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BHOPAL sw ithopa cin TERM END EXAMINATIONS (TEE) - Fehri ry-Mareh 2023 Programme —_|:[B.Tech.|BCE, MEI] [Semester iter 2022-23 ‘Course Title/ |, Database Management Systems i Course Code [ICSE3001 ‘Slot |E21+822+823 ‘Time :[1% hours /Max. Marks :[50 Answer ALL the Questions Ne. esto Description Maks PART - A (30 Marks) 1 (a) (i) What are the advantages and disadvantages of a DBMS System? (Gi) State and explain the role of data-base administrato(DBA)? 5 OR (b) (i) Differentiate between 2NF and 3NF? 5 (ii) Find the candidate for the relation R(A,B,C,D.E,F) with the following functional 5 dependencies : { ABC, BD, CE, CDF }. 2 (a) Consider the following database schema to write queries in SQL. 10 Sailor(sid, sname, age, rating) Boats(bid, bname, beolor) Reserves(sid, bid, day) i) Find the sailors who have reserved a red boat. ii) Find the names of the sailors who have reserved at least two boats, iii) Find the colors of the boats reserved by ‘Mohan’ OR (b) Write a PL/SQL program to find the factorial of a number recursively? 10 Page 1 of 2 3 (a) Check whether the following schedule is serializable or not? 7 7 7 ReadiA) Reads) A= f(A) Read) B= 6) Write) C=O) a Writer) Writ) ReadB) Read(a) Amf(A) Write) waite) Bf) write) Senedulest OR PART - B (20 Marks) (i) What is a foreign key constraint, and how does it relate to the relationship between tables in a database? State and give an example of INNER JOIN? 10 ificance of using RAID in DBMS? Also describe the different RAID 5+5 3 Explain the significance of B+ tree in DBMS? What is a leaf node and an intemal +5 node in a B+ tree, and how do they differ in structure and functionality? od Page 2 of 2

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