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This research study aims to investigate the effect of spice price increase on

students. With the rising cost of spices in recent years, it is important to understand how

this increase affects students' laboratory performance, purchasing decisions, and overall

well-being. The research will employ qualitative method to explore the subject

comprehensively. Interviews, and data will be collected from a diverse sample of students

to gain insights into their attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions regarding spice prices and

their impact. The findings of this research will contribute to existing knowledge on the

relationship between food prices and the performance of students in laboratories, with

potential implications for policy development and intervention strategies.

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Chapter I


Raw spices play an essential role in a food’s presentation, and the taste of the
food. Without the spices what would be the taste of the Foods? What do you think would
be the outcome of the foods? They play a new and important role in modern food
preparation. They not only add unique flavors to our food, but also contribute color and

According to the National Open University of Nigeria under the Faculty of

Agricultural Sciences (2022). The history of spices has been traced to ancient Egypt,
where it is mentioned in the bible as valuable commodities. Through the Middle Ages,
use of spices spread from Egypt to the East and grew to include Europe and the
Mediterranean. For a very long time, the Arab spice trade was dominated by middlemen,
and it later expanded to China, India, and Indonesia and America in the 17th century.
Spices may be native or foreign. origin. Native species are those that truly developed in a
specific area. Exotic imports are ones that come from distant regions. Some spices are
considered mild. certain flora are native to the tropical region.

There are more than 100 different types of spices manufactured worldwide. Asia
is the main continent. leading producer of spices, including cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg,
and cloves while basil, bay leaves, celery leaves, chives, and ginger are primarily grown
in Europe. watercress, thyme, dill tips, and coriander. In America, however, nutmeg,
pepper, and Typically, ginger and allspice are generated.

Spices are Natural plant materials like fruit, leaves, seeds, roots, bark, berries, and
buds makeup spices. compounds derived from flowers or vegetables that enhance flavor,
fragrance, and food goods' color. Using spices to prevent and treat a variety of diseases

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has shown to have significant health advantages. disorders ranging from cancer to aging
to metabolic, neurological, cardiovascular Inflammatory conditions.

Like many countries around the world, the Philippines also face skyrocketing
food inflation due to supply issues and high fuel costs. The Philippines is the home of
poor people so when the price increases most of them complain. According to the
Philippine Statistics Authority (2018). A family of five needed at least PhP 7,337 in the
first semester of 2018 to cover their basic dietary requirements for a month. The food
threshold is this amount. On the other hand, a family of five needed at least PhP 10,481
per month to cover both their essential food and non-food needs. The poverty line is set at
this amount. These are 10.9 percent higher than the 2015 first-semester food and poverty

One of the controversial and timely issues is the increase in the price of goods.
According to the Taylor wells (2023). There are things that can accelerate inflation. First,
raise the price of basic commodities. Everything a company needs to produce a good or
offer a service will almost likely cost more as long as inflation persists. Second,
disruptions of Supply Chains. Inflation and supply-chain disruptions frequently occur
concurrently, so businesses should have a plan in place to deal with both. When supply
chains are disrupted, enterprises cannot obtain enough inputs. Prices rise due to a lack of
supply. And businesses will have to pay more for products that are essential to their
operations. Second, market forces often dictate the rise or fall of commodity prices.

According to the Asia Development Bank (2008). Numerous people, especially

many millions in developing Asia, risk falling back into poverty as a result of the recent
increase in food prices around the world and the hasty governmental responses that only
serve to increase price volatility. Food prices are on an upward trajectory that won't soon
stop due to structural causes and unfavorable cyclical events. Serious repercussions will

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occur if trade is not kept open and relative pricing is not permitted to represent market

According to Statistics Canada (2022). Numerous factors that have increased

pressure on expenses throughout the food supply chain are to blame for the increase in
food prices. Numerous variables, including supply chain interruptions, labor shortages,
shifts in customer buying habits, unfavorable weather in some growing regions, tariffs,
higher input costs, and higher wages, have affected grocery store prices since the start of
the COVID-19 epidemic.

According to the AraLipunan (2023). Inflation has a negative effect, one of which
is hoarding. Storage is the work of sellers to prevent the continued decline in their ability
to purchase their needs. The Second negative effect is the Uprising and protests. The
constant increase in prices angers the citizens and causes them to protest against the
government. Third is Hyperinflation, because of higher inflation, people would prefer to
keep or save their money and not use it. This causes more acceleration of inflation
because the excessive hoarding of money becomes an obstacle to the movement of the
economy. With so little money in circulation, the authorities are forced to print more
money which further causes inflation.

On the other hand, it also has a positive effect. First of all is the high income of
the producers. Producers experience greater profits because they sell their products at
higher prices. Next is the large amount returned to the investors, Businessmen and
investors experience extra returns from their investments whenever there is inflation.
Lastly is the rapid economic growth. If the increase in demand causes inflation, it causes
rapid growth in the economy as producers allocate additional capital to create more
supply to keep up with the increase in demand.

It is obvious nowadays that the price of everything ranging from essential daily
commodities to transportation, educational, and other expenses are increasing. It is

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important for people today to learn what is the reason for the increase in the price of
goods so they also know how to lower it, or keep it at a cheap price. To cope with rising
prices of goods, students scrimp, stick to a budget. While there are clashing views on the
cause of price hikes, it cannot be denied that the students are also affected by the
phenomenon even if a huge majority of them are not yet paying taxes.

Overall, this study will help students to know the reason for the increase in the
price of goods. Moreover, it helps those who do business to have knowledge on how to
increase the price of the products they sell.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to answer the effects of Increasing Prices of Spices towards the
laboratory performance of Grade 11 Cookery-C Students of Tondo High School.

1. How has the increasing prices of spices affected the laboratory performance of
Grade 11 Cookery-C students?
2. What are the Effects of Increasing prices of raw spices in terms of:

2.1 Presentation of the food.

2.2 Taste of the food.

2.3 The prices of the food.

3. What are the coping mechanisms of 11 Cookery-C Students in order to perform

efficiently in Laboratory Performances despite the increasing prices of raw spices.

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Significance of the Study
This study will undertake to find out the effects of increasing prices of raw spices
to the students of Tondo High School and to find out its effects through the laboratory
marks of the students. The following will gain a lot from this study.

Government agencies - Government agencies can all use research data and
conclusions to help them make critical decisions about matters of public health,
environmental protection, and safety.

Business Owners - it aims to provide strategies on the right price of selling

products. Placing adequate profit in products.

Teachers - the stated data would guide the teachers to have a better
understanding of the students' struggles doing the laboratory.

Students - its purpose is to provide knowledge, methods to students on what they

can do to solve or equalize the price increase.

Future Researchers. This study can contribute to the knowledge of future

researchers to give ideas, provide important data, and better know the meaning and
reason for the increase in the price of goods

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Chapter II

Research Methodology
This chapter contains the methodology used in the study. The goal of the research
methodology is to give an overview of the approaches used in this study. Moreover, it
will discuss the research design, sample and sampling technique, research locale,
research instrument, and the data gathering procedure.

Research Design

The researcher will employ Qualitative Research. To define the Qualitative type
of Research, Brannan, G. (2022). A sort of research called qualitative research looks
at actual issues and offers more in-depth understandings. In qualitative research,
participants' experiences, viewpoints, and actions are gathered. Instead of addressing how
many or how much, it addresses hows and whys.

A qualitative research strategy called phenomenological research. The term

"study of the meaning of phenomena or the study of the particular" is used to describe
phenomenology. Investigating experiences from the viewpoint of the individual is the
goal of phenomenology. In essence, phenomenology examines the "lived experiences" of
the participants and seeks to understand how and why people acted in a particular way.

Sample and Sampling Technique

This study will use Random Sampling, to define Random Sampling, Thomas, L.
(2022). a population's subgroup that was chosen at random. Each person in the population
has an exact equal probability of getting chosen using this sampling technique.

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Of all the probability sampling techniques, this one is the easiest to understand because it
only needs one random selection and little prior population knowledge. Any research
conducted on this sample should have excellent internal and external validity and be at a
lower risk for research biases because it uses randomization.

To deliver the greatest knowledge that each of us needs to be informed, the

researcher used senior high school students specifically in the field of cooking at Tondo
High School. The purpose of the researcher is to gather information from students
struggling with the price hike of raw spices and how it affects their laboratory marks. The
researcher selected participants in getting the data about Price Increase are around 20
people. These are students aged 16-22. This is done in order to have a stronger basis for
the data gathered.

In the selection of these respondents, samples were selected on the basis of the

1. Male or Female
2. Grade 11 students
3. Cookery students
4. SY: 2022-2023

Research Locale

The researchers administered the study at Tondo High School. It is one of the
schools in Manila located on Quezon St. Bo. Magsaysay, Tondo Manila. This school is
near Mary Johnston Hospital and Magat Salamat Elementary School.

According to (2018). Tondo High School is a public secondary

school called Tondo High School (THS), formerly Tondo Foreshore High School, was
founded in 1979. It is located in Tondo, one of Manila's oldest neighborhoods. The

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majority of the students at the institution attend junior and senior high schools. The
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand, which is part of the
Academic track, is offered in Senior High School (SHS) programs alongside
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) strands such Home Economics (HE) and
Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Official recognition for Tondo
High School comes from the Department of Education (DepEd).

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher will be using an interview questionnaire. According to

Mcleod, S, PhD. (2023). Questionnaire is a type of research tool used to collect data from
respondents by asking them a series of questions. When compared to other techniques,
questionnaires can be an efficient way to rapidly and cheaply measure the behavior,
attitudes, preferences, views, and intentions of a sizable number of respondents. The first
part of the Questionnaire is about the Demographic Profile of the respondents. The
second part is the questions to be answered by the respondents.

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Data Gathering Procedure

The study conducted during the school year 2022-2023 at Tondo High School was
considered the following technical procedure.

The researcher secured an approved letter to conduct the study from the office of
the principal of Tondo High School during the third week of May.

After securing the permit, the researcher immediately worked on the research.
The researchers went to the National Library of the Philippines to look for related
literature and related studies that would help deepen the research being conducted. After
several weeks of adjusting chapter 1 and chapter 2, the researcher constructed a
questionnaire, which was validated by the professor of the subject.

A consent form was prepared, a proof that researchers were allowed to conduct an
interview within the Tondo High School premises.

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Chapter III

Result and Discussion

This chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted the findings obtained from the
instrument used and the study that determined the effects of Increasing Prices of Raw
Spices Towards the Laboratory of Cookery Students in Tondo High School. In order to
simplify the discussion, the researchers provided tables that summarize the collective
reactions from the respondents.

The purpose of this study is to determine the following problem:

Table 1 Respondent’s Profile

Profile Variables f %
TVL -Cookery
Grade 11 7 100%

16-18 7 100%
18-20 0
20-22 0
22-24 0
Male 1 14.28%
Female 4 57.14%
Gay 2 28.57%

Table 1 shows that the total percentage is 100%. This includes the Grade level,
age, and sex orientation of the respondents. The percentage of each data was obtained by
computing the number of respondents divided by the frequency level and multiplied by
100. According to table 1, 14.28% of the respondents is male, 57.14% are female, and
28.57% are Gay. Therefore most of our respondents came from females and answered our

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Table 2: The effect of increasing prices of spices towards the laboratory performance
of Grade 11 Cookery-C students

Problem 1. How has the increasing prices of spices affected the laboratory performance
of Grade 11 Cookery-C students?

Respondents Frequency Thematic Analysis

Respondent-1,4 2 Laboratory marks

Respondent-6 1 Taste of the Food

Respondent-2,3,5,7 4 Lack of Money

Table 2.1

According to the table above, the effect of the increasing price of spices on the
laboratory performance of Grade 11 Cookery-C students is Laboratory marks, taste of the
food, and lack of money. The first row has 2 out of 7 respondents. It shows that their
laboratory marks were affected by the increase in the price of spices. Meanwhile, the
second row shows 1 out of 7 respondents said that the effect is on the taste of the food
and the third row shows 4 out of 7 respondents showing that students' lack of money
affects their performance in the laboratory.

Problem 2. In what specific ways have the rising prices of spices impacted the cooking
experiments and activities of Grade 11 Cookery-C students in the Laboratory?

Respondents Frequency Thematic Analysis

Respondent-1 1 Physical Exhaustion

Respondent-2 1 Academic Failure

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Respondent-3,6 2 Quality of the food

Respondent 4,5,7 3 Poverty

Table 2.2

This table shows that the specific effect of the increase in the price of spices on
their laboratory activity is their Physical Exhaustion, Academic Failure, Quality of the
food, and poverty. The first row has 1 out of 7 respondents. It is shown here that the
increase in the price of spices affects them physically. The second row shows also 1 out 7
respondents said that price hikes of spice impact them academically. Meanwhile, the third
row shows 2 out of 7 respondents said that the effect is on the quality of the food and the
fourth row has 3 out 7 respondents. This row shows that the effect is poverty.

Table 3: The Effects of Increasing Prices of Raw Spices in terms of Presentation of the
food, Taste of the food and The prices of the food.

Problem 3. Have the higher spice prices influenced the creativity and variety of dishes
prepared by Grade 11 Cookery-C students during their laboratory sessions? If so, how?

Respondents Frequency Thematic Analysis

Respondent 1,3 2 Lack of Budgeting

Respondent 2,4,6,7 4 Presentation of the Food

Respondent 5 1 Alternative Ingredients

Table 3

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According to the table above, the increase in the price of spices affects the
creativity of students. The 3 themes are lack of budgeting, Presentation of the food, and
alternative ingredients. The first row shows that 2 out of 7 respondents said that lack of
budgeting was one of the reasons why student creativity was affected. Moreover, the
second row shows that 4 out of 7 respondents said that Presentation of the food is
affected. Furthermore, the third row shows that 1 out 7 respondents said that cheap
alternative ingredients are helpful to maintain the variety of food prepared by the

Table 4: The coping mechanisms of 11 Cookery-C Students in order to perform

efficiently in Laboratory Performances despite the increasing prices of raw spices

Problem 4. What challenges have Grade 11 Cookery-C faced as a result of the increasing
prices of spices, and how have these challenges affected their overall laboratory

Respondents Frequency Thematic Analysis

Respondent 1,4,5, 3 Emotional exhaustion

Respondent 2,3,6,7 4 Financial Difficulties

Table 4.1

According to the table above, the challenges students face as a result of the
increasing prices of spice are emotional exhaustion, and financial difficulties. The first
row has 3 out of 7 respondents. It shows that their laboratory performance is affected
because of emotional exhaustion. Meanwhile, the second row has 4 out of 7 respondents
who said that because of finances they can’t perform well in their laboratory.

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Problem 5. How have the students managed to maintain the quality and taste of their
dishes despite the rising costs of spices in their practical cooking exercises?

Respondents Frequency Thematic Analysis

Respondent 1,4,6,7 4 Cheaper Products

Respondent 2 1 Essential Ingredients

Respondent 3,5 2 Planning

Table 4.2

This table shows how students maintain the quality and taste of their meals. their
methods are that they buy cheap products, essential ingredients, and they plan before
buying. The first row shows that 4 out of 7 respondents said they buy cheaper products.
Moreover, the second row shows that 1 out of 7 respondents said that they buy essential
ingredients only. Furthermore, the third row shows that 2 out of 7 respondents said that
they plan before buying the ingredients.

Problem 6. Has the increase in spice prices led to any modifications or adjustments in the
curriculum or teaching methods for Grade 11 Cookery-C students? If yes, what are some
of these changes and their impact on student performance?

Respondents Frequency Thematic Analysis

Respondent 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 7 Guidance

Table 4.3

According to the table above, the price increase in spice has an adjustment but
there is no change in the teaching method of their teacher. All respondents said that their
teacher only gives them advice on where they can buy cheaper ingredients that they will
need for laboratory performances.

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Problem 7. What strategies or alternatives have Grade 11 Cookery-C students employed
to cope with the escalating spice prices while still achieving their learning objectives in
the laboratory?

Respondents Frequency Thematic Analysis

Respondent 1,2,5,7 4 Savings

Respondent 3 1 Leftover

Respondent 4,6 2 Work part time

Table 4.4

According to the table above, the coping mechanisms of students in order to

achieve their learning objectives in the laboratory are saving money, using leftover
ingredients, and working part time. The first row shows that 4 out of 7 respondents said
that they save money from their pockets that their parents give to contribute to the
laboratory. Meanwhile, 1 out of 7 respondents said that the student uses leftover
ingredients from their home to save and buy everything they need. Moreover, 2 out of 7
respondents said that they work part time to contribute to their laboratory performances.

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Conclusions and Recommendations

This Chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the
conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of the study.


The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the
problem stated in chapter 1. In this part of the research you can see the sequence of
effects, and students' strategies based on the data they provided.

The primary objective of this research was to identify the effects of price increase
of spice on students. (1) Guidance has a frequency of 7, which indicates that the
Guidance of a teacher is helpful for the student to surpass their difficulties in purchasing
spices. (2) Lack of Money, (3) Presentation of the food, (4) Financial Difficulties, (5)
Cheaper Products, (6) Savings has a frequency of 4, which means it appeared 4 times in
the data. (7) Poverty, and (8) Emotional Exhaustion has a frequency of 3, appearing 3
times in the data. (9) Laboratory Marks, (10) Quality of the food, (11) Lack of budgeting,
(12) Planning, and (13) Work Part Time have a frequency of 2, appearing 2 times in the
data. (14) Taste of the food, (15) Physical Exhaustion”, (16) Academic Failure, (17)
Alternative Ingredients, (18) Essential Ingredients, (19) Leftover” have a frequency of 1,
appearing 1 times in the data. These words show the effects of the increase in the price of
spices and the methods of the Grade 11 Cookery-C students to still be able to perform a
laboratory even though its price continues to increase.

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In summary, based on the given information, the teacher's guidance to the students is
a great help to them to get through the laboratory that needs to be done.

According to the study’s findings, price increase of spices has the following effects:

1. The respondents stated that the increase in the price of spices affects their
performance in the laboratory.
2. The findings revealed that the increase in the price of spices has an effect on the
quality of food served by students in grade 11 Cookery C.
3. Findings show that students have high coping mechanisms. This includes students
saving up to contribute to the laboratory, using leftover ingredients from their
homes, and working to support their laboratory needs.
4. There is a positive correlation between the price increase of spice and laboratory
performance of the students.

In general, these research problems show that the answers from the respondents are
important. The answers from them shed light on the effect of the increase in the price of
spices on the students' laboratory performances.


In the light of the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researchers recommend
the following:

Sellers / Business owners: It is critical for Sellers, and Business Owners to

comprehend how price changes impact students' purchase decisions in order to create
efficient pricing and marketing plans. They might consider giving discounts to student
buyers. Building awareness and interest is the first step in the customer acquisition
process, and discounts are a tried-and-true approach to do that. Discounts draw people in

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and they often spread via word-of-mouth, which is an effective approach to reach new

Consumers: The study highlights the impact of price increases. It is recommended

that consumers consider planning their purchases before making purchasing decisions.
By doing so, consumers can become aware of what they can do before purchasing
ingredients to save more, helping them make smarter choices.

School Administrators: The School Administrators should conduct programs,

seminars and events which would help the students, especially the graduating students, to
become more aware of the factors that can affect the academic failure of the students in
their chosen course in order for them to overcome those factors. Also, School
Administrators might consider implementing a student assistance program (SAP) so that
the student does not have difficulty finding money to pay for the laboratories and they
can focus more on their laboratory.

Teachers: They should provide lesson activities that would cover the different
learning styles of the students and apply these lessons to real life situations. The Teachers
should also be encouraged to be more approachable and be sensitive to the needs and
interest of the students inside or even outside of the school. So that the students gain
interest in studying.

Students: The Students can benefit from studying the effect of price increases on
spices. Especially for those who will take the TVL-Cookery course, they can use it to
give them guidance on what method they can do to have a laboratory even if the price is
high, especially now that the price of goods continues to rise.

Future Researchers: This study can serve as a valuable reference for future
researchers interested in conducting related studies. It provides a foundation for further
exploration of the relationship between price increase of spice and laboratory

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performance. Future researchers can build upon this study's findings to delve deeper into
specific aspects or explore different demographics or industries to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the impact of price increase on

Asogwa, I. S. et. al. (2022). Spices, Herbs and Condiments. Origin and History of
Spices, 1.4 page. 12-13, and summary, 1.6 pages. 17.
Asia Development Bank (2008). Food Prices and Inflation in Developing Asia: Is
Poverty Reduction Coming to an End?. 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City. 1550 Metro
Manila. Philippines. Abstract. Page. 3.

Brannan, G. (2022). Qualitative Study. 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD
20894: National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from:
Bersales, L. G. (2019). Proportion of Poor Filipinos registered at 21.0 percent in
the First Semester of 2018. PSA Complex, East Avenue Diliman, Quezon City;
Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved from:
Wells, T. (2023). How a Data Price Increase Drives Earning Growth During
Inflation, what is the Reason for a Data-Driven Price Increase Amid Inflation. Level 8, 65
York St, Sydney 2000; Taylor Wells. Retrieved from:
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Fradella, A. (2022). Behind the Numbers: What’s Causing Growth in Food Prices.
150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway Ottawa, Otario; Statistics Canada. Retrieved from:

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AraLipunan. (2023). Ano ang Implasyon: Ano ang mga Epekto ng Implasyon.
Retrieved from:
Brannan, G. et. al. (2022). Qualitative Study; Examples of Qualitative Research
Approaches. 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20894; National Library of Medicine.
Retrieved from:
Thomas, L. (2022). Simple Random Sampling l Definition, Steps & Examples.
Retrieved from: (2018). Tondo High School. Retrieved from:
Mcleod, S, PhD. (2023). Questionnaire: Definition, examples, design, and types.
Simply Scholar Ltd. 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU; Simply Psychology.
Retrieved from:

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Appendix A

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Appendix B

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I. Demographic Profile

Name: ___________________________ Gender:__________

Grade and Section:______________________ Age:________

II. Questionnaires
1. How has the increasing prices of spices affected the laboratory performance of
Grade 11 Cookery-C students?

2. In what specific ways have the rising prices of spices impacted the cooking
experiments and activities of Grade 11 Cookery-C students in the laboratory

3. Have the higher spice prices influenced the creativity and variety of dishes
prepared by Grade 11 Cookery-C students during their laboratory sessions? If so,

4. What challenges have Grade 11 Cookery-C students faced as a result of the

increasing prices of spices, and how have these challenges affected their overall
laboratory performance?

5. How have the students managed to maintain the quality and taste of their dishes
despite the rising costs of spices in their practical cooking exercises?

6. Has the increase in spice prices led to any modifications or adjustments in the
curriculum or teaching methods for Grade 11 Cookery-C students? If yes, what
are some of these changes and their impact on student performance?

7. What strategies or alternatives have Grade 11 Cookery-C students employed to

cope with the escalating spice prices while still achieving their learning
objectives in the laboratory?

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Appendix C

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Problem 1. How has the increasing prices of spices affected the Laboratory performance
of Grade 11 Cookery-C Students?

Respondents Actual Response Translation

Person 1: Nahihirapan maghanap ang Students struggle to find cheaper

mga mag-aaral ng mga mas alternative ingredients and their
murang alternatibong sangkap grades drop.
at bumababa ang grado ng mga

Person 2: Nakakaapekto ito sa mag aaral This affects us students because

sa kadahilanang hindi sa lahat we are not always able to finance
ng oras ay kaya naming the large amount of buying spices.
tustusan ang malaking halaga With the increase in the price of
ng pagbili ng mga pampalasa. goods many of us are unable to
Sa pagtaas ng presyo ng mga participate in these types of
bilihin marami sa amin ang activities which is why the rest of
hindi nakaka-sali sa mga us receive low grades.
ganitong uri ng gawain kaya
naman ang iba sa amin ay
mababa ang grado na

Person 3: Mas lalo pang tumataas ang The prices of the spices that I will
mga presyo ng mga pampalasa use are increasing even more, so
na aking gagamitin kaya namn the funds that I will need for this
mas tumataas ang pondo na increase, it also affects the quality
aking kakailanganin para of the food that I make.
dito,nakakaapekto din ito sa
kalidad ng pagkain na aking

Person 4: Nakakaapekto ito sa marka ko It affects my laboratory grade

sa laboratoryo dahil hindi because we can't buy the
namin mabili ang sangkap na ingredients we need for cooking.
kailangan namin sa pagluluto.

Person 5: Nadadagdagan pa ang gastusin The expenses are increasing.

imbes na pandagdag baon na Instead of adding money to my

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lang sa mga kapatid ko, siblings, it is going to the
napupunta pa sa laboratoryo laboratory because of the increase
dahil sa pagtaas ng presyo ng in the price of spices.
mga pampalasa.

Person 6: Sa tingin ko nakakaapekto ito I think it affects because the first

kasi ang pinaka unang thing students need is spices
kailangan ng mga mag-aaral ay because that's what gives flavor to
ang mga Pampalasa kasi yun what we cook. So a large part of
ang nagbibigay ng lasa sa mga the increase in its price in our
niluluto namin. kaya malaking laboratory is because that is what
parte ang pagtaas ng presyo we need to use the most.
nito sa laboratoryo namin kasi
yun ang pinaka kailangan
namin gamitin.

Person 7: Nakakaapekto ang pagtaas ng The increase in the price of spices

presyo ng mga pampalasa affects the lack of money and
dahil sa kakulangan sa pera at many school and household
maraming gastusin sa school at expenses.
sa bahay.
Problem 2:

In what specific ways have the rising prices of spices impacted the cooking experiments
and activities of Grade 11 Cookery-C students in the laboratory.

Respondents Actual Response Translate

Person 1: Ang pinaka epekto nito ay The main effect of this is that they
nahihirapan silang bumili ng find it difficult to buy ingredients
sangkap para sa kanilang for their laboratory, so other
laboratoryo, kaya ang ibang bfstudents drop their grades and
mag-aaral ay bumababa ang feel disappointed in themselves.
grado at nagkakaramdam ng
pagkabigo sa sarili.

Person 2: Partikular na nakakaapekto ito This particularly affects the grade

sa grado naming mag aaral sa of our students because the price

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kadahilanang mataas ang presyo of goods is high, many of our
ng bilihin marami sa aming mag students are not able to participate
aaral ang di nakaka sali sa mga in the tasks assigned to us, which
gawaing naiatang sa amin kaya is why most of us receive low
naman karamihan sa amin grades.
mababa ang grado na

Person 3: Nakakaapekto ito sa lalo This affects the increase in the

pagtaas ng ambagan na kanilang amount of food they make,
ginagawa,minsan nakaka apekto sometimes it also affects the
rin ito sa sa kalidad ng mga quality of the food they prepare.
pagkain na kanilang hinahanda

Person 4: Mas tumataas ang ambagan Our contribution to buy

namin para makabili ng mga ingredients is increasing. and with
sangkap. at sa taas ng presyo ng the high price of these I find it
mga ito ay nahihirapan akong difficult to buy the complete
bilhin ang kumpletong sangkap ingredients so we also didn't like
kaya hindi rin namin what we were cooking because it
nagustuhan ang niluluto namin tasted bad,
dahil pangit ang lasa nito.

Person 5: Mahirap maghanap ng murang It's hard to find cheap ingredients

sangkap dahil lahat ay nagtataas because everything is increasing
kaya hindi na kumpleto ang so the right ingredients are not
tamang sangkap. Nagreresulta complete. It results in an
sa hindi masarap na lasa ng mga unpleasant taste of the cooked
niluluto kaya bumababa ang food, thus lowering the grade.

Person 6: Syempre pag kulang sa spices Of course, if a dish lacks spices,

ang isang dish, kulang din sa the food lacks taste or what we
lasa ang pagkain ng kakahitnan cook is not very tasty.
o hindi masyadong masarap ang
niluluto namin.

Person 7: Pagsabay ng mga gastusin ng At the same time, school and

school at bahay minsan naman home expenses sometimes
ay nag kakasabay sa ibang coincide with other subjects.

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Problem 3.

What challenges have Grade 11 Cookery-C students faced as a result of the increasing
prices of spices, and how have these challenges affected their overall laboratory

Respondents Actual Response Translate

Person 1: Ang naging pagsubok nila dito ay What they experienced here was
nakaramdam sila ng stress, that they felt stressed, pressured
pressure at pagod dahil and tired because they were tired
napapagod silang maghanap ng of looking for cheaper
mas murang alternatibong alternative ingredients.

Person 2: Ang hamon na hinaharap ngayon The challenge facing cookery-c

ng cookery-c ay ang mataas na now is the high price of goods, It
presyo ng mga bilihin, is difficult to find money to
Nahihirapan maghanap ng pera contribute to contributions not
upang makapag ambag sa mga only in the laboratory but also in
kontribusyon hindi lamang sa other subjects this challenge is
laboratoryo kundi pati narin sa very difficult for my fellow
iba pang mga asignatura ang students because they may not
hamon na ito ay napaka hirap sa be able to participate in the
kapwa ko mag aaral sapagkat activities assigned to us that is
maari silang di makasali sa mga why many of us get low grades.
aktibidad ng nakaatang sa amin
kaya naman marami sa amin ang
nakakakuha ng mababang marka.

Person 3: Lalo tumataas ang ambag nila sa The more their contribution
bawat laboratoryo na gagawin, increases with each laboratory
lalo pa ito nagpapahirap dahil ang that is done, this makes it even
ilan sa kanila ay nahihirapan pa more difficult because some of
na mag hanap nang pera na ipang them are still struggling to find
bibigay para sa mga ambagan na money to give for the
kailangan para sa gagawin sa contributions needed for the
laboratoryo laboratory work.

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Person 4: Nahihirapan kami maghanap ng We are having a hard time
mas murang halaga ng mga finding cheaper spices and we
pampalasa at napapagod kami are tired of searching for it.
kakahanap dito.

Person 5: Nakakapagod maghanap ng mga It's tiring to find alternative

alternatibong sangkap para ingredients to get cheap and
makamura at makumpleto ang complete the necessary cooking
mga kakailanganing sangkap sa ingredients. And because I was
pagluluto. At dahil pagod ako tired, I couldn't focus on cooking
kakahanap hindi na ako in the laboratory.
nakakapag Focus sa Pagluluto sa

Person 6: Ang isa sa mga hamon na hinarap One of the challenges I faced
ko ay ang kakulangan sa pera na was the lack of money that
kailangan ipambili para needed to be purchased to cook
makapag-luto sa laboratoryo. in the laboratory.

Person 7: Ang hamon na kinakaharap ko ay The challenge I face is that I find

nahihirapan ako maghanap ng it difficult to find cheaper
mas murang sangkap para sa ingredients for cooking and
pagluluto at Pagbabadyet ng pera Budgeting money because
kasi minsan may biglaang sometimes there is a sudden
laboratoryo tapos hindi kami laboratory and we are not ready
nakakapag handa para dito. for it.

Problem 4.

Have the higher spice prices influenced the creativity and variety of dishes prepared by
Grade 11 Cookery-C students during their laboratory sessions? If so, how?

Respondents Actual Response Translate

Person 1: Naimpluwensyahan ang pagiging Their creativity was influenced

malikhain ng mga ito dahil hindi because the budget was not
sapat ang budget pambili ng enough to buy complete
kumpletong sangkap. ingredients.

Person 2: Oo, sapagkat hindi ko maisaayos Yes, because I couldn't adjust

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at makuha yung gusto kong lasa and get the taste I wanted from
ng niluto ko. what I cooked.

Person 3: Oo, dahil minsan kulang o hindi Yes, because sometimes the
sapat ang mga pampalasa na spices they buy are lacking or
kanilang nabibili dahil pinilit lang not enough because they just
nilang pinagkakasya ang mga ito forced them to fit in how much
sa kung magkano ang pera na money they have, that's why
hawak niya,kaya naman minsan sometimes it can be noticed that
ay mapapansin na may kulang sa there is something missing in
lasa ng mga pagkain na kanilang the taste of the food they
inihahanda prepare

Person 4: Nakakaapekto kasi hindi na It affects us because we no

namin nakakakuha yung gusto longer get the taste we want
naming lasa ng pagkaing niluluto from the food we cook because
namin dahil nga hindi na rin we no longer complete the
namin kinukumpleto ang sangkap ingredients we buy because it is
na binibili kasi nga mahal ito at expensive and our budget
hindi kaya ng badyet namin. cannot afford it

Person 5: Hindi ito nakakaapekto dahil It doesn't affect me because I

nahahanapan ko naman ng can find the right alternative
tamang alternatibong sangkap ingredient to fill the expensive
para mapunan ang mahal na ingredient that I can afford.
sangkap na kung saan
makakamura ako.

Person 6: Oo, kasi halimbawa sa plating, Yes, because for example in

kulang ang sangkap namin sa plating, we lack ingredients in
Sauce, hindi namin mapapakita Sauce, we can't properly show
ng maayos yung pagiging our creativity because we lack
malikhain namin kasi kulang sa ingredients in spices because
sangkap ng mga pampalasa dahil the price is high and we can't
mataas nga ang presyo nito at buy them.
hindi namin mabili.

Person 7: Oo, kasi ang pampalasa ang Yes, because the spices make
nagpapasarap sa pagkaing the food that is cooked taste

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niluluto kaya nakakaapekto ito at better, so it affects the taste and
di maging maganda ang lasa at gets a low grade in the
makakuha ng mababang grado sa laboratory.

Problem 5.

How have the students managed to maintain the quality and taste of their dishes despite
the rising costs of spices in their practical cooking exercises?

Respondents Actual Response Translate

Person 1: Nakukuha pa rin ang kalidad at lasa The quality and taste of the
ng mga ulam dahil may mga dishes is still obtained
alternatibong Sangkap na kung because there are alternative
saan nandito na lahat. Tulad ng Ingredients where everything
Knorr Sinigang Mix. Ito ay mas is here. Like Knorr Soup
mura kung ikukumpara sa isa-isang Mix. It is cheaper compared
sangkap na karaniwang ginagamit to the individual ingredients
sa Sinigang. commonly used in Sinigang.

Person 2: Sa totoo lang hindi naman na Actually, you don't need any
kailangan ng ibang Pampalasa para other spices to make the food
mapasarap ang pagkaing niluluto you cook taste good. What is
mo. Ang kailangan ay ang needed is the essential
mahalagang Sangkap para Ingredients to make food.
makagawa ng pagkain. Tulad na Just like with adobo pork,
lamang sa adobong Baboy hindi mo you don't need a bay leaf. All
na kailangan ng Dahon ng Laurel. you need is the Pork, soy
Ang kailangan mo lang ay yung sauce, and vinegar as well as
Baboy, toyo, at suka pati na ang pepper just to taste the pickle.
paminta para lang maglasang

Person 3: Maari silang bumili lang nang pang They can buy for just one
isang tao lang nang sa gayon ay person, so that they can save
mas matipid nila o mapag kasya more or fit the money they
nila ang pera na hawak nila.maari have. they can still maintain
rin sila na mang hindi nalang o the quality of every food they

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dalhin kung anong pampalasa ang make.
meron sila sa kanilang bahay,nang
sa gayon ay mas mapanatili parin
nila ang kalidad ng bawat pagkain
na kanilang ginagawa.

Person 4: Naghahanap kami ng alternatibong We are looking for an

sangkap para mapuna yung mahal alternative ingredient to
na sangkap at pareho ng mga lasa replace the expensive
ito kaya na m-maintain pa rin ang ingredient and it has the same
lasa nito. flavors so it will still maintain
its taste.

Person 5: Hindi po ako bumibili ng I don't buy in bulk, I only buy

malakihan, pira-piraso lamang ang pieces so I don't spend a lot
binibili ko para di ako gumastos ng and I can buy everything I
malaki at mabili ko ang lahat ng need to buy.
kailangan kong bilhin.

Person 6: Palitan na lang ng ibang sangkap o Just substitute another

alternatibong sangkap na mas mura. ingredient or an alternative
Pero pareho lang naman ang ingredient that is cheaper. But
kalidad nito sa orihinal na sangkap. it's just the same quality as
the original ingredient.

Person 7: Naghahanap ako ng mga I look for alternative

alternatibong sangkap na maaari ingredients that I can use in
kong gamitin sa pagluluto at cooking and I make sure that
sinisugarado ko na tama ang mga the ingredients I'm
sangkap na pinapalit ko ng sa substituting are correct so that
ganon pasok pa rin ang lasa nito. it still tastes good.

Problem 6.

Has the increase in spice prices led to any modifications or adjustments in the curriculum
or teaching methods for Grade 11 Cookery-C students? If yes, what are some of these
changes and their impact on students' performance?

Respondents Actual Response Translate

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Person 1: May adjustment dahil nagbibigay There is an adjustment
din ng mga payo ang aking guro because my teacher also gives
tungkol dito. Mga payo tulad ng: advice about it. Tips like:
kung saan makakabili ng mas where to buy cheaper
murang halaga ng mga sangkap at ingredients and what we can
kung ano ang maaari naming cook that will save us money.
lutuin na kung saan kami ay It’s a great help because the
makakatipid. Ang laki ng tulong pressure on us students is
nito dahil nababawasan ang mga reduced.
pressure naming mga mag-aaral.

Person 2: Wala namang pagbabago sa There is no change in the way

paraan ng pagtuturo ng teacher our teacher teaches, all he
namin, ang ginagawa niya lamang does is give us advice on
ay nagbibigay siya ng payo kung where to buy cheaper spices.
saan kami bibili ng mas murang
halaga ng pampalasa.

Person 3: Para sakin hindi, kasi if ever na I don't think so, because if
may laboratory tas kinakailangan there is ever a laboratory that
ng malaking pera para dun or requires a lot of money for
mahal yung mga pampalasa na that or the spices to be used
gagamitin is as much as possible are expensive, as much as
nagbibigay ng advice si sir sa mga possible our teacher gives
pwede alternative para mas advice on possible alternatives
makatipid or para hindi mas to save more or to not make
mapamahal sa mga gagamitin. the ones used more expensive.

Person 4: Wala naman pagbabago sa paraan There is no change in the way

ng pagtuturo ng guro namin. Ang our teacher teaches. All he
ginagawa niya lang ay nagbibigay does is give tips to make us
ng mga tips para mas mapamura cheaper in what we do.
kami sa gagawin namin.

Person 5: Wala namang pagbabagong There is no change happening

nangyayari sa paraan ng pagtuturo in the way of teaching because
dahil lahat naman ay sinusunod everyone follows what we are
kung ano ang dapat naming supposed to know. Our teacher
malaman. Ang ginagawa lang ng does is give us pointers on
aming guro ay nagbibigay ito ng where we can buy cheaper
mga payo kung saan kami ingredients.

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makakabili ng mas murang

Person 6: Walang pagbabago sa paraan ng There is no change in the

pagtuturo. Nagbibigay lamang ng teaching method. Just
alternatibong pagkain na maaari providing a food alternative
naming lutuin sa laboratoryo. that we can cook in the

Person 7: Wala namang iba sa pagtuturo There is no difference in

kahit na tumataas ang presyo ng teaching even as the price of
mga pampalasa. Dahil nagbibigay spices increases. Because my
naman ang aking guro ng mga teacher provides alternative
alternatibong sangkap na pwede ingredients that we can use in
naming gamitin sa aming our cooking.

Problem 7.

What strategies or alternatives have Grade 11 Cookery-C students employed to cope with
the escalating spice prices while still achieving their learning objectives in the laboratory?

Respondents Actual Response Translate

Person 1: Nag-iipon ako kung minsan I save the rest of my

ay nanghihingi ako sa allowance. Sometimes I ask
magulang ko ng dagdag my parents for extra
allowance para makabili ng allowance to buy the
mga sangkap na kailangan ingredients we need.

Person 2: Nag iipon ng nag ipon upang allowances are being saved
sa ganun pag dating ng so that when there is a new
panibagong aktibidad sa activity in the cooking
laboratory ng pagluluto ay laboratory, i can contribute
may maiaambag at hindi ako something and i am not
nahihirapan sa malaking struggling with the large
halaga ng ambagan sa amount of contribution
kadahilanang napaghandaan because I have already

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ko na ang ganitong uri ng prepared this type of
aktibidad. activity.

Person 3: If meron sila nang mga If they already have

kasangkapan na kailangan nila ingredients in their house,
sa bahay ay kanilang dinadala they bring it to save more
nalang para mas makatipid sa on the cost of their
gastos ng kanilang mga ingredients.

Person 4: Minsan nag t-trabaho ako para Sometimes I work to

makapag ambag sa Pagluluto contribute to our cooking
namin pero, most of time but, most of the time I ask
nanghihingi ako ng extra baon my parents for extra money
para makapag ambag sa to contribute to our
pagluluto namin. cooking.

Person 5: Nagtatabi ng natitirang pera Keeping the rest of the

mula sa baon ko, at kung money out of my pocket,
minsan ay nanghihingi ng and sometimes asking for
dagdag pambayad para sa extra lab fees.

Person 6: Nag p-part time ako para may I worked part time to
pang-ambag sa laboratoryo. contribute to the laboratory.

Person 7: Ang ginagawa kong paraan ay The way I do it is that I ask

nanghihingi ako ng pera para for money so that I can
makapag ambag pa din ako sa contribute to the laboratory
gagawing laboratoryo that will be built

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