1.4 ELEMENTE - Soclul

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In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were

expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

CURS 1.2

In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei

spatiul fizic:

+ subsolul (pivnita)
camara alimente, umezeala,
intunecat, rece, aflat in pamant

+ etajul (etajele) (locuinta)

spatiu protejat, aflat intre
pamant si cer

+ podul (spatiul acoperisului)

depozit obiecte vechi, uscat,
luminos,cald, aflata sub cer
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei

spatiul simbolic:

+ subsolul (pivnita)
spatiu dionisiac (zeul vinului si al

+ podul (spatiul acoperisului)

spatiu apolinic (zeul luminii, al
poeziei si muzicii)
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei

spatiul simbolic:
G. Bachelard – Poetica spatiului

casa onirica – casa care ocroteste visarea

- casa este o fiinta verticala, verticalitatea sa fiind

asigurata de polaritatea pivnita-pod (opozitia
dintre irationalitetea pivnitei, ca fiinta obscura
si rationalitatea acoperisului, care ofera
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei
Peter Zumthor's Studio studio Delordinaire

elementele locuintei
Pezo von Ellrichshausen KWK promes

elementele locuintei
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei

+ traditionale

stabileste o serie de relatii profunde

(spirituale) de raportare la
elementele naturale (pamantul,
cerul, soarele, etc.) - tectonica
cladirii jucand un rol important

+ moderne (moderniste)
relatiile cu elementele naturale sunt
de o alta factura (concreta),
mai degraba superficiale fata
de semnificatiile profunde ale
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei


- constituie o componenta mai putin

remarcata in cadrul constructiei.
- putem surprinde doua directii de
gandire: prima se refera la relatia cu
topografia terenului iar cea de-a
doua se refara la modul prin care
participa la structurarea spatiala a
cladirii si modurile in care
genereaza spatiul interior.
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


uneori structura superioara nu

lasa sa se ghiceasca
dimensiunea si forma
Subsolul In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Steven Holl – LOISIUM museum

Langenlois Austria
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Steven Holl – LOISIUM museum

Langenlois Austria
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

elementele locuintei

+ sub-solul

- inertia termica oferita de straturile

terenului natural au constituit un
avantaj speculat din cele mai vechi

- locuinta
- ghetarie (Sibiu)
- pivnita pentru alimente
- crama
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


de cele mai multe ori in cazul structurilor moderne, subsolul isi pierde rolul
oniric, principal pe care il joaca in locuinta traditionala (vezi
G.Bachelard) dar capata o dimensiune si o importanta fuctionala
semnificativa, determinand structura superioara prin prezenta stalpilor
si sustinand functionarea prin acomodarea parcarilor si a spatiilor
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Vlad ARSENE – ambasada Canadei Bucuresti


Iulius Town
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


- in momentul in care o se realizeaza fundatiile unei locuinte trebuie sapata o groapa pana la straturile
terenului care corespund din punctul de vedere al stabilitatii si coeziunii.

- sapatura poate sa constituie unul dintre elementele definitorii in relatia constructiei noi cu terenul (cu
topografia acestuia):

- groapa sapata ramane deschisa in jurul constructiei

- pamantul sapat este adaugat pentru a forma un zid de incinta
- cladirea este ingropata

In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


relatia subsolului cu suprastructura poate fi si ea divers configurata:

In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


- relatii interior - exterior

- relatii exterior/suprateran –

- element central

UN Studio – Villa Wilbrink
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)



In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


- de obicei, atunci cand ne gandim la spatii subtarane, ne

vin in minte locuri intunecoase, unghere insalubre dar,
acest lucru nu este valabil intr-o constructie moderna
- chiar daca sunt aflate sub cota terenului acestea pot fi pline
de lumina si se relationeaza divers cu elementele
constructiei sau cele ale naturii.
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

sunt spatii (locuite) care

speculeaza prezenta sau
imita elementele topografiei
naturale a terenului din
zonele in care se afla pentru
o integrare in contextul
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ pestera

este unul dintre primele spatii

locuite, un spatiu natural,
acomodat nevoilor umane.
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ depresiunea:

forma naturala a terenului, ea a

constituit adapost in forma sa
primara sau a acomodat in jurul
ei spatii de locuit asemenea
unei curti scufundate. Aceasta
tipologie este specifica in
special zonelor aride si
deosebit de cade ale Globului.

- amfiteatrul grecesc
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ depresiunea:

forma naturala a terenului, ea a

constituit adapost in forma sa
primara sau a acomodat in jurul
ei spatii de locuit asemenea
unei curti scufundate.
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ depresiunea

forma naturala a terenului, ea a

constituit adapost in forma sa
primara sau a acomodat in jurul
ei spatii de locuit asemenea
unei curti scufundate. Aceasta
tipologie este specifica in
special zonelor aride si
deosebit de cade ale Globului.
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ elevatia

locuinta supraterana
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ elevatia

locuinta supraterana

-elementele din care este construita o

fac sa se integreze in contextul

- terenul natural o acopera, o

camufleaza in contextul natural si ii
ofera protectie

- doar doua fatade raman vizibile,

distincte in acest context
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ elevatia

locuinta supraterana

Cladirea se integreaza prin forma,

imitand unduirea naturala a
terenului- devine topografie.
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ elevatia

locuinta supraterana

Cladirea – topografie.
UN Studio - Moebius house
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ elevatia

locuinta supraterana

cladirea foloseste denivelarea pentru a

putea rezolva accesul si a-l izola si
detasa de trafic
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Spatii topografice

+ elevatia

locuinta supraterana

Cladirea – topografie.

- zidul casei pare un zid se sustinere al

dealului ce acopera casa

- se pierde astfel limita dintre taluzul

natural si spatiul construit
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Crearea spatiilor

+ geologia

forma spatiului este determinata de consistenta straturilor si de gradul lor de modelare si stabilitate
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Crearea spatiilor

+ geologia

forma spatiului este determinata de consistenta straturilor si de gradul lor de modelare si stabilitate
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)

Crearea spatiilor

+ principii constructive

presiunea terenului actioneaza permanent asupra substructurii:

- sisteme autonome

- sisteme complementare
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


terenul de fundare

+ trasarea constructiei
+ excavarea
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


terenul de fundare

+ trasarea constructiei
+ excavarea
+ fundatii
In the classical tripartite composition of the street facade, the ground floor and mezznine levels were
expresse as the base; the first, second, and third floor levels as the main body; and the fourth and attic floor as the crown of the building.
(Schoenauer, 2000, p.314)


tipuri de fundatii

+ radier
+ izolate
+ continue

+ structura interioara/izolare exterioara

+ probleme de continuitate a izolatiei la baza


+ structura exterioara / izolare interioara

+ probleme de continuitate a izolatiei la

planseele superioare (primul caz)

+ regleaza relatia dintre teren

si constructie

+ in general ne referim la soclu

ca la un element care separa
cladirea de teren

+ soclul deasupra terenlui

- in acest caz soclul devine un spatiu care face

trecerea de la teren la cladirea de desupra (chiar
daca este un spatiu in sine si nu un element)

+ soclul subteran (demisolul)

- rezultat in urma existentei unui spatiu subteran care

trebuie ventilat si iluminat natural.

+ disparitia soclului

- volumele sunt asezate pe teren, uneori sunt spatii temporare fara un strat/spatiu suport, alteori soclul /baza sunt
aproape invizibile

+ disparitia soclului

- volumele sunt asezate pe teren, uneori sunt spatii

temporare fara un strat/spatiu suport, alteori
soclul /baza sunt aproape invizibile (fie foarte mici,
fie fara o diferenta vizibila fata de etaje)


+ transformarea soclului

- aparitia unui nivel atunci cand cota terenului coboara in preajma cladirii (curtea engleza)

+ transformarea soclului

- aparitia unui nivel atunci cand cota terenului coboara in preajma cladirii (curtea engleza)

+ teren inclinat

- prezenta plintei pe un teren

inclinat devine mai evidenta

- relatii diverse cu cladirea si

structura supraterana

+ teren inclinat

- prezenta plintei pe un teren

inclinat devine mai evidenta

- relatii diverse cu cladirea si

structura supraterana
ELEMENTAL – Alejandro Aravena
ELEMENTAL – Alejandro Aravena
ELEMENTAL – Alejandro Aravena

Deplazes, Andrea
Constructing Architecture

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