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IRREGULAR VERBS : base forms and past participles

Ring rung Breed bred Irregular verbs groups : base

Shrink shrunk Feed fed form -- past participle
Sing sung Flee fled Group 01
Sink sunk Lead led Bet bet
Spring sprung Meet met Bid bid
Swim swum Group 06 Burst burst
Cling clung Cling clung Cast cast
Dig dug Dig dug Cost cost
Hang hung Hang hung Cut cut
Stick stuck Stick stuck Hit hit
Strike struck Strike struck Hurt hurt
Win won Win won Knit knit
Group 12 Group 07 Let let
Go gone Bring brought Put put
Do done Buy bought Quit quit
Group 13 Fight fought Set set
Bear born Seek sought Read read
Swear sworn Think thought Shut shut
Tear torn Catch caught Split spilt
Speak spoken Teach taught Spread spread
Break broken Group 08 Wed wed
Freeze frozen Bind bound Run run
Choose chosen Find found Become become
Steal stolen Grind ground Come come
Group 14 Wind wound Group 02
Pay paid Group 09 Burn burnt
Say said Sell sold Learn learnt
Lay laid Tell told Smell smelt
Group 15 Group 10 Spill spilt
Blow blown Beat beaten Spoil spoilt
Grow grown Eat eaten Deal dealt
Know known Fall fallen Dream dreamt
Throw thrown Give given Mean meant
Show shown Drive driven
Sow sown Ride riden Group 03
Draw drawn Rise risen Bend bent
Fly flown Hide hidden Build built
Group 16 Forget forgotten Lend lent
Have had Write written Send sent
Make made Bite bitten Spend spent
Hear heard Shake shaken Group 04
Group 17 Take taken Creep crept
Stand stood Awake awaken Keep kept
Understand understood Wake waken Leave left
Group 18 Get gotten/got Sleep slept
Sit sat See seen Sweep swept
Spit spat Be been Weep wept
TARBAKH@ Group 11
Begin begun Group 05
Drink drunk Bleed bled
IRREGULAR VERBS : base forms and past participles
Note: there are three types of
irregular verbs
1- All 3 forms are
Ex: eat ate eaten
2- The last two forms are
Ex: have had had
3- All forms are the same.
Ex : shut shut shut

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