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Party Safety Script PDHPE:

What is party safety?

Party safety is having ground rules to protect yourself from risky behaviours such as unprotected sex or getting
really drunk during a party whilst also having a fun time socialising. And why is this is so important? Parties are
common amongst teenagers and usually promote drug or alcohol use. When a person becomes intoxicated
this can lead them to pursue irresponsible actions they will later regret. To stop this, party safety should be
considered to ensure we are safe. Some ground rules of party safety include sticking close with your friends,
planning ahead for drink limits and transportation.

Unsafe partying can have a major impact on teenagers and young adults both physically and mentally. If you
drink or use drugs regularly, then you risk developing serious health problems such as organ damage and
memory loss. Regular sexual activities can also cause issues such as STD’s, bladder/vaginal infections and
irritation around genitals. Worst case of this is unplanned pregnancies which can leave a substantial impact on
individuals. Approximately 5% of teenagers in Australia have experienced unplanned pregnancies as a result of
one night stands or being taken advantage of. Both of which are common dangers in party environments. And
nearly one in five Australians reported drinking alcohol at levels that increase their risk of long-term health
problems. This statistic actively demonstrates how common heavy drinking is amongst Australians. If heavy
drinking is done during parties, in an environment where strangers and crowds are, unfortunately there is also
a risk of sexual assault or rape. Being a victim, of which can create mental health difficulties within a person
such as PTSD or depression.

as part of growing up, teenagers wish to experiment with life and try new things. Which is perfectly fine when
done in moderation? Peer pressure is a common thing amongst teens especially during thrilling events such as
parties. It’s so common that almost 50% of Australian teens go through it. It can cause kids to give into trying
drugs or doing something they will certainly regret later. As the younger audience tries to fit in with their peers
and build a popularity, the chances are they will do something to impress the people around them solely for
validation. At a party they might give into trying common party drugs such as marijuana or cocaine and in long
run can put a strain on your health; mentally and physically.

Alcohol is quite common in parties and the abuse of it can put strain on your liver, cause weight problems,
heart disease and kidney failure. Taking drugs once is most likely not going to harm your physical health, but
the problem is many teens become addicted to these drugs and continue to do them outside of a gathering.
Loss of friends, brain failure , depression and paranoia can be consequences of long-term drug use.

Unsafe partying can also effect your financial state and health. Partying excessively will cause you to waste
money going to clubs, paying for extra meals, transport home etc . also spending money carelessly on drugs to
get a “good” feeling will contribute. On top of that, drug abuse is expensive and so are the medical bills that
come with hurting your body from it.

Unfortunately, as of today, substance abuse is still prevalent in our society with 11.2% of overdose deaths
being from ages 15-24 years old. As drugs are extremely common in youth parties, it is important to consider
this. Knowing your limits and looking after friends at parties can decrease the risk of misusing drugs and
dealing with the dangerous consequences tied to it.

Religion and cultures can also affect the way individuals look upon partying. For example, Islam and Buddhism
promote staying away from drugs and alcohol as it can have many negative effects on your body. It is
considered “haram”. This may change one’s attitudes towards doing these things.

In conclusion party safety is extremely important because it guides you in taking care of yourself and others
whilst also having fun with peers. Surrounding yourself with the right people, knowing your limits and being
vigilant of your peers can create a fun, safe and memorable party. It is important for teens to take care of their
mental, physical and financial health through avoiding dangerous situations like substance use or unplanned
pregnancy. It is a discussion that should be commonly talked about in schools, friend groups and before going
to parties.
That is it, thank you.

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