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Measuring the Acid Rain in Heet City of Iraq

Article in IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science · July 2022
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022


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2 authors, including:

Basim I. Wahab Altemimi

Al-Mustansiriya University


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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

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ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022

Measuring the Acid Rain in Heet City of Iraq

Asmaa M. Hamed1 and Basim I. Wahab2

Department of Atmospheric Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University,
Baghdad, Iraq.

Abstract. Acid rain is a consequence of pollution in the atmosphere. When any sort of fuel is
burned, a number of chemicals are released. The smoke from a fire, factories and the fumes
from a car exhaust contain a lot of invisible gases that can be far more toxic to our environment
than the smoke grey particles that can be seen. Where in this search, used the data from
European Center for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) was depend on. The
search is concerned with studying and measuring acid rain in Heet city for three point in same
region (Industrial, residential, agricultural) by using values PH that has been measured by
devices (PH (ATC), PH (laboratory), paper PH and TDS (Measures the concentration of basic
and acidic salts). Determination the amount of the rain in units (mm/h, inches) and period begin
fall the rain for a rainy season (from October to May). Study the behavior of polluting gases in
sampling regions (CO, CO2, NO2, NO, SO2, O3) due to it has most influence on the formation
of the acid rain and determine the most regions which contain pollutants. After measuring the
acid rain samples it was found the highest acidity value was recorded in Kabaisa Cement
Factory, which is a polluted industrial area, where the PH value was 4.00, meaning that it is
one of the most common areas in which acid rain spreads. While agricultural areas have
lowest acidity values where PH between (7.01- 7.05) , because they are far from sources of
pollutants emission and they contain plants and trees(as is well known plants absorb polluting
gases) which makes them areas free of all kinds of polluting gases. Also, residential areas
contain acidic PH values where PH between 5.06 - 6.03 at lower rates, and the reason for this is
the frequent use of cars and motors and the more widespread Restaurants, bread ovens.

Keywords. Acid rain, Atmospheric pollutants, Kabaisa Cement Factory, ECMWF, Heet, Iraq.

1. Introduction
Acid rain is a term used to define a variety of ways in which acids are emitted into the environment
[1]. Acid rain arises when the pH of rainwater drops as a result of anthropogenic. It is produced as a
result of NOx and SO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels, Nitric and sulfuric acids are formed when
these contaminants mix in rainwater[2]. Acid deposition have two types the first kind the wet
deposition referred to as (acidic rain , fog and snow).Acid molecules in the air can fall to the ground in
the form of rain, snow, fog, or mist if they are transported into locations where the environment is
humid This acidic water has an effect on various of living organisms as it rushes over and through the
earth [3]. The second kind is dry deposition which mean Acid chemicals may become absorbed into
dust or smoke and fall to the ground by dry deposition, remaining to the ground, buildings, residences,
automobiles, and trees in regions where the weather is dry. Rainfall can help remove dry deposited
gases and particles from these areas, resulting in improved runoff [3] .The most common gases which

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ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
cause acidity in the atmosphere SO 2, a major component of acid rain, which mix with water vapor to
produce sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
It is produced through the burning of sulfur-containing fuels such as coal, fuel oil, and gasoline, as
well as naturally occurring oxidation of sulfur gases such as in volcanic eruptions. Volcanic plumes
including ash and sulfur dioxide can be hazardous to aircraft. SO2 may be transformed into aerosols,
which are minute sulfur particles that can alter the brightness of clouds and precipitation. SO2 is
released into the stratosphere by some very explosive volcanoes, where it can produce sulfate aerosols
that last for a long time and contribute to climate change [4]. The nitrogen oxides also considered
most common gases to form acid rain where Nitric oxide (NO) and Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) are the
most common nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere (NO 2). These two types of gaseous nitrous
oxides are major lower-atmosphere pollutants. The most common kind of nitrogen oxide is nitric
oxide, which is a colorless, odorless gas. Nitric acid (HNO 3) and ammonium salts are formed when
nitrogen dioxide in the environment is transformed. The NO 2 (Nitrogen dioxide) reacts with oxygen,
and then with water, and involves a reaction of several steps to obtain (HNO 3) (It is considered a
strong acid and harmful to the ecosystem) [5]. All main methods of combustion produce nitrogen
oxides, which are produced and released. It is formed when air nitrogen is oxidized at high
temperatures. Automobile exhaust, industry chimneys, industrial boilers, power plants, and other
sources release nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen pentoxide, and nitric acid into the
atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides undergo a series of reactions in the atmosphere before becoming
photochemical smog [6]. The acid rain in most countries around the world, it has become a serious
local ecological issue. Because of worldwide ecological pollution such as fish deaths, withering
forests, dead lakes and other wetlands, and damage to monuments and other historic objects,
international concern over acid rain has risen recently. Acid rain causes a variety of health issues in
humans, including irritations to the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as lung illnesses such as dry coughs,
asthma, migraines, and bronchitis [7].

2. Methodology

2.1. Data source and Study Station

The work was carried out using hourly data of gases (CO, CO 2, SO2,O3 ,NO and NO2) for one rainy
season (for October 2020 to May 2021 )( Data were taken (2020,2021) for the not available of data for
the current study period from ECMWF, and the main reason for taking that period is the
concentrations of pollutants that are fixed in the atmosphere for a long period of time)at two time
(00:00 AM – 12:00 PM) to study behavior of gases in the polluted zone. The data taken from the
Center For Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) ( is Freelance intergovernmental community
supported by 35 nation ) [8]. For the Study station taken Heet in the Al-Nabar governorate It's on the
Euphrates' western bank, which far about 70 kilometers north of Ramadi and 180 kilometers away of
Baghdad[9] .Taken three points in the same region to know wherever will pollutants are
concentrated .The first region is industrial in place kabaisa Cement factory , two region is residential
contains houses and flats and the three region agricultural almost no contains any sources of
pollutants and consist of many plants and trees near Euphrates river .According to the following table ,
which shows the latitude ,longitude and altitude of the sampling area .
Table 1. Location of the Study area.
Region Type of Latitude (0E) Longitude Sea Level Altitude
sambal region (0N) (Meter)
H1 Industrial 33.590466 42.504835 70
H2 Residential 33.644534 42.823179 70
H3 agricultural 33.650331 42.809763 70

2.2. Sigmaplot Version 14 .0

ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
SigmaPlot is a technical graphing tool for the Microsoft Windows operating system. It may be used to
create a wide range of graphs and charts. SigmaPlot helps you to easily construct graphs. The Graph
Toolbar and the interactive Graph Wizard include large, easy-to-read icons [10].
This program was used to draw the relationship between gas concentration and days to illustrate the
behavior of gas in the polluted area and when it increases and when it decreases. The graph was
created by using the line/scatter option.

2.3. Devices Measuring

We use four methods to measure the acidity of the rain by use values PH. The PH Scale is method
used to find acid rain levels. PH scale divided on three part (acid, base and neutral). Lower pH values
are more acidic, but higher pH values, such as pH 7 and above, are more alkaline (basic). The first
method by use device ATC is digital get up measured acidic liquids from though Know PH. Before
begin the device should be calibration to give results accurate and correct. After collecting rain water
we put the device into water for period one to two minute to steady reading and give truly reading then
record the reading. The second method PH meter (Industrial) or sometime called (laboratory) it
provides a value as how acidic or alkaline a liquid .The basic principle of the PH meter is to measure
the concentration of hydrogen ions and ( -OH) ions. Before begin the device should be calibration to
give results accurate and correct After that put the (glass bubble) into the beaker (containing
rain) .Give the reader direct and more accuracy (without any errors). The third method paper PH : give
clues for real numbers gradient from (1-14) each color opposite number measure the degree acidity of
the water at use put the paper into the water then change color of the paper after than compared the
color. The four method TDS: is device gives the concentration of acidic or basic salts in unit (ppm) or
(μs/cm) and give the degree of water. The following figures show the devices that were used to
measure acid rain.

c d

Figure 1. Devices which measuring PH of the acid rain. TDC, b) PH meter (ATC), c) Paper PH and d)
PH meter (laboratory).

2.4. Atmospheric Chemistry

ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
The interaction gases of SO 2, NOx, and O3 occurs though the chemical processes that causes acid rain
to happen. When pollutants are released into the atmosphere by large smokestacks, molecules of SO2
and NOx are carried in the prevailing winds, where they combine with vapors to generate Sulphuric
and nitric acid mists in the presence of sunshine [11]. As shown in the following chemical equation:
2.4.1. Acid Reactions Involving Ozone
O+H2 O →OH¯ (hydroxyl radical)
OH¯ + SO2 → HSO3
HSO3¯ + OH¯ → H2SO4
OH¯ +NO2 →HNO3
HSO3 + O2 →SO3 2¯ +HO2¯ (Proxy radical)
Proxy radicals combine with formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and other organic acids to generate formic
and acetic acids, as well as other organic acids, providing( 5-20% )acidity to the overall acid rain
burden [11].

2.4.2. Acid Reactions Involving Sulphur

Sulfur in coal reacts with oxygen to produce SO 2. In most cases, only about 5% of the sulfur is soluble
in SO2 [12].
S + O2 → SO2
Sulfur trioxide is formed when SO 2 reactions with O2 in the air (SO3) The SO3 then interacts with the
moisture in the air (water) to produce H2SO4 [12].
2SO2 + O2 → 2 SO SO3
2¯ + H2O → H2SO4
SO2 +H2O →H2 SO3
H+ HSO3¯
HSO3 ¯ + O3 → SO4 2¯ + H+ + O2
In the conversion of SO3 2¯ to SO4, the oxidant property of the environment is crucial. Sulphur dioxide
oxidation is most prevalent in clouds, especially in extremely contaminated air with chemicals like
ammonia and O3. More SO2 is converted to sulphuric acid according to these reactors [11]. H 2 O2 +
HSO3 →HSO4¯ + H2 O

2.4.3. Acid reactions involving Nitrogen

N2 + O2 → 2NO
2NO + O2 →2NO2 4NO2 + O2
+ 2H2O →4HNO3
O3 +NO2 →NO3 +O2
NO3 +NO2→N2O5
N2O5 +H2O →2HNO3
The pH of normal rainwater is also acidic the cause is that water interact to a slight extent with
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to form carbonic acid (weak acid) [12]. CO2 + H2 O → H2CO3
(Carbonic acid).

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Acid Rain Measurement

Acid rain was measured in different areas of Al- Anbar, specifically Heet city, where three points were
taken for the same area, and the begin of the rainy season has been set in Ramdi on Thursday
(28/10/2021) . Acid rain samples are usually measured during a twenty-four hour period after the rain
fell on the study area. It was observed by measuring the PH values of the study station that it
recorded the highest values of acidity in the industrial zone (Kabisa Cement Factory)(H1)due to
represents a chemical factory and contains many chimney columns that release polluting gases . The
ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
factory operate for 14 hour per day. The maximum acidity recorded on Monday (1/3/2022) in the
factory where PH value reached (4.00) This acidic number is very high and dangerous for the
atmosphere because the smoke of pollutants spreads over high distances, as well as the wind speed
during Monday was 21 (km/h) and the air quality index is also very high 175 (unhealthy) During this
day, the acidic salt concentration reached a very large value 710 (ppm). As for the residential areas
(H2), the PH values are less acidic and contain less pollutants. These pollutants are the result of
human activities (the frequent use of cars and motorcycles and the spread of restaurants in a large way,
in addition to the furnaces that use coal (which contains high levels of sulfur) and when burning, SO 2
quantities are emitted To the atmosphere and pollute the residential area .The zone H2 recoded high
acidity concentration on Wednesday (3/11/2021) was value PH 5.05 due to increase anthropogenic
activity. As for the agricultural area (H3), where it contains very few pollutants because it is far from
pollutant factories (far from the sources of pollutants emission) in addition to that it contains plants
and trees, which helps to make the environment and the atmosphere very clean and healthy. The zone
H3 not recorded any acidity The PH values were between (7.01-7.05). And by observing Table (3),
we find that there is a difference between the digital PH meter (ATC) and laboratory PH, and this
results in either not washing the sensor well with distilled water (neutral water with a PH value of
7.00) or not fixing the device well when measuring, and the error rate between (0.1-0.3).The amount
of rain was measured by using rain gauge in unit (mm/h) and then converted to (inches) by dividing
the number on (25.4).As for determining the type of rain ,it was relied on (Ministry of Transportation
Iraqi Meteorological Organization and Seismology /Department of Atmospheric Forecasting ) where
light less than 2.5 (mm/h), moderate from (2.5 -10)(mm/h) and heavy more than 10 (mm/h).Also it
was observed during holidays that the amount of pollutants is less than on working days because most
cars, factories and other sources of pollution are not working, for example, on Friday (3/11/2022) the
PH value was low (5.00) compared to the working days on Monday (3/6/2022) the PH value was
higher and reached (4.00).
Table 2. Measurements of the acid rain for Heet Station.
Amount Amount
Type of Type of Period PH PH Concentration
Date of rain of rain
region rain of rain (ATC) (Lab.) Salts (ppm)
(mm/h) (inches)
11/3/2021 0.3 0.01181 Light 1 (H) 4.07 4.06 600
11/3/2021 0.2 0.00784 Light 1(H) 5.08 5.06 300
11/3/2021 0.6 0.02362 Light 2(H) 7.02 7.01 98
11/20/2021 3.5 0.13779 Moderate 3(H) 4.05 4.04 620
11/20/2021 2.5 0.09842 Moderate 2(H) 5.09 5.09 320
11/20/2021 4 0.01575 Moderate 4(H) 7.05 7.04 110
12/16/2021 0.2 0.00784 Light 50(min) 4.06 4.06 633
12/17/2021 0.3 0.01181 Light 90(min) 4.07 4.07 624
1/3/2022 0.6 0.02362 Light 90(min) 4.00 4.00 597
1/3/2022 1 0.03149 Light 1(H) 6.01 6.01 298
1/3/2022 0.8 0.03149 Light 2(H) 7.01 7.01 111
1/10/2022 0.5 0.01968 Light 63(min) 4.09 4.08 565
ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
Amount Amount
Type of Type of Period PH PH Concentration
Date of rain of rain
region rain of rain (ATC) (Lab.) Salts (ppm)
(mm/h) (inches)
1/11/2022 0.3 0.01181 Light 1(H) 4.08 4.07 544
1/16/2022 4 0.01575 Moderate 4(H) 5 5 510
1/31/2022 2 0.0787 Light 3(H) 4.06 4.05 544
2/11/2022 3 0.1181 Moderate 2(H) 4.03 4.03 522
2/11/2022 1 0.03149 Light 1(H) 5.09 6.01 333
2/11/2022 1.5 0.05905 Light 2(H) 7.02 7.02 120
3/6/2022 2.8 0.11023 Moderate 3(H) 4.02 4.00 611
3/11/2022 0.4 0.01474 Light 1(H) 5.00 5.00 589
3/25/2022 2 0.0787 Light 2(H) 4.01 4.01 680
3/25/2022 1.5 0.05905 Light 2(H) 6.01 6.03 390
3/25/2022 2 0.0787 Light 2(H) 7.03 7.03 105
3.2. Atmospheric Pollutant Measurement
Figure 2, show that the behavior of the hourly concentration of the pollutant gases (CO, CO 2, SO2, NO,
NO2, O3) for the Heet city of the period (1 October 2020 to 31 May 2021) (00:00AM-12:00PM). The
fig (a) explain the relationship between the days on the x-axis and the Total column Carbon dioxide
(kg /m2) where its show that it is positive relationship. By observing the figure, it was found that the
quantities of CO2 gas have variable concentrations during the day and are also in an increased state.
As the highest value of gas was recorded on (5/27/2021) (0.061392) and the lowest value for gas
(10/5/2020) (0.060386) at the time 00:00 am, while highest value (0.061391) and lowest value
(0.060407) at the time 12:00 pm. Amount increase or decrease of CO2 Depends on the use of fossil
fuels and thermal energy sources and others source.
Also explain the relationship between the days on the x-axis and the total column Carbon monoxide
(kg /m2) on the y-axis. We note that the quantities of gas vary between rise and fall and are never
regular, that is, they are scattered values. The quantities of CO can increase with the increase in the
quantities of incomplete combustion, for example, for wood or coal to another, where the highest
values of gas were recorded on (1/5/2021) (0.000623) and the lowest value on (11/11/2021) (0.0005)
at the time 00:00 am, while highest value (0.000608) and lowest value (0.0005) at the time 12:00 pm.
explain Concentration of (NO)x By observing a figure(c), we find that the change in the values of
nitrogen monoxide concentrations is very few, most of the values are very close, and where the highest
value for gas(NO) was recorded (23/04/2021)(0.0000043) and the lowest value for gas was recorded
on (1/6/2021) (0.00000008) at the time 00:00 am ,while highest value0.0000015) and lowest value
(0.0000014) at the time 12:00 pm. we find that the changes in the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide
are more than nitrogen monoxide, and this is very clear from the drawing, because NO 2 is produced
from factories emissions and also with lower concentrations from electrical stations and industrial
areas in most cases are very high, and their height helps the spread of pollutants, so found high NO2
concentrations in the industrial areas. Where the highest value was recorded on (16/11/2020)
(0.0000036) and the lowest on (17/5/2021)(0.0000031) at the time 00:00 am ,while the lowest value
(0.0000019) at the time 12:00 pm. explain Concentration of O 3 By noting the figure that the values of
ozone gas concentrations are different and vary from day to day, as the behavior of ozone gas is
ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
evident in the form of a dispersion, where the highest value was recorded on the date (13/1/2021)
(0.00618) and the lowest value on (10/24/2020) (0.006014) at the timing 00:00 am .While the highest
value (0.006049) and the lowest value (0.006032) at the time 12:00 pm .As this gas increases in the
atmosphere with the increase in car exhausts and factory fumes. the SO 2 in the atmosphere , we find
that the amount of gas is variable and is taken up and down depending on the quantities of pollutants
in the atmosphere, resulting from burning oil derivatives that contain sulfur, as well as from burning
coal and from the smoke of factories and industrial plants, where the highest value of was recorded
(2021 /1/28)(0.0000044)and the lowest value for gas was (17/10/2020) (0.0000017)at the time 00:00

ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
• The acid rain in Heet is usually concentrated in the industrial areas of the Kubaisa Cement
Factory, where the highest acidity value at the PH (4.00) on Monday (1/3/2022), because the
factory emits polluted gases and pollutes the surrounding area.
• The lowest value of the acidity was recorded in the agricultural area because it is areas far
from pollutants and free from pollution factors and the PH rate was between (7.01 – 7.05).
• Also, residential areas contain acidic PH values where PH between 5.06-6.03 at lower rates,
and the reason for this is the frequent use of cars and motors and the more widespread
Restaurants, bread ovens.
• Also it was observed during holidays that the amount of pollutants is less than on working
days because most cars, factories and other sources of pollution are not working, for example,
on Friday (3/11/2022) the PH value was low (5.00) compared to the working days on Monday
(3/6/2022) the PH value was higher and reached (4.00).
• Changes in concentration of polluting gases in varying proportions depends on the amount of
pollutant emissions (through burning fossil fuels the use of gasoline-powered cars and the
spread of restaurants and baking ovens) because they all emit gases containing various types
of polluting gases that harm the ecosystem (human, plant, animal). The damage is not limited
only to the environment, but also to rivers, lakes, structures, buildings, and others.

Thanks and gratitude to the Kubaisa Cement Factory, and the European Center for Medium – Range
Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) DATASET and we would also like to thanks Mustansiriyah
University for providing scientific support to accomplishing this research.

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ISAESC-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1060 (2022) 012022 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1060/1/012022
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