MSF Letter

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msf Maulana Azad National Urdu

University Hyderabad
Telecom Nagar, Gachibowli
Hyderabad, Telangana - 500032

President G. Secretary Treasurer

Bahir Al Muhthar VP Mubeen Haroon NV Afsal PT
9061450431 7034537952 8086055027

msf National Committee

Respected msf National Committee,

We, msf at Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), are writing
to express our heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support you have provided us
in the past. We acknowledge that your support has been instrumental in the growth
and success of our organization especially in our University campus.
We are writing today with a few appeals and suggestions placing in front of you with a sole
interest of the betterment of our organization and of the student community of our society as
1) As you all know, our students are always going through serious financial constraints in order
to pay out their course fees and mess bills. So as a working committee in the campus, it is a
great burden over the students to find out money to conduct programs under msf. We humbly
request to allocate some funds in order to meet such expenses and it will also help the
students to make their presence felt in the campuses.
2) Previously, educational scholarships like E Ahmad Sahib fellowship had been distributed
among our students and we request you to take enough steps to reinstate the fellowship very
soon as it helped to create active cadre members for msf in our campus.
3) The future leaders will be coming out of today’s student community in our campuses. It
would be helpful, both for the students and for the presence of organization in the campus, if
we could conduct some specific sessions with national and state level leaders of the party
interacting and sharing their experiences with the students frequently.

Yours faithfully,
President msf MANUU Unit

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