A Data Aggregation Approach Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Correlation Among Sensor Data in Wireless Sensor Networks

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Hamna Abbas

F22 MScs 1012

A Data Aggregation Approach Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Correlation

among Sensor Data in Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have various applications which encompass quarter
surveillance, environmental tracking, event tracking wherein the operation mode is long term.
WSNs are characterized by using low-powered and battery-operated sensor gadgets with a finite
supply of energy. Due to the dense deployment of these devices practically it is not possible to
update the batteries. The finite source of energy must be utilized in a meaningful way to
maximise the general network lifetime. In the distance domain, there's a excessive correlation
amongst sensor surveillance constituting the large volume of the sensor community topology.
Each consecutive commentary constitutes the temporal correlation depending at the bodily
phenomenon nature of the sensor nodes. These spatio-temporal correlations can be successfully
utilized in an effort to enhance the most financial savings in electricity uses.The predicted
performance rating of proposed algorithms is about 7.2 whilst the score of current algorithms
including the KAB (K-method set of rules primarily based on the ANOVA version and Bartlett
test) and ED (Euclidian distance) are 5.2, zero.5, respectively. It reflects that the STCDRR
protocol can achieve a better information compression fee, lower fake-negative charge, lower
fake-fantastic rate. These results are legitimate for numeric data amassed from a actual records
set. This test does not don't forget non-numeric values.

An method to get rid of the redundant spatial and temporal statistics turned into proposed in
which relies on two stages. The first degree minimizes the statistics channeling the use of the
Kalman filter for records approximation. The 2nd degree gives the removal of redundant records
based totally on grouping algorithms that paintings on the source degree and the sink stage one
by one. It furnished a clear image of records accuracy and reliability in terms of energy intake. A
novel records aggregation named REDA (Redundancy Elimination for Data Aggregation) in
WSNs turned into proposed in. It is primarily based on a tree-based totally hierarchical clustered
sensor network wherein electricity financial savings are as much as forty% regarding CH (cluster
head) choice. It uses low bandwidth for the easy functioning of the cluster head. The CHs are
selected based at the research desk formation generated through the residual electricity and
changing function of the CHs yield statistics transmission of the modified sample. Zhou et al.
Discussed an power-established information collection scheme that exploits the spatial and
temporal correlation for the cluster-based totally sensor networks. In the intracluster transmission
dual prediction is used to infer the redundancy temporally. A hybrid compact sensing technique
is used for inter-cluster data communique to lessen the information redundancy spatially. For the
prediction model, an errors threshold selection scheme is proposed which utilizes the aggregate
among the power dissipation and the recovery estimation making the proposed method fit for
numerous sensor community programs. Tayea et al. Proposed a data redundancy elimination
method that takes benefit of the spatial and temporal correlation amongst sensor observations to
determine the sampling technique for the awesome established order of sensor nodes inside the
community vicinity.

Spatial Correlation

Various programs of WSNs need dense deployment of sensor gadgets scattered in the sensor
area. To satisfy the surest insurance, the sensor nodes talk with each different within the area
domain. It outcomes in the spatial correlation a few of the sensed facts which are later processed
and communicated in a large quantity. The big volume of correlated data transmission will
increase the overall gadget overhead resulting in maximum electricity utilization.

Temporal Correlation

A extensive variety of programs of WSNs together with habitat monitoring, event tracking,
protection, video surveillance calls for sensor nodes to carry out periodically. This sporadic
undertaking feature of sensor information transmission results within the series of correlated
records in multiple numbers of timestamps at a specific time [20]. The nature of the physical
occurrence consequences in a temporal correlation among each successive consecutive tracking
of the sensor nodes.
Data Aggregation

The wi-fi sensor networks contain tiny sources whose primary function is to come across diverse
environmental phenomena and then forward them to the worried base station. This conversation
contains a variety of fee, time, electricity, accuracy, and reliability constraints. Adopted through
the finite supply of energy the sensor node gadgets eat the maximum quantity of energy, yielding
a reducing fashion of battery lifestyles of devices.

Performance Evaluation

For experimental outcomes, we've taken the Intel Berkley Research lab information set wherein
46 Mica2Dot sensors amassed the exclusive weather statistics which changed into mild,
humidity, voltage, temperature, stress, together with the date and timestamp, using a 31 s c
program language period. This actual facts set also includes epoch and moteid. Here, the facts
are gathered on the TinyOs [39] running system platform the use of the TinyDB query processing
and in-community aggregation manner. In our test, we've got taken the temperature characteristic
for ease of labor. We evaluated the test on nearly 2.5 million records readings gathered from the
sensors. Here, we assumed that a recurrent cluster head is situated at the middle location of the
laboratory and collects the information from each sensor positioned inside. At first, each node
reads the accrued information dimension periodically and sends its records set at the side of its
weights on the quit of the step. By evaluating these steps in three one of a kind algorithms, an
statement may be made to test the efficiency with respect to the two different current methods.
The implementation element is accomplished within the MATLAB simulator. In our work, we
have compared our proposed protocol STCDRR with two algorithms which can be specifically
KAB (K-manner set of rules based on the ANOVA version and Bartlett test) and ED (Euclidian
distance) [42]. ED is a easy and effective approach utilized in numerous programs. We have the
evaluation outcomes in phrases of the important thing parameters and overall performance
metrics which might be described.


In Wireless Sensor Networks, eliminating the duplicate data measurements is a very limiting task to
transmitting the required information as it absorbs most of the battery driven energy. So it is very
important to conserve the finite amount of energy to enhance the overall network lifetime. In order to
increase the network lifetime, it is necessary to reduce the data redundancy to eliminate the duplicate
data. In this network we have proposed the STCDRR protocol which works in two level namely the
source level and the sink level.

Data aggregation techniques in sensor networks:

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been used for numerous applications inclusive of army
surveillance, facility monitoring and environmental monitoring. Typically WSNs have a big
number of sensor nodes with the capability to communicate among themselves and also to an
external sink or a base-station. The sensors may be scattered randomly in harsh environments
which include a battlefield or deterministically placed at targeted locations. The sensors
coordinate among themselves toform a verbal exchange community inclusive of a unmarried
multi-hop community or a hierarchical employer with numerous clusters and cluster heads. The
sensors periodically feel the records, procedure it and transmit it to the base station. The
frequency of facts reporting and the quantity of sensors which document statistics commonly
relies upon at the precise software. A comprehensive survey on wi-fi sensor networks is
presented in. Data accumulating is described because the systematic series of sensed information
from a couple of sensors to be subsequently transmitted to the base station for processing. Since
sensor nodes are power limited, it's miles inefficient for all the sensors to transmit the
information at once to the base station. Data generated from neighboring sensors is frequently
redundant and extraordinarily correlated. In addition, the quantity of data generated in huge
sensor networks is generally sizable for the base station to method. Hence, we need techniques
for combining facts into high excellent records on the sensors or intermediate nodes that can
reduce the wide variety of packets transmitted to the base station ensuing in conservation of
electricity and bandwidth.


The architecture of the sensor network plays a important position in the overall performance of
different statistics aggregation protocols. In this phase, we survey several information
aggregation protocols which have specially been designed for different community architectures.
In flat networks, each sensor node plays the equal function and is prepared with approximately
the equal battery power. In such networks, facts aggregation is performed by using information
centric routing where the sink typically transmits a question message to the sensors, e.g. via
flooding and sensors which have facts matching the question ship reaction messages lower back
to the sink. via enforcements. For instance, in vicinity insurance problems, sensors that cowl
disjoint regions can use their particular ID as metadata. The initiating node which has new
records advertises the information to the neighboring nodes in the community the use of the
metadata. A neighboring node which is interested in this form of information, sends a request to
the initiator node for records. The initiator node responds and sends information to the sinks.
Each node has a resource manager which maintains song of its energy utilization. Each node
polls its resources which includes battery electricity earlier than facts transmission. This allows
sensors to reduce on sure duties when its energy is low. Simulation consequences display that
SPIN plays nearly same to flooding in phrases of the quantity of facts received over the years.

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