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Working with resistance bands

Refers to the ability of the whole MUSCULAR ENDURANCE

body to perform activities for a
The ability of the muscle to generate
prolonged time
force repeatedly. Improved
and have the circulatory and endurance allows
respiratory systems work efficiently.
an individual to perform physical
An individual
activities in a greater number of
who are engage in aerobic exercises repetitions and
are the one who can sustain
in a longer period.
workouts for
Ways to Improve Muscular
long period of time without getting
1. Sit-ups
Ways to Improve Cardiovascular
Endurance 2. Press-ups
1. Running or Walking 3. Squat Thrusts
2. Aerobics and Aerobic Dance FLEXIBILITY
3. Swimming and Bicycling Defined as the range of motion
possible at the many joints in the
4. At-Home Exercises
body. When the
muscles are developed and
Ability of the muscle to generate lengthened through appropriate
force. It is often measured by how exercise, they allow
much weight
the joints to move through a wider
a person can lift. Stroger muscles range of motion.
allow person to do more work,
Ways to Improve Flexibility
protect the joints
1. Tai chi
from possible injuries and makes
bone stronger. 2. Yoga
Ways to Improve Muscular Strength 3. Dance
1. Lifting Weights BODY COMPOSITION
2. Cycling It is the ratio of lean body weight to
fat. The main components under
3. Hill Walking
consideration are fat mass, muscle
mass, bone density, and water

Ways to Improve Body Composition

1. Push-ups

2. Weighted Squat Jump

3. Explosive lunge jump

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