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Storage Devices ( Primary, Secondary, and Offline)

Understanding Data Storage

-Data storage refers to magnetic, optical or mechanical media that records and preserves digital
information for ongoing or future operations. There are two types of digital information: input
and output data.
Primary Storage Devices (RAM and Cache)
-The term “primary memory” may also refer to “primary storage”or”main memory.” Primary
memory is the volatile storing mechanism of a computer system. It may refer to random access
memory (RAM), Cache memory, or data buses, although it is most often connected with a
Computer’s RAM.
Secondary Storage Devices (Hard Drives, SSDs, optical Drives)
-Secondary Storage: Hard Disk Drives (HDD) &Solid-States Drives (SSD) In addition to RAM,
every computer also has another storage drive that’s used for storing information on a long-term
basis. This is secondary storage. Any file you create or download saves to the computer’s
secondary storage.
Offline Storage Devices (USB Drives, External Hard Drives)
-Optical discs, external hard drives and USB drives that have been removed or disconnected are
example of offline storage.
Importance of Data Backup
-The Importance of backups making, backups of collected data is critically important in data
management. Backups protect against human errors, hardware failure, virus attack, power
failure, and natural disasters. Backups can help save time and money it these failures occur.
Data Transfer Speed and Capacity Comparison
-The data transfer rate (DTR) is the amount of digital data that’s moved one place to another in
given time. The data transfer rate can be viewed as the speed if travel of a given amount of data
from one place to another.
Future Trends in Storage Technology
-Cloud-inspired operating models, advanced flash technologies cybersecurity and data insights
are among the top enterprise storage trends of 2023. Infrastructure and operations leaders must
prioritize those technologies and storage platforms to stay ahead of business demands.

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