider’s insect medium
Serum-free media CHO HEK293 For use in serum-free applications
Insect cells Serum-free insect medium Specifically designed for use with Sf9 insect cells

for supplementation with serum. A list contain amino acids, vitamins, inorganic
of commonly used media in a cell culture salts, and a carbon source such as glucose,
laboratory is given in Table 3.2. but these basal media formulations must
be further supplemented with serum.
3.4.1 Serum is vitally important as a
source of growth and adhesion factors, 3.4.3 Reduced-serum media: Another
hormones, lipids and minerals for the strategy to reduce the undesired effects
culture of cells in basal media. In addition, of serum in cell culture experiments is
serum also regulates cell membrane to use reduced-serum media. Reduced-
permeability and serves as a carrier for lipids, serum media are basal media formulations
enzymes, micronutrients and trace elements enriched with nutrients and animal-derived
into the cell. However, using serum in media factors, which reduce the amount of serum
has a number of disadvantages including required.
high cost, problems with standardization,
specificity, and variability, and unwanted 3.4.4 Serum-free media (SFM)
effects such as stimulation or inhibition of circumvents the issues associated with
growth and/or cellular function on certain the use of animal sera by replacing the
cell cultures. If the serum is not obtained serum with appropriate nutritional and
from a reputable source, contamination hormonal formulations. SFM formulations
can pose a serious threat to successful cell exist for many primary cultures and cell
culture experiments. lines, including recombinant protein
producing lines of Chinese hamster ovary
3.4.2 Basal media: The majority of (CHO), various hybridoma cell lines, the
cell lines grow well in basal media, which insect lines Sf9 and Sf21 (Spodoptera

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 37
Table 3.3: Commonly used reagents in a cell culture laboratory
Reagent Remark
Crystal violet Required for vital staining of cells. Used to stain virus titration and plaque
titration plates.
Dimethyl sulfoxide Essential reagent used for the cryopreservation of cells in liquid nitrogen. It
acts as a cryoprotectant.
PBS Buffer used for dilutions of cell culture reagents and for washing cells prior
to any staining procedure.
Fetal bovine serum Essential nutrient required for cell growth in vitro.
Gelatin Used as a coating agent to enhance attachment of cells on plastic/glass
Methanol /4% These are reagents used to fix cells to the flask/plate/slide prior to staining.
paraformaldehyde/acetone Essential for fixation of cells prior to immunostaining.
Non-essential amino acids A mixture that is available commercially and can be added as a supplement
for certain type of cell culture.
Penicillin–streptomycin Essential ingredients that need to be added to cell culture media. Prevents
bacterial contamination of media.
Trypan blue A dye that is used for staining dead cells and used for counting cells in a
Trypsin An enzyme that is used for disrupting and detaching cells from adherent
surfaces at the time of subculture of cells.

frugiperda), and for cell lines that act as of purposes and their list along with their
hosts for viral production, such as HEK- utility is summarized in Table 3.3.
293, VERO, MDCK, MDBK, and others. One
of the major advantages of using serum- 3.5 Human resource
media is the ability to make the medium The human resource required for a cell
selective for specific cell types by choosing culture laboratory would depend on the
the appropriate combination of growth range of activities and the type of work
factors. undertaken. Nevertheless, a dedicated
laboratory technologist is essential for a
Apart from media, the cell culture cell culture laboratory. The technologist
laboratory also requires a number of other must be a science graduate and should
chemicals and reagents which need to have undergone training for a minimum
be procured form commercial sources. period of three months in an established
These reagents are required for a variety cell culture laboratory.

38 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Types of cell culture

Immunofluorescence staining of actin filament network of normal C2C12 cells (murine myoblasts)
as seen under confocal microscope
40 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Types of cell culture

Cell culture refers to the removal of for growing them in the laboratory: (i)
cells from an animal or plant and their monolayers on an artificial substrate (i.e.
subsequent growth in a favourable adherent culture) or (ii) free-floating in the
artificial environment. Cell cultures can be culture medium (suspension culture). The
prepared from unicellular cells (e.g. white basic differences between adherent cells
blood cells) or from a piece of “tissue”. and suspension culture are depicted in
Tissue can be defined as an aggregate Table 4.1.
of similar cells forming a definite kind of
structural material with a specific function The majority of cells derived from
in a multicellular organism. The cells may vertebrates, with the exception of
be removed from the tissue directly and haemopoietic cell lines and a few others,
disaggregated by enzymatic or mechanical are anchorage-dependent and have to
means before cultivation, or they may be be cultured on a suitable substrate that is
derived from a cell line or cell strain that specifically treated to allow cell adhesion
has already been established. Generally, and spreading (i.e. tissue-culture treated).
cell cultures are broadly classified divided However, many cell lines can also be
into two types based on the system used adapted for suspension culture. Similarly,

Table 4.1: Differences between adherent cells and suspension cells

Adherent cells Suspension cells
Appropriate for most cell types, including Appropriate for cells adapted to suspension
primary cultures. culture and a few other cell lines that are
nonadhesive (e.g. haematopoietic).
Requires periodic passaging, but allows
easy visual inspection under inverted Easier to passage, but requires daily cell
microscope. counts and viability determination to follow
growth patterns; culture can be diluted to
Cells are dissociated enzymatically (e.g.
stimulate growth.
TrypLETTMExpress, trypsin) or mechanically.
Does not require enzymatic or mechanical
Growth is limited by surface area, which
may limit product yields.
Growth is limited by concentration of cells in
Requires tissue-culture treated vessel.
the medium, which allows easy scale-up.
Used for cytology, harvesting products
Can be maintained in culture vessels that
continuously, and many research
are not tissue-culture treated, but require
agitation (i.e. shaking or stirring) for
adequate gas exchange.

Used for bulk production, batch harvesting,

and many research applications.

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 41
Table 4.2: Some examples of adherent cell lines used in diagnostic
Name Species and tissue of origin Morphology
MDCK Dog kidney Epithelial
Vero African Green monkey kidney Epithelial cells
MRC-5 Human lung Fibroblast
Hep G2 Human liver Epithelial cells
BHK-21 Syrian hamster kidney Fibroblast
HEK-293 Human kidney Epithelial cells
A549 Human lung Epithelial cells
HeLa Human cervix Epithelial cells
HEp-2 Human HeLa contaminant Epithelial cells
CHO Chinese hamster ovary Fibroblast

Table 4.3: Some examples of suspension cell lines used in

diagnostic virology
Name Species and tissue of origin Morphology
SF9 (mixed) Spodoptera frugiperda Epithelial
HL60 Human leukaemia Lymphoblastoid-like
NS0 Mouse myeloma Lymphoblastoid-like
U937 Human histocytic lymphoma Lymphoblastoid
Namalwa Human lymphoma Lymphoblastoid

most of the commercially available insect be maintained through subculture in a

cell lines grow well in monolayer or laboratory. This is referred to as passage
suspension culture. Cells that are cultured level. Based on the number of passages,
in suspension can be maintained in culture cells can be classified into the following
flasks that are not tissue-culture treated, types:
but as the culture volume to surface area
is increased beyond which adequate gas 4.1.1 Primary cell culture
exchange is hindered (usually 0.2–0.5 Primary cell cultures are obtained straight
mL/cm2), the medium requires agitation. from an excised animal tissue, subjected
This agitation is usually achieved with to enzymatic digestion and cultures
a magnetic stirrer or rotating spinner either as an explant culture or following
flasks. Some examples of adherent and dissociation into individual cell suspension
suspension cell lines commonly used in under artificial culture conditions in culture
virology laboratories as listed in Tables 4.2 medium. These type of cultures are
and 4.3 respectively. initially heterogeneous but later become
dominated by fibroblasts. The isolated
4.1 Types of adherent cells primary cells are of two types: adherent
Adherent cells are usually classified on the cells (anchorage-dependent cells) (Table
basis of the number of cycles the cells can 4.2) and suspension cells (anchorage-

42 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
independent cells) (Table 4.3). Adherent are Vero, MDCK, HEK-293, Continuous cell lines,
cells require attachment to the surface for BGM, HEp-2, A549, etc.
which can be propagated
the growth and most are derived from
tissues of organs (e.g. kidney). Suspension 4.1.3 Mixed indefinitely, generally have
cells do not require attachment for growth cell cultures this ability because they
and are derived cells of blood system Traditionally, have been transformed into
(e.g. lymphocytes). The primary cultures enormous care is
tumour cells.
can be maintained only for a finite period taken in cell culture
of time and require intensive labour for laboratories to avoid
preparation, although they retain many cross-contamination of cell
of the differentiated characteristics in vivo lines. However, in recent times
but have not been passaged. Once it is mixed cultures are being used for
passaged, it will become a cell line and no increasing the yield of virus isolation. In
longer remain primary. The commonly used this mixed cell culture method, different
primary cells are epithelial cells, fibroblasts, types of cells are grown as a monolayer
keratinocytes, melanocytes, endothelial in one vial so that it is advantageous to
cells, muscle cells, haematopoietic and isolate viruses from clinical specimens
mesenchymal stem cells. that are likely to have more than one
virus in them. This reduces the number of
4.1.2 Continuous cell lines cell cultures that need to be inoculated
Continuous cell lines are subpopulations in the diagnostic virology laboratory.
of the original primary tissue and capable Subsequent identification of the type of
of continual growth if they are supplied virus growing in the culture is carried out
with nutrients and culture conditions. using immunofluorescent or molecular
These consist of a single cell type that can assays. For example, MRC-5 and A549
be serially propagated for either limited cell lines can be used as mixed monolayer
number (~25–30) or indefinitely under in a vial for diagnosis of CMV, HSV and
artificial culture conditions and medium. adenoviruses. Similarly, R-Mix cell is
Cell lines of a limited number of passages another cell line used for isolating a variety
are usually diploid and maintain some of viral respiratory pathogens. This is a
degree of differentiation. Such cell lines combination of A549 and mink lung cells
senesce after a limited number of cycles in a shell vial for isolation of parainfluenza
of division, and thus master banks need virus types 1, 2 and 3; influenza virus type
to be prepared to maintain them for long A; influenza virus type B; and respiratory
periods. syncytial virus.

Continuous cell lines, which can be 4.1.4 Genetically engineered cells

propagated indefinitely, generally have this Genetically engineered cells also referred
ability because they have been transformed to as “transgenic cells” offer the possibility
into tumour cells. The advantage of of improving virus growth in cell culture,
transformed cell lines is limitless availability thereby enhancing better detection of
but they cannot retain the original in vivo viruses in cell culture. Although various
characteristics. Most of these cell lines approaches are available, the two common
are archived in cell banks such as ATCC applications of cell engineering for
in the USA and the European Collection diagnostic virology are: (i) engineering of
of Authenticated Cell Cultures (ECACC). susceptible cell lines to over-express virus
Some of the continuous cell lines which are receptors, and (ii) genetically modifying
commonly used in research laboratories cells so that they express a reporter gene

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 43
only after infection with a specific virus, and typing of human herpes simplex
allowing for the detection of infectious viruses (HSV) 1 and 2. The ELVIS HSV
virus by rapid and simple enzyme assays system uses BHK cells engineered to
such as β-galactosidase assays without the express β-galactosidase in response to HSV
need for antibodies. An example of a cell infection. After the engineered cells are
line that has been engineered for effective inoculated with clinical specimen, a blue
isolation of a virus is L20B, used for the precipitate forms over the infected cells
isolation of poliovirus. L20B cells are in due to interaction of β-galactosidase with
fact derived from mouse L cells, and were a colorimetric substrate. Formation of a
engineered to over-express the poliovirus blue colour facilitates detection of infected
receptor. An example of genetically cells, with the net effect of reducing the
modifying cells to express reporter genes time from sample inoculation to virus
in response to virus infection is the ELVIS detection from (typically) seven or more
HSV system available for the detection days to one to two days.

44 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Applications of cell
culture in medicine and
allied sciences

Carbon-dioxide incubator used in a cell culture laboratory

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 45
46 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Applications of cell culture in
medicine and allied sciences
Animal cell culture technology has dimensional (3D) cell culture systems is one
advanced significantly over the past few such advancement made to replicate in
decades and is now generally considered vivo environment and thereby the normal
a reliable, robust and relatively mature physiological conditions more accurately.
technology. At present, animal cell Newer cell culture strategies have also
culture is an indispensable tool for several widened the fields of application of cell
research streams. A number of assorted culture. Above all, the widespread concern
fields in biology use cell cultures to regarding the extensive use of animals for
answer fundamental research questions. laboratory experiments has necessitated
These include stem cell biology, in vitro the increase in preference to utilize
fertilization (IVF) technology, cancer cell animal cell cultures wherever possible. An
biology, monoclonal antibody production, overview of applications of cell culture in
recombinant protein production, gene various spheres is presented below.
therapy, vaccine manufacturing, novel drug
selection and improvement (Figure 5.1). 5.1 Virus isolation and
identification of viruses from
Established continuous cell lines and clinical specimens
primary cell cultures are major tools Isolation and identification of viruses using
used in cellular and molecular biology, cell culture is widely followed in the field of
as they provide excellent model systems diagnostic virology. The primary purposes
for studying the normal physiology and of viral cultivation are:
biochemistry of cells (e.g. metabolic
studies, ageing), the effects of drugs • To isolate and identify viruses in clinical
and toxic compounds on the cells, specimens
and mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. • To prepare viruses for vaccines
The consistency and reproducibility of • To do detailed research on viral
results obtained from using a batch of structure, multiplication cycles, genetics
clonal cells in experiments have been and effects on host cells.
further utilized for drug screening and Infection of cells by cultivable viruses is
development (coupled with advances often characterized by changes in the
in recombinant DNA technology), and cell morphology, which can be observed
large-scale manufacturing of biological under inverted light microscope. These
compounds (e.g. vaccines, therapeutic changes are collectively called cytopathic
proteins). To address the increased effect (CPE) and may include rounding/
demands and challenges, intense research detachment from flask, syncytia/fusion
in this arena has led to the evolution of of cells, shrinkage, increase refractivity,
several technological advancements in aggregation, loss of adherence, cell lysis/
terms of the methods adopted to culture death. The CPE for each virus-cell line is
cells in vitro. The emergence of three- highly specific and is itself a primary tool

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 47
Biomedical Research
• Toxicology: Cytotoxicity testing
Genetic Counseling
• Replacement of tissue/Organ

Test systems for studying:
• Biochemical pathways Engineering and technology
• Virus production • Fermentation
• Virus pathophysiology • Cell/Tissue Engineering
• Intercellular responses • Recombinant biomolecules
• Transgenic animals
Human and
animal cell

Diagnostic Virology
Other applications • Virus isolation
• Vaccine production • Preparing viruses for vaccines
• Drug design • Evolutionary studies of viruses
• Cell repositories for research • Molecular epidemiology
• Diagnostic tests and assays

Figure 5.1: Applications of human and animal cell culture in medicine and research

to identify viruses. However, definitive culture technology. Numerous vaccines that

identification would require other methods are available today worldwide have been
(use of specific antibodies or PCR) for generated in animal cell cultures. Few examples
confirmation. Since these reagents can be include vaccines for polio, measles, mumps,
very expensive with a short shelf-life and rubella and chickenpox. The inactivated rabies
because some viruses are not cultivable, vaccine for human use was first prepared in
many diagnostic virology laboratories are cell culture in 1964. Subsequently, the human
using PCR for more rapid identification diploid cell (HDC) strain WI-38 was a suitable
of pathogens in patient’s samples. The substrate for the propagation of the Pitman-
amount of virus (titre) in infected cell Moore (PM) strain of fixed rabies virus but a
culture fluid can be quantified (Figure 5.2) low titre of virus production was the major
by tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) or drawback in this cell line. Further experiments
by plaque-forming units (pfu). led to the development of a human rabies
vaccine purified from Vero cells. The resulting
5.2 Vaccine production vaccine is known as the purified Vero cell rabies
Cell culture has been extensively exploited vaccine.
in the area of vaccine production for a
prolonged period. The production of 5.3 Production of monoclonal
virus-based vaccines in large-scale cultures antibodies
of animal cells in the early 1950s was the Medical applications for monoclonal
first industrial application of animal cell antibodies (mAbs) are extensive: diagnostic

48 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Figure 5.2: Counting plaque-forming units for quantifying amount of virus in the infected
culture fluid

tools, therapies for various cancers, 5.4 Cancer research

rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular Normal as well as cancer cells can be
conditions. A range of bio-therapeutics grown in vitro. Therefore, cell culture
is currently dependent on cell culture provides a broad scope to study and
methods for large-scale manufacturing understand the various aspects of cancer
of both commercial use and clinical biology. Further, the role of carcinogens
studies. The robust implementation of and carcinogenic potentials of different
this technology requires optimization agents have been extensively evaluated
of a number of variables, including (i) on the basis of cell culture experiments.
cell lines capable of synthesizing the On the other hand, the protective roles of
required molecules at low operating cost; various natural and synthetic substances
(ii) culture media and bioreactor culture against cancer have also been studied in
conditions that meet quality specifications; cell culture systems.
(iii) appropriate indicators that provide
information on process control; and (iv) 5.5 Tissue culture and
good understanding of processes for engineering
smooth scale-up. At present, mAbs are Cell culture forms a fundamental
one of the fastest growing products of component of tissue culture and
pharmaceutical industry, with widespread tissue engineering. Culturing and
applications in biochemistry, biology and cryopreservation of mesenchymal stem cells
medicine. As the market demand for is a major application of human cell culture
mAbs is increasing, there is significant in stem cell industry. Tissue engineering
interest in developing proper models for potentially offers dramatic improvements
mammalian cell culture processes for in low-cost medical care for hundreds of
the biopharmaceutical industry. For mAb patients annually.
production, various mammalian cell lines
are usually exploited, such as murine 5.6 Genetic engineering
myeloma (NS0), murine hybridomas, In 1986, human tissue plasminogen
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO), and PER.C6 activator (tPA) became the first therapeutic
human cells. protein from recombinant mammalian cells

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 49
The first and most to obtain market approval. on the capability of cells to replicate is used
readily observed effect Today 60–70% of all as an index of toxicity; the concentration
recombinant protein of the substances at which 50% of the
following exposure of cells
pharmaceuticals cells do not multiply is called the median
to toxicants is morphological are produced in inhibitory dose (IDso).
alteration in the cell layer mammalian cells.
and/or cell shape in Like tPA, many of these 5.8 Production of high value
monolayer culture. proteins are expressed in therapeutics
immortalized Chinese hamster Production of human proteins with high
ovary (CHO) cells, but other cell therapeutic potential that undergo post-
lines, such as those derived from translational modifications (glycosylation,
mouse myeloma (NS0), baby hamster carboxylation, etc.) cannot be successfully
kidney (BHK), human embryo kidney (HEK- carried out in bacteria and yeasts. These
293) and human retinal cells have gained organisms do not possess the machinery
regulatory approval for recombinant to perform post-translational changes.
protein production. Hence, pharmaceutical proteins that do
not require post-translational modifications
5.7 Study of the effects of can be produced by bacteria or yeasts,
toxins and drugs e.g. insulin, albumin, growth hormone.
Cell culture is an essential prerequisite for Mammalian cell cultures are extensively
determining the toxicity of therapeutic used for the production of compounds/
compounds and toxicology research. therapeutics such as tPA, clotting factors
General toxicity tests can be carried out (VIII and IX), and erythropoietin.
on many cell types (e.g. fibroblasts, HeLa
and hepatoma cells). Parameters including The past two decades have seen significant
vital staining, cytosolic enzyme release, advances in cell culture technology
cell growth and cloning efficiency are that have increased the expression of
used as end-points to measure toxicity. recombinant proteins from 100 mg/L
Organ-specific toxic effects are tested using to several g/L. These advances have
specialized cells by measuring alterations in resulted from intensive research in cell line
membrane and metabolism integrity and/ engineering, media development, feeding
or in specific cell functions (e.g. glycogen strategies, cell metabolism, better process
metabolism in primary hepatocyte understanding and their impact on product
cultures, beating rate in mixed myocardial quality and scale-up.
cells or myocytes, and phagocytosis in
macrophages). 5.9 Cell culture in three
The first and most readily observed effect Traditional cell culture, first developed by
following exposure of cells to toxicants is Wilhelm Roux in 1885, involves growing
morphological alteration in the cell layer cells on flat plastic dishes (culture plates) or
and/or cell shape in monolayer culture. flasks. This is also known as 2D cell culture.
Gross modifications such as blebbing or The advancement of polymer technology
vacuolization can be observed using light witnessed a shift from glass to plastic as
microscopy whereas fine ultrastructural the preferred material for culture vessels.
modifications require analysis by Cells are also cultured on biologically
transmission or scanning electron derived matrices such as collagen or fibrin,
microscopy. Another indicator of toxicity is and more recently, synthetic hydrogels such
altered cell growth. The effect of chemicals as polyacrylamide gel in order to stimulate

50 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
phenotypes that are not expressed on scalability of 3D culture systems, with
conventionally rigid substrates. the capability for culturing 500 cells to
millions of cells or from single dish to
Within a tissue, cells grow in a 3D high-throughput low-volume systems,
microenvironment, where they interact has increased its demand in industrial
with different cell populations. Therefore, biotechnology. To address these lacunae
the responses elicited by cells in response of the existing 2D cell culture systems, 3D
to an external stimulus or otherwise are cell culture, also referred as “biology’s new
different from that of cells grown in 2D dimension” has come up in a major way
systems. The extracellular matrix (ECM) during the past decade.
is important in the survival, proliferation,
differentiation and migration of cells in Owing to many advantages, 3D cell
vivo, which is not taken into account cultures have witnessed an increased
for 2D cell culture. Variations in cell demand in the fields of drug discovery,
morphologies grown in 2D and 3D culture cancer biology, regenerative medicine and
systems have also been reported. The basic life science research.

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52 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Use of cell culture
in a diagnostic virology

Double labeling of Chikungunya virus and cytoskeletal actin indicating co-localization in infected
C2C12 cells (murine myoblasts ) at 18h post infection as seen under confocal microscopy
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54 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Use of cell culture in a diagnostic
virology laboratory
Cell culture involves a complex of the early 1960s, diagnostic services were
processes of cell isolation from their limited to major medical centres. In the
natural environment (in vivo) and early 1970s, diagnostic virology services
subsequent growth in a controlled artificial expanded dramatically, with the availability
environment (in vitro). The discovery of chemically defined culture media,
in the early 1900s that cells could be highly purified reagents and commercially
propagated in vitro provided virologists prepared cell lines and a little later cell-
with an alternative to embryonated eggs dispensing equipment for preparing
and laboratory animals for isolation of replicate cultures. Control of contamination
viruses. Isolation and identification of facilitated with antibiotics and clean air
human viral pathogens considered as the equipment helped decrease the use of
“gold standard” for virus detection can experimental animals for isolation of
be achieved using cell culture. Viruses viruses from clinical specimen.
replicate to reach high titres within
susceptible cells and can be identified Diagnostic virology laboratories now
by immunofluorescence tests using can purchase their cell cultures from
monoclonal antibodies or neutralization biological supply houses; however, some
tests using reference sera or by molecular laboratories still prepare cell cultures
methods. The primary purpose of viral in-house. Examples of well-known cell
cultivation is to isolate and identify viruses types in a diagnostic virology laboratory
in clinical specimens and to prepare viruses are African green monkey kidney (Vero)
for vaccines. Replication of viruses in cell cells, Madin–Darby canine kidney cells
cultures also provides an isolate that can (MDCK), human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5),
be used for additional studies such as human epidermoid carcinoma cells (HEp-
antiviral susceptibility testing, serotyping, 2), human lung carcinoma cells (A549),
epidemiological evaluations as well as for Aedes albopictus gut epithelial cells (C6/36)
detailed research on virus structure and and others (Figure 6.1). The number and
replication and to study host cell virus types of cell culture tubes inoculated for
interactions. each clinical specimen depend on the
specimen source and the viruses suspected
As early as 1913, vaccinia virus was grown of causing a given disease.
in cell cultures, and in the 1930s both
smallpox virus and yellow fever virus were The appropriate selection, collection,
propagated in cell cultures for the purpose transport and processing of clinical
of vaccine production. In the 1950s, samples are important for successful virus
polioviruses were replicated in cell cultures isolation (Table 6.1). Preservation of the
that were not of neural origin. However, viral infectivity until cell cultures can be
although virus isolation in cell cultures inoculated is essential. Body sites and
was employed by research laboratories by collection methods vary according to the

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Figure 6.1: Frequently used cell lines for isolating viruses from clinical samples under phase-
contrast light microscope. (A) Vero cells (B) C6/36 cells (C) BHK-21 cells

type of infection and viral aetiology. Clinical detection assays. Extensively contaminated
samples collected from body sites such as clinical material such as stool may be
skin and the genital tract, are collected liquefied in antibiotic-containing medium
with a Dacron or polyester swab and and filtered through a 0.22µm filter prior
placed in viral transport medium (VTM), to inoculation into cell cultures.
most types of which contain antibiotics,
a buffered salt solution, a proteinaceous The processed inoculum (0.2–0.3 mL)
substance (such as albumin, gelatin or may be added to the cell culture tube,
serum), and a pH indicator. Respiratory either simply or by adsorption inoculation.
tract samples including sputum, bronchial Adsorption inoculation allows more
alveolar lavage specimens, nasopharyngeal efficient adsorption of viral particles to
(NP) washes, NP aspirates (NPA), NP the cells thus increasing the rate of virus
swabs (NPS) and oropharyngeal swabs recovery. Viral tube cultures are incubated
are collected in VTM. Specimens such as for days to weeks depending on the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and body fluids, specimen source and the suspected
which are expected to be free of microbial virus(es). Cell monolayers are screened
contamination, are collected in sterile by microscopic examination daily till the
containers. Keeping the samples cool (2–8 defined incubation period.
°C or on wet ice or ice packs) until cell
culture inoculation helps preserve viral Growth of viruses in cell culture is usually
infectivity and increases the chances of detected by visualizing morphological
virus recovery. changes in the cells, known as CPE.
Degenerative changes in monolayer cells
Certain sample types (e.g. respiratory such as swelling, shrinking, rounding of
samples) require clarification prior cells to clustering, syncytium formation,
to inoculation into cell cultures. The loss of adherence and, in some cases,
transport medium tube is vortexed, the complete destruction of the monolayer
swab is discarded, the liquid medium is provides evidence of viral presence (Figure
centrifuged, and the supernatant fluid is 6.2). These changes are collectively called
used to inoculate the cell cultures. The the cytopathogenic effect or CPE of the
sample pellet can be used for antigen virus (Table 6.2).

56 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

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Table 6.1: Collection guide by specimen type for virus isolation
from clinical specimens
Specimen type Specimen collection
Genital lesion swab Select non-crusted lesion with clear fluid and clean exterior with sterile saline. If
skin lesion swab desired, aspirate fluid with 26–30 gauge tuberculin needle and transfer to VTM,
rinsing needle with VTM. Aseptically unroof lesion, blot fluid with swab and collect
cells from base of lesion. Submit in VTM (with aspirate, if collected).
Miscellaneous body Collect at least 2 mL into a sterile container. Do not add VTM.
Nasal swab Insert moistened swab into nostril, leave in place several seconds, and transfer to
VTM. If both nares sampled, use separate swabs and combine into a single VTM.
Nasal wash Inject up to 5mL physiological saline per nostril with patient’s head tilted back. Bring
patient’s head forward with nostrils over sterile container to catch flowing saline.
Transfer wash to VTM.
Nasopharyngeal Insert moistened swab with flexible metal shaft into posterior nasopharynx. Rotate
(NP) swab swab several times and leave in place for 10–15 seconds. Gently remove swab and
submit in VTM. If both nares sampled, use separate swabs and combine them into a
single VTM.
Nasopharyngeal Use a fine catheter with bulb or suction trap. Insert catheter into nasopharynx, apply
aspirate gentle suction, leave catheter in place for a few seconds, then gently withdraw. Flush
tubing with 2–3mL VTM and transfer contents to original VTM vial.
Nasopharyngeal Inject up to 5mL physiological saline into nostril while closing the other. Suction wash
wash or have patient expel saline into sterile container. Transfer wash to VTM.
Rectal swab Do not use lubricant. Insert culturette swab about 2 inches into the rectum, rotate
swab to collect fecal material, and carefully remove swab from the rectum. Insert
swab in sheath and crush ampoule to release transport medium.
Sputum Early morning specimen preferred. If possible, patient should rinse mouth and gargle
first. Collect 3–5mL deep cough expectorant into sterile screw-capped container.
Submission with VTM is optional.
Stool (feces) Collect 2–10g into a sterile leak-proof container. Do not use preservatives.
Stool swab Collect stool, then thoroughly coat culturette swab with fecal material. Insert swab in
sheath and crush ampoule to release transport medium.
Throat swab Moisten swab with physiological saline and vigorously rub against tonsils and
posterior pharynx. Submit swab on VTM.
Throat wash Patient should clear mucus and post-nasal secretions from throat and mouth. Patient
gargles for 30–60 seconds with 2–3mL physiological saline and spits wash into a
sterile container. Transfer wash to VTM.
Tissue biopsy/ Aseptically collect at least a pea-sized sample into VTM. Avoid cross-contamination
autopsy with other collection sites. Autopsy specimens should be collected within 24 hours of
death, if possible.
Tracheal aspirate Use a fine catheter with suction trap. Insert catheter through endotracheal tube.
Apply suction and withdraw catheter once specimen is collected. Flush catheter with
2–3mL VTM and transfer contents to original VTM vial.
Urethral swab Insert fine aluminum shaft swab for 2–4cm into the urethra, carefully rotate swab
three times, then remove gently. Submit swab in VTM.
Urine Collect 2–15mL midstream, clean-catch (first morning void preferred) urine into
sterile container. Do not add VTM. Transport to the laboratory within 24 hours.

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Figure 6.2: Virus induced cytopathic effects in host cells. (A) Dengue virus infected C6/36 cells
(B) Influenza virus infected MDCK cells (C) Chikungunya virus infected Vero cells (D) Measles virus
infected Vero cells.

Table 6.2: Cytopathic effect of medically relevant viral pathogens

in cell cultures
Virus Cell lines Description of cytopathic effect Final identification
commonly observed of isolates
Adenovirus Fibroblasts, Grape-like clusters or “lacy”pattern Immunofluorescence
A549, RhMK observed 5–8 days post-infection (PI) assay (IFA) for group,
Neutralization for type,
CMV Fibroblasts Foci of contiguous rounded cells, CPE, PCR
10–30 days PI
Enteroviruses Fibroblasts, Small, round cells with cytoplasmic IFA for groups,
RhMK tails, 2–5 days PI Neutralization for type,
HSV Fibroblasts Rounded large cells, 2–3 days PI IFA, PCR
A549 Rounded large cells, 1–4 days PI
Influenza virus MDCK Undifferentiated CPE IFA, PCR
Cellular granulation, 4–8 days PI
Parainfluenzavirus MDCK Rounded cells with some syncytia, 4–8 IFA, PCR
days PI
Rhinovirus Fibroblasts Degeneration and rounding observed, CPE, PCR
7–10 days PI
RSV Fibroblasts Infrequent with granular degeneration IFA, PCR
RhMK Syncytia observed, 4–10 days PI
HEp-2 Syncytia observed, 4–10days PI
VZV Some CPE observed which include IFA, PCR
Fibroblasts small, round cells 6–8 days PI
A549 Small round cells observed 6–8 days PI
HNK Small, round cells observed 6–8 days
JEV C6/36 No CPE observed IFA, PCR

When necessary, confirmatory testing of specificity with viral antigens expressed in

virus cultures positive by CPE can be carried the infected cells (Figure 6.3). However,
out using immunofluorescence techniques immunofluorescence staining cannot
that use monoclonal antibodies of known be used to definitively identify all viruses

58 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

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Figure 6.3: Detection of virus antigen by immunofluorescence assay. Apple green fluorescence
indicates the presence of Chikungunya virus in infected Vero cells (A), Rabies virus in infected BHK-
21 cells (B) and Dengue-3 in infected C6/36 cells (C). No fluorescence observed in uninfected cells.

such as coxsackieviruses, polioviruses dramatically decreases the time required

and echoviruses of the “enterovirus” for detection of viruses in cell culture.
group, which are closely related and The method involves centrifugation
have numerous serotypes. Identification of the specimen onto the cell culture
of enteroviral serotypes within the monolayer grown on a coverslip which
families requires confirmation by the is incubated for 1-2 days, followed by
neutralization method using reference fluorescent antibody staining of the cells,
sera. Neutralization testing is not routinely regardless of whether CPE is visible or
performed in most clinical laboratories not. HSV, influenza virus, mumps virus,
and is generally reserved for reference various respiratory viruses, enteroviruses,
laboratories. Identification of a viral isolate adenoviruses, dengue virus and VZV have
can also be achieved using molecular been isolated in shell vials.
methods using virus specific primers and
polymerase chain reaction. Techniques involving combinations of
different cell types grown together as
Cell culture technology has also a single monolayer in a vial and the
experienced innovative modifications, application of various mAbs, each labelled
allowing virus isolation in cell culture with a different fluorochrome, have
to continue to make a significant been applied for the detection of several
contribution in viral disease diagnosis viruses in the same vial. Culturing for the
(Table 6.3). simultaneous detection of adenovirus,
CMV and HSV in the same shell vial has
The shell vial has become popular for been approached using a mixture of MRC-
containment of cell culture monolayers 5 and A549 cells in the cell monolayer
wherein the cell monolayer is grown on and staining with a cocktail of adenovirus,
a coverslip that resides in the bottom of CMV and HSV antibodies, each raised in a
the vial. The small vials fit easily into a different species. A mixture of monolayers
centrifuge for use in viral detection assays of cells, selected on the basis of their
that involve centrifugation-enhanced capability of isolating different viruses
inoculation of the monolayer. The shell vial causing respiratory tract infection are
culture method, first developed for CMV, available commercially.

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Table 6.3: Advantages and disadvantages of various cell culture
methods for virus detection

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Cell cultures Isolate wide variety of viruses (including Expertise required to read CPE; long
traditional unanticipated agents, mixed cultures); isolates can incubation period for some
method be used for additional studies: antiviral susceptibility viruses, need for maintaining a
testing, serotyping, and epidemiological studies variety of cell culture types in the
Shell vials with Short turnaround time for detection; Reading stained preparations is
centrifugation/ occupies less space than tubes; some available as labour-intensive; unanticipated
pre-CPE stain cryopreserved cells; may agents may be missed
isolate viruses that replicate poorly or not at all in when pre-CPE staining targets only
standard tube cell cultures; requires less expertise one or a few viruses; isolates not
than tube cultures if pre-CPE staining is used available from fixed/stained vials
Co-cultivated Same as for shell vials, support growth of a wider Same as for shell vials
cells range of viruses, most results finalized in 2–3 days
when pre-CPE
staining is used
Transgenic cells Same as for shell vials plus detection by colour Targeted for detection of only a
(ELVIS) change rather than application single virus group (HSV)
of mAbs, simplify identification because of
specificity for a single virus

The application of transgenic cells in cell as β-galactosidase that acts on a substrate

cultures involves the stable introduction to indicate the presence of the virus being
of genetic elements into a cell such that sought. This approach has been most widely
when a particular virus enters this cell, a used for HSV and HIV.
virus specific event is triggered that results
in the production of an easily measurable No one cell culture type can support the
enzyme (ELVIS for enzyme-linked virus- growth of all medically relevant viruses;
inducible system). The advantages and hence, virology laboratories should maintain
disadvantages of the different cell culture several different cell culture types. The
systems used for isolation / detection of minimum requirements are Hela and/
viruses is explained in Table 6.3. or RD cells, L20B used for the isolation of
enteroviruses, Vero and BHK-21 cell lines
A recent modification of the traditional used for the isolation of herpes simplex
cell culture involves the use of genetically viruses, MDCK and embryonated eggs for
engineered cell lines such as the L20B, isolation of influenza viruses, HEp-2 for the
which is used for the isolation of polio isolation of RSV and an insect cell line such as
viruses and Vero/SLAM for isolation of Aedes albopictus C6/36, which is useful for
measles and rubella viruses. Another isolation of a number of arboviruses. The type
example of genetically engineered cell of cell lines that are required for a specific
line uses genes that are transfected specimen is determined by the information
into indicator cell lines so that the cell provided by the ordering physician to the
line responds to a specific viral protein laboratory and by knowledge of the range
present in the specimen. Activation of the of viruses that can usually be isolated from a
promoter triggers a reporter enzyme such given specimen type.

60 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Quality in a cell culture
laboratory: detection and prevention of
contamination, monitoring good
laboratory practices,

Immunoflouresence staining of Rabies virus antigen in infected BHK 21 cells

(baby hamster kidney cells) – under fluorescent microscope
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62 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Quality in a cell culture laboratory:
detection and prevention of
contamination, monitoring
good laboratory practices,

A quality system is a part of overall cultures are protected from environmental

quality management that aims at contamination.
consistency, reproducibility, traceability and
efficaciousness of the laboratory services. 7.1 Key elements of a
Quality does not happen by chance but quality system
needs to be developed in an organization. 7.1.1 Management commitment
Quality needs to be systematic and quality Ensuring quality in any laboratory is
systems are the basis on which the quality the responsibility of all staff members.
of the product or service is built. However, the commitment of top
laboratory management to provide
A quality system has five essential elements guidance and adequate financial resources
(Table 7.1). makes their role critical. Quality costs but
poor quality costs more. Quality has to
Table 7.1: Five key elements of
be all pervasive and encompass human
a quality system
beings, equipment, processes, reagents
and interpretation skills.
1. Organizational management structure

2. Quality standards 7.1.2 Quality standards

Quality standards are an integral part of the
3. Documentation
quality system. They are designed to help
4. Training laboratories meet regulatory requirements,
including local health regulations, and
5. Monitoring and evaluation
monitor laboratory functions, thereby
ensuring laboratory safety and consistency
The outcome is significantly influenced by of performance. In the absence of any
many pre-analytical, analytical and post- defined standards, senior scientists should
analytical factors. develop pre-agreed criteria or standards
and share these with all staff members.
A clinical virology laboratory should be
designed in a manner so that biohazard 7.1.3 Documents
risks to the laboratory personnel and the A variety of documents and their control
general public are minimized and that cell are required by any quality system. All cell

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The procedure manual culture procedures must Records of usage, maintenance and
used in the laboratory be described in written calibration should be kept in the laboratory
standard operating and should be routinely monitored. Reports
should be in sufficient detail
procedures (SOPs). of the tests should be released only after
so that an inexperienced An SOP is one of proper scrutiny and documentation of the
technologist can perform the most important scrutiny with the signature and date by the
the procedure documents in a cell laboratory supervisor.
without additional culture laboratory. Besides
providing the complete 7.1.4 Training
details of how exactly a test The cell culture laboratory should have
or a procedure is carried out in a training plan for all its staff members.
a laboratory, the SOP also provides The objectives of training should be
information on specimen collection, clearly delineated. It is essential to clearly
laboratory safety instructions, purpose understand the training needs of different
and limitations of the procedure, categories of staff. The training programme
turnaround times, interpretation of and training material should be developed to
results, and above all, the line of authority. meet these needs of staff members. Training
should be imparted through experts who
The procedure manual used in the have substantial hands-on experience in all
laboratory should be in sufficient detail aspects of cell culture.
so that an inexperienced technologist can
perform the procedure without additional Post-training the staff members must be
information. One copy of the manual provided with an enabling environment so
should be readily available to bench that skills acquired by them can be translated
personnel, and another copy should be into quality cell culture work.
stored separately in case of accidents. The
document control system is required to 7.1.5 Assessment of quality system
ensure that the up-to-date document is A quality system can be assessed either
used. through an onsite inspection (audit) or by
sending known but undisclosed material
SOPs must be validated, reviewed to the laboratories for testing (quality
regularly and modified, if necessary. The assessment scheme). The latter can be done
modified versions should be signed and within an institute by internal staff (internal
dated by the laboratory director. The quality assessment scheme – IQAS) or
recent most version of SOPs should be through an external agency (external quality
available directly at the workplace. The assessment scheme – EQAS).
old versions should be removed from
the laboratory and should be archived, if 7.2 Quality control checks in
required. cell culture laboratories
Some of the areas where quality control
The records must be stored for long checks are critical are briefly described below.
periods of time but should be available
for prompt retrieval and safe archiving. 7.2.1 Tissue culture and media
Archiving of the source documents and Within a given cell line, there may be
other essential documents must be such significant variations in sensitivity to virus
that data are kept in an integer state and isolation, which may depend on the
can neither be lost nor altered to achieve particular cell line or clone and the passage
this goal. number. Information on a particular cell line

64 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
should be recorded accurately including separate laboratory apparel, reagents
the source, type, passage number, and glassware for tissue culture. Cell lines
confluency and cell condition. The loss of should be handled separately and the BSC
a cell line routinely passaged for use can should be decontaminated in between
lead to a severe disruption of workflow, uses.
and therefore provisions must be made for
back-up cells in the event of contamination 7.2.2 Media
or laboratory accident. These back-up Following filter sterilization, aliquots of the
systems include: media should be taken and checked for
bacteriological or fungal contamination.
• Freezing and storage of low passage These samples should be examined
cells at –70oC or liquid nitrogen tanks. daily for five days for freedom from any
• Use of paired stock flasks in which a contamination. Aliquots of material such
second flask is held as a back-up until as fetal calf serum (FCS) and L-glutamine
the new flask displays good growth. should also be examined for sterility. New
• Carrying of a parallel set of stock. lots of medium and FCS that have passed
• Cells purchased commercially should be the sterility check should be monitored for
certified to be free from mycoplasma, their ability to support cell growth.
fungal and bacterial contamination as
well as adventitious viral agents such as 7.2.3 Equipment
SV40. Periodical calibration of all major
Other quality control procedures that laboratory equipment from certified
may aid in minimizing the risk of agencies should be undertaken. Salient
contamination include the exclusion of recommendations for routine laboratory
laboratory personnel with infectious maintenance and performance checks on
diseases from handling tissue culture, and equipment are given in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2: Laboratory equipment maintenance

Equipment Action
Incubators Daily temperature, CO2 and humidity checks
Weekly decontamination of interior
Safety cabinets Daily air pressure check and cleaning of ultraviolet lamp
Work surface should be decontaminated after each use
Annual checks for air velocity and filter integrity and paraldehyde
decontamination, as applicable
Microscopes Daily cleaning of objectives and stage, log of lamp usage and annual
Refrigerators and freezers Daily temperature check , periodic calibration
Annual check of compressor and refrigerant levels
Water baths Daily temperature checks
Weekly decontamination
Refrigerated centrifuges Weekly decontamination
Annual inspection of motor, speed calibration and drive system
Autoclaves Daily temperature check and monthly spore strip testing
Pipetting devices Gravimetric volume check monthly, periodic calibration
Annual overhaul

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Table 7.3: Development of a quality system

Quality policy  Mission statement

Quality plan  Implementation of policy

Policy, Plan and application of

Quality manual  standards

Development and application of

Procedures  SOPs

Methodology to carry out

Work instructions  specific tasks

Implementation of quality
Training of staff  system and used of SOPs

Assessment of quality and

Monitoring and evaluation  correction process

7.3 Development and reagents of known origin and quality

implementation of the alone is not sufficient to guarantee
quality system quality of product. Quality must be
A quality system can be developed in ensured throughout the production
a step-wise manner as shown in process and also in the final product.
Table 7.3 and implemented as shown in Routine screening aids the early
Table7.4. detection of contamination since all
manipulations are a potential source of
7.4 Avoidance of microbial contamination.
Cell cultures have the potential of getting The three main types of microbial
contaminated from other cell lines, contaminants in tissue culture are:
inadequate laboratory conditions and
poor application of aseptic techniques • Bacteria and fungi
and good laboratory practice (GLP) • Mycoplasma
by the staff. Thus, the use of cells and • Viruses.

66 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Table 7.4: Key steps in implementing a quality system

Commitment of top management

• Motivation and support
• Allocation of resources
• Quality policy
• Selection of standard

Involvement of all laboratory personnel

Gap analysis (with reference to the selected standards
• Define target
• Develop a plan
• Delegate responsibilities to the team

Where to start?
• Technical areas
  – IQC
   _ External quality assessment (EQA)
• Documentation
   – SOPs - development and implementation
    > Equipment
    > Test Procedures
   – Pre-analytic and post-analytic
• Training on the standard

• Train internal auditor
• Re-evaluate gap between standard and status of laboratory
• Corrective action
• Preventive action

Management review

Continuous quality improvement (CQI)

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 67
7.4.1 Bacterial and fungal Bovine serum is another potential source
contamination of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV)
Bacterial contamination is generally visible contamination. Use of infected serum will
to the naked eye and detected by a sudden lead to contamination of cell lines with
increase in turbidity and colour change the virus. Contamination of cell lines with
of the culture medium as the result of BVDV may cause slight changes in growth
a change in pH. These contaminations rate but since this virus is non-cytopathic,
dramatically reduce the life of cell culture. macroscopic and microscopic changes in
Daily microscopic observation of cultures the culture will not be detected. If possible,
will ensure early detection of contamination one should procure serum that is certified
and enable appropriate early action. In to be tested for BVDV.
addition, specific tests for the detection of
bacteria and fungi should be used as part of 7.4.4 Environmental monitoring
quality control screening procedure. It is good practice to monitor the
laboratory environment where cell cultures
7.4.2 Mycoplasma contamination and their products are prepared. BSCs
Mycoplasmas are widely present. There should be checked every 6 months to
are five major species that are tissue ensure that they are working efficiently.
culture contaminants, namely Mycoplasma However, it is also advisable to monitor
hyorhinis, M. arginini, M. orale, M. the number of contaminants within the
fermentans and Acholeplasmalaidlawii. cabinet by periodically placing open settle
plates (blood agar bacteriological culture
The effects of mycoplasma infection are plates) on the cabinet work surfaces. Settle
more insidious than those of bacteria and plates should be used to assess airborne
fungi, inducing several long-term effects. microbial burden at selected points around
These include: the laboratory. Plates should be left open
for a period of 4 hours. After this time,
• Reduced growth rate they should be covered, placed in sealed
• Morphological cellular changes boxes and incubated at 32 ºC and 22 ºC
• Chromosome aberrations for up to 7 days. At the end of this period,
• Alterations in amino acid and nucleic the plates should be examined for the
acid metabolism. presence of microbial growth.

Detection of mycoplasma contamination 7.4.5 Troubleshooting for

is often neglected. A possible reason contamination
is that mycoplasma contamination is Continuous use of antibiotics is
difficult to detect requiring the use of unnecessary and can lead to the
specialist techniques. In the past, only development of antimicrobial resistance.
specialist laboratories, such as culture The resistant strains are difficult to
collections, have performed these tests. eradicate and may require the use of more
However, diagnostic kits are now available expensive and toxic antibiotics that may
and, though not perfect in results, can damage the cell cultures. In addition, the
complement other screening processes. prophylactic use of antibiotics may mask a
low level of contamination.
7.4.3 Viral contamination
Some cell lines contain endogenous On detecting a contamination in cell
viruses. Few cell lines secrete virus particles culture, whether due to bacteria, fungi or
or express viral antigens on their surface. mycoplasma, the recommended course

68 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
of action is to discard the culture parasites do not respond to antibiotic
and continue the work with earlier treatment and it is not possible to
stocks that are known to be free of remove them by usual separation
contaminants or obtain fresh stocks techniques. If virus-free stocks or a virus-
from a recognized source. However, if free alternative is not available, then
this is not possible, eradication of the a thorough risk assessment should be
contaminant may be attempted with the undertaken before continuing work with
use of antibiotics. the infected cell line. The assessment
should be followed with appropriate
Viral infections are difficult to remove actions and evidence generated for their
from cell cultures. These intracellular success.

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70 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Biosafety and biosecurity
in a cell culture

Subculture of cells inside a Biosafety cabinet

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72 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Biosafety and biosecurity in a cell
culture laboratory
In recent past, biosafety and biosecurity 2009 by different researchers. Later in 2012,
(or biorisk) concerns have been the requirement of guidelines to ensure
discussed frequently on local, national the safety of workers, handling vaccinia
and international platforms. Biorisk has virus have been reviewed. Hence, a biorisk
increased especially with increase in assessment while working with cell cultures
innovations and applications of animal/ has become an integral part of the biosafety
human cells culture technology. This establishment in animal/human cell culture
necessitates the requirement of a stringent laboratories.
biorisk assessment programme in each
laboratory/biological industry. To achieve 8.1 Biosafety
proper biorisk management, one needs to Biosafety is defined as the set of guidelines,
understand the type of experimentations which describes the containment principles,
involved, type of cell culture, source of technologies and practices that are
cells, culture types, intrinsic properties of implemented to prevent the unintentional
cell lines, common contaminants and any exposure to pathogens and toxins, or their
other inherently harbouring pathogens; accidental release. The case-to-case risk
hence, only case-by-case assessment assessment is the key procedure, which
will assure proper biorisk management ensures the establishment of biosafety
by defining the containment level and measures. Risk can be defined as “possibility
reducing the risk. Traditionally, when of loss, harm or injury”.
people work with clean tissue culture
they are more concerned about the 8.2 Biorisk
contamination of culture from self and Biorisk is the probability or chance that
therefore adopt appropriate precautions to a particular adverse event (in the context
avoid contaminating the culture. However, of this document: accidental infection or
the concept and the awareness of biorisk unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse,
associated with the cells to human beings diversion or intentional release), possibly
is relatively recent and of significant leading to harm, will occur.
8.3 Biorisk assessment
In the past, laboratory-acquired infections Biorisk assessment is the process to identify
(LAIs) linked to handling of cell cultures acceptable and unacceptable risks, risks
and/or containing virus suspension have of accidental infection and laboratory
been under-reported. Many studies clearly biosecurity risks (risks of unauthorized
indicate the risk involved with handling access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or
of cell cultures. Infection of laboratory intentional release) and their potential
workers with recombinant vaccinia viruses consequences. Risk assessment helps in
amplified in cell culture has been reported keeping workers, workplace, community and
in 1986, 1991, 2003, 2004, 2006 and environment safe.

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 73
The scope of achieving 8.4 Laboratory design of the building, modification of
required biosafety in a layout ventilation, air conditioning is expensive
Infrastructure is the and cumbersome; this limits the required
tissue culture laboratory
main requirement degree of modification and hence often
is easy in a new building, for distinguishing compromises biosafety.
which is to be constructed a tissue culture
in comparison with laboratory, which is When a new building is contemplated,
converting the existing required for maintaining there is more scope for integrated and
aseptic conditions and innovative design and facilities that may
adequate biosafety. However, be positioned for ergonomic and energy-
fulfilment of good laboratory design saving reasons, rather than structural
requirements is the most neglected ones. The following points should be
aspect. Many times, laboratories have considered while designing a new facility
been adapted for the purpose of tissue for cell culture work.
culture in settings that are not ideal.
In such circumstances, the following 8.5 Work surfaces, flooring
practices can ensure biosafety and the and other requirements
required quality of work. At least biosafety level (BSL)-2 laboratory
setup should be designated for handling
• Preferably conduct the work in a most of the cell cultures. However, based
single-use facility. on the risk assessment report on the nature
• Identify a quarantine area by of pathogen/samples handled or type of
separating the area reserved for cells cultured or nature of work done in
handling newly received material/ the proposed laboratory, the precise BSL
specimens, which have potential can be decided. The following laboratory
of contamination of mixed facilities should be designated as per
microorganism. standard guidelines:
• Identify the main area for handling
material, which is known to be free of • It is suggested that laboratories
contaminants. should be operated at air pressures
that are negative to corridors to
8.4.1 If there is constraint of space ensure the proper containment.
• Separate the activity by time and • Work surfaces including bench tops,
type of material, i.e. first handle the walls and flooring should be smooth,
clean cell culture material followed by monolithius walls and easy to clean,
handling the “quarantined material”. waterproof and resistant to a variety
• Label the quarantine material of chemicals.
incubators with a biohazard label. • Provision for hand washing sink with
• Use different incubators for clean and constant water supply.
quarantine material. • Eye wash station for eye washing
• Systematically clean the work surfaces provision for emergency situation.
between activities with appropriate • Placements of laboratory equipment
disinfectant. for safe handling convenience and as
The scope of achieving required biosafety per workflow of the laboratory.
in a tissue culture laboratory is easy in a • Consumables: Single-use
new building, which is to be constructed consumables will avoid cross-
in comparison with converting the contamination due to repeated
existing building. Alteration of structural handling and exposure.

74 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
8.6 Care and maintenance of • identify and develop correct disposal
laboratory areas procedures.
To make sure safe and clean working • use correct disinfectants effective against
environment in a cell culture laboratory, the agents.
the following practices should be adopted: • all standard guidelines for waste
management should be practised to
• Manage all spills immediately. reduce the risk.
• Clean work surfaces both inside and
outside of the microbiological safety 8.8 Risk assessment of cell
cabinet, the floors and all other cultures
equipment routinely. The main aim of risk assessment is to achieve
• Clean humidified incubators to avoid maximum biosafety, prevent injury, protect
fungal and bacterial growth in the property and avoid harm to individuals
water trays. and the environment. The management
• Perform periodical calibration and of risks associated with animal/human
maintenance of all major laboratory cultures requires careful case-to-case
equipment with certified engineers. assessment of (i) intrinsic properties of cell
BSCs/laminar flow cabinet should be cultures;(ii) type of manipulation involved
checked after every 6 months for safety in the experiments;(iii) modification of
functioning to protect product, user genetic material; and (iv) unintentional
and environment. and deliberate infection of cell lines with
• This activity confirms the required pathogenic microorganisms.
airflow and proper functioning of high-
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. The risk assessment principles that are
applicable to cell cultures harboring
8.7 Waste disposal pathogens are exactly similar to those
To avoid exposure of infectious material to that apply to pathogens. The following
the laboratory personnel or the environment parameters have to be line-listed and
it is recommended that the laboratory : checked during assessment:

Cell cultures harbouring Properties of pathogenic Disease parameters and

pathogens organism to be noted are therapy
• Pathogen characteristics • Susceptibility to disinfectants • Availability of an effective
• Pathogenicity of organism • Physical inactivation prophylaxis

• Infectious dose • Resistance to antiviral • Availability of an efficient

compounds and sensitivity therapy
• Mode of transmission
pattern • Reported case of laboratory-
• Host range
• Resistance to antibiotics acquired infection (LAIs)
• The epidemiology
• Risk group
• Possible reservoir and vector
• Possible zoonosis
• Stability and the persistence of the
organism in the environment
• Physicochemical properties

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 75
8.9 Intrinsic properties of lines received from external sources, many
cell cultures conventional and new technologies being
Understanding the three intrinsic used are cytogenetic analysis, isoenzyme
properties of cells is the key to ensuring analysis, DNA fingerprinting, PCR and flow
the safe cell culturing practice in the cytometry. The characterization will help in
laboratory. These are: (i) origin of cells/ systematic risk assessment of the culture
pathogen species; (ii) cell type; (iii) tissue/ types:
organ type (along with the culture
status). • If primary cells obtained directly from
fresh tissues  first assess for risk based
8.10 Origin of cells/ on the pathogen-carrying status of the
pathogens species animal species of origin and cell or tissue
As a rule, the closer the genetic type
relatedness of cell culture handled in the • If a long time is needed for
laboratory, the higher the biorisk to the characterization/detection of inherent
humans. Hence, human or primate cells contaminating agents  reduce risk
may pose a high risk compared to cells by avoiding obtaining cells from fresh
of non-human origin. Similarly, the risk tissue.
reduces with mammalian, invertebrate
and avian cells in comparison with 8.12 Type of manipulation
that of human or primate cells. Different kinds of manipulations are
Characteristically, pathogens have routinely being done with cell cultures
specific species barriers; sometimes few in biological/biomedical, diagnostic
pathogens might cross this barrier. This laboratories and related industries to
may be the reason for almost 70% of develop a process, product or for detection
the emerging infectious diseases being of pathogens. Risk assessment in this
zoonotic in nature. Reports have been situation depends on:
published showing clear evidence for
many viruses crossing species barriers • the type of manipulating procedure;
from animal reservoirs to humans. Hence pipetting, vortexing, use of needles,
the biorisk involved with infected animal/ animal handling for the conduct of in
human cell cultures should not be vivo experiments;
overlooked. • availability of safety equipment;
• quantity of cell/virus culture; and
8.11 Cell type • personal protective equipment.
Repeated sub-culture of cells into many
passages affects the growth property 8.13 Deliberate infection of
and may lead to a series of mutations cell cultures with pathogenic
in the cells. Cells may also harbour microorganisms
endogenous viruses and transformed For understanding the biology of
cell cultures with greater tumorigenic pathogens, host pathogen interactions and
potential may become neoplastic in case immunological responses or oncogenicity
of accidental or deliberate introduction studies and virus stock preparation for
into the human body. future research, deliberate in vitro infection
of animal or human cell cultures is
To address the issues of cross- mandatory. In such cases, biorisk assessment
contamination of cell lines and/or a depends on the risk group of infected
lack of proof of identity for the cell pathogen as defined by WHO(2004).

76 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Example: Cell cultured Japanese required for handling such cultures.
encephalitis virus (JEV) in laboratory Knowledge of intrinsic and native
may be assigned to risk group properties of the infecting pathogen
2 because JEV belongs to the and natural history of the disease
class of risk group 2 in a country caused by the pathogen will help in
like India where it is endemic. the identification of potential risk. In
But bulk culturing of human the case of any accidental exposure
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may of such cell cultures, prophylaxis
be assigned as risk group 3, even and management of infection can
though HIV in India is classified be achieved to reduce the risk by
as a risk group 2 virus. This is providing effective treatment.
because high concentration of viral
particles and risk of exposure is 8.14 Risk with adventitious
more in bulk culture; this can be contaminating agents
categorized under risk group3, so Adventitious contamination/biological
BSL-3 laboratories and practices are contamination is the most common

Reported viral contaminants of animal/human cell culture or tissues

that can cause human diseases
In human tissues
• Hepatitis viruses: HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV, HGV
• Human retroviruses: HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-1, HTLV-2
• Herpes viruses: EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HSV-1, HSV-2
• Papovavirus: different HPV sequences, no virus production
• Rhinoviruses
• AAV-subtypes
• Bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4)
In primate tissues
• Flaviviruses: Yellow fever virus, Kyasanur forest virus
• Filoviruses: Marburg, Ebola
• Simian haemorrhagic virus
• Rabies virus
• Hepatitis A virus
• Poliovirus
• Herpes viruses (herpes B virus and others)
• SV40 (nonpathogenic for humans)
• Simian immunodeficiency virus (infection but also disease in humans?)
• Monkey pox
• Simian foamy virus
• Retroviruses
In rodent tissues
• Lymphocytic choriomeningitisvirus (LCMV)
• Hantaan virus (haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome)
• Monkey pox

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 77
The biological risk problem in cell culture be transformed by a pathogenic virus
assessment of genetically laboratories/industries; and human cell lines are not routinely
many times this screened for HIV, Hep B or Hep C.
modified organisms (GMO)
has very serious
depends mainly on the consequences. 8.15 Risk assessment of
properties of hosts, vectors Depending genetically modified cell
used, probability of adverse on the ease of cultures
effect on public health detection in cell The biological risk assessment of
cultures, biological genetically modified organisms (GMO)
and the environment
contaminants can be divided depends mainly on the properties of
in comparison with into two subgroups: (i) bacteria hosts, vectors used, probability of
the wild type. and fungi easily detectable and adverse effect on public health and
relatively easy to prevent and to treat; the environment in comparison with
(ii) viruses, prions, mycoplasma and the wild type. Genetic modification
cross-contaminating other mammalian leading to transgenesis demands
cells, parasites are more difficult to detect a thorough evaluation of risk. For
and treat, hence they present potentially gene therapy, many viral vectors
serious problems. Some contaminating are created in vitro by required
Mycoplasma spp.belong to the class of genetic modifications; for example,
risk group 2. Few reports that indicate by replacing retroviral gag, pol, env
harbouring of viruses in cell culture include genes with therapeutic genes retroviral
rodent cell culture carrying Hantaan virus vectors are created. A packaging cell
and primate cells harbouring Marburg is essential to further produce these
virus with a broader host range, which can vector particles. These cell lines provide
infect humans while handling and thus all the viral proteins required for capsid
increase the biorisk. production and the virion replication
and maturation of the vector.
Human and non-human primate cultures
are also likely to harbour viruses that are Special precautions should be
highly pathogenic to humans. When taken during risk assessment of
handling freshly prepared primary cell packaging cell lines, as there are
cultures, adventitious contamination chances of generation of replication-
with parasite is more common if donor competent viruses due to homologous
organism is infected with specific recombination between viruses,
parasites. Even though most cell cultures the replication-deficient viral vector
are resistant to prion infection, the use and viral sequences present in the
of bovine-derived products as tissue packaging cell. This may result
culture supplements may also lead to in development of hazardous
the contamination with unconventional characteristics of the resulting virus
agents that cause transmissible spongiform population. Hence, assessment of these
encephalopathies (TSE). In such situations, cell cultures depends on the following
the nature of the infecting pathogen is key points:
unknown; hence it is recommended to
work at the minimum containment level-2 • risk group of the viral vector used
and autoclave contaminated cultures • infectivity
as well as all the material from clean • host range spectrum
tissue culture. HeLa cells carrying human • integration capacity or insertional
papillomavirus (HPV) or cells known to mutagenesis

78 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
• stability • understanding the intrinsic properties
• physiological role of the transgene, if of the cell culture
expressed. • knowing the potential for inadvertent
or deliberate contamination with
8.16 Biological risk pathogens
management in cell culture • managing acquired risky properties as a
laboratories result of genetic modification
In conclusion, biorisk varies depending on • noting type of manipulation(s) explains
the diversified applications of cell culture the risk spectrum.
technology. Hence, it is essential to assess It is also important to follow key behavioural
and manage the biological risk involved in elements of the laboratory worker, which
handling of animal/human cell cultures. have a major impact on the biorisk
Performing risk assessment with cell culture management process. Some workers may
would help in: have a low opinion of the safety programme
and may take excessive risks while working.
• determining the required containment These are normally young workers and less
level aware of infectious risk.

The following biosafety measures should be practised in handling

animal/human cell cultures
Biosafety measures Benefits in reduction of biorisk
Develop: A biosafety manual and laboratory
Addresses all biosafety issues in the laboratory
biosafety guidelines for the laboratory/facility
Training: All personnel must be trained in safe work Confirms the common understanding of safety
practices or supervised principles and practices
Prepare standard operating procedures (SOPs) for Ensures uniform flow of work practice among the
handling cell culture activities and provide SOP staff and reduces the most common errors, hence
training to the staff reduces the risk
Practices of good microbiological techniques (GMT) Ensures overall safety
Limits the unauthorized access to cell culture
Access control and biosecurity
facility and secures the biological material
Immunization (e.g. hepatitis B personnel working with Provides protection against inherently harbouring
human and non-human primate cell lines) viruses in cell lines
Do not ever use defective culture vessels/flasks Reduces contamination in the laboratory
Do not contaminate culture due to poor practice of
May contaminate with airborne pathogens
aseptic technique
Treat each new culture used first time in the laboratory Reduces exposure of individual to unknown risk
as potentially infectious factors
Manage any culture fluid spills immediately with Minimizes the exposure time and neutralizes the
validated disinfectant spill
Work with one cell culture at a time Avoids cross-contamination of two different cell lines
Disinfect the work surfaces between two handlings Provides safe working area to the next person and
involving cell lines avoids cross-contamination
Prepare separate aliquots of growth medium and FBS Avoids cross-contamination of two cell lines and
for each cell lines minimizes wastage of medium

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 79
Exposure control: minimize pouring actions and large Reduces cross-contamination and aerosol
volume handling procedures formation
Perform correct operation of biosafety cabinet (BSC) Sterilizes working area and ensures safety of the
before and after cell culture activity user
Continuous use of antibiotics may lead to
Limit the use of antibiotics, antifungals in growth
development of resistant organisms with slow-
growing properties
Identify BSC to culture new cell lines till the Reduces the risk of exposure to inherent unknown
appropriate tests are negative pathogens present in cell lines
Frequently perform quality control of cell lines for Increases confidence and ensures timely action in
probable contaminating pathogens case of contamination
Use BSL-2 or higher containment levels for cell Provides required level of protection and ensures
cultures obtained from unidentified sources personal and environmental safety
Do not store laboratory clothing in contact with street Takes care of spread of infection to family
clothing members and community
• Strictly limit the use of needles, syringes and other
sharp objects.
• Use puncture-resistant sharps container
Controls accidental exposure
• Replace glass with plastic where possible
• Separate areas of paper work and report writing
from biohazardous materials work areas
Develop post-exposure prophylaxis protocol and well- Helps in performing first aid treatment to the
trained staff exposed person

Note: Partially adapted from Pauwels et al., 2007.

8.17 Novel approaches in • Use of automated mechanical platforms

biological risk management for cell culture procedures.
of cell culture laboratories • Use of liquid handling robot contained
Innovations and developments in the in BSC for long-term cell culture
engineering sciences have led to many requirements.
novel technologies to replace human • Development and use of non-infectious
beings with automated equipment. cell-based assay.
Many of these novel approaches
provide safer working environment by Thus, biorisk in the laboratory can be
reducing risk of exposure. Few examples handled with overlapping safeguard
are given below: measures.

80 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Care and maintenance
of cell culture laboratory

Pipetting devices used in a cell culture laboratory

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82 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Care and maintenance of cell culture
laboratory equipment
A large number of equipment is mandatory quality equipment should be purchased
in any cell culture laboratory (Table 9.1). and installed and all these must also
Proper performance of equipment is a be maintained regularly and validated
prerequisite for obtaining quality results frequently to ensure their optimal
for any laboratory procedure. Only functioning

Table 9.1: Suggested essential equipment for a cell culture

Equipment Suggested number Justification
Biosafety cabinets (BSC) 2 One for handling clean culture and
the other for processing clinical
specimens/ stock viruses
CO2 incubators 2 One for uninfected cell cultures and the
other for infected cell cultures
Incubator 1 To grow cells in controlled environment
Freezers 2 –20 °C and –70 °C for storage
Refrigerated centrifuge 1 To separate desired products without
damaging their integrity
Autoclave 2 One for decontamination and the other
for sterilization
Hot air oven 1 To sterilize glassware
Inverted light microscope 1 To observe cells growing in flasks,
To detect CPE in infected cells
Fluorescent microscope with 1 To detect antigens
photography attachments
Water purification/distillation system 1 To provide high-grade water suitable
for tissue culture work
Micropipettes (100µL, 200 µL, 20 µL, Multiple
Multichannel pipettes: 8 and 12 channel Multiple
pipettes (20–200 µL and 50–300 µL)
Liquid nitrogen containers 1–2 Prolonged storage
Glassware such as volumetric flasks, Medium and reagent preparation and
measuring cylinders, pipettes, conical Assorted storage
flasks, reagent storage bottles (50 mL,
100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL and 1000 mL)

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 83
Table 9.2: Disinfectants for use in a cell culture laboratory

Characteristic Description
Broadly effective against a range of microorganisms
Criteria for disinfectant
Harmless (non-corrosive) to equipment components

Harmless to laboratory workers

Disinfectants that give rise to volatile organic chemicals since these can
promote expression of heat shock and stress proteins(these include
phenols, isoamyl alcohol, betamercaptoethanol).
Avoid bleach-containing cleaners. Chlorine bleach and its derivatives with
oxidizing activity corrode stainless steel and copper.

Any strong smelling disinfectant.

Use quaternary ammonium disinfectant (2%)

Follow this by wiping with 70% alcohol to remove any remaining traces of
Recommended disinfectant
the disinfectant.

9.1 Prerequisites of isolated and cleaned. Sinks, coat hooks,

equipment etc. should all be kept in an anteroom and
The laboratory equipment should be not in the culture room.
designed to prevent or limit contact
between the laboratory technologist and For equipment to function adequately,
the infectious material. These should the laboratory area should be protected
be crafted from materials that are from air currents from windows or air-
impermeable to liquids and resistant to conditioning systems. The BSC must
corrosion. The equipment should be free of be located far from the laboratory air
sharp edges, burrs and unguarded moving circulation zones in order to avoid air
parts. In addition, all equipment must be currents that could affect the curtain
designed, constructed and installed to of air inside the cabinet. The floor on
facilitate simple and smooth operation and which the BSC is located must be flat and
provide for ease of maintenance, cleaning, leveled. The free space around the cabinet
decontamination using commonly available recommended by the manufacturer must
disinfectants (Table 9.2) and certification be ensured. Some of these prerequisites
testing. are shown in Table 9.3.

9.2 Positioning of equipment 9.3 Care and maintenance of

The physical environment of a cell critical equipment
culture laboratory is critical for efficient
performance and optimal life of the 9.3.1 Biosafety cabinet
equipment. Walls of the cell culture A BSC is probably the most important
laboratory should be smooth skimmed and piece of equipment for cell culture since,
coated with epoxy paint. The floor should when operated correctly, it provides
be resistant and bonded to the wall so that a clean working environment for the
there are no crevices or corners that cannot product, while protecting the operator
be cleaned, and any spillages can be easily from aerosols. Cell culture requires a class II

84 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Table 9.3: Prerequisites for installation of equipment in a cell
culture laboratory
Action Impact/action
Ventilation, air flow, room temperature and direct sunlight can affect the
temperature and humidity functions of equipment. Ensure protection.
Lift equipment only by the sides of the bottom, never from front and back;
do not ever lift equipment using the door.
Do not place any incubator directly on the floor. Instead, use a support
stand to avoid impact of air movement that is created each time the door
Placement on the floor
is opened and will sweep dirt, dust and contaminants directly into the
incubator chamber.
Adequate clearance to allow for ventilation and access to power cords and
Clearance around equipment
connectors including gas hookup
Avoid placement in damp and This is to avoid fungal growth.
humid corners
Eliminate cardboard storage
The cardboard can get wet and then breed fungi.
in and around equipment
Clean and disinfect the interior of equipment as per recommendations in
Post installation and prior to the manufacturers’ manual.

cabinet that recirculates HEPA-filtered air cleaning solution. Verify the precision of
and exhausts a portion of that air back the manometer’s reading, indicating any
into the room through a HEPA filter. fall in pressure through the HEPA filter.

The maintenance of internal Every month, clean the exterior surfaces,

components must be done only by especially the front and the upper part
trained and qualified personnel. using a piece of damp cloth to remove
Personal protection must be worn the dust, disinfect the surface of the
to perform the routines. The BSC lower compartment with 70% ethanol
must be decontaminated before any or a suitable disinfecting solution, and
maintenance work involving opening verify the state of the service valves.
its surfaces or internal components
is contemplated. Some of these tasks The certification process should
include changing of filters, conducting be initiated annually according to
tests requiring access to the interior established norms. Annually, also check
surfaces or exposure of the cabinet, prior the intensity of the ultraviolet lamp with
to moving the cabinet to a different a radiometer and fluorescent lamp.
location and after a spill of a material Replace these, if necessary.
containing high-risk agents.
9.3.2 Incubator
Every week, decontaminate the work Most mammalian cells require 37 °C for
surface and the interior surfaces of their growth. Insect cell cultures grow
the cabinet with 70% ethanol. Clean at 28 °C. There may also be a need for a
the front glass door and the surface of regulated use of CO2 and possibly other
the ultraviolet lamp using a domestic gas mixtures in the cabinet.

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 85
The centrifuge The incubator should ideally 9.3.3 Centrifuge
should preferably be be located close to the The centrifuge should preferably be located
laminar cabinet to near the BSC and at an appropriate height.
located near the BSC
reduce temperature Vibrations caused by centrifuges should
and at an appropriate changes, not damage other equipment, cause
height. Vibrations caused which could unnecessary noise, or allow the centrifuge
by centrifuges should not affect cultured to creep and potentially fall. All centrifuges
damage other equipment, cells. Cell culture used for cell culture and biological
incubators require the procedures must have some form of seal
cause unnecessary noise,
ambient temperature to either above the rotor head or over the
or allow the centrifuge be usually 5–10 °C colder buckets to prevent aerosol leaking.
to creep and than the target temperature.
potentially fall. If the ambient temperature is Do not carry out a technical intervention
too close to the target temperature, in a centrifuge if it has not been previously
standard units can overheat, making decontaminated.
temperature control in the room critically
important for reliable operation. Every month, verify that the external
components of the centrifuge are free
Do not use an incubator in close proximity of dust and stains. Clean the rotor
of flammable or combustible materials as compartment using a mild detergent.
components inside of this equipment could Test that the connecting and adjustment
act as ignition sources during operation. mechanisms of the rotor are in a good
Avoid spilling acid solutions inside the condition. Lubricate as per manufacturer’s
incubator. These cause the incubation recommendations. Check the locking/safety
chamber material to deteriorate. Avoid mechanism of the centrifuge’s cover which
incubating substances generating corrosive is critical in ensuring safety of the operator.
vapours. Avoid placing receptacles on the Recently manufactured centrifuges have
lower cover which protects the heating sealed ball bearings, which do not require
elements. Use appropriate personal lubrication.
protective elements when using the
incubator. If the centrifuge is refrigerated, test
the temperature by using an electronic
Incubators should be cleaned regularly, at thermometer. The temperature must not
least every 14 days and after any infectious vary by more than ± 3 °C. Use a timer to
material spill, using appropriate disinfectants. examine the precision of the time controls.
Disconnect the incubator before initiating The time measured must not vary by more
the cleaning processes. Use non-abrasive than ±10% of the programmed time.
cleaning agents: a piece of cloth dampened
with mild detergent for cleaning easily Every six months, verify the state of the
reached interior and exterior surfaces. Avoid motor’s brushes, if the centrifuge has a
any contact between cleaning agents and motor with brushes. Replace with new
electric elements. Wait until the incubator is ones, if necessary.
dry before connecting it again.
9.3.4 Autoclave
Before performing any repairs, verify that An appropriately sized autoclave is
the incubator has been decontaminated, is important for uninterrupted cell culture
clean and disconnected from the electrical work. Although appropriately sourced
feed line. plastic consumables and pre-sterilized

86 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
reagents can eliminate the potential for the containers age), the route from the gas
contamination, there can still be huge delivery/production area to the laboratory
cost savings by using specific pieces of must be as short as possible and the
glass equipment that can be repetitively surface and equipment appropriate for the
autoclaved, used and recycled, particularly transport involved.
reagent and media bottles.
Storage of cells by multiple users for
Two autoclaves are needed as clean prolonged periods necessitates careful
and waste autoclaves to prevent cross- inventory management to ensure that cells
contamination. A backup autoclave are maintained optimally and economically.
obviates unanticipated downtime. The
operational characteristics of the autoclave 9.3.7 Refrigerator
should also be regularly checked with Refrigerators are generally not very
spore strips to validate operations of the demanding from the maintenance
autoclave. perspective. If connected to good quality
electrical circuits and good ventilation
The autoclave demands daily supervision flows around the unit, they can function
and continuous preventive maintenance for years without specialized technical
due to its multiple components and service. The refrigeration circuit is sealed
systems. Before initiating the sterilization during manufacturing and does not
processes, ensure that the cold water, have components requiring routine
compressed air and vapour supply valves maintenance.
are open. Verify that the pressure from
the vapour supply line is at least 2.5 bar. Cleaning the interior of refrigerator is
Test the condition of manometers and important. Verify that the refrigerator’s
thermometers. Ensure that there are inner shelves are clean. These are generally
no vapour leaks in any of the systems made of rust-proof metallic mesh. Move
functioning in the autoclave. the empty shelves towards the front.
Dampen a piece of cloth with a mild
9.3.5 Dry oven detergent and apply by rubbing surfaces
The maintenance required by a drying gently. Dry and place in their original
oven is simple. No complex routine position.
maintenance is necessary. Before carrying
out any maintenance routine on the oven, If the refrigerator has drawers, cleaning
verify that it is at room temperature and is done the same way. Empty the drawers
disconnected from the electrical feed and dismount from the adjustment
outlet. devices. Remove them from the
refrigerator. Once the shelves and drawers
9.3.6 Liquid nitrogen are dismounted, clean the interior walls of
Liquid nitrogen storage is often a the refrigerator using a mild detergent. Dry
convenient general storage environment before mounting the internal accessories.
for stocks of cultured cells. Liquid nitrogen Apply a mild detergent with a damp piece
boils at –196°C, and because the resultant of cloth to the drawers. Rub carefully. Dry
nitrogen gas is an asphyxiant in high the drawers and put them back on their
concentrations, proper handling and mounts in the refrigerator.
ventilation procedures are necessary. As
the storage vessels usually require topping Avoid using steel wool or other abrasive
up at least once a week (more regularly as materials for cleaning the shelves and

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 87
drawers. Avoid using gasoline, naphtha or available, use medicinal type cotton. Clean
thinners, as these damage the plastic, the the sample holders and the condenser.
packing or the paint on the surfaces. Place the light intensity control rheostat in
the lowest position and then turn on the
A door gasket in bad condition produces lighting system completely.
various problems in the functioning of
cooling units. It allows humidity to enter, Remove dust particles from the
which condenses and freezes inside the microscope’s body. Use a piece of cloth
evaporator, increases the time needed dampened with distilled water. Remove
by the compressor for maintaining the dust particles from the eyepieces,
selected temperature, affects the storage objectives and condenser. Use a rubber
temperature and increases the operational bulb for blowing air. Next, clean the lenses’
costs. surface with a lens cleaning solution. Do
not apply this solution to lenses directly,
Many modern refrigerators have automatic but on lens paper and then rub their
cycles for defrosting the evaporator surfaces gently with the wet paper.
in order to avoid frost accumulation.
Some models do not have defrosting 9.3.9 Pipettes
cycles and the process should be done Pipettes are used very frequently and
manually every six months when the frost hence require frequent inspection in
is more than 8 mm. Remove the contents order to detect abnormal wear and tear
of the compartments, disconnect the or damage and/or to verify that they are
freezer, leave the door open, remove in good working condition. Every day,
the water while it is accumulating in the inspect and verify that the pipette is clean.
compartments by using a sponge or a If dirt is detected, it must be cleaned using
piece of absorbent cloth. a suitable solvent or a mild detergent
solution. Check the manufacturer’s
Never use sharp elements to remove ice or recommendation regarding the
frost from the evaporator. Such an action compatibility of the pipette with solvents
can perforate the wall of the evaporator to select the appropriate one.
and allow the refrigerant gas to escape
causing a serious defect. Sterilize the pipette according to the
manufacturer’s indications. Some pipettes
9.3.8 Microscope can be sterilized in an autoclave using
Microscopes are very vulnerable equipment a cycle of 121 °C for approximately 20
and require simple but regular care and minutes. Some manufacturers recommend
maintenance on a daily basis.Cover the sterilizing the pipette using a 60%
microscope with a protective cover (of isopropanol solution and washing the
plastic or cloth). Ensure that it is kept in a components with distilled water, then
well-ventilated place where the humidity drying and assembling.
and temperature are controlled. If it has
a ventilated storage box equipped with a If a pipette has been used with harmful
light bulb for humidity control, place the substances, it should be completely
microscope inside, turn on the light and decontaminated before it is used in other
close the box. procedures. A pipette used daily must be
disassembled at biannual intervals. To do
Clean the immersion oil from the 100x so, follow the procedure described by the
objective. Use lens paper or, if not manufacturer in the user manual.

88 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Clean the O rings, the plunger and the method depends mainly on the volume
inside of the cylinder before lubricating. the pipette handles. The smaller the
If the internal components were volume range of the pipette, the more
contaminated accidentally, all the surfaces demanding and costly the calibration
should be cleaned with a mild detergent process is.
and then with distilled water. Lubricate the
plunger and piston with silicone grease. Summary
Always use the lubricant recommended by Given the critical nature of equipment in
the manufacturer. Remove any excessive a cell culture laboratory and their high
lubricant with absorbent paper. Assemble cost, it is imperative that apart from
following the reverse process to that of their careful selection, these equipment
disassembly. must be continuously and meticulously
maintained through exacting care. This
Calibrate the pipette before using will prolong their life and optimize their
standardized procedures. The calibration functions.

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90 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Sources of cell lines
(repositories), equipment and

HEK 293T cells (under Bright field microscope)

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92 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Sources of cell lines (repositories),
equipment and reagents
The cell culture system has become an 10.1 Sources of cell lines
integral part of virus research, as virus With the advancements made in cell
needs a host system for sustenance and culture techniques and the availability of a
replication. The availability of continuous number of well-defined cell culture media,
cell lines derived from vertebrates and a number of continuous cell lines have
invertebrates have played an important been established from vertebrates and
role in virology and virtually replaced invertebrates ever since the establishment
the use of animals. Cell lines are an of the first vertebrate cell line in 1952.1
important tool in virus research not only Though most of the cell lines are of
as a sensitive system for virus isolation academic importance, a few have become
and serological studies during outbreaks useful tools for research in virology and
but also for large-scale propagation biotechnology. Acquisition of a well-
of viruses leading to development characterized cell line for research is the
of vaccines and diagnostic reagents. primary responsibility of the researcher to
The emergence of the recombinant provide authenticated data using the cell
DNA technology has emphasized the line. The source of acquisition is therefore
importance of cell lines as it has emerged important to have a cell line, which is
as a clean system for production of authenticated by a reliable source or
immunobiologicals, enzymes, hormones, agency. Authentication assures the origin
anticancer products, insulin, interferon of the cell line, growth parameters, media
and monoclonal antibodies. However, requirements and, more importantly,
the major thrust area of cell culture certifications regarding data on the tests
application today has been vaccine and conducted to confirm the absence of
monoclonal antibody production due to genetic drift, microbial contaminants
their unique characteristics such as safety, especially mycoplasma and other
ease in production, simpler downstream adventitious agents. These contaminants
processing and cleaner end products. are inherent to some organisms and are
Cell culture-based vaccines are being difficult to detect in cell cultures even after
produced effectively either by using several passages.
conventional methods such as inactivation
with chemicals or by using advanced Acquiring a cell line is easier today as
techniques such as recombinant DNA several reputed cell banks or cell repositories
technology, vector-based technology across the globe provide most of the
and virus attenuation. The cell culture important cell lines on a commercial basis.
system provides an additional advantage Cell lines procured from such agencies are
as the physiochemical conditions can be authenticated and are well-characterized
monitored and controlled according to the and are certified free from contamination
need, which is not provided by any other of mycoplasma and latent viruses. Cell lines
system. also undergo tests for tumorigenicity.

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 93
Cell lines could also be materials, data management, off-site
American type culture collection acquired from other biorepository management, regulatory
laboratories where and legal compliance, intellectual
ATCC is the premier
the cell lines are property rights management, etc. (Further
institution in the USA in use either information and catalogues are available
involved in the acquisition, at a personal on the ATCC website www.atcc.org.) The
storage, authentication, or an official products of ATCC can also be obtained
management and level. However, through life science companies.
despite the assurances
distribution of biological
from the donor, there is a 10.2.2 European Collection of
materials, viz. reference potential hazard of mycoplasma Authenticated Cell Cultures
microorganisms, cell linescontamination; these also need (ECACC): ECACC is based in London,
etc. authentication for species origin. UK and is recognized by the international
Presently, in-house development of a cell scientific community for procurement,
line is also possible due to the availability maintenance and supply of cell lines
of technical knowhow, availability of a and associated products. ECACC has
large plethora of media formulations and made formal agreements with other
trained human resource. However, in- cell repositories, viz. ATCC, Cell Bank
house development of a cell line is time- Australia, etc. to supply cell lines and other
consuming, as it requires ample time for products listed in their catalogues. Since
establishment and characterization of the its establishment in 1985, ECACC has
cell line in addition to the time required to expanded enormously and now holds over
get ethical clearance/patient consent. 40,000 authenticated cell lines and strains.
In addition to these two major cell
10.2 Major global suppliers banks/repositories, many other cell
of cell lines banks exist in other countries providing
fully characterized cell lines. The major
10.2.1 American Type Culture ones with large collection of cell lines
Collection (ATCC) are Cell Bank Australia; Deutsche
American type culture collection ATCC is Sammlung von Mickroorganismen
the premier institution in the USA involved und Zellkulturen, Germany; Riken Bio
in the acquisition, storage, authentication, Resource Center Cell Bank, Japan;
management and distribution of biological Coriell Biorepository, USA; Korean Cell
materials, viz. reference microorganisms, Line Bank, South Korea; Bio Resource
cell lines etc. The mission of ATCC is to Collection and Research Center, Taiwan;
produce high-quality products to promote Institute ZooprofilatticoSperimentale of
scientific research for the betterment of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna Bio-bank
society. Apart from microorganisms and of Veterinary Resources, Italy. In India, the
cell lines, the product range of ATCC National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS),
includes certified fetal bovine serum (FBS), Pune maintains a cell repository of well-
cell culture media and reagents, quality characterized cell lines procured from
control strains, nucleic acids, proteins, cell authorized cell repositories and fulfils the
extracts, etc. ATCC also provides assistance requirements of Indian scientists.
to scientists and organizations to get
customized solutions for the management 10.3 Equipment
of biological materials. Biorepository Major equipment indispensable to a cell
management also includes authentication culture laboratory are listed below along
and characterization of biological with sources of procurement.

94 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
10.3.1 Biosafety cabinet leaders in BSC manufacturing and have
A biosafety cabinet (BSC) has become networks in almost every country for supply
indispensable in today’s cell culture and maintenance. Recently ESCO, Haier,
laboratory to provide a clean area etc. have also come up in the market with
to handle sterile materials during different models at reasonable prices.
management of animal cells and tissues.
It is an enclosed workstation and acts as a 10.3.2 CO2 incubator
primary barrier confining infectious agents CO2 incubators are indispensable in a cell
(virus) during manipulation of the agent culture laboratory where vertebrate cells are
or infected clinical samples, thus giving maintained. They come in different sizes
protection to laboratory personnel and and provide environment conducive to the
the immediate laboratory environment. It growth of cells by maintaining the required
also helps in the containment of aerosol temperature, humidity and CO2 levels.
generated during different procedures, The ones routinely used in cell culture
viz. centrifugation, grinding/blending, laboratories are mid-sized models (140–
vortexing, sonication, vigorous shaking 180 L) that meet most of the technical
or handling of high concentrations of specifications though a wide range of
infectious agents. BSCs are available incubators from “personal” bench-top
in different classes, viz. class I, class II incubator (<40 L) to large-capacity
(further divided into four categories, i.e. incubators (>700 L) is available. Large
A1, A2, B1 and B2) and class III, which CO2 incubators (for production) may use
give varying levels of protection to the steam generators or atomizers to control
product and to the user from infectious relative humidity levels but most research
agents (Table 10.1). Class II A2 is ideal for laboratory CO2 incubators use humidity
cell culture work as well as for handling pans to produce humidity between 70%
moderately infectious agents as they and 75% through evaporation of water.
protect the product, the personnel and the Maintaining a constant temperature and
environment. It has HEPA filters at the air humidity in the incubator is critical for
supply and exhaust points. proper growth of cells. To maintain the
chamber temperature to the set point, the
Source: several internationally reputed incubators are available with two heating
brands with hundreds of installations in options: water-jacketed and radiant-
world’s leading laboratories are available walled. Although both heating systems
in the market at affordable prices. Lab are accurate and reliable, they have their
Congo, Thermo, NuAire, etc. are world advantages and disadvantages.

Table 10.1: Types of BSCs with different specifications

BSC Face velocity Recirculation Exhaust Exhaust system
(feet/sec) airflow % airflow %
Class I 75 0 100 Hard duct
Class II A1 75–100 70 30 Exhaust to room/out
Class II A2 100 30 70 Exhaust to room/out
Class II B1 100 30 70 Hard duct
Class II B2 100 0 100 Hard duct
Class III NA 0 100 Hard duct

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 95
Source:CO2 incubators have been (Eppendorf, Thermo Scientific, Duran,
manufactured and marketed by several GE Whatman, etc. in addition to local
leading manufacturers based in the USA manufacturers.
and Europe with manufacturing units in
most of the developing countries. Thermo 10.3.6 Refrigerators (+4 °C)
Fischer Scientific, Binder, Eppendorf Refrigerators are essential in a cell culture
(New Brunswick), NuAire, Shel lab, etc., laboratory to store cell culture media
are the market leaders in CO2 incubator and reagents. A number of reputed
manufacturing and are reputed for their brands are available locally (Samsung, LG,
performance. Godrej, Kelvinator, etc.), and can serve the
requirements of a cell culture laboratory.
10.3.3 Inverted microscope
An inverted microscope is also 10.3.7 Freezer (-20°C)
indispensable in a cell culture laboratory for Freezers that maintain –20 °C temperatures
observation of cells and cell organelles. The are needed to store FBS, antibiotics and
inverted microscope differs from normal other reagents. Care should be taken to
microscopes as it has the objectives below procure freezers from a reputed brand to
the platform pointing upwards so as to maintain the required temperature.
get a clear view of the cells in the culture
vessel. A number of leading manufacturers 10.3.8 Freezer (–80°C)
in Europe and Japan (Leica, Zeiss, Nikon, Freezers that maintain –80 °C temperatures
Olympus, etc.) supply high-quality inverted are needed in cell culture laboratories
microscopes of various specifications with where microorganisms are handled and
excellent after-sales service. stored for longer periods. Procurement of
a–80 °C freezer needs special attention, as
10.3.4 Centrifuges only a few brands are able to maintain the
Low-speed centrifuges are needed for required temperature consistently especially
settling down cells from a cell suspension in countries where the power supply is
while high-speed centrifuges with erratic. Thermo Scientific (USA), New
refrigeration are needed for virus studies to Brunswick (USA), Revco (USA) and ESCO
remove cell debris from virus suspension. (Singapore) have the largest number of
Ultracentrifuges are needed for pelleting installations in leading laboratories both in
viruses. Centrifuges with fixed angle developed and developing countries with
rotors or swinging heads are available, consistent performance over the years. All
which suit the requirements of cell culture these brands provide excellent technical
and virology laboratories. Eppendorf support after installation.
(Germany), Hettich (Germany), Sorvall
(USA), Thermo Fischer (USA), Hitachi 10.3.9 Liquid nitrogen refrigerator
(Japan), etc. are the market leaders along and transport container
with a number of new manufacturers. A liquid nitrogen refrigerator is
essential in a cell culture laboratory to
10.3.5 Water bath cryopreserve cells. Cryopreservation is
Water bath is needed to thaw cell culture a process where cells or whole tissues
media and reagents, which were stored at are preserved by cooling to sub-zero
4 °C as well as to thaw cells during revival temperatures (–130 °C to −196 °C) in
of cryopreserved cells. Water baths of liquid nitrogen where biological activity,
varying specifications are manufactured including the biochemical reactions that
and supplied by a number of reputed firms would lead to cell death, is effectively

96 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
stopped. Cryopreservation helps to have to various technical difficulties (heavy
a validated stock of cells as reserve, maintenance, contamination, etc.) and
which is not affected by any genetic drift, inconsistency in water quality. With the
transformation or contamination. Liquid advancement in technology, ultrapure
nitrogen refrigerators of varying capacities water which is free from particulate
ranging from 26 to 110 L are ideal for matter, contaminants, proteases and
laboratories whereas bigger ones cater to endocrine disruptors, is made available
industrial needs. to researchers by a combination of
techniques, viz. membrane filtration,
10.3.10 Cell counter reverse osmosis, ultraviolet light treatment,
A cell counter is also essential for a cell etc. Merck Millipore (MilliQ systems) is the
culture laboratory to determine the world market leader in water purifying
number of cells in cell culture studies. technology and different models are
An automated cell counter is designed available to suit laboratory and industrial
for high performance and accuracy and requirements.
is slowly replacing the haemocytometer.
Products from Thermo Fischer, Merck and In addition to the above equipment, other
other reputed manufacturers are being minor equipment, viz. vortex mixture,
used in leading laboratories. weighing balance, magnetic stirrer, etc.
are also needed in a cell culture laboratory.
10.3.11 Autoclave These equipment could be procured from
An autoclave serves a dual purpose in the the local market.
laboratory, i.e. for decontamination of
discarded equipment and consumables 10.4 Cell culture media and
as well as for sterilization of laboratory reagents
materials (glassware, plasticware, media, Though studies to develop cell cultures
etc.). During autoclaving, air is removed were initiated in 1878, the non-
from the chamber and with pressurized availability of a nutritionally optimum cell
steam (1.1 bar) the temperature and culture medium delayed the successful
pressure is increased to the required levels establishment of a cell culture or a
(121 °C, 15–20 lb or more). Since pressure cell line till 1952. Despite employing
used is >0.5 bar, the autoclave assembly different combinations of basal media
is classified as a pressure system and and undefined animal products (serum,
must be designed to a strict engineering plasma, embryo extracts, peptones,
standard. Horizontal as well as vertical etc.), the specific requirements of cells to
models with varying capacities with high proliferate and grow to a continuous cell
quality consistent performance along with line could not be met. The first nutritionally
biosafety features and documentation optimum cell culture medium for
facility are available. cultivating vertebrate cells was designed
by Harry Eagle in 1955 as a minimum
10.3.12 Water purification unit essential medium (MEM) by modifying his
Cell culture work requires highly purified, own basal medium developed in the early
de-ionized water for preparation of cell 1940s with high concentration of amino
culture medium and reagents. Earlier, acids. Availability of MEM has broadened
distilled water either in metal containers or cell culture research by the development
glass containers (borosilicate) was used to of newer cell lines from different tissues
cater to the needs of cell culture. However, from vertebrates as well as the application
these practices were discontinued due of cell lines for various products of human

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 97
use. Given below is a list of important cell 10.4.3 Leibovitz’s L-15 medium
culture media used for vertebrate cultures. The L-15 medium is formulated for
cell culture without CO2 incubation.
10.4.1 Minimum Essential Medium The standard sodium bicarbonate/
with Earle salts (MEM) CO2 buffering system is replaced by a
MEM with Earle salt has become the combination of phosphate buffers, free-
backbone of vertebrate cell culture base amino acids, higher levels of sodium
research ever since its development and pyruvate and galactose. The medium
has been used for various cell culture- supports a wide range of human and
based applications, viz. development monkey cell lines and is available from all
of vaccines, diagnostic reagent and the leading media manufacturers either in
immunobiologicals. MEM has supported liquid or powder form.
the replication and growth of a wide
variety of cell lines and strains and has 10.4.4 RPMI 1640 medium (Roswell
been modified by several scientists to Park Memorial Institute)
suit their requirements. MEM is now This is a general purpose medium and has
commercially available from leading been used with a number of vertebrate
manufacturers, viz. ATCC, Invitrogen, cells, especially haematopoietic cells. RPMI
Sigma Chemical Company, etc. in more 1640 is employed for both attached as
than 50 combinations with varying well as suspension cultures and is also used
concentrations of bicarbonate, calcium, for culturing of fresh human lymphocytes,
magnesium, amino acids, buffers, etc. hybrid cells, etc.
MEM is available both in liquid as well as
powder form. The shelf life of the liquid 10.4.5 Ham’s nutrient mixtures
medium is short while that of the powder Ham’s F-10, F-12 and other modifications,
form is higher if stored at specified originally designed for the growth of CHO
temperatures. All these manufacturers cells, have been found useful in culturing
have subsidiaries in almost all the human diploid cells (HDC) and white blood
developed and developing countries with cells, rat hepatocytes, prostrate epithelial
good supply network. In addition, local cells, etc. Ham’s nutrient mixtures are
companies (HI Media, India) are also found useful for growing a variety of cells
manufacturing and marketing MEM with both in serum-containing and serum-free
qualities at par with the market leaders. formulations.

10.4.2 Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s 10.4.6 Grace’s medium

medium (DMEM) The Grace’s insect cell culture medium
DMEM is a variant of MEM modified is the most widely used for cultivation
by Dulbecco for culturing mouse of insect cell lines, which have become
embryo cells. It has roughly twice the an important tool for expression of
concentration of amino acids and four heterologous proteins.
times the concentration of vitamins, ferric
nitrate and sodium pyruvate. The original 10.4.7 Animal serum
formulation contained 1000 mg/L of Animal serum is indispensable for the
glucose, but in the more commonly used proper growth of animal cells and,
variations this amount was increased to based on requirement, is provided at a
4500 mg/L. DMEM and all its variants are concentration ranging from 5% to 20%.
also manufactured and marketed by ATCC, Though the exact composition of serum is
Invitrogen, Sigma, etc. unknown, it serves as a source for amino

98 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
acids, proteins, vitamins (particularly fat- for washing cells during To control or minimize
soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K), subcultivation as well
the growth of bacteria,
carbohydrates, lipids, hormones, growth as suspending the
factors, minerals and trace elements. cells during other fungi and other microbial
Serum also buffers the culture medium, manipulations. contaminants, the use of
inactivates proteolytic enzymes, increases PBS is available antibiotics is advised within
medium viscosity (which reduces shear commercially; it can
the specified limits.
stress during pipetting or stirring), and also be prepared in-house
conditions the substratum for promoting using the required chemicals.
cell attachment and proliferation. FBS is
the most widely used animal serum for 10.5.2 Trypsin: Trypsin is used
cell culture research due to its growth- in cell culture to dissociate attached
promoting qualities. Procurement of FBS cells from the substratum as well as from
is very crucial as it might contain inherent each other by catalysing the hydrolysis of
contaminants such as mycoplasma and peptide bond between carboxyl end of
other latent viruses. It is therefore advisable arginine/tyrosine and any other amino acid.
to procure certified FBS only. Excessive exposure to trypsin is detrimental
as it penetrates into the cells and affects
10.4.8 Antibiotics the intrinsic properties of the cell. Trypsin
To control or minimize the growth of activity can be stopped by the addition
bacteria, fungi and other microbial of serum (alpha-2 microglobulins). In
contaminants, the use of antibiotics serum-free formulations, trypsin activity
is advised within the specified limits. is stopped by the addition of soybean
However, in well-established cell culture trypsin inhibitor. Generally, trypsin is not
laboratories, the use of antibiotics is used alone for cell dissociation. TPVG,
minimized except when developing a combination of trypsin, versene and
new cell cultures from host tissues or in glucose in phosphate-buffered saline is
isolation of viruses from clinical samples. A generally used for cell dissociation. TPVG is
combination of penicillin and streptomycin available commercially from all the reputed
is the most frequently used antibiotics in media manufacturers, viz. Invitrogen,
cell culture though other broad-spectrum Sigma, etc. Other enzymes used for cell
antibiotics, viz. gentamicin etc. are also dissociation are chymotrypsin, collagenase,
recommended. Antifungal agents are dispase, pronase, etc.
not used in routine cultures unless heavy
fungal contamination occurs due to 10.5.3 Trypan blue: Trypan blue is a
shifting of laboratories, equipment, etc. vital stain used to selectively stain dead
The most commonly used fungicides are tissues or cells. Since live cells are excluded
Mycostatin and Nistatin. All the antibiotics from staining, this staining method is
are available commercially from all also described as a dye exclusion method.
the reputed media manufacturers, viz. Trypan blue is available in powder and
Invitrogen, Sigma, etc. liquid form from media manufacturers.

10.5 Other cell culture 10.5.4 Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO):

reagents DMSO is a cryoprotective agent, which
is used during cryopreservation of cells.
10.5.1 Phosphate-buffered saline DMSO serves several functions during
(PBS): PBS is the most used biological the freezing process,viz. freezing point
saline in cell culture. It is generally used depression, greater dehydration and delay

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 99
in intracellular freezing that minimizes the The culture vessels not only provide
solution effects. Greater recovery of cells is an environment conducive for the
possible using DMSO as a cryoprotectant. cells to grow but also act as a barrier
DMSO is available commercially from from contaminants. Polystyrene bottles
all the reputed cell culture reagent and plates are treated with different
manufacturers. collagen, laminin, gelatin poly-L-lysine, or
fibronectin, etc.to make them hydrophilic.
10.5.5 Carboxy methyl cellulose Routine maintenance of cultures is made
(CMC): CMC is used in various in small culture vessels (25cm2) while
concentrations (1–4%) as an overlay for upscaling of cells is done in large flat-
plaque assay during virus quantitation by bottom vessels or in roller bottles. The
limiting the spread of the virus. For better other plasticwares used in cell culture work
results, ultrapure CMC from a reputed include culture dishes, multiwell plates,
manufacturer (Sigma, Invitrogen, etc.) is pipettes, etc. Since cells are highly sensitive
advised. to the substratum, high quality plasticware
is a must for better growth of cells. Thermo
10.6 Plasticware for cell Fischer, Nunc, Corning, Falcon, etc. have
growth their network across the globe and they
Anchorage-dependent cells need a provide high-quality plasticware for all cell
substratum for attachment and growth. culture needs.

100 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Standard operating
procedures for basic cell
culture techniques

Seeding of cells into a six well tissue culture plate

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 101
102 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Standard operating procedures for
basic cell culture techniques
Introduction • Liquid nitrogen freezer or cryostorage
Cell lines will grow in tissue culture flask container
until the surface area is covered or the • Sterilizer (i.e. autoclave)
medium is depleted of nutrients. Contact
inhibition is the cessation of cell motility 3.0 Aseptic techniques
that occurs when a cell culture growing Successful cell culture depends mainly on
in a flask reaches confluence. Once the keeping the cells free from contamination
growth reaches the maximum confluency, by microorganisms such as bacterial,
cells should be subcultured to prevent fungal, mycoplasma and viruses. Non-sterile
cell death. To subculture the cell line, cells supplies, media and reagents, airborne
should be detached from the substrate particles laden with microorganisms,
into a suspension. The degree of adhesion unclean incubators and dirty work surfaces
varies from cell line to cell line but in the are all sources of biological contamination.
majority of cases proteases, e.g. trypsin, Aseptic techniques to reduce the probability
are used to release the cells from the flask. of contamination from these sources are a
However, this may not be appropriate for sterile work area, good personal hygiene,
some lines where exposure to proteases sterile reagents and media, and sterile
is harmful or where the enzymes used handling.
remove membrane markers/receptors of
interest. Such cells should be brought into All cell culture work is done in a BSC.
suspension into a small volume of medium
mechanically with the aid of cell scrapers. 4.0 General
4.1. Bench and work areas should have
A. Subculture of cell line as few items and pieces of equipment as
1.0 Purpose
This SOP describes the procedure for 4.2. Keep the access door for the culture
subculture of cell lines. room closed when the incubator door is
2.0 Equipment
• Cell culture hood (i.e. laminar-flow 4.3. Pre-sterilize the hood by using
hood or BSC) ultraviolet light for 20 minutes.
• Incubator (humid CO2 incubator
recommended) 4.4. Wipe down the hood’s working
• Water bath surface with 70% ethanol before and after
• Centrifuge each use. It is encouraged to wipe down
• Refrigerator and freezer (–70°C) with 70% ethanol all items placed in the
• Cell counter hood such as pipetting devices, bottles of
• Inverted microscope pre-warmed media, aliquots, etc.

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 103
Successful cell culture 5.0 Media porosity using positive pressure to
depends mainly on preparation for minimize loss of carbon dioxide.
keeping the cells free cell culture
Sterility check
from contamination by 5.1 Dehydrated Add 0.5–1.0 mL of filtered media to
microorganisms such tissue culture media a tube containing sterile thioglycolate
as bacterial, fungal, a. Take 900mL of double broth and incubate at 37 °C for 48
mycoplasma and distilled water. hours. If the broth is clear after 48
hours, the media is sterile.
b. Add the contents of one unit vial
of dehydrated media to the water at 5.3 TVG (trypsin versene glucose)
room temperature with stirring until TVG consists of the following
dissolved. components in 1 x PBS:

c. Rinse the vial with a small amount 1. Trypsin 0.1%

of distilled water to remove traces
of powder and add to the above 2. Versene 0.2%
3. Glucose 0.05%
d. Add 2.2 g of sodium bicarbonate .
Stock solutions for TVG
e. Adjust the pH if required between A). 10x PBS
7.1 and 7.4 using 1N HCl or 1N
NaOH. Note that pH tends to rise NaCl 80.00 g
during filtration and hence adjust
it 0.2–0.3 units below the final KCl 2.00 g
desired pH.
Na2HPO4 14.42 g
f. Make up the final volume to 1000mL
with distilled water. KH2PO4 2.00 g

Antibiotics Dist.H2O upto 1 L

The following antibiotics can be
aseptically added to a litre of the To prepare 1X PBS, add 100ml of
media: 10X PBS to 900ml of D/W

Gentamycin (50mg/mL solution) B) 2% Trypsin

1.0 mL
Trypsin 2.00 g
Penicillin and streptomycin
10 000 units D/W upto 100mL

5.2 Sterilization of tissue Stir the above solution on a

culture media magnetic stirrer for 4hours or O/N at
Sterilize the media by filtering through 4 °C. Sterilize by filtering through
a sterile membrane filter (sterilized by a sterile membrane filter of 0.22µ
autoclaving at 15 lb for 15 minutes pore size. A sterility check can be
and 121°C) of 0.22 micron or less done before using the solution.

104 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
C) 0.2% Versene or semi-solid substrate (adherent or
monolayer culture), while others can be
EDTA 200 mg grown floating in the culture medium
(suspension culture). Split ratio and
D/W 100 mL incubation time will vary for different
cell lines. Further, the split ratio of the
Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lb and same cell type may vary sometimes
121 °C for 15 minutes. from laboratory to laboratory.

D) 10% Glucose 6.1 Subculture of adherent cells

6.1.1 Discard the spent culture media
Glucose 10.00 g from a confluent monolayer of the cell
culture flask (e.g T25 flask).
D/W upto 100 mL
6.1.2 Add 1 mL TVG (pre-warmed at 37
Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lb and °C) to each T-25 flask.
121°C for 15 minutes.
6.1.3 Incubate the flask at 37 °C
E) 1% Phenol red approximately for 2 minutes. Note that
the actual incubation time varies with
Phenol red 1.00 g the cell lines used.

D/W upto 100mL 6.1.4 Observe the cells under a

microscope for detachment.
Preparation of working solution of
TVG 6.1.5 Discard the trypsin.
Prepare 840mL of 1 x PBS and to
this add 1.0 mL of 1% phenol red 6.1.6 Add 5mL of the complete growth
(indicator). Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lb medium to the flask and gently detach
and 121 °C for 15 minutes. Cool this sterile the cells from the surface with the
solution and then add the following help of a pipette.
sterilized solutions to it:
6.1.7 Dilute cell suspension to the
Trypsin 2.0% 50 mL seeding density recommended for the
cell line; pipette the appropriate volume
Versene 0.2% 100 mL into the new cell culture flasks.

Glucose 10.0% 5 mL 6.1.8 Incubate at 37°C for 1–2 days.

Do a sterility test as mentioned above 6.2 Subculture of suspension

before using this TVG. cells
6.2.1 Swirl the flask to evenly distribute
Alternatively, these media can be procured the cells in the medium.
in a ready-to-use liquid form
6.2.2 From the sample, determine
6 Subculturing the total number of cells and percent
Most cells are anchorage-dependent and viability using a haemocytometer, cell
must be cultured while attached to a solid counter, and trypanblue exclusion.

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 105
6.2.3 Gently centrifuge the cell suspension and verification tests are completed.
at 100g for 5–10 minutes, and resuspend • Stock cultures should be handled
the cell pellet in a fresh growth medium. infrequently and only by persons trained
in tissue culture techniques.
6.2.4 Calculate the volume of media • Mouth pipetting should never be used
required to dilute the culture down to the in a cell culture laboratory.
recommended seeding density. • The use of laminar flow cabinets
with ultraviolet lamps for culture
6.2.5 Aseptically add the appropriate manipulations will minimize
volume of pre-warmed growth medium contamination from air-borne sources.
into the culture flask. Split the culture to
multiple flasks, if needed. B. Cryopreservation of
cell lines
6.2.6 Incubate at 37°C for 1–2 days.
7. Quality control This protocol is intended for the
• Cells should be observed routinely cryopreservation of cell line in the laboratory.
for indications of instability or
deterioration. Introduction
• Cultures should be examined both Cell lines are cryopreserved to ensure
macro- and microscopically for presence long-term storage at low passages, to
of contamination. reduce the risk of contamination, to
• Cell cultures may be contaminated with reduce the risk of cross-contamination
bacteria, moulds, yeasts, mycoplasma, with other lines, to minimize genetic
viruses and cells. change in continuous cell lines, and to
• Contamination may result from avoid ageing and transformation. Cell
environment, inadequately sterilized lines that are not being used regularly
culture media or solutions or poor should be stored to save staff time and
aseptic techniques. consumables. The basic principle of
successful cryopreservation and revival is a
8. Measures to minimize slow freeze and quick thaw. Cells should
contamination in a cell be cooled at a rate of –1ºC to –3 ºC per
culture laboratory minute. Cells can be preserved indefinitely
• Media and other solutions should be in the vapour phase of liquid nitrogen.
tested for sterility before use. For successful cryopreservation, the cell
• Serum purchased should be certified line should be healthy with a viability of
free from bacteria and mycoplasma. >90% and no signs of contamination,
• Cultures should be tested at least and cells should be harvested during their
twice a year for mycoplasma and other logarithmic growth phase (this can be
contaminants. achieved by using pre-confluent cultures,
• Contaminated cultures should be i.e. cultures that are below their maximum
immediately discarded. cell density). Cryoprotectants such as 10%
• Seed cultures should be purchased dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or 2% glycerol
from supply houses which certify that must be used to reduce cell damage by
their stocks do not contain cellular or the formation of ice crystals. To avoid
microbial contaminants. contamination, sterile techniques are of
• Cultures from non-certified sources crucial importance while working with a
should be strictly isolated until sterility cell culture laboratory.

106 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
1.0 Purpose 3.5 Aliquot in a 1.8 mL Cell lines that are not
This SOP describes the procedure for cryovial (labelled with
being used regularly should
cryopreservation of cell lines. the name of cell
line, passage be stored to save staff
2.0 Material and equipment no. and date of time and consumables. The
• Young confluent monolayer grown on cryopreservation). basic principle of successful
tissue culture flask eg. T-75
cryopreservation and
• 0.25% Trypsin-EDTA 3.6 Gradually freeze the
• Appropriate media (cold media) cryovial from 0 °C to –70
revival is a slow freeze
• Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) °C at approximately 1 °C per and quick thaw.
• Fetal bovine serum(FBS) minute using a controlled rate cryo-
• Pipettes freezer or a cryo-freezing container
• 2mL cryovials such as “Mr Frosty”.
• Cryopreservation container
• Parafilm 3.7 Transfer the vial to liquid nitrogen.
• Cell culture hood (i.e. laminar-flow
hood or BSC) 4. Safety precautions
• Incubator (humid CO2 incubator 1. Follow the biomedical waste
recommended) disposal guidelines for disposal of used
• Water bath materials.
• Centrifuge
• Refrigerator and freezer (–70 °C) 2. Wear safety equipment including
• Cell counter apron, cryogloves and face shield while
• Inverted microscope handling liquid nitrogen.
• Liquid nitrogen freezer or cryostorage
container 3. Staff should work in pairs when
• Sterilizer (i.e. autoclave) handling liquid nitrogen.

3.0 Procedure for C: Revival of cell line

cryopreservation of cells
1.0 Purpose
3.1 Prepare a freezing solution This SOP describes the procedure for
containing 100µLdimethyl sulfoxide revival of cell lines.
(DMSO), 100µL MEM and 800µL FCS
inside a clean BSC. 2.0 Equipment
• Cell culture hood (i.e. laminar-flow
3.2 For adherent cells, gently detach hood or BSC)
cells from the tissue culture vessel • Incubator (humid CO2 incubator
following the procedure used during the recommended)
subculture. Resuspend the cells in the • Water bath
complete medium. • Centrifuge
• Refrigerator and freezer (–70°C)
3.3 Centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 5 • Cell counter
minutes at 4°C. • Inverted microscope
• Liquid nitrogen freezer or
3.4 Discard the supernatant and cryostorage container
resuspend the pellet using freezing • Sterilizer (i.e. autoclave)

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 107
3.0 Procedure for revival of cell periodically observe under microscope for
lines morphological characteristics.
3.1. Retrieve cryovial from liquid nitrogen
and immediately transfer to the water bath D: Detection of Mycoplasma
for thawing. in cell culture

3.2. Transfer the vial into a BSC. Before 1.0 Introduction

opening, wipe the outside of the vial with Mycoplasma is a small, round or filamentous
70% ethanol. prokaryotic organism, frequent and occult
contaminant of cell cultures. Because of the
3.3. Add 1 mL of complete medium to the small size, it can pass through filters used to
cryovial and slowly transfer the contents prevent bacterial and fungal contamination
to a centrifuge tube containing 10mL of and potentially spread to all the cultures in
complete medium. a laboratory. They are a problem because
they can induce changes to the cell cultures
3.4. Centrifuge the cell suspension at (altered growth rates, morphological changes,
approximately 2000rpm for 5–10 minutes. chromosomal aberrations and altered cell
(The actual centrifugation speed and metabolism). It is essential that all new
duration vary depending on the cell type.) cell cultures entering a laboratory and all
cell banks are tested for the presence of
3.5. Aseptically decant the supernatant Mycoplasma. It is recommended that two
without disturbing the cell pellet. techniques be used, selected from a PCR-
based method, indirect staining and an agar
3.6. Gently resuspend the cells in 5 mL of and broth culture.
complete growth medium, and transfer
them into a T-25 flask. 2.0 Purpose
This SOP describes the different methods
3.7. Incubate cells for an additional 48 to detect Mycoplasma in cell lines in the
hours to ensure complete revival, and laboratory.

108 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
3.0 Methods
3.1.1 Different methods to detect Mycoplasma in the laboratory

Sl No Method Description Commercial kits

Growth in liquid medium

Microbiological In house
1 Formation of typical small colonies
culture In house
on agar

• Detection of adenosine • MycoTect™ Kit (Gibco, Invitrogen)

phosphorylase activity (6-MPDR
• Enzymatic conversion of ATP to • MycoAlert™ Mycoplasma Detection
Biochemical ADP by luciferase Kit (Lonza)
assays • Chromatographic detection • Phased out due to involvement of
of conversion of radioactively radioactivity
labelled uridine to uracil
by mycoplasmal uridine

• Immunofluorescence • Accurate Chemical & Scientific , ICN

Immunological • Enzyme linked immunosorbent • Mycoplasma Detection Kit (Roche)
assays assay (ELISA) -but this assay does not detect
M. fermentans, Mycoplasma EIA
Detection Kit (Stratagene)

• Liquid hybridization assay • Mycoplasma Tissue Culture NI

(MTC-NI) Rapid Detection System
• Autoradiography (dot-blot)
with mycoplasma specific • Phased out due to involvement of
probes radiography
4 • Polymerase chain reaction • Universal Mycoplasma Detection Kit
biology assays
(PCR), Reverse transcription PCR (ATCC), MycoSEQ™ Mycoplasma
Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (Life
• PCR-ELISA • Mycoplasma PCR ELISA (Sigma-

• Direct DNA fluorescent staining • EZdetectTM DAPI Stain Kit (HiMedia

(DAPI, Hoechst 33258) Labs)
• Indirect DNA fluorescent • In-house (Ref: Sigma-Aldrich for
staining with indicator cell line procedure)
5 detection
• Fluorescence in situ • Mycoplasma Stain Kit (Sigma-
hybridization Aldrich)
• Electron microscopy • In-house procedure but labour and
time intensive

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 109
3.1.2 Mycoplasma detection methods, their sensitivity, and advantages
and disadvantages

S. No. Methods Sensitivity Advantages Disadvantages

Direct DNA
1 Low Rapid, cheap Can be difficult to interpret

Easy to interpret
Indirect DNA stain
because Indirect, hence more time-
2 (Hoechst,33258) with High
contamination consuming
indicator cells (e.g. 3T3)

Slow, may need expert

3 Broth and agar culture High Sensitive

4 PCR High Rapid Requires optimization

More sensitive than direct

5 Nested PCR High Rapid PCR, but more likely to give

Limited range of species

6 ELISA Moderate Rapid

Can be difficult to interpret

7 Autoradiography Moderate Rapid
if contamination is low level

Can be difficult to interpret

8 Immunostaining Moderate Rapid
if contamination is low level

3.1.3 Procedure for approximately half-confluency, the

DNAfluorochrome staining method coverslips are washed and stained with
to detect mycoplasma the fluorochrome.
3.1.3. A: Reagents
4´, 6-diamidino-2´-phenylindole- iii. As mycoplasmas contain DNA, small
dihydrochloride [DAPI] and Hoechst 33258 dots or flecks of fluorescence can be
stain seen concentrated on the cell surface,
and in the surrounding medium and
B: Method on the culture dish.
i. The cells are grown in vessels
containing sterile coverslips. iv. In contrast, cell nuclei will appear as
large fluorescent oval areas.
ii. After growth for several days to

110 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Standard operating
procedures for virus isolation
using cell culture

Seeding of cells into a six well tissue culture plate

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 111
112 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Standard operating procedures for
virus isolation using cell culture
Propose • Disposable pipette size 1mL, 5mL, 10mL
This document provides procedure and • Centrifuge tube size 15 mL, 50 mL
guidance for viral isolation from human • Beaker size 250 mL, 500 mL
respiratory secretion and swabs. The viral • Millipore filter size 0.2 micron
isolation algorithm was developed from • 96 well plate
viral culture standard methods. • Cryotube size 2 mL
• Haemocytometer
Principle • Glass bottle size 200 mL, 500 mL
The relative importance of viral isolation • Inverted microscope
as a diagnostic method is rapidly • Autoclave
diminishing; however,it still remains • Incubator
necessary because it is the only technique • Refrigerator
capable of providing a viable isolate that • Freezer –20 ºC, –70 ºC
can be used for antiviral susceptibility • Biosafety cabinet
testing.An additional advantage is that in • Water bath
contrast to most antigen and nucleic acid • Refrigerated centrifuge
detection methods, viral culture allows • Hair blower
detection of multiple viruses, not all of • Slide 12 well
which may have been suspected when the
culture was requested. Reagents
• Minimum essential media (MEM)
Growth of viruses in cell culture is usually (Gibco BRL Cat. No. 41500-018)
detected by visualizing morphological • Fetal bovine serum (FBS)
changes in the cells, known as CPE. (Gibco BRL Cat. No. 26140-087)
Cell cultures are typically viewed • Bovine serum albumin fraction V (BSA)
microscopically to detect CPE every one to (Sigma Cat. No. A-4503)
two days for the first week of incubation. • Trypsin Type II-S (from porcine pancreas)
When necessary, confirmation can be (Sigma Cat. No. T-7409)
achieved by scraping the infected cells • Trypsin acetylated type V-S (from bovine
from the walls of the tube or vessel in pancreas)
which they are growing and preparing (Sigma Cat. No. T-6763)
a fluorescent antibody stain using • L-glutamine minimum 99% (TLC)
monoclonal antibodies specific for the (Sigma Cat. No. G-3126)
virus, or a neutralization test using specific • MEM vitamin solution
antisera. (Gibco BRL Cat. No. 11120-052)
• d-biotin (vitamin H)
Equipment (Sigma Cat. No. B-4501)
• Tissue culture flask (T-75 flask) • Folic acid (vitamin M)
• Tissue culture flask (T-25 flask) (Sigma Cat. No. F-7876)

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 113
After the long serial • Penicillin–streptomycin, Quality control
propagation of cell stock solution After the long serial propagation of cell
(10 000 U/ culture, the susceptibility of cell cultures to
culture, the susceptibility
mL penicillin; viral infection normally decreases and may
of cell cultures to viral 10 000 µg/ present with contaminating agents such as
infection normally decreases mLstreptomycin Mycoplasma spp. Therefore, the laboratory
and may present with ,Gibco BRL Cat. No. should follow the guidelines of cell providers
contaminating agents 15140-122) for restriction on passage number. If
necessary, when doing subculture from
such as Mycoplasma
Safety frozen cell stock, testing of cell sensitivity may
spp. Appropriate protective clothing be required using TCID 50 or quantitative
is to be worn at all times. All work is PCR or other relevant methods. In case of
to be undertaken in a biosafety cabinet. unusual growth of cell line or colour of
The handling of infectious viral agents media, testing and treatment of Mycoplasma
is to be performed according to the contamination in cell culture is also required.
standard laboratory safety practices (WHO
Biosafety Manual); therefore, appropriate I. Subculture of cell line
precautions must be taken at all times
including: Procedure
1. Discard media fluid from a 80–100%
• Working under a BSC. confluent monolayer of cell line flask
• Always use proper personal protective cultures (25 cm2 or 75 cm2 TC flask).
• Use sterile techniques at all times. 2. Wash cells with PBS 4 mL to 8 mL per
• Turn on the ultraviolet light in the BSC flask.
10 minutes before working in the BSC
and 10 minutes after working with the 3. Discard all PBS fluid into a sterile
infectious material. beaker.
• Wipe any vessels and laboratory
supplies with 70% ethanol before 4. Add 2–8 mL trypsin-EDTA solution
moving them inside the BSC. (pre-warmed at 37 °C +/– 1°C) to each
• Any waste generated in the laboratory culture flask.
is packed in a biohazard bag and
autoclaved at 121 °C +/- 1°C for 15 5. Leave the flasks in incubator at 37 °C
minutes. The bag should then be tightly +/– 1 °C for 5–10 minutes (depends on
sealed and kept separate from general the cell type).
6. Pour off the trypsin-EDTA and leave
Precaution 1–2 mL in the flask.
• Do not freeze and thaw virus
seed many times as this may cause 7. Tap flask to slough off the cell sheet.
significant loss in infectivity
• Never process clinical specimens for 8. Resuspend cells with 5–10 mL of the
virus isolation and laboratory-adapted growth medium. Break up cell clumps
virus strains at the same time. by gently pipetting up and down.
• Never process virus culture from
humans and from animal virus in the 9. Add the required amount of growth
same laboratory. medium (depends on the split ratio

114 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Type ofcell lines Viruses susceptible Split ratio Incubation period
( 80–100% confluent)
MDCK Influenza, parainfluenza,H5N1 1:5 3 days
HEp-2 RSV, adeno, HSV 1:5 3 days
Vero HSV 1:5 3 days
LLC-MK2 Parainfluenza 1:5 3 days

Note: The split ratio and incubation time of the same cell type sometimes vary from
laboratory to laboratory.

of each cell type) and distribute the supernatant as the inoculum material.
diluted cell suspension to new flasks.
2. Observe 24–48-hour-old cell cultures
10. Label the TC flasks with passage for proper morphology and degree of
number and date of passage. confluence. Label TC flask with sample ID,
date of inoculation and passage history.
11. Incubate at 37 °C +/-1 °C for 1–5 days.
Time of incubation varies with differing 3. Discard the old medium, wash the cells
cell types and degree of confluence. with PBS (–) once and pour off.

II. Specimen handling 4. Add 0.2 mL of the inoculum material

per 25 cm2 TC flask (use duplicate flasks for
Procedure each type of cell lines).
Both respiratory secretion and swabs
should not be kept at 4 °C for more than 5. Keep the flasks in the incubator at
48 hours. When isolation of the pathogens 37 °C +/– 1 °C for 1 hour and shake the
cannot be done within 48 hours, the flask every 15 minutes.
samples need to be kept at –70 °C until
isolation of the pathogens can be done. 6. Add 5 mL maintenance medium to each
Keeping the samples at 4 °C for more flask and keep the flask in the incubator at
than 48 hours will make isolation of the 37 °C +/– 1 °C.
pathogens more difficult or impossible.
Immediately after samples are taken, they Note: Some viruses such as human
need to be put on ice continuously until metapneumovirus normally grow very
they are transferred to a 4 °C refrigerator. slowly and the laboratory needs to
The samples kept at –70 °C need to be maintain virus-infected cell cultures over a
transported in liquid nitrogen or dry ice. few months. The long-term maintenance
of cultures could be obtained by changing
III. Specimen preparation and the media formula that reduce glucose/
testing nutrition/serum such as DMEM that has
about 4 x the concentration of amino acids
Procedure found in EMEM.
1. If the samples are swabs, centrifuge
the nasopharyngeal/throat swabs at 8000 7. Observe each flask daily for CPE under
rpm for 20 minutes at 4 °C and keep the microscope. If CPE is observed, harvest
the supernatants. About 1–1.5 mL of the cells for IFA staining with specific
supernatant is obtained per swab. Use the monoclonal antibody.

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i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 115
8. For flasks with no CPE, aspirate the
culture medium and use it as the inoculum
material. Inoculate 0.2 mL of the culture
medium in fresh cell line, following steps
1 to 7. If there is still no morphological
change in the second round, the result
is reconfirmed by IFA using pooled
monoclonal antibodies; if it shows positive,
the harvested cells will be further tested
by IFA using specific monoclonal antibody,
Figure 11.2: Syncytium formation of RSV-
PCR or other relevant methods. infected HEp-2 cells

Result analysis
Examine and compare the cell monolayer
in uninfected cell culture flasks and
specimen-inoculated cell culture flasks.
Degenerative changes in cell monolayer
provide evidence of viral presence. The
spectrum of change is broad, ranging from
swelling, shrinking and rounding of cells
to clustering, syncytium formation and, in
some cases, complete destruction of the
monolayer. Figure 11.3: Normal MDCK cells

Figure 11.1: Normal HEp-2 cells Figure 11.4: CPE of influenza-infected MDCK

Type of virus Characteristic of CPE

Influenza type A Vacuolation and cell degradation

Influenza type B Vacuolation and cell degradation

RSV Syncytium formation

Parainfluenza Moderate cell degradation

Adeno Grape-like clusters

116 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Viral transport media (VTM) 5. 0.04% trypsin-EDTA solution
1.0% BSA in MEM 1% trypsin solution 20 mL
1:5000 EDTA in PBS(–) 500 mL
10%BSA 100 mL Keep in 5 °C ± 3 °C refrigerator
1xMEM 900 mL (storable for 6 months)

Add penicillin, streptomycin and fungizone 6. 105 unit/mL penicillin and 0.1 g/
to the final concentration of 1000U/mL, mLstreptomycin solution
1000 µg/mL and 4 µg/mL. Filter with a 0.2 Penicillin 5 000 000 unit
µm Millipore filter. Streptomycin 5 g
Add sterile DW2 to 50 mL
Reagents used for cell culture Aliquot 2 mL into each sterile tube,
keep in –20 °C ± 5 °C freezer (storable
1. PBS (–) without Ca++ and Mg++ for 6 months)
PBS(–) 10x
NaCl 160 g 7. 1 mg/mL fungizone solution
KCl 4 g fungizone 50 mg
Na2HPO4 23 g Add sterile DW2 to 50 mL
KH2PO4 4 g Aliquot 2 mL into each sterile tube,
DW2 2000 mL keep in 5 °C±3 °C refrigerator (storable
for 6 months)
Autoclaved at 121 °C ± 1 °C for 15 min
(storable for 6 month) 8. 0.1g/mL Kanamycin solution
Kanamycin 5 g
2. PBS(–) (working solution) Add sterile DW2 to 50 mL
PBS(–) 10x 200 mL Aliquot 2 mL into each sterile tube,
DW2 1800 mL keep in –20 °C ± 5 °C
Aliquot 500 mL per glass bottle and Freezer (storable for 6 months)
autoclaved at 121 °C ± 1 °C for 15
min, keep in 5 °C ± 3 °C refrigerator 9. Trypsin-acetylated
(storable for 6 months) Trypsin-acetylated 0.1 g
DW 100 mL
3. 1:5000 EDTA in PBS(–) Filter with a 0.2 µm Millipore filter.
EDTA 0.4 g Store at –20 °C.
PBS(–) 2000 mL
10. 0.04% trypsin-EDTA
Aliquot 500 mL per glass bottle and EDTA 0.2 g
autoclaved at 121 °C ± 1 °C for 15 PBS(–) 1 L
min, keep in 5 °C ± 3 °C refrigerator Autoclave at 121 °C for 15 minutes
(storable for 6 months) and let it cool to room temperature
before adding 1% trypsin 40 mL using
4. 1% trypsin solution aseptic technique. Store at 4 °C
Trypsin (Sigma, T-7409) 10 g
Add DW2 to 1000 mL 11. 3% L-glutamine
Filter with 0.2µm membrane filter and L-glutamine 3 g
aliquot in 200 mL in sterile glass DW 100 mL
bottle, keep in –20 °C ± 5°C freezer Filter with a 0.2 µm Millipore filter.
(storable for 6 months) Store at –20 °C.

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 117
12. 1x MEM 100 µg/mL. Filter with a 0.2 µm
MEM 9.61 g Millipore filter. Store at 4 °C.
DW 1000 mL
Filter with a 0.2 µm Millipore filter. 16. Maintenance medium
Store at 4 °C. For MDCK cells
MEM 100 mL
13. Stock folic acid 17.5 % bovine serum 1.15 mL
Folic acid 0.1 g Trypsin-acetylated 0.5 mL
PBS(–) 100 mL MEM vitamin solution 0.1 mL
Filter with a 0.2 µm Millipore filter and Folic acid stock solution 0.1 mL
place 1 mL in each tube. Store at –20 Biotin stock solution 0.1 mL
°C. 3% L-glutamine 3.0 mL
Add penicillin and streptomycin to
14. d-biotin stock solution the final concentration of 100U/mL
Biotin 0.1 g and 100 µg/mL. Filter with a 0.2 µm
PBS(–) 100 mL Millipore filter. Store at 4 °C.
Filter with a 0.2 µm Millipore filter and
place 1 mL in each tube. Store at –20 17. For HEp-2 cells
°C. MEM 98 mL
FBS 2 mL
15. 10% FBS in MEM (for growing cell 3% L-glutamine 1.5 mL
culture) Add penicillin and streptomycin to
MEM 90 mL the final concentration of 100U/mL
FBS 10 mL and 100 µg/mL. Filter with a 0.2 µm
Add penicillin and streptomycin to the Millipore filter. Store at 4 °C.
final concentration of 100 U/mL and

118 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Work sheet for respiratory viral isolation by cell culture
Name of laboratory …………………………………………………………………………
MDCK passage no. .…….…….. Date of inoculation ……………………..……………
HEp-2 passage no. …..……….. Date of inoculation ………………………..……….....
Analyst........................................... Date of final conclusion............................................

Isolate Date
Sample ID / MDCK HEp-2
No. code collected
Lab. code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Results record:– = negative, ± = equivocal, = normal; + = 25% CPE; ++ = 50% CPE;

+++ = 75% CPE; ++++ = 100% CPE, ND = not done ,Pn = perform next passage

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120 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
References and
further reading

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122 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries
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References and further reading

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primates. Rev Med Virol. 7(4):239–46.
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2. Buehring GC, Eby EA, Eby MJ (2004). Yang L.(2014). Three-dimensional
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the problem and how to monitor it?In cell-based biosensors.Assay Drug Dev
Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 40(7):211– Technol. 12(4):207–18. doi: 10.1089/
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cells produce protease-resistant prion USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 2006.
proteins. J Virol. 62(5):1558–64. doi: 10.1002/0471741817.ch1

4 Cabrera CM, Cobo F, Nieto A, Corte´s 10. Freshney RI. Culture of animal cells:
JL, Montes RM, Catalina P, Concha A amanual of basic technique and
(2006).Identity tests: determination specialized applications. Hoboken,
of cell line cross-contamination. NJ, USA: John Wiley and Sons; 2011.
Cytotechnology. 51(2):45–50. doi:
10.1007/s10616-006-9013-8. 11. Gey GO, Coffman WD, Kubicek MT
(1952). Tissue culture studies of
5. Capes-Davis A, Theodosopoulos G, the proliferative capacity of cervical
Atkin I, Drexler HG, Kohara A, Macleod carcinoma and normal epithelium.
RA, Masters JR, Nakamura Y, Reid YA Cancer Res. 12:264–65.
(2010). Check your cultures! A list of
cross-contaminated or misidentified 12. Grace TD (1962). Establishment of
cell lines. Int J Cancer.127(1):1–8. doi: four strains of cells from insect tissues
10.1002/ijc.25242. 127(1):1–8. grown in vitro. Nature. 195:788–9.

6. Cronier S, Laude H, Peyrin JM (2004). 13. Grist NR. Diagnostic methods

Prions can infect primary cultured in clinical virology. 2nd edition.
neurons and astrocytes and promote Oxford, England: Blackwell Scientific
neuronal cell death.ProcNatlAcad Sci Publications; 1974.
USA. 101(33):12271–6.
14. Gugel EA, Sanders ME (1986).
7. Eagle H (1955). The specific amino Correspondence. Needle-stick
acid requirements of a human transmission of human colonic

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adenocarcinoma. New Engl J Med. 21. Leibovitz A (1963). The growth and
315(23):1487 maintenance of tissue-cell cultures
in free gas exchange with the
15. Hawkes RA. General principles atmosphere. Am J Hyg. 78:173–80.
underlying laboratory diagnosis
of viral infections. In: Lenette EH, 22. Leland DS,Ginoechio CC (2007).
Schmidt N editors.Diagnostic Role of cell culture for virus
procedures for viral and rickettsial detection in the age of technology.
infections.5thed.Amrican Public ClinMicrobiolRev.20(1):49–78.
Health Association; 1979:3–139.
23. Lloyd G, Jones N (1986). Infection of
16. Herman P, Verlinden Y, Breyer D, laboratory workers with hantavirus
Van Cleemput E, Brochier B, Sneyers acquired from immunocytomas
M, Snacken R, Hermans P, Kerkhofs propagated in laboratory rats. J Infect.
P, Liesnard C, Rombaut B, Van Ranst 12(2):117–25.
M, Van Der Groen G, Goubau P,
Moens W (2004). Biosafety risk 24. Louz D, Bergmans HE, Loos BP, Hoeben
assessment of the severe acute RC (2005). Cross-species transfer of
respiratory syndrome (SARS) viruses: implications for the use of viral
Coronavirus and containment vectors in biomedical research, gene
measures for the diagnostic and therapy and as live-virus vaccines. J
research laboratories. Applied Gene Med. 7(10):1263–74.
25. Matsuo Y, Nishizaki C, Drexler HG
17. Hodinka, RL, Kaiser L (2013). Is (1999). Efficient DNA fingerprinting
the era of viral culture over in the method for the identification of cross-
clinical microbiology laboratory?J culture contamination of cell lines.
ClinMicrobiol. 51(1):2–4. doi: Hum Cell. 12(3):149–54.
26. Moore GE, Gerner RE, Franklin
18. Hudu, SA, Alshrari AS, Syahida HA(1967).Culture of normal human
A, Sekawi Z(2016). Cell culture leukocytes. JAMA. 199(8):519–24.
technology: Enhancing the culture
of diagnosing human diseases. J 27. Pauwels K, Herman P, Van Vaerenbergh
ClinDiagn Res. 10(3):DE01–5. doi: B, Do Thi CD, Berghman L, Waeterloos
10.7860/JCDR/2016/15837.7460. G, Van Bockstaele D, Dorsch-Hasler
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19. Isaacs SN (2012). Working safely cultures: risk assessment and biosafety
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124 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Manuals cryopreservation-and.html, accessed
1. World Health Organization. Manual 12 June 2017).
for the laboratory diagnosis and
virological surveillance of influenza; 7. Manual of Respiratory Panel 1 Viral
2011. Screening and Identification kit;
Millipore Corporation, USA Cat.No.
2. WHO Animal Influenza Training 3105
Manual, The National Training Course
on Animal Influenza Diagnosis and Web links
Surveillance, Harbin China, 20– 1. European Collection of Cell Cultures
26May2001. (ECACC): http://www.ecacc.org.uk

3. World Health Organization,Laboratory 2. American Type Culture Collection

biosafety manual, 3rd edition, (ATCC): http://www.atcc.org
Geneva:WHO; 2004(http://www.who.
int/csr/resources/publications/biosafety/ 3. DSMZ – German Collection
WHO_CDS_CSR_LYO_2004_11/en/) of Microorganisms and Cell
4. The Art of Animal Cell Culture for
Virus Isolation, InTechOpen. Published 4. Italian Cell Line Collection: http://www.
on 17 October 2012 (https://www. iclc.it
tissue-culture/the-art-of-animal-cell- 5. http://www.sigmaaldrich.
culture-for-virus-isolation) com/catalog/product/sigma/
5. Standard Operating Procedure of
respiratory virus isolation by cell 6. https://www.atcc.org/en/Products/
culture technique; SOP13-02-467, Thai Cells_and_Microorganisms/Cell_Lines.
National Influenza Center National aspx
Institute of Health, Department of
Medical Sciences, Revised 9th 2016 7. https://www.vanderbilt.edu/viibre/
6. Cryopreservation and Storage of
Cells [website]. Sigma-Aldrich (http:// 8. (https://www.atcc.org/~/media/PDFs/
www.sigmaaldrich.com/technical- Culture%20Guides/AnimCellCulture_
documents/protocols/biology/ Guide.ashx)ATCC Cell Culture Guide

Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n 125
List of contributors

Dr Anita Desai, PhD, MAMS Dr Malinee Chittaganpitch, MSc

Professor and Head Chief of Respiratory Virus Section, Thai NIC
Department of Neurovirology National Institute of Health
National Institute of Mental Health And Department of Medical Sciences
Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) 88/7 SoiBamrasnaradura Hospital
Bengaluru 560029, India Tivanon Road, Nonthaburi11000, Thailand
Tel: +91 80 2699 5778 Tel: 662-9510000 ext. 98419
Fax: +91 80 2656 4830 Fax: 662-5911498, 662-5915449
Email: anitasdesai@gmail.com Email: malinee.c@dmsc.mail.go.th

Dr Arunkumar GovindaKarnavar, PhD Dr Rajesh Bhatia, MBBS, MD

Head Former Director
Department of Virus Research Communicable Diseases, WHO-SEARO
Manipal Centre for Virus Research (MCVR) New Delhi 110002, India
Manipal University Phone: +91 – 9810607349
Manipal 576104, Karnataka, India Email: drrajesh.bhatia1953@gmail.com
Tel: +91 820 2922718
Email: arun.kumar@manipal.edu Dr Vasanthapuram Ravi, MD,FAMS, FASc
Dr Asha Abraham, MD Department of Neurovirology
Professor National Institute of Mental Health
Department of Clinical Virology And Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)
Christian Medical College, Ida Scudder Road Bengaluru 560029, India
Vellore 632 004 Tel: +91 80 2699 5126
Tamil Nadu, India Fax: +91 80 2656 4830
Tel: +91-9994206483 Email:virusravi@gmail.com
Dr Aparna Singh Shah, M.D.
Dr D. T. Mourya, MSc, PhD, FNASc Regional Adviser
Director and Scientist G Health Laboratory Services and
National Institute of Virology Blood Safety
20-A, Dr Ambedkar Road, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia
Pune 411001, India WHO House, IndraPrastha Estate,
Phone: +9120-26006201 Ring Road, New Delhi-110 002
Fax: +9120-26122669 Tel: +91-11-23309632; 43040632
Email: directorniv.gmail.com, dtmourya@ Fax: +91-11-23309195; 23705663
gmail.com, mouryadt@hotmail.com E mail: shahap@who.int

The photographs in this cell culture document have been contributed by

Mr. Ayushman Ghosh and Ms. Amita Bhagat, Ph.D students in the Department of
Neurovirology, NIMHANS, Bangalore.

126 Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries

i n t h e S o u t h - E a s t As i a r e g i o n
Use of Cell Culture in Virology for developing countries in the South-East Asia Region Use of Cell Culture
in Virology for
ISBN: 978-92-9022-600-0 developing countries
in the South-East Asia region
World Health House
Indraprastha Estate,
Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110002, India
Website: www.searo.who.int

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