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Introduction 5G Technology

Introduction 5G Technology is the next generation or fth generation network

technology which is the lates upgrade in the long term evolution of mobile
broadband network it is a new global wireless network technology often ,1G
,2G,3G and 4G which enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect
virtually everyone and everything including machine object and devices 5G
technology is a new revolution in the eld of telecommunication this technology
Is set to play on unprecedented role in the eld of communication in place of 4G in
the future. India 5G technology is expected to take of by 2024 the India
government hopes that 5G technology with help in business ,heath sectors , social
economic of the nation will be faster . 5G technology is considered the faster and
mast secure means of costa transfer so for its speed will be move that about
1GDPS which is about ten times more than normal wireless mobile phone the 5G.
Is more powerful than its previous generations due its high speed data transfer and
low latency the transmission of the 5G network will not require any type of tower
but rather the transmission of signal through small cell stations in rooftops or
electric pales these small cell are signi cantly more important because of the
millimetre wave spectrum. Rather the transmission of signals through, small cell
stations in scoop tops or electric Pales these small cells are signi cantly millimetre
wave spectrum.Evolution form rst generation to fth generation to fth generation

1. 1G technology was and supported 126 Technology launched in 1980 and

railing media signals only voice calls.

2. 2G technology was launched in 1990 which supported both voice and data

3. 3G technology With a way launched in the 2000 with a speed of 1Mbps to 2

Mbps and of hat the ability to transmit telephone signals I including call and

4. 4G technology was launched in 2009 which supported data transmission with

a bond with of 64 kbps with Peak Speed of 100 Mbps and It also enables 30
virtual reality.

Advantage of 5G technology some of important advantage of sy technology on

India Which in Some of the a committee , On 5G formed in India which
recommendation for increase in the amount of spectrum available. and decrease
in the amount of spectrum available and decrease in the value of spectrum.This
technology will accelerate I the Digital India Program of the India Government,
Make in India, Smart city project etc, Successful government of New India mission
can be made.The high data speed of the 5G network might help cloud system
steam software update music and navigation data. It will also facilitate the eco-
system cover your the Internet of things. It Increase increase Indian GDP , digitise
the employment generation economy.5G technology will help to incorporate
Arti cial intelligences into . dally lives.It is estimated that s g that 5G technology
will boost the digital India achieve as 5 trillion economy by 2024.Challenges 5G
technology some of the challenges of 5G technology are:-

1. According to information and communication technology expect Indian had an

to appropriate infrastructure for and developing its a challenge in its self.

2. The proposed speed of 5G is di cult considering the ine cient technical

support in most part of the world.

3. 5G connection is more expensive than the currently available network 5G

required investors to invest more the 2000 billion pen year. Which discover

4. Reliance bio enter into the India telecom sector in 2016 has also led to a
decline in revenue from other sectors operation.

5. The switch from 4G to 5G will be infrastructure intensive the develop meant of

infrastructure for 5G is very expensive.

5G technology and India in India 5G o cially available commercial usage from

October 1,2022 Arteli and Jio telecom plan have nalised a proper Services rolled
in the country. Initially Airtel will o er 5G services in 8 cities including four metros
and Jio will launch it’s 5G services across metropolitan cities including Delhi,
Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata starting of 5G network tech will help in good
governance and will lead to higher economical growth in India by opening up new
opportunities and societal bene ts while cutting down on conventional
barriers.Data acceleration with use of smartphones and new tari plans could
result in higher average revenue per user. However, telecom operators Reliance Jio
and Bharti Airtel plan to upgrade users of certain tari plans to 5G without the
change of SIM card initially.

From 100 times the speed and 1,000 times the capacity of the current day mobile
networks, reduced energy use under a single network to provide a variety of
heterogeneous services like AI, extended reality (XR), edge computing and the
Internet of Things (IoT), 5G network will not only disrupt OTT viewing, but will bring
a digital transformation and network virtualisation across sectors. How? Hospitals
will have 5G-enabled tracking of medical devices and patient beds to trigger
actions automatically and accelerate patient handovers, remote robot-assisted
surgery, advanced digital wallets, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, smart homes,
appliances for better connected lifestyle, and more.

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