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Full name : ……………………….

……………… Class : 3AM……

Task One: I write the correct personality adjective under each picture.
Shy – Angry – Helpful – Calm – Smart – Jealous –
Lazy – Happy – Selfish – Lovely

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

Task Two: I classify the following adjectives into the right box.
calm – active – serious – nervous – modest – arrogant – patient – greedy
- generous – friendly – sociable – jealous – brave – selfish – tidy – honest
Positive (+) Negative (-)
……………………………………………….... ………………………………………………....
……………………………………………….... …………………………………………………

Task Three: What are the opposites of the following adjectives? I match.
happy modest kind impatient
arrogant sad helpful helpless
tidy talkative patient unkind
calm lazy violent tolerant
active untidy honest dishonest

Task Four: What are they / you like ? I write 5 sentences like in example 1.

1) (He / sometimes / talkative) == He is sometimes talkative.

2) (She / often / helpful) == …………………………………….………...…………….…
3) (My father / never / nervous) == ……………………………………………...…………….…
4) (My mother / always / kind) == ……………………………………………...…………….….
5) (My friends / usually / calm) == …………………………….…………………...…………….
6) ( I / seldom / lazy) == ……………………………………………...…………….…

Task Five: I fill in the following table.

Verb Gerund Verb Gerund
………..…………... playing to read ………..…………...
to watch ………..…………... to cycle ………..…………...
to sing ………..…………... ………..…………... driving
………..…………... skipping ………..…………... fishing
Task Six: I circle the right word in brackets.
1) She likes (cook – cooking)
My mother sometimes (prepares – preparing) sweet cakes.
He is fan of (watching – watch) movies.
I usually (play – playing) chess with my father.
My sister prefers (reading – reads) comics.
I sometimes (going – go) jogging.
Task Seven: I re-order the following frequency adverbs.
( Seldom – Often – Always – Never – Sometimes – Usually )
…...……… …... …...……… …...……… …...……… …...………
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Task Eight: I re-order the following words to get coherent sentences or questions.
1) / How often / you / cook / do / ? / 4) / usually / reads / She / stories /
……………………….……………………………. ……………………….…………………………….
2) / I / cook / . / sometimes / 5) / How often / you / nervous / ? / are /
……………………….……………………………. ……………………….…………………………….
3) / often / does / read / she / ? / stories / How / 6) / I / nervous / . / never / am /
……………………….……………………………. ……………………….…………………………….

Task Nine: I correct the underlined mistakes.

1) I never am late for school in the morning. 4) My sister usually is talkative.
……………………….………………………… ……………………….……………………………
2) My brother goes often cycling. 5) My mom goes shopping often.
…………………….…………………………… ……………………….……………………………
3) He watches never movies at night. 6) I speak English often with my friends.
……………………….………………………… ……………………….……………………………

Task Ten: I look at the chart and I complete the following dialogue.
People drive speak play make paint nice
Activities the car Chinese chess a pizza pictures
Rayan + + -
Jennifer - + +
Lucy + - +
Razan - + +
Me ( I ) …… …… …… …… ……

A: Can Rayan drive the car ? A: What can Lucy do ?

B: ……………………………. B: ………………………………………………………….
A: Can Jennifer make a pizza ? A: What can Rayan do ?
B: ……………………………. B: ………………………………………………………….
A: Can Lucy speak Chinese? A: What can you do ?
B: ……………………………. B: …………………………………………………...………
A: Can Razan paint? ………………………………………………………………
B: ……………………………..

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