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Sure, here is an example MATLAB code that demonstrates the Newton-Raphson method for

solving a system of nonlinear equations:

function [x, iter] = newtonRaphson(F, J, x0, tol, maxIter)
% F: function handles for the system of equations
% J: function handle for the Jacobian matrix
% x0: initial guess
% tol: tolerance for convergence
% maxIter: maximum number of iterations

% Initialize variables
x = x0;
iter = 0;

% Iterate until convergence or maximum iterations

while iter < maxIter
% Evaluate the function and Jacobian at the current point
f = F(x);
Jx = J(x);

% Solve for the update using the Newton-Raphson formula

dx = -Jx \ f;

% Update the solution

x = x + dx;

% Check for convergence

if norm(dx) < tol

% Increment the iteration counter

iter = iter + 1;

To use this code, you need to define your own system of equations `F` and the Jacobian matrix
`J`. The `F` function should take a vector `x` as input and return a vector of the same size
representing the equations evaluated at `x`. The `J` function should take a vector `x` as input
and return the Jacobian matrix evaluated at `x`.
Once you have defined your `F` and `J` functions, you can call the `newtonRaphson` function
with the appropriate inputs to solve the system of equations. The function will return the solution
`x` and the number of iterations `iter`.

Note that this code assumes that the system has a unique solution near the initial guess `x0`. If
the system is ill-conditioned or does not have a unique solution, the method may not converge
or produce accurate results.

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