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Personality Development

The study of whether personality is inherited or socially constructed has made great

progress over the last decades. This paper will focus on understanding whether genetic or

environmental factors influence an individual's personality. Personality traits are mainly

understood as the stable arrangements of feelings, actions, and thoughts that differentiate an

individual from others (Bleidorn & Christian Kandler, 2). Personality traits are stable but may

change in time because of an underlying situation.

Genetic factors play a crucial role in various human character traits. Many research

conducted reveals that personality differences in individuals are extensively genetically

influenced. Further, the studies found that genetic factors constitute 50% differences in the big

five personality traits (Bleidorn & Christian Kandler, 4). The remaining percentage was

attributed to environmental factors. Though the personality traits are different in an individual

and stable over time in their life, there is a probability that it could change under several

circumstances from teenage to adult life.

Personality is deemed to change during the lifetime of an individual because advanced

frequency of the environmental factors occurs both in an individual's early life and late life and

thus shows the decreased ranking relating to age (Bleidorn & Christian Kandler, 4). Significant

life events for teenagers and young adults are linked to changes in personality traits. Life

experiences change a person's daily routine and may need an immediate reaction for adapting to

the new life (Czerniawska et al., 512). For instance, older people experience death, illness, and

retirement than the mid-adults. The environmental factors may accumulate over time and lead to

personality change.

In conclusion, genetic and environmental factors influence the personality of an

individual. The genetic factors represent an over-time influence on an individual's personality

while the environmental influence increases until an individual reaches mid-adulthood. Both the

environmental and genetic influences have been shown to affect an individual's life from

childhood to adulthood.

Work Cited

Bleidorn, Christian Kandler& Wiebke. "The Genetic and Environmental Contributions to

Personality Differences and Development." (2015): 1-16

Czerniawska, Mirosława, and Joanna Szydło. "Do Values Relate to Personality Traits and if so,

in What Way?–Analysis of Relationships." Psychology Research and Behavior

Management 14 (2021): 511.

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