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Natural Indicator on Acid and Base Solution

Presented by Group 1 (Resume )

Study purpose: To determine the reaction between acid and base with the natural
indicator that easy to find.

Properties of acid:

1. Has a sour taste.

2. Stinging when exposed to the skin.
3. Reacts with certain metals to produce hydrogen gas.
4. Reacts with limestone (CaCo3) and baking soda (NaHCO3) to produce
carbon dioxide gas.
5. Reacts with litmus paper and turns litmus blue to red 5.

Properties of base:

1. Has a bitter taste.

2. Feels slippery on the skin (caustic)
3. Reacts with oil and fats.
4. Reacts with litmus paper and turns litmus red to blue.
5. Reacts with acid to produce salt and water.

They use turmeric and rosella that because turmeric has an active compound called
curcumin, and rosella has the advantage of an attractive color due to it’s anthocyanin
pigment content.

Acid + Turmeric result:

1. Higher percentage of vinegar solution, the color is brighter(yellow).

2. The lower percentage of vinegar solution, the darker(orange/dark orange).
Acid + Rosella result:

1. Higher percentage of vinegar solution, the color is dark red/maroon.

2. The lower percentage of vinegar solution, the color is bright red.

Base + Turmeric result:

1. The higher percentage of base solution get more reddish yellow color.
2. The lower percentage of base solution get lighter(bright yellow) color.

Base + Rosella result:

1. Higher percentage of base solution more green-ish color.

2. The lower percentage of base solution are lighter (reddish-bright red) color.

The strengths

1. Materials are easy to find.

2. Materials are cheap.
3. Harmless.

The weaknesses

1. Can’t be used in large studies because it is less accurate in detecting.

2. Solution can’t be stored for a long time.

Turmeric powder and rosella powder that are dissolved in water first react more
easily than powder that is poured directly into an acid/base solution.

Group 3_resume

1. M. Al Faqih Fiddin (1307623037)

2. Shanika Clarenia Sugianto (1307623039)
3. Umi Karimah (1307623041)

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