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Undergraduate Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Criminal Justice
Cavite State University
Indang, Cavite

In partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology


June 2024



An undergraduate thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Criminal Justice,

Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology. Prepared under the supervision of Ms.
Marisa Lontoc.


Physical Fitness refers to any body movement produced by skeletal muscles that

requires the consumption of energy to accomplish an activity stated by Caspersen, C.,

Powell, K., Christenson, G. (1985). According to Newman (2021), it is the capacity to

carry out daily tasks with maximum efficiency, strength, and endurance while managing

illness, exhaustion, and stress as well as reducing sedentary behavior. Also, another

variable in this research are the police officer’s health and physique for a healthy body is

very crucial when it comes to police officers. Adequate sleep, exercise and a healthy

food diet can give you a good amount of energy to achieve your work without physical

interruption. Murphy (2021) stated, the need for a healthy body does not only focuses for

your body to look good, but also to save your life in critical situations and increase your

survivability as a police officer. According to Harper (2021), An officer's fitness may have

an impact on the amount of force to be used when a scenario calls for expanding the

use of force. The officer's ability to perform their duties effectively could be significantly

impacted if their level of fitness is insufficient. Additionally, this could increase the

chance of death or severe physical harm. The related trend into this topic in the United

States of America, according to Kuhns J. , Maguire E. , Leach N. : Health Safety and

Wellness Program Case Studies in Law Enforcement (2015) Comprehensive initiatives

to enhance health, wellbeing, and safety among police personnel must thus take into

account a wide range of dangers. These risks include stress and exhaustion, poor

nutrition, and a variety of other physical and mental health problems related to the nature

of police jobs. In the researcher’s local trends, it is stated that according to Tupas of The

Philippine Star (2020), Lt. Gen. Archie Gamboa, the officer in charge of the Philippine

National Police (PNP), has launched a campaign against obese police officers and has

even instructed one of them to follow a yogurt diet in order to lose weight. Gamboa

declared that the body mass index, or BMI, requirement that a police officer maintain his

optimal weight will be vigorously enforced. Gamboa announced that overweight police

personnel will be prohibited from attending training and other sorts of schooling for

career progress and promotion in order to enforce rigorous compliance. Gamboa also

revealed that nearly half of the nation's 190,000-strong police force is overweight or

obese. According to him, just 102,600 police officers, or 54%, are at their ideal weight,

while 17,100, or 9%, are obese. In relating to the statistics given in the local data

gathered by the researchers, according to Title I, Section 13 of Republic Act No. 8551, "

No person shall be appointed as officer or member of the PNP unless he or she

possesses the following minimum qualifications: c) Must have passed the

psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by

any NAPOLCOM accredited government hospital for the purpose of determining

physical and mental health”.

The topics and issues that the researchers aim to study are very relevant when it comes

to the benefit of the community. However, there may be lapses and difficulties to achieve

this study. One of the difficult factors the researchers foresee is the gathering of data

when it comes to the physical fitness status and history of our good police officers,

conflict when it comes to the schedule of the police officers and the researchers, for our
target respondents may be on duty or out of duty, attain a legal consent to execute

communication and interaction to the chosen police station. Lastly, the researchers are

weary when it comes to achieving the target number of respondents.

As an amendment to the lapses and difficulties mentioned, the researchers have

established achievable solutions to solve the problems. The researchers will identify the

availability and schedule of the police officers for the convenience of the researchers

and the respondents, identify the routine of our law enforcement officers in regard to

their physical fitness activities to gather data about their health program. Lastly, the

researchers are aware about the possible low number of respondents. With this, a low

number of target respondents will be established while still committed to acquiring

accurate results.

With this, the researchers will determine the impact of physical fitness to the police

officers of the entire municipality of Indang, Cavite.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the impact of physical fitness among the police

officers of the Municipality of Indang, Cavite.

1. What type of body that should police officers of municipality of Indang, Cavite


1.1 Obese

1.2 Overweight
1.3 Normal physique

1.4 Underweight

2. What is the impact of physical fitness among the police in the municipality of

Indang, Cavite in terms of:

2.1 Desk Jobs

2.2 Field Operations

3. How physical fitness affect the performance of the duties of police officer in the

Municipality of Indang, Cavite?

Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

 This study aims to determine the impact of physical fitness to police officers.

Specific Objectives

 Specifically, it aims to determine the impact of physical fitness in the police

officers in municipality of Indang, Cavite.

 Analyze the conflicts encountered in attaining physically fit physique of the police

officers of Indang, Cavite.

Significance of the Study

 The Police Officers. This study will provide awareness and knowledge to our

police officers about the impact of physical fitness in performance of their duty

and on how it affects their physical and mental capability in executing their duty.

 The Police Organization. This study can layout data and information in setting

standards and improving the performance of the members of the organization.

 Future Researchers. This study benefits the future researchers in their future

research. They could use this as a basis for the research they would be doing. It

would also give them knowledge about the impact of physical fitness on law


Time and Place of the Study

The research is focused on the Impact of Physical Fitness Among the Police Officers in

Indang, Cavite. The Place of study is at Barangay Población, Indang, Cavite. The

respondents of this study are active police officers in Indang, Cavite. The respondents

are chosen based on the target of the researcher`s objectives.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to determine the impact of physical fitness to police officers, the

study would involve selected police officers exclusively stationed in Indang,

Cavite. To protect the identity of the selected police officers their names and

information remains anonymous.

This study will be limited to the police officers that do not have illness or disabled.

The selected police officers must be non-commissioned officer and member of

non-uniformed personnel.

This study about the impact of physical fitness to police officers is predicting

either of the two (2) different results which are the alternative hypothesis and the null

hypothesis. This hypothesis is a progression of discovery to create better

understandings or conclusions.

Alternative Hypothesis. Physical Fitness has an impact on the police officers of

Indang, Cavite.

Null Hypothesis. Physical Fitness has no impact on the police officers of Indang,


Scope and Limitation

This study aims to determine the impact of physical fitness to police officers, the

study would involve selected police officers exclusively stationed in Indang,

Cavite. In order to protect the identity of the selected police officers their names

and information remains anonymous.

This study will be limited to the police officers that do not have illness or disabled.

The selected police officers must be non-commissioned officer and member of

non-uniformed personnel.

Definition of Terms

In this Part are the definitions used in the study in determining the impact of

physical fitness to the Police Officers in Indang, Cavite.

Police Officers. Individuals that are member of the Philippine National Police


Police Organization. A team of professionals with training in the administration

of public safety who work to achieve goals and objectives that support the

maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property, enforcing the

law, and crime prevention.

Physically Fit. the ability to carry out daily tasks with maximum efficiency,

strength, and endurance while managing illness, weariness, and stress as well

as reducing sedentary behavior.

Obesity. condition where an individual has improper or excessive fat buildup that

is harmful to health.

Normal physique. physique of an individual that are fit to work without any


Underweight. condition where an individual is under 18.5 in his or her B.M.I.

Overweight. condition where an individual is over 25.0 in his or her B.M.I.

Conceptual Framework

The study would need a foundation for it to have a smooth and continuous flow. The

conceptual framework of the study discusses the flow of the study. It would be

elaborated with the use of the Input-Process-Output Model wherein it would contain the

input, process, and output. In the input would have the information, and ideas. In the

process would be the actions that would be done. Lastly, in the output would comprise

the result of the process.


1. What type of
body that should
police officers of
municipality of
Indang, Cavite has:

1.1 Obese
1.2 Overweight
1.4 Underweight
questionnaire The Impact of
What is the impact Physical Fitness
of physical fitness Among the Police
among the police in Analysis
Officers in Indang,
the municipality of Cavite
Indang, Cavite in Interpretation
terms of:
2.1 Desk Jobs
2.2 Field Operations

How physical fitness

affect the
performance of the
duties of police
officer in the
Municipality of
Indang, Cavite?

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

On figure 1, the researchers summarized the whole process on how they would

conduct the study on identifying the impact of physical fitness in performance of

the duty of police officers in Indang, Cavite. As for the input, the researchers

compressed and compiled the questions that are formulated in the study

regarding the impact of physical fitness among the performance of the duties of

the police officers of municipality of Indang, Cavite. As for the process, the

researchers stated the techniques that they will use to acquire the data that are

essential to the study and how they would interpret the data gathered and to
weigh how essential and useful it is for the conduct of the study. As for the

output, the researchers would be able to determine the impact of physical fitness

in performance of duty of police officer and to set standards on how they would

maintain their physique to be able to function well and perform their duty.

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