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2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI)

Bandung - Padang, October 19 - 23, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-7281-8196-7

The Impact of Information Technology on Business

Model Changes in Print Mass Media Industry:
Case Study of Surat Kabar Republika
Dea Wemona Rahma, Tri Buana Tungga Dewi, Nadina Adelia Indrawan, Muhammad Rifki Shihab
Faculty of Computer Science
Universitas Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
dea.wemona@ui.ac.id, tri.buana91@ui.ac.id, nadina.adelia@ui.ac.id, shihab@cs.ui.ac.id

Abstract—The development of information technology has System in order to deliver thousands of newspapers to wider
transformed business model in most of major industry, region as early as possible.
including mass media industry. Republika, as one of national
newspaper in Indonesia has embedded Information Technology As information technology and internet reach more
(IT) in their strategy and capabilities of the company in response people, Republika decided to launch their mobile application
to the changes in customer’s behaviour who mostly demand called Republika to deliver the company values to their
instant access to content, whenever and wherever. This study customers who prefer reading news through smartphones.
aimed to understand the impact of IT on business model changes From printed newspaper to digital newspaper, Republika
in Republika’s strategy, capabilities, and values. The authors evolved their business model in order to exploit opportunities
also focused on the analysis of IT impact, whether IT drives and build their capabilities.
revenues growth, drives asset efficiency, drives cost savings, or
create a virtuous cycle of innovation, productivity, and According to Nielsen[3], the existence of internet in
increasing returns. The research methodology used in this study Indonesia as one of the media with high penetration level
is qualitative method through observation and literature study. indicated that Indonesians are increasingly prefer to access
The results concluded that IT has increased Republika’s online various contents through digital media. Failing to connect with
advertising revenue by 43% compared to online advertising audiences online could have negative consequences for
through publishers based on Republika’s annual report. The broadcasters and news publishers who are looking to expand
use of social media has also resulted in a significant increase in their reach. Thus, they must adapt to the changes in order to
Instagram audience by 164%. Whereas other social media stay relevant.
platforms grow by 5-10%. Information Technology also
facilitated efficiency in distributing Republika’s value This study aimed to understand the impact of Information
propositions, costs savings in their core processes, and also Technology (IT) on business model changes in Republika.
generate new revenue streams (digital newspaper-Epaper). This paper focused on the analysis of how Information
Technology impact Republika’s strategies and capabilities.
Keywords—IT impact, business model changes, mass media

I. INTRODUCTION A. Business Model

The significant increase of the internet and smartphones A business model describes how an organization creates,
usage in Indonesia is reported to continue to rise from year to delivers, and captures value[4]. According to Lynda M.
year[1]. The penetration of internet and smartphone changes Applegate, business model defines how an organization
the behaviour of people in various things, one of them is how interacts with its environment to define a unique strategy,
people access the news. People used to sell and buy daily attract the resources, and build the capabilities needed to
newspaper every morning to get the latest news. Many people execute the strategy, and create value for all stakeholders[5].
also used to subscribe to the newspaper agent to have their Business model is a combination of value bidding, value
newspaper delivered to their home. However, traditional evaluation, shipping and value capture. Value is offered to one
newspaper nowadays is losing its readers and newspaper or more customer segments. Value creation is related to the
agents are rarely found. company's architecture including main activities, key
Republika is one of national newspaper companies in resources, and partnerships. Value delivery consists of
Indonesia who was affected by the impact of information channels for creating, marketing, and providing value and
technology. The newspaper was first published on January 4, relationship capital[4].
1993. It is currently owned by PT Mahaka Media; the holding B. Strategy
company of media and entertainment business unit in the field Strategy is part of the business model [5]. Supporting
of Broadcasting, Printing & Publishing, Online and Marketing Lynda M. Applegate, Braun proposed that strategy and model
Company[2]. At the beginning, Republika printed their daily business are two things that are interrelated but have different
newspaper to deliver their organization’s value to their goals. Strategy focuses on how to win business from
readers. During August 1995, Republika launched their portal competitors, while business model focuses on how the
website. Republika became online newspaper pioneer in company acquire its customers[6]. Strategy is series of ways
Indonesia. In 1997, Republika operated Remote Printing used to determine the opportunities and potency that can be
obtained from those opportunities [5]. Strategy define the

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revenue drivers of the business and its potential to grow. This
paper concerned about the IT impact on business model
change. The change of business model will affect how the
organization execute organization’s strategy. There are four
areas included to analyse the business model in an
x Business context
x Customers
Fig. 1. Three components of a Digital Business Model [7]
x Competitors and substitute
Content is anything available in a business that is
x Business network consumed by customers. In Republika, for instance, content is
C. Capabilities the news that are provided in the websites and other digital
According to Lynda M. Applegate[5], capability is the products of Republika. Moreover, how the content is
organization’s ability to execute their strategy while also packaged supports the attractiveness of customer value
providing platform for future growth of the organization. proposition since it improves the customers’ experience in
Capability is also defined as organizational assets and consuming the product. Finally, the coherence of digitalized
efficiency of how those assets are used. There are four areas business process, data, and infrastructure, defined as platform,
that are analysed to see the capabilities of an organization: is important to make the product delivered to customer easily.

x Process and infrastructure. In this area the core process E. Digital Business Transformation
needed for manufacturing products, delivering Digital business transformation is the use of social media
services, managing relation with stakeholders, and and digital platforms for performance improvement that
other core process in the organization are analysed. affects system, structure, and business process in organization.
End-to-end support process such as payroll, finance, Existing organization has evolved their approaches to digital
human resource management is also required to be business through a series of stages according to Dave Chaffey
analysed to find whether the processes enable efficient [8].
and effective strategy execution or not. F. IT Impact on Business Models
x People and Partners. This area is analysed to find According to Lynda M. Applegate, the analysis of IT
whether the organization has the expertise needed to impact on business model can be described along two
carry out the required activities and processes or not. dimensions, namely IT impact on strategy and IT impact on
Therefore, performance evaluation for people and capabilities[5]. Analysing a single project or a series of project
partners is in accordance with the specific role. which a company evolves its strategy over time can be
analysed using the IT Impact Map.
x Organization and Culture. Analysis in this area focuses
on whether organization and culture ease people to x IT impact on strategy defines the role of IT in
make decisions and finish their works. It is also determining product, market, business network, and
analysed, in this area, whether roles, responsibilities, boundary positioning. It is also used for defining the
and authorities are defined clearly for coordinating growth path of the organization over time.
work across unit.
x IT impact on capabilities defines the role of IT in
x Leadership and Governance. Analysis in this area building the capabilities needed to execute strategy.
focuses on how governance structures and systems are
used by leaders to balance the creativity and vision The impact of IT on business model alignment can be
needed to set goals and prioritize investments needed analysed using the framework of IT Impact on Business
to execute and deliver results. Model as in Fig. 2 [5]. The framework help to analyse whether
IT drives revenues growth, drives asset efficient, drives cost
D. Value savings, or create a virtuous cycle of innovation, productivity,
Value delivered to all stakeholders is the final component and increasing returns.
of business model. Organization analyse value created for all
stakeholders by looking at company financial ratios [5]. Such
economic-value metrics describe the financial returns for
organization’s owners and investors, which in turn affect the
stock price and market value.
In business model theory[4], value is described as value
proposition. It consists of products or services that caters to
the requirement of a specific customer segment. It satisfies
customers’ needs or solves their problems. Value proposition
is one of the reasons why customers turn to one organization
over another. Value proposition in digital business model
consists of three important components, namely content,
experience and platform[7].
Fig. 2. Impact of IT on Business Model Alignment [5]


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G. Previous Studies Republika initially delivered its value in the form of
In 2019, a research conducted by Harjanti et al [9] newspaper by printing dan distributing it every day. In 1995,
discussed IT impact on changing business model in banking Republika launched Republika Online (ROL) which can be
industry. The authors analysed Jenius as their case study. The accessed through the republika.co.id to serve the readers who
authors explained the business models, strategy, capabilities, could not be reached by the distribution of printed newspapers
and unique values of Jenius that are offered to their customers, and for readers who were abroad. Republika Online became
and how Jenius is a bank 4.0 model by implementing IT in the pioneer of the first digital newspaper in Indonesia [12]. At
their business. The research methodology they used is a that time, as a news portal website, the published content was
qualitative method. The data collection is done by using a complete duplication of the printed newspaper’s content [2].
observation, literature study, and interviews. The result shows As time goes by, Republika realized that they need to
that Jenius became a model of bank 4.0 by implementing IT expand their market by reaching more areas. In 1996,
in their business. IT impact on Jenius's business model change Republika began working with regional newspapers in the
their strategy, increase their capabilities, and offer unique fields of editorial, production, advertising, and human
values to their customers. resources. The collaboration involving the Surabaya Post,
Another study conducted by Amping et al [10] in 2019 Suara Merdeka, Pikiran Rakyat, Kedaulatan Rakyat, and
discussed the transformation process of PT Telkom and the Waspada finally yielded a breakthrough in media
impact of it. The purpose of the research is to provide concrete management. Using the information technology available at
evidence of the implementation of business transformation that time, Republika built a remote printing system called
towards business at PT Telkom. The research was conducted Sistem Cetak Jarak Jauh (SCJJ). In 1997, SCJJ was tested for
with qualitative methods. Literature studies on existing the first time in the city of Solo [13]. At that time, there was
theories are conducted, such as SWOT and Driving Digital not a single mass media organization that implemented this
Strategy, and data are collected from the literature review's system. The system was successfully running without any
result and through interviews and the company's documents. obstacles. Since then, there has been no more activity in
Jakarta to send thousands of newspapers to Central Java,
III. METHODOLOGY Yogyakarta, and East Java. Thus, Republika’s readers in those
area can enjoy the national newspaper earlier than when it was
The research methodology used in this study is qualitative
distributed from Jakarta.
method. The authors analysed to understand the impact of
information technology on business model changes in print In the next phase, Republika gradually began to develop
mass media industry, namely Surat Kabar Republika. This ROL in accordance with technological advances, especially
paper was written based on data, evidence, and available information technology. They renewed ROL’s interface and
information. add new features and web services. In 2008, ROL underwent
a major changes, from a simple news site to a multimedia web
The techniques the authors used in this study were
portal. This change occurred in response to the emerging
observation and literature study. The authors collected the data
challenges in the media industry which has begun to enter the
and information from Republika’s Annual Report published
era of media convergence[2]. In this case, Republika as a
by PT Mahaka Media, Republika’s official website, official
media industry institution is required to own and distribute
news article and press release related to Republika, academic
media content in print, online, and mobile formats. ROL’s
journals and other documents that can support this study.
new look was relaunched in February 2008.
The development of information technology in this digital
era allows organizations to change their business models as a
form of response to environmental changes in an industrial
area[8]. The form of responses given can affect changes in the
organization's business model, such as strategy, capabilities,
and value.
A. Strategy
Digital transformation in media industry is driven by Fig. 3. Timeline of Republika
changes in consumer behaviour and expectations, especially
in younger generation who demand instant access to content, ROL exists with a vision to become an integrated online
whenever and wherever [11]. Along with changes in media. Not only information and news needs, but also as a
consumer behaviour, information technology (IT) has also space of expression for the community, entertainment, and
been developed. The development of information technology even shopping. For this reason, ROL becomes a ‘One Stop
enables media industry to offer digital services and products Community-Based Portal’ which serves news, videos, digital
demanded by consumers. newspapers, community, social media, and e-commerce as its
services. In addition to ROL, Republika also build these
Customers are important to any organizations. In mass application as a complement to the ROL:
media industry, readers are the main customers. Republika
always ensures that the value proposition they offered is x “Epaper.republika.co.id”. Epaper Republika is a
delivered to their readers. Value that is not conveyed properly digital newspaper that has the same content and
able to make customers turn to competitors. Thus, this study appearance as the traditional newspaper. EPaper
analysed the strategy carried out by Republika in terms of Republika is accessible via desktop and mobile. It
delivering values and also how to engage and maintain their publishes every day on 02.00 in the morning. Similar
customers. to the traditional newspaper, customers must subscribe


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in advance to be able to access Republika’s EPaper. A directly to the posting page of Republika Online. Republika
subscription allows customers to access newspaper readers are able to write comments and discuss with other
archives from 2011 to the present date[14][15]. readers through social media. According to Osterwalder [4],
this type of customer relationship is known as communities.
x Android application “Gerai Republika”. An online Communities facilitate the relationship between readers to
store application that sells and caters for all Republika exchange ideas. In addition, Republika also applies Personal
digital product needs. The digital products include e- Assistance customer relationship types. This type of
paper, photos, selected news bundles, and video on relationship is based on interactions with humans. Republika
demand (VOD) for learning the Koran. The Republika customers can interact directly with representatives of
EPaper mentioned earlier can also be accessed through Republika through the call center and email.
this application[16].
B. Capabilities
x Android and iOS application “Republika.co.id”. This
application is the mobile app version of the ROL site. Capability is described as the ability of an organization to
Republika Online also presents news content. What implement their strategy while sparing platform for their
distinguishes the ROL application from Republika development in the future. Moreover, organizational assets
EPaper is that news articles published on ROL are and the efficiency of how those assets are used are also called
more dynamic. If there are new news (headlines, capabilities [5].
featured, etc) ROL will publish the news as soon as As discussed in the previous section, Republika's strategy
possible unlike the Republika EPaper, which issues a has evolved from relying on the sales of printed newspapers
newspaper edition once per day[17]. to relying on digital newspaper sales and online advertising
x Android application “eRepublika”. The application space at ROL. In order to realize this strategy, Republika must
which also known as eRep, is a news reader application have a reliable web portal and systems to accommodate it.
for Republika EPaper. This application is based on Republika also formed its IT division which specifically
voice synthesizing technology and automatic speech handles all matters related to the Republika Online system and
recognition. Its content can be accessed using voice. its complement applications. The IT divisions maintain and
The application can also respond with sound. This update their system gradually. Republika strives to ensure the
application is intended for customers with disabilities, applications can be accessed and used by customers as a
especially the visually impaired [18]. medium or channel to get the value offered. This capability
enables Republika to reach a wider range and be more
The use of various types of applications as distribution accessible to their customers anytime and anywhere.
channel are part of Republika's strategy in providing values to
their customers. To summarize, Republika's strategy has As for the customer relationship management, Republika
evolved from relying on the sale of printed newspapers to implemented Vuukle in their system. Vuukle is an audience
relying on the sales of digital newspaper and online engagement platform. Republika’s readers can write
advertising space at ROL. comments in each news articles by logging in using Facebook
account, google mail, twitter or Disqus account. Republika
In addition to the products and value delivery strategy, also implement session tracking for each visitors to capture
Republika also implemented a strategy to engage and maintain how long the visitors in their website and what news articles
their relationship with their customers. The purpose of they usually read. Then, the system will offers related news
customer relationship management is to ensure the customers article according to the preferences of these visitors.
remain loyal and do not move to competitors.
As stated in the book written by Lynda M. Applegate [5],
At the beginning, in the era of printed newspapers, information technology is an important enabler for developing
Republika communicated with its readers by providing a the best capabilities that an organization needs to achieve
column in a newspaper called Surat Pembaca. The public sent success. Republika had to print and distribute their newspaper
their writings to Republika and then the editorial team will initially. After upgrading its capabilities by utilizing
choose which articles to be published in the newspaper each information technology, value delivery without having to print
day. As information technology developed, the Surat Pembaca and physically distribute it become possible. Republika
column is provided via the ROL portal in a section called realized that the role of information technology is no longer
“Retizen”. Each article published in Retizen states the name just as a support, but also as an enabler that influences the
of the writer. success and sustainability of Republika's business.
Nowadays, in this digital era, Republika utilises social C. Value
media to manage their customer relationships. Social media is In order to keep business going and increase profit,
considered important for organizations to remain competitive organizations continue to develop innovation regarding their
in terms of interactions with customers [19]. The followings process and products [20]. Using their product, organizations
are the social media used by Republika: deliver their value that is produced, exchanged and consumed
x Facebook Page Republika Online [9]. Its products and services possess value and is, thus,
defined as value proposition by Osterwalder[4]. Republika's
x Twitter @republikaonline value proposition is to deliver an accurate and fast news
content to their readers [21].
x Instagram @republikaonline
Most executives of profit-oriented organization analyse
Based on the authors’ observations, the three social media
value created for all stakeholders by looking at company
accounts of Republika are regularly updated. News article
financial ratios [5]. Information Technology enabled
snippets of Republika Online are reposted on each social
Republika to launch an online newspaper portal, namely
media account and equipped with a URL-link that links


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Republika Online (ROL), to reach more customers and Republika as one of national newspaper in Indonesia had
generate new value such as community space for discussion embedded Information Technology (IT) in their strategy and
in their portal. capabilities of the organization in response to the change in
customer’s behaviour. Digital business transformation is
The changes in Republika’s strategy generate new revenue required not only to exploit IT opportunities but also to
streams and costs, which affect Republika’s profit margins. As survive in the evolving business environment.
an example, the development of IT affect the behavior of
customers who prefer Republika Online or EPaper Republika utilizes IT to deliver its value propositions with
(Republika’s digital newspaper) than the printed version, the aim of reaching wider customers. Republika launched
resulting the decrease in sales of the traditional newspapers. Republika Online and its digital newspaper called Epaper to
However, Republika Online which gradually had more fulfill the needs of its customers in acquiring fast and accurate
readers attracted the public to rent advertising space on the news. Republika also utilized social media such as Instagram,
ROL portal. Thus, the decreased revenue in printed Twitter and Facebook Page to interact and engage with their
newspaper’s sale is covered by the online advertisement and customers. In order to realize those strategies, Republika built
other products, such as subscription-based digital newspaper. its capabilities such as web portal and systems. It also formed
its IT division which specifically handles all matters related to
D. IT Impact on Business Model Alignment the Republika Online system and its complementary
In analysing the impact of information technology, the applications.
authors used the business model framework illustrated in Fig
2 [5]. The framework was used for analysing the impact of IT The overall impact of Information Technology on
on business model alignment. Republika’s business model facilitate efficiency in
distributing Republika’s value propositions, costs savings in
Information Technology has impacted the strategy, their core processes, and also generate new revenue streams
capabilities, and values of the Republika business model. IT from the digital products such as digital newspaperņEpaper.
successfully drives Republika in generating innovation and The use of IT also allowed cost savings in non-revenue
increasing productivity. It was proved by the development of generating processes such as payroll, human resource,
applications used by Republika as a distribution channel in accounting, and finance activities.
conveying its value proposition to their customers. It
accelerated the delivery of news articles to Republika’s VI. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
readers. In addition, the application also reached more Our study is not without its limitations. The limitation is
customers. Information technology also played a role in the data collection process. The authors only use secondary
increasing Republika's productivity in terms of publishing data. Thus, a further investigation is needed. Future research
news articles. Formerly, news articles can only be published should explore more by interviewing Republika to acquire
once a day through printed newspapers. However, now, more in-depth analysis.
articles can be published anytime and anywhere through
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