Phân Tích. Have Children Later

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Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? Do advantages of this outweigh

To have children later in life = to delay parenthood = to postpone parenthood = = to procrastinate giving birth = to give birth later in life = to decide
to give birth later in life.

Mở bài In recent decades, an increasing number of people having children later in life has sparked a degree of controversy among people.
This essay will discuss several causes for this tendency and demonstrate beneficial and adverse impacts.
Body 1 Topic There are a number of understandable reasons why young couples decide to delay parenthood.
Career Luận điểm 1: First, since the competition of the labour market becomes increasingly fierce /fɪəs/ [khốc liệt], many married
couples choose to focus time, effort and money on their careers.

Bảo vệ luận điểm 1: It is clear that giving birth later permits couples to work longer hours with higher commitment, which in
turn results in better salaries and wages.
Responsibility Luận điểm 2: Second, by understanding the magnitude of [hiểu được tầm quan trọng của] child-rearing responsibility [trách
nhiệm khó khăn nuôi con], some young people procrastinate giving birth in life.
Bảo vệ luận điểm 2: This means that looking after their offspring, either feeding or teaching them, requires a great deal of
perseverance and hard work, thereby discouraging [nản chí] many would-be parents.
Topic I believe that this trend shows/ brings both advantages and disadvantages.
Advantage Luận điểm 1: As for the upside, those who postpone parenthood are likely to have time to get more done, either at work or in life,
which gives rise to them happier overall.
Bảo vệ luận điểm 1: In fact, studies have shown that people who have the time to do and travel more when they were young have
a higher level of happiness than those who do not.
Disadvantage Luận điểm 2: Notwithstanding, giving birth later in life poses a serious threat to health that might affect a woman’s health as well
as her baby’s.
Bảo vệ luận điểm 2: Plenty of evidence suggests that older women have a high risk of having a child with birth defects [những dị
tật bẩm sinh] or neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.
Kết bài In conclusion, it seems to me that giving birth later has its own advantages and disadvantages. By considering all the pros and cons
of the trend, people would make the best decision for themselves.

To decide to = to make a decision to

To be determined to = to have a determination to

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