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Карт-Ридер U-IMCRW

Карт-ридер U-IMCRW (Usb Integrated Card Reader Writer)

Карт-ридер U-IMCRW (Usb Integrated Card Reader Writer) предназначен для чтения карт с
магнитной полосой или чипом.

Для функционирования требуется питание +24 v

Варианты исполнения

- Track 2 Read Only.

- Track 1/2/3 ‐ Track 1/2 Read, Track 3 Read/Write

Оба варианта возможны в со следующими опциями.

- With or without Smart Card Reader (SC) Опция чтения Чиповых Карт
- With or without Card Return On Power Fail (CROPF) Опция Возврата Карты при потере питания
- With or without MEI Входные Индикаторы

Карт-Ридер U-IMCRW

Схема расположения датчиков

Схема подключений

Карт-Ридер U-IMCRW

Расшифровка Счетчиков Tally

CARDTRAN A card enters the transport.

SHTR JAM When a shutter jam (open or closed) is detected on accept or eject.
SHTR SEN On accept when card enters reader but shutter is not seen to open.
OVER LEN A card length error is detected, e.g multiple cards
READ OPS A read is attempted for the first time.
READ ERR A track cannot be read correctly after a full set of retries.
BLANKTRK A blank track is detected.
WRTE OPS A write is attempted for the first time.
WRTE ERR When track 3 read after write check fails after a full set of retries.
WRTE RTY A read after write check fails on the first attempt but is successful on a retry.
COM FAIL A read or write failed due to comms failure.
COMM RTY A successful read or write retry resulted from a comms failure.
EJCT OPS An eject attempted for the first time.
EJCT JAM An eject attempt fails e.g. due to card jam or shutter jammed closed.
REMOVED The card is removed after a successful eject (including cleaning cycle eject). If another
command is received before the card is taken the tally will not be incremented.
CAPT OPS A capture is attempted for the first time.
CAPTURED A card is captured.
CAPT N‐D A capture was attempted but the card was removed during capture.
CAPT JAM A capture attempt failed e.g. card jam.
CAPT RTY A capture failed on the first attempt but is successful on a retry.
HEADPASS A card traverses the transport in one direction.
CARD JAM A card jam cannot be cleared by retries or error recovery.

Карт-Ридер U-IMCRW

JAM RTY A card jam is cleared by retries or error recovery.

WDTH JAM Width switch is permanently blocked during accept.
NO RDTK1 Track 1 cannot be read correctly after a full set of retries.
NO RDTK2 Track 2 cannot be read correctly after a full set of retries.
NO RDTK3 Track 3 cannot be read correctly after a full set of retries.
AJAMTHRT A card jams in the throat during the accept cycle and cannot be cleared
AJAMTRAN A card jams in the transport during the accept cycle and cannot be cleared
EJAMTHRT A card jams in the throat during the eject cycle and cannot be cleared
EJAMTRAN A card jams in the transport during the eject cycle and cannot be cleared
CJAMTHRT A card jams in the throat during the capture cycle and cannot be cleared
CJAMTRAN A card jams in the transport during the capture cycle and cannot be cleared
RJAMTRAN A card jams in the transport during the read cycle and cannot be cleared
WJAMTRAN A card jams in the transport during the write cycle and cannot be cleared
NOWRTTK1 A read after write check fails after a full set of retries on track 1.
NOWRTTK2 A read after write check fails after a full set of retries on track 2.
NOWRTTK3 A read after write check fails after a full set of retries on track 3.
FRDTTOPS The fraud throat is actuated, either during execution of a THROAT SWEEP command or
during card entry when a Pre‐sweep is enabled.
FRDTTERR The fraud throat reports an error during operation.
NONSCDET The card present is detected not to be a smart card, during execution of the command
to power on the smart card.
SCDETECT The card present is detected to be a smart card, during execution of the command to
power on the smart card.
NONMCARD A non‐magnetic card is entered. CIM VRFY A CIM Verify is attempted for the first time,
(not Incremented for retries).


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