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5.2.5. Fifth step: Calculation of shares Calculation of unit shares

The unitary action exerted by the wind on one of the faces of a surface element
of a construction, located at level z, will be determined with:



wz the unit action, expressed in kilonewton per square meter (1 kN/m2

100 kgf/m2 );

c a pressure coefficient that depends in each case on the geometric

shape of the construction and other factors such as: the ratio of its
dimensions, the roughness of the surface, the permeability of the
walls, the orientation in relation to the direction of the wind, location
in space with respect to other surfaces or constructions, etc.; This
coefficient will have a positive or negative sign depending on whether
it is a pressure or suction effect, respectively;

qz the dynamic calculation pressure, expressed in kilonewtons per square

meter (1 kN/m2 100 kgf/m2 ). Calculation of the resulting unit shares

The resulting unitary actions are obtained by geometrically adding the actions
exerted on both faces of the same surface element of a construction, located at
level z, according to the expressions:

q·ccw ziez,r

or when it is an isolated element:

q·ccw z21z,r

Wind Action on Constructions June 1994 Edition

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