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Review held on: 19th May 2020

Venue: Telephone Conferencing

NAME: Peter Lee West

DOB: 23.05.05

Peter Lee West Young Person ( Peter Lee was consulted via what’s app Video
Samantha West Mother (AKA Sam)
Lucy Sivyer Social Worker
Liz Firth Foster Carer
Sally Kelly DCLA at Co Op Academy Southfield
Catherine Pulle IRO and Chair

Julie Hird Respite Carer
Carolyn Robinson CLA Nurse
Suleman Chunara SSW for Liz
Kirsty McLeod Team Manager for Lucy
Hollie Carter Virtual Team


Social Worker Report

A full Care Orders were granted in respect of Peter Lee and his siblings in March 2015
because of domestic violence, substance use and neglect. The siblings are in separate
placement and see each other. Peter Lee is diagnosed with Autism. He moved to his long
term foster carers Liz and Billy on 20th March 2016.


Peter Lee continues to be very settled with his current foster carers and is benefiting from his
new school (Ongoing)
Peter Lee continues to go every other weeks ends to stay with Julie and Martin (Respite
carers) (Ongoing)
EHCP and PEP are reviewed and updated (Ongoing)


I spoke with Peter Lee via what’s app video call the day before his review. Peter Lee
explained that he is happy with his placement with Liz and Billy. It is his birthday soon and
knows he will be getting some money, games and T- Shirts but is not too impressed about the
T-Shirts. He speaks with his mum on what’s app but ideally would prefer to see her. However,
he is aware he cannot because of social distancing. He misses his respite with Julie and
Martin and not going to the caravan. He then asked me if I knew what he was doing and
explained he had altogether 72 Mixels.
He has been to school today and seemed content. There is nothing else he wanted to add.
He is aware his review is tomorrow and that his mum will be part of his review.

Mr Faulkner is aware he needs to make contact with Social Care in order to be risked
assessed for contact with his son. He has so far made no contacts and therefore Peter Lee
does not have any contact with his son.
Sam was present at Peter’s review and continues to be happy with the care he receives from
his foster carers.

Liz explained that Peter Lee is doing well but does not like being showed how to do things.
This was said in the context of Liz helping him to develop his independence skills. He can
make a cup of tea, pot noodles, charges his Ipad and empty his paper bin.
Peter Lee likes to sit down at his computer all the time. However, Liz does encourage Peter
Lee to do other things during the day. Peter lee is in a good routine, his self-care is good, for
instance he brushes his teeth regularly and showering is not an issue. Peter Lee now uses an
electric shaver. Generally, Liz explained Peter lee misses going to the caravan, youth club
and fortnightly breaks with Julie and Martin. Liz’s husband is currently furloughed and Liz still

Peter Lee is healthy. He is up to date with all his immunisations. He saw the dentist on
14.5.19, the optician on 25.11.19 and his last Health Assessment was on 3.12.19.
He is now wearing hearing aids on both ears after being tested at BRI. It was established that
in one ear he can ear ¾ and from the other ½
He also had his ears syringed. Liz explained that he is quite good at wearing his hearing aids
and only takes them out when he has his headphones on.
Sally confirmed that his hearing aids are checked at school and batteries are changed if
needs be.
Peter Lee started attending the Co-op Academy Southfield in April 2019 and is in year nine.
His EHCP was reviewed on 1.4.20 and his last PEP took place today and will need to be
uploaded on LCS. His attendance is excellent and he currently does full days and goes from
9am until 3.20
He is in the Oasis provision which is for high functional autistic children. The main areas at
the moment, Peter Lee and professionals including Liz and Billy are concentrating on is
improving his social skills as well as patience and tolerance of others. For instance, Peter Lee
will quite happily talk with the staff and not to other pupils all day. In terms of his impatience,
Sally mentioned Peter Lee having to wait outside as Sally was already in a conversation with
another person. Peter Lee having to wait was becoming very agitated and impatient.


Peter Lee was seeing his sister Kerena every three months i.e. four times a year. Those are
currently on hold due to Covid 19 restrictions. Contacts are now virtual.
Ellie is currently in prison. Sam explained that Ellie could be released either in September or
March 2021.
Pre Covid 19, Sam, Jodie and maternal grandmother were seeing Peter Lee every 6/7 weeks.
Contacts were supervised by Liz. Contacts are now on What’s app.

Peter Lee used to go for fortnightly week end breaks with Julie and Martin which he loved
going to but unfortunately due to social distancing, this provision is on hold.

EHCP is reviewed periodically


What is working well?
Peter Lee is settled with his foster carers Liz and Billy. He is making excellent progress at
school and is one of the more able pupils.
What is a worry?
Peter Lee is a vulnerable young person who continues to talk with everyone and needs to
continue to be closely supervised.
What needs to happen next?
Peter Lee’s contacts once social distancing ends will need to be carefully timetable so as to
ensure all involved are informed as Kerena has a social worker and Ellie a CRW .


Peter Lee’s care plan is to remain living with Liz and Billy until adulthood.

1. Liz will continue to develop Peter Lee's independence skills
2. School and Liz continue to work with Peter Lee on improving his patience and tolerance
3. Lucy Sivyer will upload the PEP on LCS which took place today
4. Lucy will continue to liaise with CRW for Ellie and SW for Kerena to make sure contact
arrangements are discussed and dates agreed post Covid 19 restrictions.


Next CLA review will be on 20th October 2020 at 2pm at school


Catherine Pulle
Independent Reviewing Officer

The Independent Reviewing Officer must be informed if:-
1. The tasks required are not being undertaken as expected.
2. There is a significant change of circumstances.
3. There is an intention to change the Care Plan.

If you are not happy with any part of this Review process, please contact the
Independent Reviewing Officer on 01274 434343. You can also make a complaint by
contacting the Complaints Unit, on Bradford 432987, at FREEPOST BRADFORD
COUNCIL (please write “Complaints Unit” at the back of the envelope) or at

The NYAS Service is available to offer children support at Reviews and in making a
complaint. They are contactable on telephone 0808 808 1001 and at

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