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Class structure

" Number of contact hours: 15

" Class lectures and teaching: 10-11

" Doubt solving andexercises with Teaching Assistant: 01-02

"Class quizzes: 02 (will have multiple choice type questions; no negative marking)

" Attendance: 75% is mandatory

" Slides will not be shared; students are encourages to take notes
Learning Outcomes
simply with yourself
" Learn to communicate with an audience and not
"Drive home innovative ideas? Role of language
"Diversifying one's profession (Academics, Management, Banking,
Administration, Media)
"Competitive advantage and leadership; How persuasive can you get? Your
success truly depends on that
" Generate alternate viewpoints by critically listening and negotiating
Presenting your skill sets to the world: from CVs and SoPsto Professional
Course Content: Brief Overview (5 parts; each part
broadly covered over 2 contact hours)
" Part 1

1) Understanding Communication:
a) What is good oral communication?

b) What is good written communication?

c) Importance of correct grammar and sentences: writing practice

d) Discussionon writing and reading comprehension
Part 2
" Advanced practices inComprehension Skills
"Writing Strategies
"Presentation Skills

" Language corrections and argument forming exercises

"Part 3
2) Mechanismsof Good Communication
a) Discussion on body languageand gestures
b) The art of listening, interpreting, processing, and communicating
c) What information toshare and what to hide
d) More strategies on oral and written communication
Part 4
Reading, interpretation, and argumentation
" Amassing data: what to consider and what to omit
" Nonverbal Communication: Personal, Social, Professional, and
" Communication: Sending and Encoding; Receiving and Decoding
"Understanding political correctness with regard to gender, race,caste,
class, background, ethnicity, political views
Nonverbal sensitivity and decoding emotions correctly
" How to translate such sensitivity to verbal and written
Part 5
Business and Professional Communication:

" Writing reports

" Writing resumes

Writing job letters

"Writing SoPs
"Preparing for meetings and negotiations
" You will have to attempt 2 quizzes spread throughout this 1 credit

" Attendance and participation will determine the final grade obtained
by astudent;TAs willtake note of your class participation

" Each quiz will be marked out of 50 and will be a written submission

"Copying from the internet or plagiarism of any form will lead to heavy
General Strategies for Cogent Writing
From Stanley Fish's NYT Bestseller How toWrite a
Sentence: And Howto Read One (2012)
" "Before the words slide into their slots, they are just discrete items,
pointing everywhere and nowhere" (2).
"f God didn't want them sheared, he would not hove made them
sheep" (From the movie The Magnificent Seven, 1960) (4). (See how
the sentence is like the "flick of a whip", a"form of proverbial
wisdom") (5)
"Iwas already on the second floor when I heard about the box" (from
one of Fish's student assignments) (S). Note how the sentence makes
the reader want to know more

Fish points out that as important as it is to follow rules of grammar,

precisionof thought in writing asentence is equally necessary.
Turning toLiterature
Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1800)
William Wordsworth

"...Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful

feelings.. takes its origin.from emotionrecollected in

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