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Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

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Total Environment Research Themes

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Electrical waste management: Recent advances challenges and future

Sweta Naik, Jujjavarapu Satya Eswari ⇑
Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India


Keywords: The expansion of the e‐waste management business at the national level is hampered by regulatory laws and a
E‐waste lack of knowledge among residents in most countries. Countries all around the globe are still struggling to raise
Waste management public awareness and take effective efforts to safeguard the natural environment from fast degradation. An
Circular economy electronic device, like televisions, cell phones, and refrigerators, has a finite lifespan, which necessitates their
Life cycle assessment
replacement on a frequent basis, resulting in e‐waste. Because of the aforementioned factors, proper e‐waste
Policies and regulations
Environmental threat
management is a must around the clock. E‐waste is the fastest increasing municipal solid trash, with a global
production of around 20–50 million tonnes per year. Environmental health is a major problem when it comes
to e‐waste handling. Workers and those who live near a recycling centre in underdeveloped nations, where the
majority of the informal and recyclable e‐waste is recycled, are exposed to dangerous substances that have
long‐term negative health impacts. In Africa, India, Ghana, and Nigeria are among the countries where such
recycling is common. This review paper, discussed the e‐waste situation and provide information on the haz-
ardous materials found among them and then it will have an impact on health and the environment. Electrical
and electronic electrical equipment management in developed and developing countries will be explored in a
way that relates to reusable components that will lead to the development of a circular economy using
increased productivity. The current state of the e‐waste industry will be assessed along with serious damage
to the illegal e‐waste trade and environment of developed countries to address the challenges associated with
the re‐use of e‐waste.

Introduction come from industries, such as transport, handling, containment, recy-

cling, government regulations and policy, environmental impact, cor-
The waste generation from electronic products and electrical equip- porate sustainability, and centralized vs. on‐site treatment,
ment (e‐waste) has become a matter of concern in the world that reduction, avoidance, economics, and technologies (Morselli et al.,
brings negative health impacts and negative impact on the environ- 2008). The techniques for wastewater treatment (liquid wastes) pro-
ment due to the presence of harmful chemicals and toxic elements in duced by industry as undesired by‐products are referred to as indus-
e‐waste. Also, recovery products from e‐waste offer tremendous eco- trial wastewater treatment. The treated industrial wastewater, after
nomic benefits because of the elements of the precious metals present treatment (now referred to as effluent), maybe reused or discharged
in e‐waste. Various developed countries have prepared significant e‐ directly or through water, canal to surface water, or sanitary sewer
waste management strategies and recycling techniques to main sus- in the environment. Most companies create enormous amounts of
tainable waste management (Gertsakis, 2003) The industrial waste wastewater regularly, which is treated and then discharged into the
can, in certain situations, be harmful to human health and also to aquatic environment as effluent (Kaszycki et al., 2021).
the environment. Human activity, such as the processing and mining In the process of production, the current trend is to limit such a
of raw resources, produces waste in general. Industrial waste manage- trend (waste reduction) or re‐use of refined wastewater (re‐use or
ment is done to reduce trash's negative impacts on human health as re‐use). The procedures or process of treating solid wastes, manag-
well as on the environment (Bernal, 2016). Industrial waste manage- ing, and collecting, is referred to as solid waste management. Solid
ment looks at the bigger picture of waste treatment for wastes that waste management provides options for recycling products that

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: satyaeswarij.bt@nitrr.ac.in (J. Satya Eswari).

Received 5 February 2022; Revised 19 April 2022; Accepted 4 June 2022

2772-8099/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
S. Naik, J. Satya Eswari Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

might otherwise end up in the garbage or trash. Solid wastes have

been a problem for as long as industries and people have lived
and worked in settlements, industrial and residential area. Solid
waste management (SWM) is concerned with how solid wastes
can be transformed and utilized as precious resources, or dumped
effectively if no other option exists, with minimal or no impact on
human health or the environment. Because of its present harmful
affect on the environment, aquatic species, and plastic waste, human
health, (a type of solid waste) is a worldwide problem. SWM may
also be defined as the collection, disposal, and treatment of solid
items that have served their purpose or are no longer useful. Impro-
per handling of industrial or municipal solid waste can lead to
unhygienic conditions, that lead to environmental pollution and
transmitted vector‐borne disease epidemics. On solid waste dumps,
rodents, insects, ants, and other disease‐carrying organisms thrive.
Electronic waste (e‐waste) refers to the waste of electrical appliances
or electronic devices. E‐waste is now among the types of waste in
the world [6. E‐waste includes used electronics that are meant for
salvage recycling, reuse, refurbishment, through material disposal,
recovery, or abandonment. In developed countries, informal ques-
tionnaire e‐waste processing has the potential to harm human health
and pollute the environment (Koloseni et al., 2012). Electronic
scraps, such as CPUs, may include potentially dangerous compo-
nents such as brominated flame retardants, beryllium, lead, and cad-
mium, among other things. In developing and developed countries,
e‐waste disposal and reuse of e‐waste can posses a serious health
threat to workers and people who are getting exposure to this
(Rautela et al., 2021). Sedimentation and mineral sludge sedimenta- Fig. 1. E-Waste management Hierarchy.
tion and filtering are used in many water treatments. The re‐
construction of the ion exchange column (IE) with strong alkali
and acid results in wastewater that is high in ions and easily com-
bines with other elements in the wastewater. The ion exchange Waste management risk assessment and partnerships
water removes magnesium, carbonate ions, and calcium, from the
water using synthetic or natural processes, generally exchanging Based on risk assessment more waste management decisions
them with hydroxyl, sodium, chloride, and/or other ions. In the are made, and all interested stakeholders must identify the rea-
emerging economy, garbage collection services are often inconve- son behind risk assessment. The risk assessment is a systematic
nient, and dumping sites are uncontrolled and poorly supervised. process that is used to evaluate the potential risks of waste man-
The situation is deteriorating. The problem is made more complex agement that may be involved in industrial waste management
by governance issues. Due to inadequate institutions, growing activity and undertaking. Environmental risk communication skills
urbanization, and chronic under‐resourced, waste management in are essential for successful partnerships between the public, com-
this country and its cities is a difficult task (Zhang et al., 2021). panies, other stakeholders, and state regulators (Xu et al., 2020).
The key areas of a circular economy are closed and slow loops, with Residents who live near a waste management unit or a garbage
closed loops post‐consuming waste related to re‐use. Slow down source are constantly interested in learning about the manage-
means the maintenance of material value through maintenance, ment operations in their community. Encourage public engage-
repair and renewal, and re‐production to increase efficiency in the ment in environmental decision‐making by ensuring that all
general linear economy. This happens when the value of resources, stakeholders are aware of the risk assessment policy and may
materials, and products is kept to the maximum possible value, and discuss the development of assumptions in the same way that
waste is used to increase low‐carbon resource efficiency and com- the analysis is based. They seek to ensure that garbage is han-
petitive stability. Waste management, especially municipal solid dled safely and reliably that does not endanger the environment
waste management‐(MSWM), and solid waste management‐(SWM) or public health. This is the foundation of risk assessment, and it
is the basis for a CA for waste management and improved resource necessitates a scientific and reasonable understanding. Before a
management, which is essential for waste economic input and out- decision is made, opportunities for conversation between govern-
put and flow Storage (Ferronato et al., 2019). Fig. 1 represents ments, tribes, facilities, and concerned individuals must be
the waste management Hierarchy. explored (Patil et al., 2020).
A successful collaboration is a continuous process that should be
reviewed at regular intervals. Steps in the risk assessment process.
Waste characterization
a) Identifying and defining the source of possible threats is known
Characterization of waste is a procedure for determining the con- as hazard identification.
tent of various waste items. That waste categorization is critical in b) Exposure Assessment is the process of determining the exposure
the treatment of any waste, whether industrial or non‐industrial. To paths and routes from a source to a person.
thoroughly treat trash, developers and medical specialists in the field c) Risk variables include a mix of exposure assessment findings
of new waste technology should evaluate the correct constituents of and chemical toxicity information, as well as exposure evalua-
the waste. Waste components that degrade are significant when using tions with groups of possible persons (such as body weight,
methods like composting or anaerobic digestion (Ferronato et al., location, and gender). Fig. 2 represents the life cycle assessment
2019);(Mor et al., 0000). of e‐waste.

S. Naik, J. Satya Eswari Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

Fig. 2. Lifecycle assessment of electronics-waste.

pollutants created in battery production plants (re‐use) (Sloop et al.,

Industrial waste treatment techniques, methods, impact on the
2020)–(Melchor‐Martínez et al., 2021).
environment, and health problem

Electric power plants Organic chemicals industries

Industrial wastewater is mostly generated by fossil‐fuel power Organic chemicals release several types of pollutants depending on
plants, particularly coal‐fired units. Metals including mercury, chro- the product they make, such as plastics, bulk organic compounds, pes-
mium, cadmium, and, lead, as well as selenium, nitrogen ticides, resins, or synthetic textiles. Solvents like toluene, vinyl chlo-
compounds‐(nitrates and nitrites), and arsenic, are commonly found ride, chloroform, benzene, phenols, xylene, and naphthalene are
in effluent from electric power plants (Islam et al., 2020)–(Jiang some of the organic chemicals that can be released. Biochemical Oxy-
et al., 2019). Flue‐gas mercury control, flue‐gas disinfection, fly ash, gen Demand ‐(BOD), the total measurement of various organic pollu-
and bottom ash, are all part of the wastewater flow. The pollutants tants, can be used to measure the effects of biodegradable
caught by air pollution control plants, such as wet scrubbers, are nor- wastewater treatment systems and can be used as regulatory parame-
mally sent to the wastewater treatment facility. Ash ponds, various ters in various discharge permits. Metal pollutants may include copper,
forms of surface implantation, and coal‐fired facilities all require treat- chromium, zinc, nickel, and Lead (Sajid et al., 2019);(Mustansar,
ment technologies (Sun et al., 2022);(Masoomi et al., 2020). Gravity is 2022).
used in these ash ponds to separate large particles from wastewater.
Dissolved contaminants are not treated by technology. Depending on Methods of solid waste management
the type of waste generated at the power plant, additional equipment
is used to reduce pollution. Closed‐loop ash reuse, dry ash manage- Solid waste can be handled in a variety of ways. To keep the envi-
ment, biofuel treatment (such as active sludge processing), chemical ronment clean and decrease health and wellness issues, proper waste
rainfall, and evaporation‐crystallization processes are among them. management is a vital and integral aspect of environmental protection
Ion exchange (IE) technology in electrodialysis and membrane systems that must be followed by industry, individuals, and certified authori-
has enabled great efficiency in the treatment of flu‐gas desulfurization ties. The methods listed below are some of the most common: recy-
wastewater, allowing certain permitted authorities, such as the United cling and repurposing. Recycling or resource recovery is a typical
States Environmental Protection Agency, to establish emission limita- solid waste management approach. Before re‐use, these materials are
tions. Treatment procedures for other high‐quality industrial effluents usually cleaned and treated. The technique is designed to save energy,
are comparable (Lv et al., 2022);(Gurreri et al., Jul. 2020). decrease landfill waste, and eliminate the need for new materials. San-
itary landfills are the most common technique of solid waste disposal
Battery manufacturing nowadays. Garbage is often strewn in thin, compacted layers and cov-
ered with plastic foam or dirt. Modern landfills are constructed such
Portable equipment (such as power equipment) and tiny appliances that the bottom of the dump is covered by filthy lines composed pri-
for electronics, as well as large‐scale units for trucks, cars, and other marily of thick plastic and numerous layers of sand (“What is Solid
motor vehicles, are all manufactured by battery makers. Components Waste Management Sources and Methods of Solid Waste
like Zinc, iron, cyanide, cadmium, copper, cobalt, chromium, nickel, Management ‐ Conserve Energy Future.” https://www.conserve‐
mercury, manganese, grease and oil, silver, and lead, are among the energy‐future.com/sources‐effects‐methods‐of‐solid‐waste‐

S. Naik, J. Satya Eswari Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

management.php (accessed Feb. 05, 2022). The line keeps pollutants et al., 2021). In many places in Nigeria, these activities are carried
out of the groundwater. The landfill is covered with dirt, sand, crab, out with little or no regard for official restrictions.
and topsoil once it is filled. Composting is permitted to be disposed
of in such a way that the waste yards may be recycled due to a scarcity
Recycling of E-waste
of landfill space. Composting uses only biodegradable trash. Compost
is used to create high‐quality, ecologically acceptable manure for agri-
Recycling is important for e‐waste management. If done properly; it
cultural usage. Composting is an environmentally friendly approach to
should significantly reduce the number of harmful substances in the
disposing of garbage. “Pyrolysis” is an SWM method in which garbage
environment and reduce the energy of natural resources. The local
is chemically destroyed without the use of heat in the presence of oxy-
government, however, needs to support it as well as raise awareness
gen (Godswill Awuchi et al., 2022). Pyrolysis is normally carried out
and education of the community. The most difficult task is to re‐use
under pressure and at a temperature of around 430 °C. Solid waste
circuit boards printed from electrical waste. The printed circuit boards
decomposes into gas, a trace of liquid, and solid residue. Solid waste
are enclosed with precious metals such as silver, platinum, tin, gold,
incineration is defined as the process of burning waste materials at
etc., and the traditional methods of using basic metals such as iron,
high temperatures until they transform into ash. Fuels are designed
aluminum, copper, etc. include mechanical separations and shredding
in such a manner that when solid waste is burned, it does not produce
but are less efficient (“Recycling of E‐waste elsivier ‐ Google Search.”
a lot of heat. The quantity of solid trash produced by this process is
reduced by 20 to 30% of its original volume. As a waste management
method, solid trash can be burnt by municipal organizations, industry,
people, and (or) institutions (Godswill Awuchi et al., 2022).
(accessed Feb. 05, 2022). Another way to process electronic waste is to
melt circuit boards, and open‐pit acid leaching to separate burn cable
sheets and precious metals for recovering copper wires (Ganesan et al.,
Effects of improper solid waste management
1964);(“(17) (PDF) Electronic waste reprocessing or processing: An
alternative practice for production and extraction of metals in
Often due to poor municipal waste management by the municipal
Zambia.” https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3, 2022). Proper
waste management team; Waste stockpiles cause problems. This kind
re‐use of electronics or disposal helps reduce prevent greenhouse gas
of garbage disposal degrades waste materials in an unsuitable, unsan-
emissions, and health problems, and also create more employment.
itary, and unregulated manner (Godswill Awuchi et al., 2022). After a
Another method such as cryogenic dissociation has been tested for
few days of decay, the stink produces a smell and serves as a breeding
re‐use of printed circuit boards and a few are still under investigation.
ground for insects and pathogenic organisms that cause a variety of ail-
The renewal and recycling of more eco‐friendly and socially conscious
ments. Furthermore, it depreciates the area's real estate value. Toxic
alternatives are to the down cycling process. Many size coin cells and
metals, dangerous chemicals, and hazardous trash are all found in
buttons with a 2‐9v battery are re‐used in a few countries as compared
industrial solid waste. Solid waste may cause physical and chemical
to size because they contain mercury, cadmium, and lead (“Recycling
difficulties for the environment and individuals, as well as impair soil
of E‐waste elsivier ‐ Google Search.” https://www.google.com/
production and fertility when released into the environment. Endo-
crine disruptors, bisphenol A, phthalates, and other chemicals have
been found in plastic garbage, and it has been stated that it has killed
chromeie=UTF‐8 (accessed Feb. 05, 2022).
numerous marine animals (Frazzoli et al., Nov. 2010). to give various
functionalities and desired attributes. Hazardous chemicals and other
toxic things can pollute groundwater when they infiltrate the soil. Processing techniques of E-waste
Hazardous garbage is frequently mixed with regular waste and com-
bustible debris when collecting solid waste, making the drainage pro- The NADIN e‐waste processing factory in Bulgaria, Novi Iskar, is an
cess even more complex and dangerous. example; it is the largest facility of its sort in entire Eastern Europe
(“(17) (PDF) Recycling ‐ from e‐waste to resources.” https://www.
researchgate.net/publication/, 2022). In a few developed countries,
Electronic waste (E-waste) the E‐waste processing techniques firstly involve manual deconstruc-
tion of the products in various parts (metal frames, circuit boards, plas-
The impact of e-waste on the environment tics, power supplies) followed by automatic shredding equipment. The
capacity of humans to detect and store functional and repairable ele-
The disposal and disposal of electronic trash have influenced many ments, including cables, chips, RAM, transistors, and other compo-
ecosystems in developing countries. Atmospheric and liquid water is nents, is one of the process's benefits (Vermeşan et al., 2020). The
depleted in the body, groundwater, air, and soil, as well as in marine negative part is that labor is cheaper in nations with the lowest stan-
and terrestrial animals ‐ both wild and domestic ‐ and in the food and dards of health and safety. A hopper transports the materials for shred-
drinking water ingested by people and animals (Caravanos et al., Jan. ding into a basic mechanical separator, which uses screening and
2013). The levels of carcinogen in the rice paddy and duck ponds were granulating the equipment to separate the metal fractions and compo-
greater than the international norms of cadmium, nickel, lead, and nent plastic, which are then sold to smelters or plastic recyclers. These
copper for agriculture, according to research conducted in Guiyu, recycling machines are completely enclosed and have a dust collecting
China. Road dust has been found to contain heavy metals (more than system (“5 Main Advantages of E‐Waste Recycling.” https://www.
100 times copper and 300 times more than road dust in the control vil- adelaideecobins.com.au/5‐main‐advantages‐of‐e‐waste‐recycling/
lage); air dioxin has also been discovered (a type of pre‐measured 100 (accessed Feb. 06, 2022). Scrubbers and screens are used to catch cer-
times the level). A further investigation indicated that the lead level in tain pollutants like Glass, non‐ferrous and ferrous metals, and plastic
the soil at Ghana's Agglucos e‐waste dump was 18,125 ppm (Takyi, are separated using eddy currents, Trommel screens, and magnets
Jul. 2020). Lead levels in soil in sports and non‐sports areas must meet before being sent to a smelter for further separation. CRT glass is recy-
US EPA guidelines of 400 ppm and 1200 ppm, respectively. Scrap cled into lead wheel weights, automobile batteries, and ammunition,
workers burn electronic components and vehicle horn wire for copper or supplied to foundries for use as a fluxing agent in the processing
recovery at the Ghana Agglocy e‐waste dump, releasing harmful sub- of raw lead ore. Precious metals such as palladium, gold, tin, silver,
stances such as lead, furan, and dioxin into the environment (Rene and copper, are sold to smelters for recycling. To reduce the environ-

S. Naik, J. Satya Eswari Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

mental danger and repercussions, harmful smoke and gases are cap- applications such as construction, jewelry, and domestic cutlery. The
tured, confined, and treated. All of the important computer building bulk amount of substances include carbon, aluminum, iron, beryllium,
materials may be safely reclaimed using these approaches (“5 Main silicon, plastics, thermosetting, copper, tin, lead, PVC‐ (polyvinyl chlo-
Advantages of E‐Waste Recycling.” https://www. rides), epoxy resin, PCBs, and fiberglass (Mmereki et al., 2016). A
adelaideecobins.com.au/5‐main‐advantages‐of‐e‐waste‐recycling/ small amount of e‐waste elements constitutes tantalum, silver, yttrium,
(accessed Feb. 06, 2022). Table 1 describes the e‐waste management vanadium, titanium, thorium, terbium, selenium, ruthenium, palla-
process used and its impact on the environment. dium, rhodium, platinum, niobium, nickel, germanium, gallium, man-
ganese, lithium, indium, gold, europium, cobalt, boron, antimony,
americium, bismuth, barium, and cadmium, thallium, mercury, and
Advantages of e-waste recycling
arsenic (“E‐Waste: Sources, Constituent Materials and Problem
Created by E‐Waste (Notes).” https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/
The main effective solution to the problem of growing e‐waste is
the re‐use of raw materials from the last electronics of life. Most elec-
problem‐created‐by‐e‐waste‐notes/, 2022). Almost all electronics use
trical devices contain metal, which can be used for recycling and re‐
tin and lead (in the form of solder) and copper (in the form of wire
use in the future. By eliminating and re‐using the potential for reuse,
and printed circuit board tracks), however lead‐free solder is becoming
intact natural resources are preserved and water/air pollution created
more popular (Grant et al., 2013). Table 2 enlisted the environmental
by hazardous e‐waste disposal is prevented (“10 Environmental
effects and adverse health effects of e‐waste components.
Benefits of E‐Waste Recycling ‐ CJD E‐Cycling.” https://www.
cjdecycling.com/e‐waste‐recycling/ (accessed Feb. 06, 2022). Addi-
tionally, the re‐use of new products reduces the level of greenhouse Life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis of E-waste
gas emissions from green products. To reduce the environmental dan-
ger and repercussions, harmful smoke and gases are captured, con- A life cycle assessment was performed to determine the environ-
fined, and treated (“BENEFITS OF E‐WASTE RECYCLING ‐ GCL Geri mental impact of electronic waste (e‐waste) treatment. Due to the min-
Kazanım ve Rafineri A.Ş.” http://gclcevre.com/en/benefits‐of‐e‐ imal environmental burden created by human toxicity, earth eco‐
waste‐recycling (accessed Feb. 06, 2022). More plastic from these toxicity, marine eco‐toxicity and freshwater eco‐toxicity categories,
printers, which is produced as a byproduct, can be re‐installed to cre- e‐waste re‐use with the final disposal scene of life is conducive to
ate new 3D printed objects. In Europe, recycled metals are returned to the environment. With the end‐of‐life drainage scenario, the use of
their parent companies at reduced rates. Japanese manufacturers are e‐waste recycling affects less and larger environments than the tech-
forced to create more sustainable products as a result of a dedicated nology of landfills and engineers, respectively. The important factors
recycling system. All of the important computer building materials that help in reducing the negative effect of e‐waste recycling on the
may be safely reclaimed using these approaches (“Six Benefits of environment are reducing the solid waste effluent and wastewater,
Recycling E‐Waste ‐ Recycle Technologies.” https://recycletechnolo e‐waste treatment timing should increase, energy consumption effi-
gies.com/benefits‐of‐recycling‐e‐waste/ (accessed Feb. 06, 2022). Iron ciency optimization, avoiding e‐waste disposal in incineration sites,
and steel are both iron metals that can be reused Due to the current and landfills, waste management duties should also distribute clearly
spike in interest in 3D‐printing technology, few 3D printers (FDM vari- with defining their duties of all stakeholders (recycling industry, retail-
ants) are intended to create waste that can be reused easily and reduce ers, manufacturer, and consumers).
the number of hazardous pollutants in the atmosphere. Because vari-
ous industries are responsible for the re‐use of their products, it bears Issues of concern in developing countries and their challenges
the responsibility of the manufacturers who need to redesign their
infrastructure (“E‐Waste ‐ Sources, Composition, Effects, Treatment Human health and safety concerns due to e-waste
and Disposal System.” https://electricalfundablog.com/e‐waste‐elec
tronic‐waste‐sources‐composition/ (accessed Feb. 06, 2022). As a Prenatal exposures and health of neonates
result, Japanese manufacturers have added options for recycling the E‐waste can lead to many adverse birth outcomes for maternal
used metals. exposures for re‐use, such as low birth weight, low APGAR score, still-
birth, etc., and long‐term effects such as the learning and behavioral
Constituents of E-waste problems of newborns in their future lives (Zhang et al., 2011). The
high PFOA exposures of mothers in Guinea have been associated with
Some computer components are re‐used to assemble new computer adverse effects on their newborn growth and dominance in this area.
products, while others are simply metals that are re‐used in a variety of Furthermore, neonates from Guiyu had a greater level of placental
metallothionein – a tiny protein that marks harmful metal exposures
Table 1 – as a result of Cadmium exposure, whereas the higher amount of Cad-
Impact on the environment during the processing of various E-waste. mium in Guiyu's neonates was linked to their parents' engagement in e‐
E-Waste Component Process Used Potential Environmental Hazard waste recycling (Li et al., Jun. 2011). Exposure to e‐waste after labor
has certain negative consequences for the polluted human body of
Computer wires Burning and Polycyclic aromatic
also stripping hydrocarbon compounds are released the newborn. Neonates' higher cord blood lead content was connected
into the environment with parental engagement in the e‐waste re‐use process, according to
Plastics from keyboards, Melting, Plastic is released into the Guiyu, a well‐known e‐waste recycling center in China and also it
printers, monitors, shredding environment along with dioxins, depends upon how much time during pregnancy, mothers reside in
TVs, radios, etc. heavy metals, hydrocarbons, etc.
Chips and the other gold Buring and Heavy metal, tin, lead, Polycyclic
Guayu factories and e‐waste recycling workshops or factories
plated components stripping aromatic hydrocarbon, and acid are (Gangwar et al., Apr. 2019).
with acid. released during the process.
Printed circuit board Buring, acid- Glass dust, lead, tin, cadmium
People living near e-waste recycling sites
bath, de- mercury are released into the
soldering environment Even if they are not active in e‐waste recycling, those living on e‐
Cathode ray tubes Dumping, Phosphor, barium, lead, and other waste recycling sites may be subjected to environmental exposures
breaking. heavy metals released into the owing to food, the environment, and water pollution caused by e‐
environment in this process waste food (Zhang et al., 2019). E‐waste can also be found in contam-

S. Naik, J. Satya Eswari Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

Table 2 Challenges associated with the e-waste management in

Adverse impact of E-waste on health as well as on the Environment. developing countries
E-Waste Electric Appliances in which Adverse Health Effects
Component they are found Electronics brought into poor countries can pollute cities and vil-
lages, posing major health and environmental dangers. For example,
Sulfur Found in lead-acid batteries. When sulfur is mixed with air
and water, it forms sulfuric Guiyu, China, receives a large volume of e‐waste and also has some
acid. This is the main cause of of the highest levels of cancer‐causing dioxins. Hazardous elements
acid rain. Acid rain causes can be found in several types of e‐waste. Toxins including lead, mer-
deforestation and also harms
cury, cadmium, and arsenic can seep into the ground or environment
aquatic life.It affects the
respiratory tract and lung as a result of hazardous processing methods like crushing, burning, or
function. It also causes acid baths. Because of the potential of harmful compounds and dam-
chronic bronchitis and age to human health and ecosystems, the United States and other
asthma. developed countries have made it illegal to dispose of electronics in
Polyvinyl chloride PVC is widely used to PVC causes severe health
landfills. Many poor countries, on the other hand, lack these rules as
(PVC) insulate the electrical wiring problems, including hormone
also it is used in electronic disruption, immune system well as the power to deny many of these imports. In 2018, the Interna-
device handles, light fitting, damage, and cancer. PVC is tional E‐Waste Management Network, which is run by the US Environ-
switches, etc. one of the most mental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Taiwan Environmental
environmentally damaging
Protection Agency, organized a workshop for 11 countries to enhance
Perfluorooctanoic Found in kitech utensils like It can cause kidney and
these conditions. Their mission was to evaluate potential markets for
acid (PFOA) non-stick cook wear coated Testicular cancer. e‐waste material, safeguard people and the environment, and improve
with PTFE material. interactions with industry and new technologies.
Mercury It is found in old computers, Mercury is released into the
paint, switches in environment and forms toxic
thermostats, tilt switches, methylmercury and enters Management measures and adopting a circular economy
fluorescent tubes, and the food chain. It will enter
another mechanical devices. the bloodstream and can
The circular economy (CE) is a concept that ultimately slows down
damage the brain.
Lead Found in metal alloy, Exposure to Lead can cause the use of electricity and electronic devices (EEE). Reducing and erad-
photovoltaics, batteries, and kidney damage and increase icating their re‐generation through possible time and smart product
solders. blood pressure in adults. For design and business modeling. This includes 70 R systems that reduce,
pregnant women, low birth
reuse, reject, reuse, redesign, reconsider and redesign that focus on
weight, premature birth,
miscarriage can happen.
social, economic, and environmental aspects. There are various things
Hexavalent Cr(VI) is used in metal Hexavalent Chromium is that slow down the processes like inadequate collection systems, poor
Chromium coating for making corrosion- varied toxic for both plants quality technology, lack of training for informal sectors, and financial
proof metal. and animals. It is corrosive, need. This circular economy concept works towards sustainable,
acting as the strong oxidizing
renewable, and cleaner technologies were, they plan strategies, vari-
agent, and also carcinogenic.
Cadmium Used for the Semiconductor Inhalation of cadmium can ous policies, and developmental models for designing out waste by
device, and corrosuion cause lung damage, fever, cycling and product material optimization with maximum utility and
resistance coating. muscle pain and can also leds value products. The concept of a CE in e‐waste management is
to cancer.
depicted in Fig. 3. The behavioral and social elements associated with
Brominated Flame Used as flame retardants in An adverse health effect
Retardants the plastics in most includes thyroid problems,
the use of electronic products and their relevance towards enabling the
(BFRs) electronics. Includes PBBs, liver problems, and impaired general public to facilitate this circular economy are still need to
PBDE, Octa-BDE, Deca-BDE, nervous system development. explore more. E‐waste is a professional financial process, with a strong
Penta-BDE. The impacts on the emphasis on the sustainable production of these products. The concept
environment are similar to
of a circular economy is essential for the production and management
the effects in humans and
animals. of e‐products; though, a combined effort of various sectors (govern-
Beryllium oxide Used as thermal insulator Burn skin, skin ulcer, irritate ments, businesses, and customers) must be mandatory. This means
the nose. that both technical aspects of consumer economics and consumer
Americium Radioactive sources Americium is cancer causing behavior are crucial to the long‐term maintenance of the global econ-
omy. Therefore, it urges identifying better opportunity for develop-
mental interventions to improve e‐waste management and achieve a
satisfactory professional economy.
inated air, soil, dust, water, and food. Respiratory, dietary, and skin
interactions are the three primary exposure mechanisms. People who How we can achieve sustainable E-Waste Management?
live close to e‐waste recycling operations have greater daily levels of
heavy metals and are heavier on average, according to studies. General We can achieve sustainable E‐waste management by minimizing
bodily harm, health harm, cognitive function, and mental health are the e‐waste. When we reduce the use electronic materials and equip-
all potential health issues. All e‐waste‐generated groups (neonates, ment then I twill leads to e‐waste minimization and it helps to con-
children, and adults) had more DNA damage than the control popula- serve our natural resources and energy that we generally take from
tion (Ádám et al., 2021). If the tumor suppressor gene is disrupted, earth to manufacture e‐ products. Instead of recycling or mining, reus-
DNA breaks can increase the likelihood of incorrect replication and ing plastics and precious metals on old cell phones will save energy by
mutations, as well as lead to cancer (“Electronic Waste Management blowing electricity to 24,000 American homes for a year. The average
in India: Market Growth Trajectory and Future Potential Electronic American family has 24 electronic devices, and in 2009 the EPA esti-
Waste Management in India: Market Growth Trajectory and Future mated that it was ready to dump 2.37 million tones of electronics. It
Potential.” https://www.frost.com/frost‐perspectives/electronic‐ will fill about five football stadiums!
waste‐management‐in‐india‐market‐growth‐trajectory‐and‐future‐ Waste minimization can be done by following these points such as
potential/ (accessed Feb. 06, 2022). re‐evaluating the used products, recycling electronics and batteries in

S. Naik, J. Satya Eswari Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

for its clients, intending to be environmentally conscious and reward-

ing e‐waste makers' efforts to arrange pick‐ups. For electronic pur-
chases, they provide a free service at their store. For example, Asus
has launched a free e‐waste collection service from your door for its
clients, intending to be environmentally conscious and rewarding e‐
waste makers' efforts to arrange pick‐ups. It has also introduced a
social media competition in which participants will be rewarded for
posting photos taken throughout the e‐waste disposal process. Some
organizations reward responsible dispensing with vouchers that may
be used to make electronic purchases in their businesses for free.
The management of e‐waste will be a prize in and of itself. With the
right incentives, the benefits to society and business grow (“North
America E‐waste Management Market | Analysis, Size.”, 2022).
Expand the collection network: To boost the collection rate, strate-
gic alliances in e‐waste bins or collaborations with plastic waste man-
agement businesses that have constructed a comprehensive network in
Fig. 3. Circular economy in e-waste management. which e‐waste management firms may invest can be established. E‐
waste collection at shopping centers is widespread in other countries,
and it is acceptable in India as well (Monika and J. Kishore, 2010).
e‐waste recycling bins located around campus, reusing large electron-
Expand your service portfolio: Given the large market potential,
ics, donating used electronics to social programs, buying environmen-
recyclers have the ability to expand their service portfolio beyond col-
tally friendly electronics, and extending the life of your electronics.
lection and recovery to include city reconstruction and secure data era-
sure. There are cross‐industry prospects for solar PV panel waste
Policies and regulations associated with E-waste management in management, and there is a significant opportunity for e‐waste man-
developing countries agement firms in the electric vehicle sector, which is at least a decade
away. E‐waste can be made out of plastic garbage, and vice versa
In developed countries, the national registry system is very power- (Monika and J. Kishore, 2010).
ful, with appropriate collection and logistics systems. Avoiding Ger-
many's packaging waste is the first compulsory EPR program that
makes it financially mandatory for producers to collect and reduce North America E-Waste management Market
packaging waste. Later, it was accepted and expanded to EEE produc-
ers by Switzerland, Taiwan, Norway, and Sweden. EEE and WEEE / E‐ Electronic products, such as televisions, cell phones, and refrigera-
Waste are enacted in EU Rules 2003 to prohibit the use of hazardous tors, have a finite lifespan, which necessitates their replacement on a
substances and to encourage their collection and re‐use. Recently, frequent basis, resulting in e‐waste. Because of the aforementioned fac-
the Chinese and Indian legislatures have implemented the EPR system tors, proper e‐waste management is a must around the clock. The
in the absence of a national registry that monitors producers' EEE, expansion of the e‐waste management business at the national level
making it difficult for producers to generate e‐waste for producer‐ is hampered by regulatory laws and a lack of knowledge among resi-
back‐up purposes. The large‐scale gray markets available for second‐ dents in most countries. Countries all around the globe are still strug-
hand UEEE in these countries are also weakening the situation when gling to raise public awareness and make effective efforts to safeguard
compared to developed countries. The dominance of on‐inform public the natural environment from fast degradation (E‐Waste Management
and private players among the major destination countries of Asia Market Size, Share and Industry Analysis |, 2028). The Trash and Recy-
(Pakistan, China, and India) is a major barrier to the creation of e‐ cling divisions of the North American E‐waste management industry
waste in these countries. Although labor costs are low in these coun- are divided by kind. The market is segmented into home appliances,
tries, high rates of e‐waste generation (both through imports and IT and telecommunications, consumer electronics, and other indus-
domestic production), transportation costs, and all costly technologies tries, according to the source. Refrigerators, lights, and other sub‐
for its efficient disposal, despite the enactment of environmental laws, segments make up the houseful segment. Computers, laptops, and
are hampering. Since then, in the developing world, the on‐demand printing equipment; mobile phones, and other sub‐segments make
sector has been growing to control most e‐waste. up the IT and telecommunications divisions. TV, radio, music system,
and CD are the different types of consumer electronics and other divi-
sions. as well as additional sub‐segments The United States, Canada,
Future outlook
Mexico, and North America are the nations included in this study
Electronic waste management in India:

The domestic IT sector has a footprint in the Indian e‐waste man- Conclusions
agement business. Since its foundation in the late 1990 s, the Indian
IT service sector has grown rapidly, with the Indian government begin- Technology changes and recent advances such as the internet of
ning to turn to Indian IT expertise in the early 2000 s. The industry is things‐(IoT) and cloud computing has significant potential to “demate-
now a leading worldwide destination for IT and IT services, according rialize” the economic sectors that produce electronic devices. An
to the IBF (India Brand Equity Fund)(Monika and J. Kishore, 2010). increase in advanced product tracking and innovative business models
The Indian e‐waste management sector has grown at an incredible service and take back can leads to global value chains to the circular
rate, and several significant activities are mentioned below for the ben- economy. The efficiency of electronic material, infrastructure for e‐
efit of industry stakeholders. Consumer awareness of general garbage waste recycling and scale up the amount and volume of recycled mate-
disposal and e‐waste disposal has risen, thanks in part to the infrastruc- rials required to fulfill the demand of electronics supply chains will all
ture established by the foundations of many e‐waste firms, NGOs, and be important. If the correct policy combination is in place and the
policymakers. This will result in a large reduction in waste. For exam- industry is handled properly, it has the potential to create millions
ple, Asus has launched a free e‐waste collection service from your door of excellent employment throughout the world. For the consumption

S. Naik, J. Satya Eswari Total Environment Research Themes 1–2 (2022) 100002

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