Anidah SW160

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MARCH 15, 2022


1. What is the significance of casework?

In my own understanding casework is very important in our society they can help better
adjustment on social relationship of the individual and the development of individual
personality. They can do helping to solve the problem of the people who have difficulty in
coping with the problems of daily living, what I have read in my modules is those pioneers the
gradually developed and adopted a more scientific way of helping people it means they can use
more analysis about what the client needs.

2. What is casework? And it’s concepts?

For me as a future social work, a caseworker is not a social worker but is employed by a
government agency, nonprofit organization, or another group to take on the cases of
individuals and provide them with advocacy, information and solutions. Caseworker helps
Client in understanding the problem he/she is facing and helps him/her to identify the ways to
overcome it.
Social work involving direct consideration of the problems, needs, and adjustments of
the individual case such as a person or family

3. Explain casework methods and its vital role in the life of social worker?

Casework is the method employed by social workers to help individuals find solutions to
problems of social adjustment that are difficult for individuals to navigate on their own. What is
the role of case worker?
A Caseworker, or Welfare Worker, is responsible for helping adults, children and families
find and obtain government resources like healthcare services, financial aid or counseling.
Social workers support individuals and their families through difficult times and ensure
that vulnerable people, including children and adults, are safeguarded from harm. Their role is
to help improve outcomes in people's lives. They maintain professional relationships and act as
guides and advocates.

4. Who is the recently teacher handling in sw160?

Sohairah D. Deron

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