Manual/Paper-Based Document Storage: Standard Grade Administration Unit 3b

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Manual/Paper-Based Document Storage

Standard Grade Administration Unit 3b

Storing Information Manually

Vertical Filing Cabinet
Can have 2, 3 or 4 drawers. Linked pockets suspended on runners at the edge of the drawers. Only one drawer can be open at a time (Health & Safety).

Storing Information Manually

Lateral Filing Cabinet
Files are arranged side-by-side (like books in a library). Less floor space required as there are no drawers to open. Files are suspended on rails in horizontal rows.

Storing Information Manually

Filing Trays
Trays can be stacked one on top of the other. Trays can be labeled - e.g. IN OUT or PENDING. Allows papers to be stored neatly during the day.

Storing Information Manually

Lever-Arch Files
Useful for storing papers which are referred to often. Can be used with dividers to show separate sections. Often multi-coloured, helping you to find the right folder.

Storing Information Manually

Personal Organiser
A cross between a personal filing system and a diary. Available in different sizes. Possible to buy a selection of accessories and pre-printed pages - e.g. to do lists, address books, diary pages.

Methods of Filing - Alphabetical

Customers folders are arranged in alphabetical order Most widely used Advantages Easy for people to operate Does not need an index Disadvantages Need to know filing rules Slow when many customers have same surname

Methods of Filing - Numerical

Files are arranged in numerical order A new customer is given the next number Advantages Suitable for large organisations Easy to expand Disadvantages Needs an alphabetical index Index needs to be constantly updated

Methods of Filing - Chronological

Files are arranged in date order Used when using other methods Advantages Useful where dates are key feature of information to be filed May be used along with another method of filing Disadvantages Unlikely to be main method of filing Needs some form of index

For each of the following organisations suggest an appropriate method of filing alphabetical or numerical:

1. Small corner shop selling groceries, one person business 2. Large medical centre with thousand of patients 3. A local law firm with three employees 4. A multinational insurance company


Electronic Files
Standard Grade Administration Unit 3b


When You Save A Document

If you save a document on a computer you are creating an Electronic File. Files can be created by:
Using an applications package Scanning in information Downloading from the Internet


Different Application Packages

Application packages are also known as computer programs. What computer programs have you used in Administration?
Word Processing Spreadsheet Presentation DTP (e.g. PageMaker) Databases (e.g. Microsoft Access)


Scanning Documents
Mail received (internal and external) can be scanned - the originals may be kept for a short period before being destroyed. Scanning documents saves space - no need for filing cabinets.


Downloading From The Internet

Electronic Files can be downloaded from the Internet. e.g.
Images from Google Music (There are legal download sites which you pay for the music files.)


What Do Databases Let You Do?

Create the fields to hold the information. Enter the information - in the records. You can have as many records as you need in your database.

What Do Databases Let You Do?

Fields can be created in various formats for example:
Text Number Date

You can add, delete, and alter fields and field formats.

What Do Databases Let You Do?

Databases let you search for information quickly. It does not matter what order the database is in, you can still find the correct record quickly.


What Do Databases Let You Do?

Databases let you sort information easily. You might want to sort an Employee Records Database into alphabetical order by surname.


What Do Databases Let You Do?

Databases can be made secure with passwords. This means that only authorised people have access to the information.


What Do Databases Let You Do?

You can merge information from a database with other documents. You might want to send a letter to all your customers and personalise it with the customers name. This is called mail-merge.

File Management
Use an appropriate file name Save files in named folders Label discs clearly and store in lockable boxes Make regular backups

Advantages of Electronic Storage

Access information quickly Edit information easily If information on a server more than one person can use at a time Storage space less Can access information from anywhere.


Disadvantages of Electronic Storage

Equipment failure stops access to information Power failure can cause loss of information Fire can cause the loss of all data Human error could overwrite files Viruses could be a big problem Easy to lose data if staff are not trained properly


Electronic Document Storage

Standard Grade Administration 2005


Document Storage
Information needs to be found quickly. To do this, it must be kept in some form of storage device. This applies to both manual and electronic filing methods.


Electronic Storage
Floppy Disk
3.5 hard cased disk. 1.4MB Storage. Disk must be formatted. Similar to a filing cabinet hierarchical filing system.


Electronic Storage
Why Floppy Disk?
The first floppy disk did not have the protection of the hard case. This disk was larger - 5.25 Storage capacity was also much less.


Electronic Storage
Hard Disk
The storage medium provided internally within a computer. These can also be attached externally. Storage is measured in GB. Used to store computer programs and documents.


Electronic Storage
Zip Disk
A newer form of storage than the floppy disk. Storage capacity of either 100MB, 250MB or 750MB.


Electronic Storage
USB Drive
The most recent form of portable storage. Some can be attached to a keyring. Available in various sizes, usually measured in GB.


Electronic Storage
Stores up to 700MB of data. Most computer programs are now supplied on CD-ROM. Using a CD writer it is possible to store information on your own CDs. CD-RW disks allow you to erase and burn the disc again.


Electronic Storage
(Digital Versatile Disc) There are many different formats of DVDs. Stores up to 17GB of data. Similar to CDs, but can store large files, particularly sound and vision files, e.g. feature films.


Create a presentation on each of the previous types of storage. Include information on:
The size of memory available The cost of each type of storage The advantages and disadvantages of each one. New types of data storage that may exist

Resources to use:
Notes The Internet Text Books


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