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Replacing Bosch “# 138227 Rotor Replacing: 1124034677, 1124034399 Servicing: 0120488206, 0120488234, 0120488052, 0120488283, 0120488256, 0120488289, 012048288, o12048s481, 0386041640, 603020048 28 Volt, 45 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, (00 89.00, Shaft dla. 17.00, ‘otal length 154.00 138264 rotor Replacing: 1124035260, 1124095255 Servicing: 0120469060, 0120469100, 0120468102, 0120469107, 0120469108, 0120468109, o12046ar10, o12046att1 0120469112, 0120469113 28 Volt, 55 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, 0D 100.00, Shaft dla. 17.00, Total length 158.00 Rp. 138521 rotor Replacing: 1124035221, 1124095105 Servicing: 0120468097, 0120468114, 120500168, 8120500982 28 Volt, 80 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, (OD 102120, shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 164.00, Rotation CW Sp 138839 fotor Replacing: 2121456086, 1124095223, 124038222, 1124035141, 1124035119 Servleng: 0120468065, 012046804, 0120468116, ‘aodesiz4, 0120988129, 0120488180, 01204619, (0120468999, 8120500512, 8120500060, 28 Volt, 75 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, (00 103.30, Shaft dia. 17.00, ‘otal length 166.50, Rotation CW “t- 139405 fotor Replacing: 1124035238, 1124035178 Servicing: 0120488010, of20488022, 0120469028, Drzoeeen25, 0120469027, 0120866080, 012046951 0120469097, 0120469048, 0120469521 28 Volt, 55 Amp, Thread size W16-1.50, 00 100100, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 161.00, Rotation cw 139433 rotor Replacing: 1124095167, 124095068, 1124096037 Servicing: 0120489008, 0120459038, 0120469041, r2n4eese5, 012046978, oeebra4420, 6020620053, 20421964, 8120500146, 8120501082 28 Volt, §5 Amp, Thread size 161.50, 0D 100.00, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 172.50 139805 foto Replacing: 1124035261 Servicing: 0120468115, 0120489116, 10120468117, 0120469178, 6038638022, 6030489018, 6030683022, 6083682027 28 Volt, 80 Amp, Thread size W16-1.50, 00 103130, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 186.50 t 230979 rotor Replacing: 1124095257 Servicing: 0120468135, 0120468144, 0120468146, 0120469104, 0120468105, sosaas04se, eosaGBo45, 6oascea021 6035689045, 6033685048 28 Volt, 80 Amp, Thread size W16-1.50, 0D 103145, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 175.50 “Ss. 231280 otor Replacing: 2124037064 Servicing: 0120689562, Fo0oLD0211 28 Volt, 140 Amp. OD 125.00 Shatt dia. 30.00, Total length 224.50, Rotation CW 232040 rotor Replacing: 9122334057 Servicing: 0120460149, o12046et45, (0120468119, 0120469120, 6033530818, 6039630828, 6083654010, 6033659023, 6039680063 28 Volt. 100 Amp. Thread size M16-1.50, 00 103.20, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 175.00, Rotation CW 233646 Foter Replacing: 1124035259 Servicing: 0120469101, 603083047, 6039683055 28 Volt, $5 Amp, Thread size N16-1.50, (00 100.10, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 168.70 233973 EE rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: 1124038648, 1129036541, 1124025522 Servicing: 0129525500, 0123525502, 0123525508 28 Volt, 90 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, 00 111.45, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 158.00, Rotation CW Slip ring: HC-CARGO 135172. 18 *pollabla wile stock lst, * Program development. ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS (EN. names and numbers are usd for rferance purposes ony a 234523 El rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: 1124035547, 1124088848, 1124098590 0128825501, 0129025508, (0123525501, 0123525504 28 Volt, 90 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, 235054 El rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: FoOM131645, FoOMI31616 Servicing: 0124856001, 0124555002, 0124555000, ‘124ses0os, 0124555006, 024588007, 0124555008, (0124555011, 0124555012, 0124555013. 28 Volt, 80 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, 00 109.25, Shaft dia. 17.00, ‘otal length 162.00, Rotation CW Alternative no.: 335076 Je 235341 El rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: 1124084977, 1124034970 Servicing: 0128325500 28 Volt, 55 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, (00 93.20, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 171.10, Rotation CW 235744 El rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: FooMist818, Servicing 012455505, 01258500, 012455510, 0124855017, 24555020, 0124555027, (0124555028, 0124555058, 0124555061 28 Volt, 70 Amp, Thread size 16-150, (00 102.40, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 159.00 238117 Potor Replacing: FooM131658 Servicing: 0124655008, 0124655009, 0124858012, 0124855019, 0124655023, 0124658036, 0124685037, 0124655039 28 Volt, 110 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, 0D 111150, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 162.00, Rotation cw Alternative no.: 203492 330218 EB rotor Replacing: FooMt31681, Servicing: 0124655014, 0124686111, 0124655296, 0124655254, 28 Volt, 110 Amp, Throad size W16-1.50, 0D 111130, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 165.00, Rotation CW 331782 Ei} rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: FooMt31680 Servicing: 0124555018, 0124586038, 0124555068, 0124555117, 0124555118 28 Volt, 82 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, 0D 103.30, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 165.00, Rotation CW 333492 El rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: FooM131658 Servicing: 0124655008, 0124855009, 0124655011, (r24655012, 01245850"9, 0124855025, FON 96248 28 Volt, 110 Amp, Thread size W16-1.50, 0D 111°50, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 162.00, Rotation cw Alternative no.: 238117 = 335076 rotor Replacing: FooM131645, FOOM131616 Servicing: 0124555001, 0124555002, 0124555008, Or2esesone, 012455500, 0124885008, 124855013, r2a5s5014, 0124555022, 0124555052 28 Volt, 80 Amp, Thread size Wi6-1.50, 00 103.25, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 152.00, Rotation ow Alternative no.: 235054 Ei) 335515 El rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: Fow'31646 Servicing: 0120000018, 0124858001, o1246ss002, (r2aass0o4, 0124858016, 0124855098 28 Volt, Thread size I18-1.50, OD 111.20, Shaft dia. 17.00, Total length 162.50 335516 J rotor Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: FoOM31695 Servicing: 0124655006 28 Volt, 100 Amp, Thread size M16-1.50, (00 111.40, shaft dia 17.00, Total length 16255, 335518 Bid rotor Replacing: Fo0w131768 28 Volt, 120 Amp, Thread size MI6-1.50, (0D 111.15, Shaft ia. 17.00, Total length 17.70, 335526 EE rotor Replacing: Fo0w131707 Servicing: 0124655036, 0124885037, 0124655039, 0124855040 28 Volt, 110 Amp, Thread size M17-1.50, (00 111.10, hate dia 17.00, Total length 18242 ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS (.E.M. names and numbers are use for reference purposes only 19 “avilable while stock lt, * Program development. Replacing Bosch = Pkg. 5 | Rotor Parts Keys o Pig. 10 shafts 2) Ej S cf a & 135172 stip Fing Replacing: Fonts4a019, 195172, 124903007 isazas hey Sone na ae 133435. Aotor shatt Replacing: 1900023004 (0120465004, 0120465006, 0120465007, Servicing: 9121149005, 019, Hc-can- | Servicing: 9120060169, 20000171, (020485008, 0120465009 GO 132850, 0986034450, 9120144605, ‘9120080188, 9120080209, 6120080208, 1D 7.00, OD 16.00, Total length 52.10 9120144606, 9120144610, 9120144611, ‘9120080216 . : 9120884627, 9120354828 Length 10.00, Thickness 3.00, Thread size Mi4-1.50, OD/shatt 17.00, | Width 9.70 Total length 200.60, No./spines 18 Slip Rings Pag. 10 =a - : 136000 - stip ring Replacing: 1124304018 Servicing: 0120689503, 0120689505, 10120669506, 0120686507, 0120688508, 133910" potorsnat Servicing 124004911, H-CARGO 194087 ‘120689519; ofzbessgt4 Thread size 161.50, OD/shat 17.00. | 133401 stip ring 1 20.00, OD 82.70, Total length 22.90 Total length 149.00 Replacing: 112«00c020, 1124904011, ‘erative no: FO%2196000 1124304007 een Copper ring: HC-CARGO 135659, Alternative no.: 8133401 135329" potor shat Pra. 10 Servicing: | 124 095077, Ho-CARGO 199444, 136465 Bi sto ring ofeoseabis, oi2oeotes, oendeett, Ot04e96i8,Biz0d2108 Thread size 6-150, OD/shatt 17.00 Total length 172.00 Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: 2124306001 Servicing: 0120600582, 0120600583, ‘or20600884, 0120600586, 0120600587, (0120600588, 0120600580, 0120600591, 0120600682, 0120689519 1D 25.00, OD 40.50, Total length 38.00 133402 stip ring "honk Vrsmaes ata, sto: atoans: 1asoa010 SeringCats0510, 20001 Orenoneia onus, oasis 239134 fotor shaft 10120300516, 0120300517, 0120300518, Servicing: 1124094904, 1124094951 0120800519, 0120300522" Fooui31628, Fooki31630, FoOMT3i8—4, | 1D 17.00, OD 28.00, Total length 22.10 OOMIS 630, FOONIS16 Copper ring: HC-CARGO 135660, 235764 stip ring “Thread size M6-1.50, OD/shaft 17.00, | Alternative no.: B132402 Replacing: 1124309026 Total length 154.50, No./splines 19 | servicing: 0120339514, 0120339531, 0120400722, 0120400729, 01204007%8, ‘0120400806, 0120400807, 0120400810, (0120400803, 0120400894 1D 16.80, OD 28.00, Total length 22.20 20 ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS *pollabla wile stock lst, * Program development. (EN. names and numbers are usd for rferance purposes ony Pea. 5 239930 slip ing Replacing: Fo0M343004 10 5.12, OD 13.42, Total length 42.30, i Pkg. 10 NEW PRODUCT 334623" siping Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: 1124303028 Servicing: 0120469522, 0120489528, 0120469582, 0120469687, 0120488153, 10120488027, 0120488515, 0120489704, 0120489757, 0120489095 1D 16.80, OD 28.00, Total length 22.00 Copper Rings Pkg. 10 139025 rotor spacer Replacing: 1120114002 Servicing: 1120114002, 0120889513, ‘0x20689620, 0120689522, 0120689529, (0120689626, 0120688527, 0120689528, 0120689620, 0120689531 1D 30.00, OD 49.00, Height 10.00 a. 10 ce 332651 EB stio ing Replacing: FOONS02710,FOOWSC2700 Servicing: 01571101, otsr1t017, orto 1D 5.10, OD 13.90, Total length 46.40 Bosch ee . Pra s0| 1565S" comeing | 230822 spacer . Height Replacing: 2120202008 adeeb ‘Servicing: 0120689502, 0120689503, Big. 10 | arses, o120600505,c120600506, Dtaneesor,otznesosoa, 012066510, ranessir, o1eoegste 1D 20.00, O0 32.00, Height 19.00 Pra. 10 B133401 sii ring Servicing: ozo, oz1s4a,os140502 cer 5B0, 20960, 0204575, OBC 08600170, 0385004411, 090032710 . 135660 cooper ing 11700, op 2.0, Teta entn 2250 | 3500, op st. Hout 8.50 vel a0 opp Slip ring: He‘CARGO 123402 ternative no. Alternative no.: 8195660 Pag.5 | =, | 884198 spacer 1D 17.05, 00 25:00, Height 0.50 Circlips Pia. § eae ing B135660 cooper Ring teplacing: 813 Replacing: 135660 Servicing: 0120496183, 096000120, : Servicing: 20488103, 0865000120, | servicing: 0866097450, 088603050, (0986031330, 0986031340, 0986032720, one Oe coast 6033G83027 805000070, 0566000000 1D 30,00, OD 26.00, Helght 8.50 1D 17.00, OD 28.00, Total length 22.10 | Qvick repair for stip ring: HC-CARGO 133402. 139026 circtip W180 mmm copper ‘Alternative no.: 195660 Replacing: 2916600016 trmative no f35660 _____| servicing 001800002, oc01eo000, Alternative no. {93402 0001600005, 0001600008, 0001600007, jamseeeaensereers soto, cooisoot,cootsoot2, ootsoots: cooisotot ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS 21 (.E.M. names and numbers are use for reference purposes only “avilable while stock lt, * Program development. Replacing Bosch Replacing Bosch Nuts Pig. 5 138775 shatt nut Replacing: F00M990059, 1127011100, 1123314008 Servicing: 0120000016, 0120000036, (120000036, 012039501, 0120235042, 012033801C, 0120400848, 0120450012, 0120450022, 0120450024 ‘Thread Mt6-1.50, OD 2.80, Lock nut w/o Pig. 5 139930 shart nut Manufacturer: Bosch Replacing: Fo0M990132, FooMg90075, Servicing: Cow, 0129515502, 0124515017, 0124515018, 0124525001, 0124525061, 0124828522, 0124615023, 0124625001, Thread Mi6-1.50, OD 23.75, Leck nut w/o Pig. 100 191657 Hoxnut Replacing: F00!990191, Fookg90012, ‘9491337029, 6093608223, 2915038028 Servicing: 4G SERIES, 0120000017, 0120000018, of 20000029, 0120238008, 0120338007, 0120335008, orz03aé012, 120335010, 0120400728 ‘Thread M16-1.50, Spanner sizo 24, DIN norm 4398, ISO norm 4035 231564" nut Servicing: 1126801568, Thread M16-1.50, OD 26.50/24.90, Lock nut w/o For rotor. Pig. 5 234137) nu Replacing: 2123300004 Servicing: ACY72R, AGZOGA, AC2ORA, 10120600858, 0120600572, 0120600573, 1120600587, 0120600590, 0120600591, 0120600582, 0120689518 Thread M2t-1.50, OD 36.60, Lock nut w/o 135553¢ shaft nut sot Replacing: 1127011052 Servicing: 0120400896, 0120400857, (0120400862, 0120400868, 0120488565, 0120489566, 0120489583, 0120489584 136010 | shaft nut set Replacing: 1127011064, 1127011063 Servicing: 0120689802, 0120689503, 0120688504, 0120689505, 0120689506, 10120686507, 0120689508, 0120689510, 0120680511, 0120689512 Ofs See eco°o 136011 shart nut sot Replacing: 1127011171 Servicing: 0120380567, 0120689519, 10120688520, 0120689523, 0120689526, 0120689528, 0120889590, 0120689531, 0120680533, 0120689534 = 2 oOrF 137148 | shaft Nut set Replacing: 1127011020, Servicing: 0120239647, 0120400604, (0120400635, 0120400856, 0120400643, ‘0120400644, 0120400647, 0120400648, 120400852, 0120400865) 138094 shart Nut sot Replacing: 1127011160 Servicing: 0120488008, 0120480060, 0120468065, (rz0dea0es, 0120468107, oT20486113, (r2046a115, 0120468116, 0120468117, 0120468118 231091 shatt Nut set Replacing: 1127011143, Servicing: 0120400728, 0120489001, (0120469013, 0120469101, 0120469688, ‘0120469687, 0120469885, 0120468982, 0120488256, 0120488277 Washers Pag. 10 o 234710 washor Servicing: 0120400640, 012040082, (012040068, 0120400768, 0120400791, ‘0120400895, 0986028951, 0986042051 1D 6.75, OD 15.30, Thickness 1.45, Material Plastic 22 *prllabla wile stock lst, * Program development. ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS (EN. names and numbers are usd for rferance purposes ony 14V 130097 El stator Manufacturer: Iskra/Mahie Replacing: 1125049007, 1125049005, 1125049002 Serving 0120900518, 0120900619, 0120400822, 0120300823, 0120300524, 0120300880, ‘oe0300sat,ot2ngonsae,or2n800s%2, 0120900505 14 Volt, 28 Amp, ID 74.00, OD 108.00, 002 102.25, Height 20.00, Terminals 3 130099 stator Replacing: 8121395025, 9121995024, 1125049004 Servicing: orananosze, 0120300529, 0120300528, (0120300639, 0120900880, oF2N800551, 012050558, 0120900559, 0120300582, 0120800563 14 Volt, 39 Amp, ID 79.95, OD 107.90, 00 2 101.75, Height 20.00, Terminals 3 130100 stator Replacing: 9120080658, 8121060080, ‘128045014, 1128048010, 1125045009, 11125045007, 1124229025, 1124229010 Servicing: 0120400508, 0120400541, 0120400842, ‘0120400558, 0120400883, 0120400585, 0120400570, 120400571, 0120400572, 0120400600 14 Volt, 35 Amp, ID 89.50, OD 125.00, 002 117.50, Height 17.00, Terminals 3 130101 stator Replacing: 9120080559, s121934114, ‘as04s062, 1125045052, 1125045046, 125045042, 1125045081, 1125045038 Servicing: 0120400649, 0120400665, 0120400678 ‘orandoosss, otzn4an6s7, oF 20400852, 01204006, ‘0120400712, 0120400714, 0120400716 44 Volt, 55 Amp, ID 89.00, OD 125.00, (002 117.00, Height 23.60, Terminals 3 132091 stator Replacing: 1125045140, 1125048198, 1125048187, 1125005183, 1125045130, 1125085122) 1125045119, 1125045114 Servicing: 0120450008, 0120480008, 0120450013, r204s0014, 0120468162, 0120469002, 02046908, 0120469008, 0120469008, 0120469006 14 Volt, 90 Amp, ID 101.10, OD 138.10, 0D 2 130.50, Helght 24.10, Terminals 4 Alternative no.: FO32132081 oO 132351 stator Replacing: 1125045034, 1125045021 Servicing: 0120400648, 0120400744, 0120400888, 1204eea02, 0120488009, 0120488004, 012048005, 0120489108, 0120489587, 0120489589 14 Volt, 45 Amp, 1D 88.99, OD 125.00, Holght 24.12, Torminals 3 @ 132354 Replacing: 1125045081, 1125045053 Servicing: 0120484029, 0120488000, 0120480001, 0120488008, 0120488003, 0120488012, 0120488100, 0120488101, 0120488102, 0120485108 14 Volt, 70 Amp, 1D 89.40, OD 125.00, 0D 2 118.70, Height 25.60, Terminals 3 Stator 133081 stator Replacing: 9121144103, 6039603043, 1125045504, 1125045063, 1125046064, 1125045043, Servicing: 0120400725, 0120800844, 012040008, (012046000, 012048001, 0120486006, 012048007, 012048 18, 0120488 18, 012048124 14 Volt, 65 Amp, 1D 89.20, OD 125.00, 0D 2 117.50, Holght 25.80, Terminals 3 oO Replacing Bosch 133105* | stator Replacing: 1225045108, 1125045106, 1725045101 Servicing: 0120450001, 0120450002, (0120450008, 0120450008, 0120469500, (0120469601, 0120469502, 0120459503, 120469604, 0120469608 14 Volt, 70 Amp, 1D 100.50, OD 138.00, Height 24.10, Terminals 3 o 133294 stator Replacing: 1125045195, 1125045110, 1125045100 Servicing: 0120450011, 0120450012, 0120450018, ‘120880017, o1zoasote, 012048001, 012045020, ‘or2045002, 0120450022, 0120450023, 14 Volt, 80 Amp, 1D 100.50, OD 138.10, 00 2 129.57, Height 23.55, Terminals 3 oO 133474 stator Replacing: 1125045061, 1124045061 Servicing: 0120488248, ofz04sez49, 0120480367, 120488368, 0120069972, 0120188573, 0120460576, (0120489977, 0120488580, 0120480452 14 Volt, 45 Amp, 1D 89.22, OD 125.00, 00 2 117.20, Helght 23.52, Terminals 3 134565 | stator Replacing: 6039409068, 1127048127, 1125045183, 1125045127 Servicing: 0120488001, 0120468002, (0120468008, 0120468004, 0120468005, (0120468008, 0120468007, 0120468008, 20468028, 0120468030 14 Volt, 110 Amp, 1D 103.65, OD 141.92, (00 2 134.00, Height 28.58, Terminals 4 Alternative no.: FO32134565 ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS (.E.M. names and numbers are use for reference purposes only 23 “avilable while stock lt, * Program development.

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