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Agrarian Reform Review

A. RA 1160
B. Ph Bill 1902
C. Commonwealth Act 441
D. RA 34
E. RA 821
F. RA 1400
G. EO 355
H. E0 34
I. Commonwealth Act 178
J. RA 1199
K. RA 3844
L. Tenancy Act of 1993
M. LA registration Act 1933
N. Commonwealth Act 461
O. RA 55
P. Public Land Act of 1903

1. It is known as Land Reform Act of 1955, created the Land Tenure

Administration responsible for acquiring and distributing large tenanted
rice and corn lands over 200 hectares for individuals and 600 hectares
for Corporation
2. Issued to replace the national land settlement administration with
3. Was Enacted to Abolish share tenancy, institutionalize leasehold, set a
retention limit of 75 hectares, and granted rights of preemption and
redemption to tenant farmers.
4. Establish the 70-30 sharing and regulated share-tenancy contract
5. Regulated relationship between landowners and tenants in rice and
sugar cane lands, with a 50-50 sharing arrangement for rice.
6. Establish the Agricultural Credit Cooperative Financing Administration,
which provided low-interest loans to small farmers and share tenants.
7. Introduced Home Stead System
8. Set limits on land ownership, allowing private individuals to won up 16
hectares and corporations up to 1024 hectares
9. Amended Rice Tenancy Act to introduce controls in landlord-tenant
relationship, the establish of NARIC
10. Abolished LASEDECO and established NARRA to resettle dissidents
and landless farmers, particularly in Palawan Mindanao.
11. Which specified grounds for dismissal of tenants with the approval of
the tenancy division of the department of justice, the creation of the rural
program administration in 1939
12. Also Known as Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954, governed the
relationship between landowners and tenant farmer, introduce the share
tenancy and leasehold system
13 Created the Court of Agrarian Relation
14. Established an administrative machinery and judicial system for
agrarian cases and incorporate extension, marketing, and supervised credit
services for farmer beneficiaries
15. Established National Settlement Administration with a Capital Stock of
Answer Key.
1. G
2. A
3. K
4. D
5. M
6. E
7. P
8. B
9. I
10. A.
11. N
12. J
13. J
14. K
15. C

A. EO 228
B. PrO 131
C. E0 129-A
D. Presidential Decree 27
E. EO 229
F. Presidential Decree 2
G. RA 6389/ 6390
H. RA 8532
I. RA 7881
J. RA 6657
K. EO 405
L. EO 407
M. EO 363
N. RA 7905
O. RA 8435
P. EO 151

1. Issued on July 26 1987 which streamlined and expanded the power

and operations of DAR
2. This order established the Farmers Trust Development program
which introduced institutional reforms and fund mechanism for
mobilizing long term private sector for rural development.
3. Known as Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AMFA)
aimed to modernize the agriculture and fisheries sectors, enhance
profitability, and prepare for challenges of globalization
4. Known as Code of Agrarian Reform which created DAR and ARSAF,
expanding the scope of agrarian reform
5. Conferring the Land Bank of the Philippines. LBP determines the land
valuation and compensation for all lands covered by CARP
6. Declaring the country under land reform program and activating
Agrarian Coordinating Council, requiring government agencies to
cooperate with the Department of Agrarian Reform.
7. Further strengthened CARP by extending its implementation for
another 10 years
8. Issued on July 22 1987, institutionalizing CARP as a major
government program and establishing the Agrarian Reform Fund
( ARF) with an initial amount of Php 50 billion
9. Which amended certain provisions of RA 6657 and exempted
fishponds and prawns from CARP coverage
10. Issued on June 14 1990, accelerating the acquisition and
distribution of agricultural lands, pasture lands, fish ponds, agro-
forestry lands, and other lands of the public domain suitable for
11. Issued on October 21, 1972 restricting the land reform scope to
tenanted rice and corn lands and setting the retention limit at 7
12. Known as CARL and signed June 10 1988. This law promote
social justice and industrialization through comprehensive agrarian
13. Strengthened CARP and its implementation
14. Granting full land ownership to qualified farmer beneficiaries
into several law measures
15. Provided the mechanism for implementing for Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program
16. Which provided guidelines for protecting non-negotiable areas
for conversion and monitoring compliance with section 20 of Local
Government Code.
Answer Key.]
1. C
2. P
3. O
4. G
5. K
6. F
7. H
8. B
9. I
10. L
11. D
12. J
13. N
14. A
15. E
16. M

RA 9700 Rodrigo Duterte

EO 379
MM Circular No.4
Benigno Aquino
Ferdinand Marcos
Corazaon Aquino
Manuel L. QUEZON
The new Philippine Republic
American Period
Pre-colonial Period
Spanish Period
Ramon Magsaysay
Disosdadao Macapagal
Carlos P. Garcia
Fidel V Ramos
Joseph Estrada
Japanese period
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
The settlements were governed by datu or chieftain
They introduce enconmienda system
Introduce several regulation including Ph Bill 1902, RA 1902 Torrens
system, Public Land Act 1903
Who is the president during commonwealth period?
He advocated the social justice program to address growing social unrest
in Central Luzon
Controlled by Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa mga Hapon in areas in Luzon
Even after the Philippines gained independence in 1946, issues regarding
tenure persisted. To address this issue the congress made revisions to
tenancy law
1757-1961. continued the land reform program initiated by his predecessor
The Philippines entered a new society under martial law which is ruled by
who during 1965-1986
This president emphasized comprehensive rural development and agrarian
reform during 1986-1992
Launched Magkabalikat para sa Agrikultrang Agraryo and Agrikulturang
Maka Masa. 1998-2000
Effots were made to make the countryside economically viable promote
social equity
Amending Executive Order No 363. And broadening the scope of the
Department of Agrarian Reform to oversee all land reforms in the country.
It placed the Philippine Commission on Urban Poor under DAR supervision
It operationalized the development of Kapit Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan
Agrarian Reform Zone
Strengthen the comprehensive agrarian reform program, extended the
acquisition and distribution of agricultural lands, and implemented
necessary reform

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