Redução Estereotipia Overcorrection

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R. M. Foxx AND N. H. AZRIN

No method is in general usage and of demonstrated effectiveness in eliminating the self-

stimulatory behaviors of retardates and autistics. An Overcorrection rationale was used
to develop such a method. The Overcorrection procedures consisted of a period of prac-
tice in the correct mode of the behavior contingent upon self-stimulatory behavior. The
procedures were applied in a behavioral day-care program to three retarded children
and one autistic child who exhibited object-mouthing, hand-mouthing, head-weaving
and hand-clapping. For some behaviors, comparisons were made between the Overcor-
rection procedure and several alternative procedures, such as physical punishment by a
slap, reinforcement for nonself-stimulatory behavior, a distasteful solution painted on
the hand of a hand-mouther, and free reinforcement. The Overcorrection procedures
eliminated the self-stimulatory behaviors of all four children in tutorial sessions and
during the entire school day and were more effective than the alternative procedures in
eliminating self-stimulation. The Overcorrection procedures appear to be rapid, endur-
ing, and effective methods of eliminating self-stimulatory behavior.

Self-stimulatory behavior is a common prob- or spinning objects (Hutt and Hutt, 1965; Kauf-
lem of retarded and autistic individuals. Two man, 1967; Campbell, 1968; Lovaas, Litrownik,
thirds of the institutionalized retarded exhibit and Mann, 1971).
self-stimulatory behavior (Berkson and Daven-
port, 1962; Kaufman and Levitt, 1965); for Reducing Self-Stimulatory Behavior
the autistic child, self-stimulation is considered Attempts to reduce or eliminate self-stimula-
as one of the identifying characteristics (Rim- tory behavior have met with limited degrees of
land, 1964). Self-stimulatory behavior consists of success. Guess and Rutherford (1967) found
repetitive, stereotyped behavior that has no ap- that self-stimulatory behavior of retardates was
parent functional effects on the environment, reduced by about 50% during two conditions
examples of which are rocking, hand-waving, wherein objects were available to be manipu-
and head-weaving (Kaufman and Levitt, 1965; lated. Mulhern and Baumeister (1969) reduced
Berkson, 1967), mouthing or rubbing parts of by about one-third the "rocking" behavior of
one's body (Berkson and Mason, 1964; Hollis, two retardates by reinforcing the behavior of
1965; Hutt and Hutt, 1965), and mouthing, sitting still. Hollis (1968) conditioned a self-
stimulating retardate to pull a ball under fixed-
'This investigation is based in part on a disserta- ratio reinforcement (FR 100). The self-stimula-
tion submitted by the senior author to Southern tion was eliminated for the brief 10-min periods
Illinois University in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Ph.D. degree. The research was sup- during ball-pulling but returned to its original
ported by the Illinois Department of Mental Health rate under an extinction condition. Thorazine,
and Grant 17981 from the National Institute of in turn, eliminated rocking responses in the brief
Mental Health. We wish to thank J. Deichman, D.
Hake, B. Sulzer, and K. Swick for their suggestions extinction period. In a study of two retardates,
as members of the dissertation committee. C. Bugle, Baumeister and Forehand (1971) supported
supervisor of the day-care program, assisted greatly in Hollis's (1968) finding that self-stimulation
the conduct of the study. Reprints may be obtained
from either author, Behavior Research Laboratory, was eliminated during brief operant rein-
Anna State Hospital, Anna, Illinois 62906. forcement sessions, but another report (Hollis,
2 R. M. FOXX and N. H. AZRIN

unpublished) showed that this displacement by tal effects of an inappropriate act, and (2) to
operant reinforcement was not effective for three require the disruptor intensively to practise
of six retardates. Davis, Sprague, and Werry overly correct forms of relevant behavior. The
(1969) found that another tranquilizer (Thorido- method of achieving the first objective of cor-
zine) decreased by about one-third the self-stimu- recting the effects of the disruption is designated
latory behavior of institutionalized retardates. as Restitutional Overcorrection, and consists of
The only example of complete and enduring sup- requiring the disruptor to correct the conse-
pression of self-stimulatory behavior has been quences of his misbehavior by having him re-
achieved by physical punishment of autistic store the situation to a state vastly improved
children in one instance by pain-shock (Lovaas, from that which existed before the disruption.
Schaeffer, and Simmons, 1965) and the other For example, an individual who overturned a
by slaps on the thigh (Bucher and Lovaas, 1968). table would be required both to restore the
The above procedures do not seem to have table to its correct position and to dust and wax
received widespread usage, possibly because none the table. The method of achieving the second
of them has been demonstrated to be effective objective of practising correct behaviors is
for long periods, or for many patients, or they designated as Positive Practice Overcorrection.
have required very painful physical punishment. For example, the disrupter who overturned the
Self-stimulatory behavior continues as a major table would also be required to straighten and
problem among retardates and autistic children. dust all other tables and furniture in the room.
The need exists for a treatment that does not This latter requirement teaches the disrupter
suffer from the above-noted limitations of de- the correct manner in which furniture should be
gree, and durability of effectiveness as well as treated. When no environmental disruption is
acceptability. created by the inappropriate act, the Restitu-
tional Overcorrection procedure is not applicable
An Alternative Method and only the Positive Practice procedure could
A recently developed procedure (Foxx and be used. Since self-stimulatory behavior often
Azrin, 1972), designated as Overcorrection, has no effect on the environment, the Positive
holds promise as an effective, enduring, and Practice Overcorrection procedure would be
acceptable method of eliminating self-stimula- used alone in those instances.
tory behavior. The procedure was used in treat-
ing the aggressive-disruptive behaviors of a
brain-damaged patient and two retarded patients. STUDY I
The Overcorrection procedures reduced each Punishment by a slap (Bucher and Lovaas,
deviant behavior to a near-zero level within 1968) and reinforcement for non-self-stimula-
two weeks and maintained this effect for several tory behavior (Mulhern and Baumeister, 1969)
months with minimal supervision by institutional are two procedures that have been used to de-
staff. Two additional applications have demon- crease self-stimulatory behavior. A third proce-
strated the generality of the Overcorrection dure, painting the thumb with a distasteful so-
procedures, in one instance by extension to the lution, has been in common usage to discourage
problem of maintaining the appropriate eating thumb-sucking of normal children, which may be
behaviors of profoundly retarded adults (Sur- considered as self-stimulation. Klaber and But-
ratt, unpublished), and in the other instance by terfield (1968) suggested that another possible
extension to the toilet training of adult retard- method would be to provide the self-stimulator
ates (Azrin and Foxx, 1971). with frequent and pleasant social interaction.
The general rationale of the Overcorrection The present study compared the effectiveness
procedure is (1) to overcorrect the environmen- of an Overcorrection procedure with these four

alternative procedures in eliminating self-stimu-

latory mouthing. Recording and Reliability
Tutorial instruction was conducted in a
METHOD soundproof room containing two one-way
Subjects vision windows on opposite sides of the room.
Barbara was an 8-yr-old severely retarded Self-stimulatory mouthing was recorded in the
girl enrolled as an outpatient in a day-care in- 15-min tutorial sessions through the one-way
tensive learning program. Her retardation was glass by an observer who operated a switch
diagnosed as being congenital or genetic. Her connected to an electromagnetic counter to re-
Vineland Social Quotient was 23 with an equiv- cord each instance of mouthing within suc-
alent age assignment of 1.4 yr. Barbara con- cessive 1-min intervals. Mouthing was defined
tinuously mouthed objects by picking them up as oral contact with any object other than food.
and touching them to her mouth or placing A mouthing response was recorded as an in-
them inside her mouth. If the object was too stance of uninterrupted contact of that object
heavy to lift, she would sit or stand beside it with the mouth. Reliability was assessed during
and mouth it with her lips, mouth, and tongue. one session in each procedure by two indepen-
Wilma was a 7-yr-old severely retarded girl dent observers, one at each observation window;
also enrolled in the day-care program. Her one of the observers was not aware of the na-
Vineland Social Quotient was 28 with an equiv- ture of the study. Per cent agreement was ob-
alent age assignment of 1.9. Her retardation was tained by dividing the number of intervals in
diagnosed as familial. Wilma continuously which the two observers agreed by the total
mouthed her hand. number of intervals in which observations were
made, times 100. The interobserver agreement
Experimental Design was 95% or greater during each of the sessions
The design allowed within-subject compari- in which reliability was assessed. Reliability and
son of the five procedures. When one of the validity was assessed informally by the un-
procedures substantially decreased the level of announced and frequent direct observations by
self-stimulation, the Free Reinforcement con- the experimenters.
dition was reinstated to provide a more uniform
"baseline" before applying the next treatment
procedure. This return to the Free Reinforce- Procedure
ment procedure constituted a return to baseline Two tutorial sessions were conducted daily
and ensured that each treatment procedure was for each child in the soundproof classroom. The
imposed on a level of self-stimulatory behavior tutorial sessions were conducted at the same time
that was comparable to that preceding every each day by the same teacher. The purpose of
other treatment procedure, thereby controlling the session was to teach the child the names of
in part for order effects. several toys displayed on a table. The child and
Barbara received the procedures in the fol- the teacher were seated at the table. The teacher
lowing sequence: (1) Free reinforcement, (2) re- presented a toy, named the toy, and directed the
inforcement for non-mouthing, (3) punishment child to play with the toy appropriately, e.g.:
by a slap, (4) Free reinforcement, and (5) Over- "Barbara, hold the dolly". When the child dis-
correction. The sequence of procedures for carded the toy, the teacher directed her to play
Wilma was: (1) Free reinforcement, (2) dis- with another. Hutt and Hutt (1965) used a
tasteful solution, (3) punishment by a slap, (4) similar situation as the context for studying self-
reinforcement for non-mouthing, and (5) Over- stimulation. Five procedures were used. One of
correction. the children's parents was required to be present
4 R. M. FOXX and N. H. AZRIN

during at least part of each procedure in order child, "No" in a firm voice, to brush
to keep them fully informed. her gums and teeth with a toothbrush
that had been partially immersed in a
(1) Free reinforcement: The teacher gave container filled with an oral antiseptic
the child a piece of candy or sugar- (mouthwash) and to wipe her outer
coated cereal accompanied by verbal lips with a washcloth that had been
praise. These were given by the teacher dampened with the antiseptic. Periodi-
at irregular intervals averaging 1 min cally during the 2-min training period,
apart on cue from a timer and indepen- the child was encouraged (by verbal
dent of the child's behavior. instructions and tickling of the tongue)
(2) Reinforcement for non-mouthing: The to expectorate the cleansing solution
child was given edibles and praise into a sterile cup. After each adminis-
whenever 10 sec elapsed without tration of the Oral Hygiene procedure,
mouthing. Ten seconds was selected as the toothbrush and washcloth were
the duration because that duration of rinsed in water and then soaked in fresh
non-mouthing occurred frequently dur- antiseptic.
ing baseline.
(3) Punishment procedure: The child was
slapped once on the thigh when she RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mouthed. The slap was sufficiently Figure 1 shows the self-stimulatory mouth-
severe to cause overt distress and was ings of both children under each of the treat-
characterized by the parent in each case ment procedures. The absolute frequency of
as the method of last resort they used mouthings was high for both children, over 100
in controlling the child at home. times per hour for several of the treatments.
(4) Distasteful solution: The child's hand The least effective treatments were the Free Re-
was painted at the start of the class inforcement procedure and the procedure that
with a commercially bottled solution reinforced non-mouthing. The most effective
(Thum: Num Specialty Co., Inc., Pitts- treatment for the children was the Overcorrec-
burgh, Pa.) used to discourage the tive Oral Hygiene procedure, which reduced the
thumb-sucking of normal children. self-stimulatory mouthings to zero. Intermediate
(5) Overcorrection: Mouthing of objects in effectiveness, were the other two treatments.
or parts of one's body results in ex- Punishment by slaps reduced the self-stimula-
posure to potentially harmful micro- tory mouthing to a low level of about four per
organisms through the unhygienic oral hour for one child but increased the mouthings
contact. The Restitutional Overcorrec- for the other child who exhibited a strong nega-
tion rationale suggests that this possi- tive emotional reaction upon being slapped and
bility of self-infection be eliminated. typically reacted by reinserting her hand in her
In a previous report (Foxx and Azrin, mouth. The treatment that provided a distasteful
1972), an Oral Hygiene procedure that solution reduced the self-stimulatory mouthings
accomplished this objective was used to an intermediate level of about 50 mouthings
effectively in combination with other per hour for the one child who received that
overcorrection procedures to eliminate treatment. The data in Figure 1 are for the last
the physical attacks by biting of a three sessions of each procedure. The ordinal
mentally retarded adult female and a differences between procedures as stated above
brain damaged adult female. The Oral were the same when the data were analyzed in
Hygiene procedure was to tell the terms of the first three or four sessions under

-. 4 p

>o 0

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I 2
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Fig. 1. Barbara: The effect of four procedures, reinforcement for non-mouthing, free reinforcement, physi-
cal punishment (slaps), and Overcorrection on the rate of self-stimulatory object-mouthing of a severely re-
tarded child. Each bar represents the mean number of self-stimulatory mouthings during the last three sessions
of each condition. Wilma: The effect of five procedures, physical punishment (slaps), free reinforcement, re-
inforcement for non-mouthing, painting the hand with a distasteful solution, and Overcorrection on the rate
of self-stimulatory hand-mouthing of a severely retarded child. Each bar represents the mean number of self-
stimulatory mouthings during the last three sessions of each condition.

each procedure. (The detailed session-to-session other than mouthing. The second question is
changes are presented elsewhere, Foxx, un- whether the Overcorrection treatment procedure
published). could eliminate self-stimulation throughout the
school day; none of the previous studies demon-
strated elimination of self-stimulation through-
Study I showed that the Overcorrection treat- out a major part of the day. The present study
ment procedure was extremely effective in elimi- was designed to answer both of these questions.
nating self-stimulatory mouthing during brief
15-min sessions. Two major questions still re- METHOD
main unanswered in evaluating the Overcor- Subjects
rection procedure as a general technique for Four children, two of whom, Wilma and
treating self-stimulatory behavior. A first ques- Barbara, had served in Study I, were used. The
tion is whether Overcorrection procedures would two new children were Tricia and Mike, both
also be effective with self-stimulatory behaviors of whom were also enrolled in the same day-care
6 R. M. FOXX and N. H. AZRIN

program as the other two. Tricia was an 8-yr-old

severely retarded girl. Her Vineland Social Quo- Recording and Reliability
tient was 35 with an equivalent age assignment Self-stimulatory mouthing was defined in the
of 2.8 yr. Her retardation was diagnosed as mi- same manner as in Study I. Self-stimulatory
crocephaly. Tricia had several disabilities in- head-weaving episodes were defined as the head
cluding a congenital heart condition, a deformed moving from side to side in a wide sweep. Self-
leg, and blindness in one eye. Tricia had diffi- stimulatory clapping was defined as an audible
culty learning as a result of her stereotyped be- sound produced by slapping the hands together.
havior of constantly turning her head in a Self-stimulatory behavior was recorded by an
wide arc from side to side. It was almost im- assigned observer. For the three children who
possible to gain her attention during these head- exhibited non-audible self-stimulation (mouth-
weaving episodes. ings, head-weaving) a time-sample recording was
Mike was a 7-yr-old boy diagnosed as autistic used; the observer recorded every 15 min
by three different treatment facilities. He dis- whether or not the self-stimulation occurred
played many of the classic autistic behaviors, during a 1-min observation period. For the audi-
notably hand-clapping, in which he engaged ble clapping behavior, the observer recorded
almost continuously. Similarly, he had strong each instance of clapping within successive 1-
taste preferences, was withdrawn, had only slight min intervals. For one day selected at random
and disorganized speech, avoided eye contact, from each of the five conditions, a second ob-
and was so socially unresponsive as to appear to server was present. Per cent agreement was ob-
be deaf. tained by dividing the number of time samples
in which the observers agreed by the total num-
Experimental Design ber of observed time samples, times 100. Inter-
Study II was conducted in a large playroom observer agreement was above 96% for the
during the children's entire 6-hr stay at the day- time-sample recordings and 94% for clapping
care program and contained three procedures: episodes.
(1) A Baseline Control Procedure, (2) the Over-
correction Procedure, and (3) a maintenance Baseline-Reinforcement of Outward-directed
procedure consisting of a verbal warning. The Activities
sequence of the procedures for the three re- A day-care behavioral program (9:00 a.m.-
tarded children was: Baseline-Overcorrection- 3:00 p.m.) that provided frequent reinforce-
Baseline-Overcorrection-Verbal Warning. The ment for appropriate outward-directed behaviors
procedural sequence for the autistic child was was in effect throughout the study. A high ratio
Baseline-Overcorrection-Verbal Warning. The of teachers to children (1 to 3) enabled the
initial baseline recording was conducted for at teachers to provide the children with frequent
least five days for each child. The initial Over- instruction in constructive behaviors.
correction condition was in effect for at least
20 days for each child. For the three retarded Overcorrection Procedure
children, three months were allowed to elapse,
during which no attention was given to self- The Overcorrection procedures described be-
stimulatory behavior and no records were kept. low were administered immediately for the self-
The second baseline recording period lasted for stimulatory behavior and were preceded by a
three days. The second Overcorrection period verbal command (warning) to the child to dis-
lasted at least 12 days for each child. The final continue that behavior.
procedure (Verbal Warning procedure) lasted (a) Mouthing. The Overcorrection procedure
for at least 33 days. for the self-stimulatory mouthing of Wilma and

Barbara was identical to that described in Study correction rationale was again used to develop a
I and consisted of the Overcorrective Oral Hy- Functional Movement training procedure. The
giene procedure. Functional Movement training procedure would
(b) Head-weaving. Randomly weaving one's teach and motivate the hand-clapper to hold
head from side to side is non-functional be- his hands stationary and to move them only for
havior because the behavior is independent of functional reasons, i.e., when instructed to do so.
external control. Since head-weaving creates Any time that Mike began clapping, he was
no environmental disruption, a Restitutional immediately given Functional Movement Train-
Overcorrection procedure is not applicable as a ing for 5 min. The training was similar to
treatment. The Positive Practice Overcorrection Tricia's except that Mike was instructed to move
rationale, however, could be used to teach and his hands in one of five positions: above his
motivate the head-weaver to hold her head in a head, straight out in front of him, into his
sustained orientation (not moving) and to move pockets, held together and held behind his back
only for functional reasons, i.e., when instructed by the teacher stating, for example: "Put your
to do so. This Overcorrective Functional Move- hands in your pockets". The teacher manually
ment training procedure would thereby be guided Mike's hands whenever he failed to
educative because the individual would be respond to an instruction. Mike was required to
learning specific movements to specific direc- hold his hands in the position for 15 sec, at the
tions, such as up, down, left or right. end of which another instruction was given. As
Any time that Tricia began head-weaving, she Mike began following the directions, the teacher
was immediately given Functional Movement faded out the manual guidance but remained
Training for 5 min. In beginning the training, ready to provide guidance by "shadowing"
the teacher used her hands to restrain Tricia's Mike's hands with her hands. The instructions
head. The teacher then instructed Tricia to were presented in a random sequence to ensure
move her head in one of three positions, up, that he was learning each individual instruction,
down, or straight by stating, for example: rather than a sequence of instructions.
"Tricia, head up". If Tricia did not immediately
move her head in the desired direction, the
teacher manually guided Tricia's head. Eventu- Verbal Warning
ally, Tricia should respond to the verbal instruc- After the self-stimulatory behavior had been
tions alone in order to avoid the trainer's absent for many days, a verbal warning pro-
guidance as in conditioned avoidance (Azrin, cedure was instituted that was intended to ap-
Holz, and Hake, 1962). Tricia was required proximate the circumstances existing in the
to hold her head stationary for 15 sec, at the end child's natural environment. If the child self-
of which another instruction was given. If Tricia stimulated, she was told to stop engaging in that
moved her head during the 15-sec period, the behavior. The Overcorrection training was ad-
trainer immediately restrained her head. As ministered only if the child failed to stop or if
Tricia began following the directions, the teacher she emitted an additional self-stimulatory be-
faded out the manual guidance, but continued havior during the remainder of the morning or
to "shadow" Tricia's head with her hands. The afternoon session. Thus, the children could self-
instructions were given randomly to ensure that stimulate once in the morning and afternoon
Tricia was learning each individual instruction without receiving the Overcorrection training.
and not a sequence of instructions. Hopefully, the verbal warning would now be
(c) Hand-clapping. Repetitive clapping is sufficient after the long history of the associa-
similar to head-weaving in that no environmental tion of the warning with the Overcorrection
disruption is created. The Positive Practice Over- training.
8 R. M. FOXX and N. H. AZRIN

the Overcorrection was reintroduced, self-stimu-

RESULTS lation decreased within three days to a zero
Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the per cent of level for all three children. Self-stimulation was
time spent in self-stimulation for each of the near zero during the verbal warning procedure
four children. All four children were self- that followed the Overcorrection condition.
stimulating over 80% of the time during the When a new teacher was brought in during the
initial baseline despite the high ratio of teachers Overcorrection conditions (see arrows in Figures
to students and the continuing availability of 3 and 4) the children "tested" the new teacher
positive reinforcement for outward-directed be- by self-stimulating on that day only. For one
haviors. When the Overcorrection procedure child (Figure 4), the self-stimulation was re-
was introduced, the self-stimulatory behaviors duced only about 50% by the sixth day of Over-
were decreased by half or more within four days, correction. When the training period was in-
and were further reduced to a near-zero level creased from 5 min to 20 min on Day 27 (see
within 10 days, after which self-stimulation first arrow) self-stimulation decreased to a near-
virtually ceased. For three of the children (Fig- zero level within four days. Once the self-
ures 2, 3, 4) reintroduction of the baseline stimulation was eliminated, the elimination con-
recording after three months without attention tinued even when the 20-min duration was
to self-stimulation found the children self- reduced to a 2-min duration (see second arrow,
stimulating more than 40% of the time. When Day 37). In the second Overcorrection period,
I 100 I
0 I
I l lI l
1LU 80 /I I
O u- 60
cr z
0 'I 40-

LU 00
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 125 150
Fig. 2. The effect of the Overcorrective Oral Hygiene and Verbal Warning procedures on the self-stimula-
tory object-mouthing of a severely retarded child. The ordinate is labelled in terms of the per cent of time
samples in which mouthings were observed. The first slash marks on the abscissa indicate a three-month pe-
riod. During the baseline periods, no contingencies were in effect for mouthing.

Un I
1 100- I I
I0 I
I- I
D ll I
Z) L
LL /
14 20 40
Fig. 3. The effect of the Overcorrective Oral Hygiene and Verbal Warning procedures on the self-stimula-
tory hand-mouthing of a severely retarded child. The ordinate is labelled in terms of the per cent of time
samples in which mouthings were observed. The first slash marks on the abscissa indicate a three-month pe-
riod. During the baseline periods, no contingencies were in effect for mouthing. The arrow (Day 38) indicates
the introduction of a new teacher.

the training was given for 20 min during the home. After the mother was instructed to im-
first three days and was then decreased to 2 min plement the training procedure at home, she
on Day 51 (see third arrow) since head-weaving reported that mouthing was now very rare.
had been decreased to zero. Wilma's mother reported that Wilma was
Figure 6 is a stylized representation of the much more responsive to adults and other chil-
children's self-stimulatory behavior, the Over- dren during the training conditions when her
correction procedure for that behavior, and the hand-mouthing had been eliminated. Wilma's
children's appearance after training. mother was instructed to use the procedure in
During the Overcorrection conditions, Bar- her home; she reported that hand-mouthing had
bara often approached objects as if to mouth been eliminated.
them as she had in the past, but stopped sud- Tricia was extremely compliant, passively
denly, looked around and then pulled vigor- allowing her head to be guided during the first
ously away from the object. She often picked six days of training when the training duration
toys up, moved the toy toward her mouth, then was but 5 min. When training was increased to
pulled them away without mouthing them. 20 min, however, she began displaying emo-
Barbara's teacher reported that Barbara seemed tional behaviors such as crying. This emotional
much more alert and that her attention to vari- behavior suggested that in this instance, the
ous training tasks had increased. Barbara's increased effort requirement was more motivat-
mother reported that mouthing had increased at ing, i.e., negatively reinforcing. After three days
10 R. M. FOXX and N. H. AZRIN

of the increased effort requirement, Tricia ceased eliminated during the entire school day, his
exhibiting any emotional behaviors and began parents reported that clapping occurred almost
moving her head when instructed to do so, continuously at home. A day-care teacher was
rather than awaiting the physical guidance. The dispatched to Mike's home to instruct his par-
elimination of head-weaving dramatically in- ents in the Functional Movement Training Pro-
creased Tricia's attention to teaching materials. cedure. In a one-day baseline period, the teacher
As a result, Tricia "tested" high enough to be and Mike's parents observed him hand-clapping
placed in a county special education class for over 90% of the time. The next day, the parents
the trainable retarded. Tricia's new teacher was instituted Functional Movement Training.
instructed in the Overcorrection and Verbal Within two days, hand-clapping had decreased
Warning procedures. To date, the teacher re- to a zero level. At this time, the Verbal Warning
ports that aside from the need for an occasional procedure was instituted. Frequent visits to
warning, head-weaving is virtually absent. Mike's home by the teacher and the parents'
Although Mike's hand-clapping had been verbal reports have continually substantiated
(I, I II
2 100- I
2 80

o 60
I It I
0Z It I
<U I I

LU 0
30 80 90
Fig. 4. The effect of the Overcorrective Functional Movement Training and Verbal Warning procedures
on the self-stimulatory head-weaving of a severely retarded child. The ordinate is labelled in terms of the per
cent of time samples in which head-weaving was observed. The first slash marks on the abscissa indicate a
three-month period. During the baseline periods, no contingencies were in effect for head weaving. The first
arrow (Day 27) indicates where the duration of Functional Movement Training was extended to 20 min. The
second arrow (Day 37) indicates the introduction of a new teacher to serve as the Functional Movement
Trainer and reduction of the Functional Movement Training to 2 min. The third arrow (Day 51) indicates
where the duration of Functional Movement Training was reduced to 2 min during the second Functional
Movement Training condition.

CL 100

H z40.
C/) L20U
LL 0-
0 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 110 130
Fig. 5. The effect of the Overcorrective Functional Movement Training and Verbal Warning procedures
on the self-stimulatory hand-clapping of an autistic boy. The ordinate is labelled in terms of the per cent of
time samples in which hand-clapping was observed. During the baseline period, no contingencies were in ef-
fect for hand-clapping.
that clapping is now very rare. For the other verbal reprimand followed by an occasional
children, no formal procedure was instituted to application of the Overcorrection procedure was
evaluate independently the parents' reports. sufficient to maintain the therapeutic effect. The
Overcorrection procedure was effective even
DISCUSSION though the pathological behaviors had high
The Overcorrection procedure appears to be a initial frequency, the children having spent
very effective and general method of eliminating about 90% of their time in self-stimulation.
self-stimulatory behavior. The results showed No other method of treating self-stimulation
that Overcorrection procedures reduced self- appears to possess the combined degree, and
stimulation substantially on the first day, and to generality, of effectiveness as does the Over-
a near-zero level by the end of 10 days and correction procedure. As was noted above (see
sometimes sooner. Complete elimination was Introduction), drugs, food reinforcement, en-
achieved for all four children. The treatment hanced environmental stimulation, pain-shock,
was effective for the autistic child as well as for and strengthening of competing behaviors have
the retarded children. The treatment was effec- been used to reduce self-stimulation. However,
tive for several different and common types of none of these methods has yet been demonstrated
self-stimulation: head-weaving, object-mouth- to produce the combination of effects seen in
ing, hand-clapping, and hand-mouthing and ap- the present use of the Overcorrection method:
pears adaptable to the other types. A normal immediacy, completeness and permanence of
12 R. M. FOXX and N. H. AZRIN

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Fig. 6. The behavior of three children is shown during the pre-treatment, Overcorrection, and post-treat-
ment phases of the study. The retarded girl at the top of the figure is shown: (1) weaving her head randomly
from side to side, (2) receiving Overcorrective Functional Movement Training during which she moved her
head only when instructed to do so, and (3) not head-weaving following training. The autistic boy pictured
in the middle of the figure is shown: (1) repetitively clapping his hands, (2) receiving Overcorrective Func-
tional Movement Training during which he moved his hands only when instructed to do so, and (3) function-
ally using his hands after clapping had been eliminated. The retarded girl at the bottom of the figure is
shown: (1) mouthing a toy car, (2) receiving the Overcorrective Oral Hygiene procedure during which her
mouth was cleansed with an oral antiseptic, and (3) playing appropriately with the toy car after object-mouth-
ing had been eliminated.

reduction, as well as applicability to several directed, similarly receive little reinforcement

types of self-stimulation, and to autistic as well from outward-directed activities, presumably be-
as retarded individuals. The present findings di- cause of emotional, physical, or other non-
rectly support the superiority of the Overcor- intellectual factors. For both retardates and
rection method. In direct comparisons with autistics, the process can be considered as self-
other methods used on the same retarded chil- perpetuating. Self-stimulation can be considered
dren to eliminate mouthing, the Overcorrection as reinforcing (Lovaas, et al., 1971). This rein-
method was substantially more effective than forced self-stimulation should, therefore, attain
free reinforcement (social and nutritive), rein- progressively greater strength and frequency,
forcement (again social and nutritive) of com- thereby reducing still further the opportunities
peting behaviors, punishment by a physical slap, for successful outward-directed conduct. A treat-
and unpleasant taste (for mouthing), or an en- ment strategy from this orientation would be:
riched physical environment (reinforcement of (1) to decrease the duration of reinforcement
constructive behaviors). Physical punishment by that is intrinsic to a given instance of stimulating
a slap seems to be the closest alternative to the oneself, (2) to prevent further practice and con-
Overcorrection method but was found to be less sequent strengthening of the self-stimulatory
effective in a direct comparison between the two behaviors, (3) to arrange annoying (aversive)
in the present study. It should be noted, how- consequences for each instance of self-stimula-
ever, that previous reports of punishment by tion, (4) to teach outward-directed activities,
pain-shock (Lovaas, et al., 1965) and by a (5) to provide an environment that will ensure a
physical blow (Bucher and Lovaas, 1968) have high frequency of positive reinforcement for con-
involved autistic rather than retarded children, tinuing outward-directed activities, (6) to alter
and that severe types of self-stimulation such qualitatively the tactile, proprioceptive, visual,
as self-mutilation have, as yet, been treated gustatory, or other sensations that result from
effectively only by severe pain-shock (Bucher self-stimulation and presumably account for its
and Lovaas, 1968). In any case, one major dif- reinforcing value, (7) to provide negative rein-
ference between the Overcorrection procedure forcement (removal of annoyance) as well as
and very painful physical punishment proce- positive reinforcement for outward-directed be-
dures that will remain and may be of decisive haviors since the positive mode presumably is
importance in selecting between the procedures, not sufficient. The Overcorrection techniques
is the personal attitude of the therapist regard- achieve these objectives: (1) the duration of
ing the use of very painful punishments, such as reinforcement for each self-stimulation episode
pain-shock or physical blows, versus a mild pun- is brief because the teacher immediately inter-
ishment such as Overcorrection. rupts each instance observed. (2) Further prac-
An understanding of the reasons for the effec- tice of the self-stimulatory behavior is physically
tiveness of the Overcorrection method seems prevented by the teacher while she manually
possible if one examines the essential nature of guides the child during the 2- to 20-min period
this phenomenon of pathological self-stimula- of Overcorrection. (3) Annoying consequences
tion. From a reinforcement orientation, pro- for the self-stimulation results from the physical
found retardates can be considered to suffer from effort required and the annoyance at being
a deficit of functional (reinforced) behaviors manually guided. (4) Teaching of the outward-
directed toward their physical and social en- directed activities is accomplished directly by the
vironment because of their intellectual, physical, manual guidance and instructions. (5) The en-
and perceptual deficits, which probably cause riched day-school provides the continuing avail-
such behaviors to be extinguished or punished. ability of positive reinforcement for outward-
Autistic children, by definition of autism as self- directed activities. (6) The qualitative changes
14 R. M. FOXX and N. H. AZRIN

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