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9/5/23, 11:49 AM PR (Nature of Inquiry and Research)

PR (Nature of Inquiry and Research)
15 Questions DATE :

1. A research process where you select a topic for the research.

A Formulate a hypothesis B Define the Problem

C Select a Research design D Interpret the result

2. This look for information by asking various questions about the thing you are curious

3. An inquiry process where it identifies methods and materials and seeks information

A Record B Plan

C Predict D Analyze and Interpret

4. 1st step in the research process

5. 3rd step in the inquiry process

A Predict B Analyze and Interpret

C Plan D Connect

6. This discovers truths by investigation

A Research B Inquiry

C Investigate D Formulate a Hypothesis

7. This work out the implications of the data collected

A Result B Interpret the result

C Interpret

8. This answers the question, "What is their significance."

A Repeat B Report the research findings

C Analyze and interpret 1/2
9/5/23, 11:49 AM PR (Nature of Inquiry and Research)

9. A characteristic of research that is based on valid procedures and principles

A Methodical B Critical

C Logical

10. True or False: Research aims to the acquisition of existing knowledge


11. What characteristics of research start with a problem and end with a problem?

A Cyclical B Analytical

C Empirical D Replicability

12. A research result where it works out the implications of data collected

13. A research process where it collects data and record information

A Select research design B Report the research findings

C Carry out the research

14. Which among are the aims of the research

Verification of new knowledge Advancement of the researcher's


C Acquisition of new knowledge D Application of new knowledge

E Verification of existing knowledge

15. A characteristic of research that it is based on direct experience or observation 2/2

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