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Bell Ringer

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In Pear Deck answer,

“What can you infer about
You will be given 3 minutes the following quote?”
Login to the pear deck to answer the following
slide presentation. question. “Don’t tell me the moon is
shining: show me the glint
of light on broken glass.”
-Anton Chekhov
Implicit vs Explicit Meanings
Students will be able to identify and employ the use
of explicit and implicit meaning.
What are explicit
and implicit
Implicit vs Explicit
Explicit vs. Implicit- Show don’t tell
● Implicit= indirect
● Explicit= Direct ● Shown through the text with the following methods:
○ Actions
● Clearly stated in the text ○ Spoken and unspoken thoughts
● Makes the text easily understandable ○ Physical characteristics
○ Reactions from other characters
● Shows character growth
“I am so angry with you”
“There is steam smoking from my ears”
Example from TKAM text:
Example from TKAM text:
“In England, Simon was irritated by the “...but sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse
persecution of those who called themselves than a whiskey bottle in the hand of– oh, of your father” (Lee
Methodists…” (Lee 2). 50).

Scout does not understand what Miss Maudie meant by this

until Miss Maudie explained to her how Atticus Finch at his
worst is still better than some men at their best.
Show don’t tell
Telling (explicit): Showing (implicit):

● When the writer says exactly what is ● Allows the reader to use their imagination
● Paints a picture with words (imagery)
● Engages your senses: smell, touch, tastes,
● Does not allow the reader to fully hear, see
connect with the story and what the ● Allows the reader to connect with the story
characters are feeling or on a deeper level through the characters’
experiencing experiences
● Used through characterizations or in
“I was exhausted in class today” settings

“I could feel my heavy eyes tire as my head

drooped into the comfort of my arm on my desk.”
How well do you understand explicit and implicit meaning?
● Explicit meaning
● Implicit meaning
Key Concepts ● Show don’t tell
1. Write an explicit statement.
2. Now build an implicit statement from your
explicit statement by conveying the same
meaning through actions, spoken and
unspoken thoughts, and physical
characteristics in a short paragraph. Be sure to
incorporate at least 2 of the 5 senses (smell,
touch, sight, taste, and hearing).

Everyone laughed at me when I tripped while boarding the rollercoaster. It was so

Just as I was about to board the rollercoaster, I tripped over my shoelaces and
stumbled in front of everyone. The laughter of the crowd echoed in my ears, and
heat flushed my cheeks. I wished I could disappear in that moment, but my
friends' supportive laughter helped me shake off the humiliation.
Bell Ringer
As you come in and get settled, follow these

In Pear Deck answer, “How

You will be given 3 minutes does your personal,
Login to the pear deck
to answer the following cultural, or community
slide presentation.
question. environment affect you?”
Setting and Background
To Kill a Mockingbird
Students will be able to analyze the historical
background and setting of To Kill a Mockingbird
through explicit and implicit meanings in order to
make inferences about the novel's themes.
● Where and when a story takes
● Tells the reader what is happening
around the characters
● Establishes a mood for the novel
● Influences decisions and conflict
● Provides a background for a
novel’s theme
The 1930’s
The Great Depression: 1929-1941 The Jim Crow Era: 1876-1965

● World War 1 ended Nov. 11, 1918 ● This was a time of racial injustice.
● Black Tuesday- stock market crashed on ● Began post Civil War when slavery was
Oct. 29th, 1929 abolished
● Legalized segregation
● Dust Bowl- 1930-1936
● Denied African- Americans the rights to:
● Food Riots and Banks collapse- 1931 ○ Vote
● Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president- ○ Hold jobs
1932 ○ Pursue their education
● FDR’s “New Deal”- 1933 FDR discusses ● When attempting to defy Jim Crow laws
plans to repair America 0:08-4:12 African-Americans faced:
○ Arrest
● Prohibition Ends- Dec. 5th, 1933 ○ Fines
● Economic Growth- 1938 ○ Jail sentences
● World War 2 begins- Sept. 1st, 1939 ○ Violence and death
● Scottsboro Trials- 1931
Similarities Between Harper Lee and Scout Finch

Harper Lee: Scout Finch:

● Born in smalltown Monroeville, ● Born in a small southern town
Alabama in 1926
● Grew up in the 1930’s
Maycomb, Alabama
● Father, Amasa Lee, was an attorney ● Grew up in the 1930’s
who served in the Alabama state ● Father, Atticus Finch, is an attorney
legislature for Alabama state legislature
● Had a passion for reading as a child
● Shares a passion for reading
● 6 years old when the Scottsboro
trials were covered in national, state, ● 6 years old when the Tom Robinson
and local newspapers trial takes place
1. Explicit vs. Implicit meaning
2. Harper Lee’s background
3. Setting (where and when)
Key Concepts 4. 1930’s time period
5. Jim Crow Laws

Bell Ringer
As you come in and get settled, follow these

You will be given 3 minutes In Pear Deck answer,

Login to the pear deck
to answer the following “What makes a person
slide presentation.
question. courageous?”
Atticus Finch Character
To Kill a Mockingbird
Students will be able to analyze the character of Atticus
Finch through explicit and implicit meanings in order to
make inferences about the novel’s themes.
What do we know about Atticus
● A role model
● Southern lawyer
● Single father
● Strong sense of right and wrong
● Roots run deep in Maycomb because of Simon Finch
● His brother, Jack, is a doctor
● His sister, Alexandra, is a true southern lady
● Speaks to kids with the same dignifying tone he uses
with adults
● Approaches everyone as an equal
● Believes in fairness
● Courageous
● Defends Tom Robinson
“Besides that, he wore glasses. He
Explicit or was nearly blind in his left eye, and
said left eyes were the tribal curse
Implicit? of the Finches. Whenever he
wanted to see something well, he
turned his head and looked from his
Why? right eye.”(102)
Clearly states a physical
characteristic about Atticus Finch. -Scout
Atticus Finch has a lack of
“You never really understand a
prejudice. person until you consider things
from his point of view…Until you
Commentary? climb into his skin and walk around
Atticus explains to Scout that she in it.”(33)
needs to keep an open-minded
-Atticus Finch
attitude and to consider things from
other people’s perspectives.
Inference about
Even at his worst, Atticus “You are too young to
wouldn’t mistreat someone. understand it,” she said, “but
sometimes the Bible in the hand
Commentary? of one man is worse than a
Miss Maudie explains to Scout whiskey bottle in the hand
about hypocrisy and how some of–oh, of your father.”(50)
people will use any excuse to
criticize or hurt someone else. Miss
Maudie emphasizes Atticus’s mild -Miss Maudie
demeanor and how he would not
hurt someone else even if he had
an excuse or reason to do so.
Inference about
Atticus or his
influence? He blew out his breath patiently.
Atticus is a respected role “I–it’s like this, Scout,” he muttered.
model to his kids. “Atticus ain’t ever whipped me since
I can remember. I wanta keep it that
Commentary? way.”(63)
Jem has a lot of respect for
Atticus and doesn’t want to
get in trouble by him. He
shows his respect by
wanting to please him.
● Implicit vs. Explicit
● Who is Atticus Finch?
Key Concepts ● Inferences about Atticus Finch

Key Vocabulary
Explicit meaning- stated clearly, with no room for confusion
Implicit meaning- meaning that is not clearly stated (hidden)
Interpret- to explain or tell the meaning of a text
Inference- an opinion reached based on evidence or reasoning
Analysis- a detailed examination of a complex text in order to understand its
Setting- where and when a story takes place
Theme- main idea or underlying meaning of a novel

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