Improvement in The Surface Quality of Ball Bearing Steel Rounds at Bar Mill

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Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 2002; 31: 20–24 Copyright C Munksgaard 2002

Printed in Denmark . All rights reserved

ISSN 0371-0459

Improvement in the surface quality of ball bearing steel

rounds at Bar Mill
Roylen Topno, D. S. Gupta, U. P. Singh, B. Roy and S. Jha
Research and Development Centre for Iron and Steel, Steel Authority of India Ltd, Doranda, Ranchi, India

The rejection of ball bearing steel rounds had increased at Bar at Bar Mill. The improvement in the surface condition of the input
Mill due to surface defects following an increase in the demand billets, correct entry/exit guide setting and modification in roll
for a better surface quality. The genesis of surface defects in pass design have reduced the rejection rate by 34.6%.
ball bearing steel rounds is attributed to steel-making and rolling
processes. The steel-making defects are exogenous in nature Key words: cracks, former pass, laps, non-metallic inclusions
with the presence of non-metallic inclusions in steel. The rolling (NMIs), oval pass, seams.
defects are generated due to poor quality of the input billets,
improper thermal regime of reheating, incorrect setting of entry
C Munksgaard, 2002
and exit guides, misaligned roll pass line and inappropriate
rolling schedule. This paper discusses the generation of surface
defects and the formulation of a strategy to reduce these defects Accepted for publication 25 June 2001

In the recent past, the rejections of 45- and 56-mm ball the billets, which leads to the formation of laps during
bearing steel rounds had increased at the Bar Mill due rolling, tears formed during grinding on the surface
to stringent demands for surface quality by the cus- of the billet often cause seams on subsequent rolling.
tomers. The surface defects were mainly seams, cracks In the square-oval rolling sequence, when a square
and laps. In steel, these defects are a culmination of is fed into the oval pass, there is an uneven drafting
technological errors in the steel-making and rolling from the centre to the edges. This results in differen-
processes tial elongation across the cross-section in the oval
During steel-making, the quality of ball bearing pass. The resultant excessive shear forces in the bar
steel is influenced by its oxygen content, type of non- ultimately lead to cracking [5]. The concentration of
metallic inclusions and its ability to control segre- maximum draft on the side of the square also leads
gation in the cast structure [1]. The non-metallic in- to wrinkle formation. Such wrinkles occur due to the
clusions are present due to the entrapment of slag, roughness of the roll surface generated by roll wear
mould powder and eroded refractory at the time of and shedding of scale. These wrinkles on the edge of
ingot casting [2]. Blow holes, pipes, shrinkage cavities, the oval result in the generation of hairline cracks dur-
segregation and localized concentration of impurities ing the next pass. In high chromium and nickel grades
in ingots eventually lead to seams and shallow cracks of steel, broken scales from the bars are heavily
in the billets. This happens because non-metallic in- crushed in an oval pass. When such an oval bar is
clusions and blow holes cause localized stress concen- rolled into a round, it produces seams as four percep-
trations in the steel [3]. The non-metallic inclusions tible lines [6]. Rough grooves also tend to produce
(NMIs) have lower plasticity than the steel. During marks on the bars. Heavily worn-out passes produce
rolling, NMIs become elongated in the direction of bars with deep impressions in the form of burrows.
rolling, leading to surface defects. This affects the steel In some instances, these reappear in the finished
on the basis of its size, volume and the distribution in product as seams. The intensive wear of oval passes
steel. Large, hard and isolated NMIs offer greater at the point of maximum reduction is also likely to
threat [4]. lead to pitting which, on subsequent working, pro-
While conditioning of the input billets, heavy duces surface defects as folds [7].
scarfying or grinding causes deep or sharp grooves in Therefore, to improve upon the surface quality, an

Reduction of ball bearing steel rejections

Table 1. Rolling schedule of 110 ¿ 110 mm into 65 ¿ 77 mm billets is given in the Table 1. Then, the billets are rolled in
Pass no. Cross-section (mm ¿ mm) 110 box, edging, 90 box, former, pre-finishing and fin-
ishing passes, as shown in the Fig. 1. In the case of
110 ¿ 110
1 95 ¿ 115 56-mm rounds, the Reversing Mill rolls 130 ¿ 130 mm
2 78 ¿ 120 billets into 65 ¿ 77 mm flat billets (Table 2). These flat
Tilt billets are further rolled in 110 box, former, pre-fin-
3 100 ¿ 80
4 80 ¿ 80 ishing and finishing pass, as shown in the Fig. 2.
5 75 ¿ 83 During rolling, the samples were taken from the fi-
6 62 ¿ 85 nal products containing surface defects for a detailed
7 65 ¿ 65 investigation. The micrograph (magnification 100¿)
of the samples revealed two types of surface defect:
(i) cracks (Figs. 3a, b); and (ii) laps (Fig. 3c). The maxi-
mum depth of sharp crack was 0.336 mm as shown in
Table 2. Rolling schedule of 130 ¿ 130 mm into 65 ¿ 65 mm billets Fig. 3a, whereas the depth of surface defect due to the
Pass no. Cross-section (mm ¿ mm) lap was 0.156 mm (Fig. 3c).
130 ¿ 130
1 105 ¿ 135
2 110 ¿ 110
3 95 ¿ 115
4 78 ¿ 120
5 100 ¿ 80
6 80 ¿ 80
7 75 ¿ 83
8 62 ¿ 85
9 77 ¿ 65

improvement in casting and secondary steel-making

processes was made by adopting bottom pouring,
using quality mould powders, quality refractories and
cleaner moulds. Nevertheless, higher rejection due to
surface defects still persisted. Hence a detailed inves-
tigation into the rolling process for 45- and 56-mm
ball bearing steel rounds was carried out. This paper
discusses the generation of surface defects and the
corrective measures taken in the Bar Mill.

Processing route and defects analysis

The ball bearing steel rounds are produced through
the electric arc furnace route. After ingots are rolled
into billets at the Blooming and Billet Mill, billets are
inspected for surface and subsurface defects. Billets
with minor and repairable surface defects are refur-
bished at the conditioning shop. Then selected billets
are sent to the Bar Mill for rolling into rounds.
The Bar Mill is a semi-continuous rolling mill with
a continuous reheating furnace. The input billet sizes
for rolling 45- and 56-mm rounds are 110 ¿ 110 and
130 ¿ 130 mm, respectively. It has a square-oval se-
quence of roll pass design. While rolling 45-mm
rounds, 110 ¿ 110 mm billets are rolled into 65 ¿ 65
mm billets in the Reversing Mill; the rolling schedule Fig. 1. Roll pass sequence of 45-mm round.

Topno et al.

A strategy was worked out to closely monitor pro-
cessing parameters with meticulous inspection of in-
put billets and entry/exit guide alignment during
rolling. The modifications in the roll pass design were
also done in the former rolling passes.

Surface inspection and conditioning

All billets were thoroughly inspected for surface de-
fects. Input billets with only minor surface defects
were conditioned by spot grinding. Billets with irrep-
arable defects and those requiring heavy grinding
were rejected. Then, after final inspection, billets were
charged into the reheating furnace.

Guide setting
During rolling, entry and exit guides of all finishing
passes were checked at regular intervals to prevent
misalignment of the rolling line. This minimized the
generation of tool mark defects in the bars.

Roll pass design

As mentioned earlier, a square-oval sequence of roll
pass design is practiced in the Bar Mill. It has been
shown that the input bar, going into the former pass,
has a rectangular shape. It is followed by pre-finishing
oval and finishing round passes. The roll pass modi-
fication has been done only in the former pass of 45-
and 56-mm rounds. The pass design modification fa-
Fig. 2. Roll pass sequence of 56- mm round. cilitates proper shedding of broken scales without
changing the basic pass configuration. It also ensured

Fig. 3. Micrograph of surface defects in ball bearing steel rounds (magnification 100¿) (a) Crack – 0.336 mm; (b) crack – 0.168 mm; (c)
lap – 0.156 mm.

Reduction of ball bearing steel rejections

pass filling of approximately 96%, up from existing roll pass design of the former pass have reduced the
pass filling of approximately 93%. The details are as rejection rate by 34.6%.
follows. Meticulous inspection of input billets has mini-
45-mm rounds. Two design modifications have been mized the needless further processing of defective bil-
carried out in the former rolling pass of 45-mm lets. The surface conditioning of input billets by light
rounds: (i) the clearance angle has been increased grinding has reduced formation of swarf and gouge,
from 25æ to 27æ; (ii) the groove radius has been in- and thus reduced the likelihood of being rolled over
creased from 18 to 20 mm. The roll pass designs before and forming slivers. The absence of heavy scarifying
and after modification are shown in the Fig. 4. or grinding has also reduced laps and seams.
56-mm rounds. Two design modifications have been The design modification in the former rolling pass
carried out in the former rolling pass of 56-mm round: has ensured that the disparity in the percentage re-
(i) the clearance angle has been increased from 25æ to duction across the section in the oval pass is mini-
27æ; (ii) the groove radius has been increased from 21 mized, with a reduction in the shear forces on the sur-
to 25 mm. The roll pass designs before and after modi- face of the bar. An increase in the groove radius of the
fications are shown in the Fig. 5. pass has increased the percentage reduction across the
diagonal in the square pass and reduced the prob-
ability of cold edge formation. After modification of
Results and discussion
the former rolling pass, the square going into the pre-
Improvement in surface conditioning of input billets, finishing oval pass is in the form of a bulging oval. It
proper guide setting and design modification in the reduces the intensity of wear in the oval pass corners
and reduces wrinkle formation. Consequently, the
chances of producing rolled-in seams or wrinkles in
later passes are minimized.
The finish rolling temperatures of 45- and 56-mm
rounds are 819–871 and 865–939æC, respectively. The
temperature gradient along the length of the bar is a
matter of great concern, as a large variation does not
fill the pass groove uniformly along the length. When
pass filling is good at the middle of the bar, the colder
ends may overfill and lap. and under-filled square bar
causes the square bar to lean over on one side as it
enters the oval pass and therefore the oval pass is un-
evenly filled. Laps are formed by rolling of bars con-
taining sharp overfills or fins [8]. The factors which
lead to lap formation are roll pass design, percentage
reduction, pass setting, guide setting and the thermal
Fig. 4. Roll pass design of 45-mm round before and after modification.
regime of the bar. Subsequently, an increased clear-
ance angle in the square pass has minimized over-
filling of succeeding oval passes. Optimum filleting of
the pass groove yields advantages, such as preventing
one-sided undercuts in the case of faulty entry of
stock into rolls. The resulting fins due to a slight over-
filling will have gentle sloping faces and are not likely
to be rolled over into laps [9].
Increases in the pass groove radius and pass clear-
ance angle have also improved the pass filling. With
the modified roll pass design, with the existing tem-
perature condition during rolling, pass filling has in-
creased. It has reduced the generation of marks and
seams resulting from improperly filled passes and
breaking of scales at the opening of the former rolling
pass. The latter condition often results in rolled-in
Fig. 5. Roll pass design of 56-mm round before and after modification. scale or wrinkle of considerable depth.

Topno et al.

High carbon and certain alloy steels are more sus-

ceptible to thermal shock if they are heated or cooled
too quickly. They are prone to develop cracks or rup- The authors gratefully acknowledge support and help
ture. Improvement in the soaking regime minimizes extended by Alloy Steels Plant, Durgapur, during the
the extent of corner or edge cooling of the bar cross- investigation and implementation of the modifi-
section. It also eliminates the shear at the sectional cations. Acknowledgements are also due to the Metal-
surface in the case of improper lateral drafting in lography Laboratory for testing defective samples
forming passes. An increase in the groove radius of and, finally, this work would not have been possible
the former rolling pass has reduced the cooling rate without the help of the Director, RDCIS.
of corners and intensity of the scale formation. If scale
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and metal working. Mir Publication, Moscow 1975: 218–219.
pass design have improved the surface quality of bars. 8. Wooyong S, Shivpuri R. 34th Mechanical working & steel
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fluxes, using cleaner mould boxes, prevention of slag
entrapment and bottom pouring casting. Address:
R. Topno, Research and Development Centre for Iron and Steel
Steel Authority of India Ltd, Doranda
Ranchi-834 002
Fax: 0651 501489


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