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Emperador, Marianne Rio A.

Performance Task #3
12STEM4 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Love Set Sail: A Lifelong Journey

What does love look like? Is love real? Is love worth fighting for? Is love magic? Well,
love can be described in so many ways. But for Regina, love is the greatest feeling you will ever
experience in life. It all started on board at the MS Leisure World way back in April 1997.
Regina did not expect that by joining on board, she would find and meet her partner in life.
Regina was in the starlight dining room on the starboard side of the ship, and she heard the
background music of "I Finally Found Someone" by Barbara Streisand and Bryan Adams, which
was the romantic song during that time. And that was the first time she saw Walter, as if he was
walking in slow motion and fireworks were flying everywhere. And at that very moment, Regina
only had eyes for him. Regina and Walter were introduced to each other by their co-workers;
they were both the youngest in their group. Of course, Regina, as a woman who just graduated
from college and has a family to provide for, was scared and had so many questions running
through her mind, like "Is he the right man for me?" and "Is he worth my time?" But luckily,
their feelings were mutual. At first, they were awkward with each other; they were still shy and
seemed to ignore each other. The usual reaction was "hi" and "hello". But from then on, Walter
always makes her feel special and starts courting Regina. Walter said to her, "I want to take care
of you while we're on the ship." Regina was thrilled but was still doubting; in her mind, she said,
"Will this last a lifetime or while we’re just on the ship?" But Regina just lets him do what he
wants to.

In the process of courting her, he always makes sure that he brings her something to eat
before she goes to work, like prawns, crabs, or lobsters, and he knows her favorite fruit, which is
mangosteen. With his act, everyone would think that he is big time, but he is a crew as well. It
turned out that he was just taking the food he was giving her from their crew mess, and he
always remembers to bring something for Regina and always leaves it at the door of her cabin.
After 3 months of courting, she gave Walter her sweet "yes.", That was July 9, 1997. Regina felt
that she was the luckiest girl, and for once she thought that their love was only on board, but she
was wrong; it was for a lifetime. Regina really appreciates all the time and efforts Walter has
made for her. He is different compared to other men that she's known; he is very responsible,
family-oriented, God-fearing, loving, and caring. She has proven that those ideal traits that
women want in men are real. After three years of being in a relationship, they got married on the
8th day of September 2000. Just like in the movies, it's like Regina just looked for the missing
pair of her slippers and went back to where she came from. Now, they are 23 years married, and
blessed with three wonderful children. Until now, they have been in love with each other in
different ways. They are both blessed since God destined them to love and be together until the
end of time.
Emperador, Marianne Rio A. Performance Task #3
12STEM4 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Theme: Love


Regina- A dedicated and responsible eldest daughter. She was hired to work at her prestigious
alma mater as her first job. But since her dream is to work abroad, she tried to apply to a
shipping company called MS Leisure World. Fortunately, she was hired and given the
opportunity to work abroad. So, she decided to finish her contract with Perpetual. Later on, she
worked on the cruise ship as a food and beverage stewardess in the bar department.

Walter- A hardworking man from the province of La Union, worked at the Sulo Riviera Hotel in
Quezon City. However, when faced with the harsh realities of life, he made the courageous
decision to seek work abroad. He applied at MS Leisure World and was hired. He was a food and
beverage steward in the restaurant department.

Love truly is a powerful and transformative force in our lives. It's a courageous leap into the
unknown, a choice to embrace someone, their imperfections and all. Love is true magic as it
blooms between strangers, creating a bond that endures even in adversity. To become one, to
share a lifetime. It's a choice, an ongoing journey through every trial. Love is worth the risk,
don't be afraid of love. Welcome it with open arms, for it's the greatest gift of all, both to give
and receive love.

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