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Mi conexión al mundo

en otro idioma
• Members: Miriam Carolina Almaguer Nuñez
• Adriana Jimena Álvarez Álvarez
• Maria Elena Rodriguez Hernandez
• Grecia Gared Villegas villareal
• Belen lucero bustos Pérez
• Diana Paola Gonzales roque
• Natalia Saraí flores Espinoza

• Teacher: Eleuterio Fernández Andrade

• Group: 118 Grade: 4C1

• Shift: Morning
Biomedic Engineer
Universidad Autónoma
de Nuevo León
Exposure route

• Admission profile
• Graduate profile
• General skills
• Labor field

• Hard things about the race

Admission profile
• Evaluate problems, through the use of
algebraic, arithmetic, statistical and/or
probabilistic reasoning

• Apply mathematics as tools in new and

different situations

• master a second language.

Graduate profile
• Train professionals in Biomedical
Engineering with research skills to detect
trends and needs in the clinical area
of biomaterials and electrical and
electronic instrumentation, which allows
them to develop innovative inter, multi
and transdisciplinary proposals to
improve the quality of life of human
General skills
1. Apply autonomous learning strategies at
different levels and fields of knowledge
2. Use logical, formal, mathematical, iconic,
verbal and non-verbal languages according to
their stage of life, to understand, interpret and
express ideas
3. Manage information and communication
technologies as a tool for access to information
and its transformation into knowledge, as well
as for learning and work
Labor field
• Public/private sector hospitals: Manage and
administer hospital technology.Evaluates, designs
and proposes quality processes for hospital
certification in the field of medical equipment.
• Health research centers: Contributes to the design
of experiments and data collection with
instruments of different capacities; optical,
mechanical, electrical and electronic
Hard things about the
• the study of biomedical engineering is
difficult. The main reason this discipline is
rigid is that it is the study of two of life's
most challenging fields: Medicine and
Engineering. Biomedical engineering, unlike
biology, is a technical discipline that
requires a high level of concentration and a
strong desire to absorb new information.
• Biomedical engineering is a technology that
will help us a lot in the future, as well as
right now it is very useful. It is good that
people consider this career since it has a
good income profile and it is a career of the
future that will leave good jobs. In general,
technology is the future of the human being
and what better than a technology that
helps save lives

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