Pharaohs Activitiy Michelle

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Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Type of character….

Summative activity (Tuesday, July 26th, 2022)


Pharaohs were the kings of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed their pharaoh to
be the mediator between the gods and the world of men. After death the pharaoh
became divine and passed on his sacred powers and position to the new pharaoh,
his son. The pharaoh's will was supreme, and he governed by royal decree.

Guiding questions:

1. Who was this pharaoh? What kind of governor was? Give details, parents
and family, was he/she married… ?
2. Where and when does this story took place?
3. Which gods were related to this pharaoh? Explain.
4. Mention some important achievements during his/her government. (3-4)
5. What happened with him/her after death?
6. Interesting facts.
7. Use illustrations.


1. Use one of the educational platforms to develop your activity (Canva,

Genially, flipsnack, ppt, or other you know)

20 Pharaos, from oldest to youngest, are:

1. Seqenenre TaaII,
2. Ahmose Nefertari,
3. Amenhotep I,
4. Thutmose I,
5. Thutmose II,
6. Hatshepsut,
7. Thutmose III,
8. Amenhotep II,
9. Thutmose IV,
10.Amenhotep III,
11.Seti I,
12.Ramses II,
14.Seti II,
16.Ramses III,
17.Ramses IV,
18.Ramses V,
19.Ramses VI
20.Ramses IX

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