Part 2

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Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the future.
1. What
Well, today, I’m gonna [going to] tell you about a coffee shop which I would like to run in the future.
[Well, to be honest, I am living the dream [nuôi dưỡng ước mơ] to become successful business.
So, I would like to run a coffee shop in the future].
 in the future = for many years to come = in the long run = the down road
2. When
To be honest, I’m saving up money now, and I’m planning to open it in the next two years.
3. Where
You know, my coffee shop will be situated/ located/ positioned near the bustling areas in Ho Chi Minh
City. I reckon that it is located in a prominent place where my coffee shop attracts a bunch of visitors.
[Heart of the city]
4. Who
When it comes to [speaking of = in terms of] the Staff, I think that I need some waiters to give me a
hand in taking orders, cleaning or serving, and even I need some baristas to make the best drinks to my
5. How
- Speaking of decoration, my coffee shop will be decorated with a vintage style. So, I think that my
coffee shop has gained a reputation for a must-visit place for many youngsters who would like to
blow off some steam or snap photos.
[Youngsters = teenagers = youth = juvenile = adolescents]
- Especially, the comfy and cozy atmosphere in my coffee shop will help customers get a sense of
serenity and tranquility and feel it at home that I can’t really describe in words [to find my feet:
thoải mái như ở nhà]. Also, it is a marvelous way for me to get away from the hustle and bustle of
the city life
- Moreover, there will be a beautiful rose garden in front of my coffee shop, and all the tables, the
chairs will be made of wood. This allows customers to connect the nature and enjoy the fresh air as
well as they can find their inner peace]
[There is/ are __ in front of/ behind/ outside ____; __is/are made of ___[wood/ plastic/ glass…]

[I will make the windows, which are decorated with tiny flowers and colured string lights. I also love
the ceiling, which is nicely decorated with moon and star ornaments, making the atmosphere ever
6. Why: taking about the reasons why I want to make this dream come true
- Firstly, I am a coffee lover, so I hope to bring the best coffee for everyone to savour, especially
traditional coffee in Vietnam.
- Secondly, this industry is very lucrative with low investment but fast recovery. Believe it or not, If I
run it well, I can make a killing [make a lucrative income] from my own business to support
myself and my family on a daily basis. More importantly, this job brings me an immense amount of
job satisfaction which makes me happy all days.
 All in all, this is an ideal job that I always think about and I know I need to burn the midnight oil
[thức trắng đêm để chong đèn dầu - làm việc chăm chỉ] to achieve my goal
 Idioms
- Make a killing = make a profit = make a lucrative income.
- follow my father's footsteps: nỗi nghiệp cha.
- Multinational company: cty đa quốc gia
- run my own business: làm kinh doanh riêng
- set up the business: bắt đầu kinh doanh
- Working for myself = be self-employed.
- go bankrupt = go out of business: phá sản
- Land a new job: tìm kiếm 1 công việc mới.
- made of money: rất giàu có

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