Lesson Plan Year 3 English

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学期 / Penggal:1 周次 / Minggu:3 日期 / Tarikh: 04-04-2023 ( 星期二 / Selasa)
Class: Theme: 1-World of Self, Family and Friends ; Unit: 1.1-Welcome!
3H Focus: Writing Teaching Aids:
Time: G/L Focus: Focus : Review of Unit language 1.Text book
12:00 C.Standard: Main Skill : 4.3-Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media 2.visualizer
- Complementary Skill: 4.3m-Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
01:00 L.Standard: Main Skill :4.3.1-Use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately in guided writing at sentence level Student Aspiration:
Subject: Main Skill :4.3.3-Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences Knowledge
ENGLISH ICT Skill: 4.2 Be tolerant with classmates when using the computer.
PBS Level:
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able:
Student Nos: TP4
to use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately when writing sentences.
35 Success Criteria: By the end of lesson, pupils can:
Thinking Order:
write a paragraph correctly.

PAK-21: Collaboration
PAK-21 Activities: Collaboration (Kolaborasi)
6C Skills: Collaboration
Teaching and Learning Activities: (LESSON 6)
Pupils review the vocab related to the topic of family.

Lesson delivery:
1. Sentences with punctuation errors are written on the board.
2. Pupils are called to the front to correct the sentences.
3. Pupils are introduced to sentence construction via substitution tables.
4. Pupils complete Module 1 exercise in Step by Step Writing Module Part 1.

Pupils check their punctuation as shared by the teacher.
Differentiation Strategies: Differentiate by the task pupils are given.
If teachers are using the same task for the whole class, using open-ended tasks such as brainstorming allows a large number of correct responses.
Open-ended tasks (e.g. Tell me the food words you know, or What will happen next?) allow more proficient pupils to contribute more unusual words,
more complex language, or more original ideas. Sometimes, the teacher can also give different tasks to more proficient and less proficient groups of
pupils according to their needs and interests.
CCE: Language
Assessment: Written
Impact/Reflection: Attendance: 32/35
__32___ students were able to achieve the objectives.
__25___ students were able to answer the questions correctly.
__10___ students need extra guidance.
__32___ students were able to master today’s lesson.

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