RF Device

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RF Device

RF devices utilize the standard SAPGui (GUI = Graphical User Interface) screen
management environment to interact with users. The screens are designed for normal
device functions, such as the use of pushbuttons and reduced screen size.Currently, two
device types are supported:

1. GUI devices (with graphical user interface) that run on Windows 3.x/95/98

2. Character devices (character-based) under terminal emulation mode

GUI Devices

These devices are connected to the SAP System just like any other client-dependent PC.
The screens can be touch screens, using predefined pushbuttons, or they can operate
using a keyboard. If you are using touch screens, you simply "touch" the appropriate
positions on the touch screen instead of clicking with the mouse on a pushbutton.

System fonts and size should correspond to the guidelines provided in order to achieve
optimal utilization of the screen size.

Character-Based Devices

These devices are linked to the system through an SAP standard interface called the
SAPConsole. The SAPConsole operates on a Windows NT/Windows 2000 platform and
interacts with the RF terminals connected to it. This concept is currently supported by
the leading providers of RF terminals.

The actual communication between the SAPConsole and the terminals can be achieved
either through the use of a standard Telnet server or through an optimized server that is
provided by the RF terminal vendor. The specific I/O engines are integrated into the
SAPConsole, which is based on the COM technology.

The following two industry standards for screen sizes are supported:
1. Devices for forklifts: 8 lines by 40 characters each

2. Portable handheld devices: 16 lines by 20 characters each

In addition, with user exits , you can define user-specific display sizes that allow every
device type to be supported.

With all device types, navigation takes place through function codes that have to be
defined on the keyboard

Due to the character mode of the RF devices, pushbuttons must be used for all available
functions. You should set up the RF device so that it corresponds to the standard
function keys.

The standard layout of the RF screens is designed in such a way that the pushbuttons for
the key functions are located in the upper half of the screen, while additional
pushbuttons are set in the lower half of the screen.


You can customize the pushbutton texts in Customizing for

Logistics Execution- MobileData Entry- Define Menu Management.

RF transactions are special transactions. The specialties being the following:

1. The screen sizes are considerably smaller.

2. The screen logic is simple and user-friendly.
3. RF does not provide support for some of the advanced SAP GUI features such as
tab strips, Active X controls, etc.

Of course there are many more features, but this should suffice for a start.

SAP’s Radio Frequency Solution

The solution allows one to directly run SAP transactions on Radio Frequency (RF)
equipment like handheld RF gun, or even forklift devices. SAP does not use any further
middleware to connect the devices to R/3. Because the screen sizes vary for the different
RF devices, SAP has developed special transactions with very easy-to-use-and-enhance

Since no middleware is used, the SAP’s RF solution is economical. Also, it reduces the
effort required considerably. Since the entire Business Logic lies inside the ABAP
workbench, users with a little knowledge of ABAP can easily use and enhance the
existing functions.
SAP’s Radio Frequency Solution helps enormously in Warehouse Automation. You can
actually carry-out SAP transactions on the RF device, while moving around in the
warehouse, with much ease.

Here is how it is done:

First, you need a terminal (scanner, RF device). This device must be configured for vt220
emulation and configured to connect to the SAPconsole server.

SAPConsole – SAP’s native character-based radio frequency solution designed to

translate GUI screens into character-based screens. SAPConsole by itself does not
contain any business logic. All functionality is maintained within R/3 and all development
for SAPConsole transactions is performed inside the ABAP workbench.

The SAPconsole server will be a standalone box and you have to install a telnet client on
your handheld devices to communicate with your backend system. You exchange
information through a character based interface.

You will need to configure your sapconsole using the administrator in the control panel.
Once all of this is setup, you can then run transaction from R/3 on your device; there will
be some configuration for setting up the menus and.

RF transactions and screens are developed the same way we develop any other GUI,
with the only difference being that the RF screens are usually much smaller.

A Case Study

Business Scenario: RF Screen Enhancement


Develop a custom putaway transaction.

This scenario required a custom transaction for putaway in a warehouse. The customer
had provided logic based on which goods had to be moved from one bin to the other in a

Now, when you navigate to the Putaway screen through transaction LM00, there are five
pushbuttons for various options. It was here that a new pushbutton for the Custom
putaway was required.

Solution Developed

Depending on the logic provided by customer, a custom putaway transaction with

various screens was developed. One thing to be taken special care of is to design the
screens keeping in mind the handheld device screen. RF screens are usually close to

Due to the size limitations on an RF screen, we try to limit the function keys to as few as

The Client wanted custom functionality on F1 and F4 functions which are generally
reserved for Help and value request.

Here is how we assign F1 and F4 to the function codes developed by us:

In the PF status screen, navigate to Utilities->F Key Consistency.

This opens a screens with all the possible Fn keys listed including F1 and F4 which
otherwise are reserved.

We can easily assign the custom FCodes against the F1 and F4 Keys!

Once the transaction has been developed, there lies one last step. How do we display
our transaction in the standard RF menu? There are two SAP tables in which are used to
maintain the RF transactions’ information.
The tables are:

1. T313A- Dynamic Menu Management

2. T313B- Dynamic Menu Management- Text table

The standard SAP RF transactions use the same screen in different transactions. The
menu is dynamically picked and displayed based on these two tables depending on the
user input.

An entry was created in both these tables so that the Standard putaway transaction
shows the new “Custom Putaway” screen.

1. RF in distribution environment

Radio Frequency is primarily used in Warehouse Management process in distribution

environment as it efficiently handles the huge volumes of transactional data processing
requirements and minimizes human interventions. The high volume of warehouse
transaction processing requirements in industries like Retail, chemicals, pharmaceuticals,
Auto Components can be handled using the RF integration with warehouse Management.
The following processes can utilize radio frequency devices:

1. Goods Receipt Processes with shipping notifications

2. Goods Issue Processes for outbound Deliveries

3. Internal Warehouse Processes

4. Stock Transfer Processes within the Distribution Network

5. Physical Inventory Processes for the warehouses within the Distribution Network

2. RF Supported Warehouse Processes: The following Warehouse

Management Processes are supported by RF

A. Goods Receipt Processes with RF:

RF supports Goods Receipt Processes with Inbound Delivery. The goods receipt for the
inbound delivery can be performed based on the Inbound Delivery number, Handling
Unit Number, Staging Area, Shipment Number etc. warehouse workers can perform the
following goods receipt-related functions:

 Check all delivery items and report differences

 View and change shipment information
 Print shipping unit labels
 Unload deliveries
 Pack/unpack delivery items
 Generate and confirm TOs for delivery items
 Post goods receipts to Inventory Management

B. Goods Issue Processes:

The goods issue processes are based on the outbound delivery and can be performed for
the outbound deliveries identified by Delivery Number, Handling Unit (HU) Number,
Staging Area, Shipment Number, Group Number etc.

Using the RF devices, Warehouse Workers can perform the goods issue related activities
like view and change shipment related information, print shipping unit labels,
pack/unpack delivery items, load deliveries, split deliveries, generate and confirm
transfer orders for delivery items, post goods issue to inventory management

C. Put away Processing:

Radio Frequency supports the put away processes and it is based on the Transfer Orders
created in warehouse management. Put away can be performed based on the selected
storage unit/handling unit, selected by deliveries, selected by transfer orders or cluster

D. Picking Process for Deliveries: Picking execution is based on transfer orders created
in the warehouse management as part of the delivery processing processes.

E. Physical Inventory:

RF devices can be used for inventory counting, enabling a greater degree of accuracy
and efficiency. New Dynamic Cycle Counting functionality provides a number of features
that facilitate cycle count in the warehouse including Physical Inventory counting against
inactive inventory documents (while open transfer orders exist for a bin), inventory
counting at quant level, creation of inventory documents by RF users and automatic
clearing of active and inactive documents.

3. Associated SAP Configuration for RF

a. Configuration for Bar codes: Verification profile is a set of fields that can be verified by
the user.
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry> Verification control> Define
b. Verification profile can be assigned to movement types used in warehouses that will
be subject to bar code scanning.
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry> Verification control> Assign
Verification Profiles to Goods Movements.

c. Define bar codes for warehouse

Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Bar Code> Assign Bar Code
Types to Warehouses.
d. Maintaining Bar code specifications
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Bar Code> Maintain Bar
Code Specification.

e. Defining the Radio Frequency Queue: To assign a range of activities to certain users,
functionality called the RF Queue Management must be defined
Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>Rf Queue Management > RF
Queue Definition

Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>RF Queue

Management > RF Queue > Assign areas and activities to queue

Path: IMG>Logistics Execution>Mobile Data Entry>RF Queue

Management > RF Queue > Assign processors to queue
The queues are easily identifiable for picking, putaway, and goods receipt. The queues
then can be assigned to the relevant areas

Adding a User for mobile data entry using Transaction code LRFMD
Logging on to Mobile Data Entry using Transaction code LM00
Accessing the RF monitor using Transaction code LRF1

4. Reasoning for Developing Custom RF transactions

The following developments take place in warehouse management with RF

1. Making Changes in Standard SAP Transaction using user exits

2. Making Custom Development

In the first case like other SAP modules, changes can be made in the standard SAP
transactions to meet the specific business requirements using the suitable user exits. In
general the custom RF transactions are developed to merge several RF transactions into
one RF transaction in order to optimize and reduce the process steps to be carried out.
For example for a goods receipt of an inbound delivery with handling units the GR
transfer order should be created, it should be confirmed and put away transfer order
should be created for the same. Therefore the GR process includes execution of three
standard SAP RF transactions but the same processes can be executed using single
custom developed RF transaction.

The custom RF Transaction development includes the following steps:

1. Creation of the executable program

2. Creation of the screen

3. Creation of the function module to access the screen

4. Screen Programming

5. Subroutines to call the screen and check the data coming from the screen

6. Assigning transaction code to the program

7. Assigning transaction code to the RF menu

The custom development should be made considering the workload and the extent to
which the automation is required in the warehouse. The average transaction volume,
warehouse efficiency and the cost/benefit analysis should be made before deciding on
the custom development requirement.

5. Day in the Life flow using RF Technology

Warehouse Management transaction LRF1 is used to monitor the queues of warehouse

person. Warehouse supervisors can drag and drop the transfer orders from one queue to
other as per the load situation, user absence. The transfer order priorities can also be
changed as per the requirement. The monitoring of the queue can be configured per
warehouse based on the business requirements by following the given steps:

– Define Queue

– Assign areas and activities to the queue

– Assign processors (users) to the queue

The limitation imposed by the transaction LRF1 restricts more than one user to access
the transaction per warehouse. The transaction LRF1 can also be used in conjunction
with the SAP Delivery Monitor transaction VL06 for warehouse workload estimating.

6. Change Management Related topics for WM and RF

The following change management related topics should be considered before

implementing WM and RF

1. Selection of appropriate RF Device based on the existing business processes

2. Transaction Volume analysis and assessment of custom developments

3. Identifying users and setting up appropriate users profile and assigning users to the RF
monitoring queue

4. Users training and Process Documentation

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