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Technostress on employee performance

Towards Partial Fulfillment of Requirements of

Bachelor of Business Administration.


Dr. Chanda Gulati Mam Kanika Sharma
Preeti singh


We (Kanika Sharma and Preeti Singh) student of BBA IV Semester of Prestige Institute of
Management & Research, Gwalior, hereby declare that the Major Research Project synopsis
report titled Technostress on employee performance is submitted by us in the line of partial
fulfillment of course objectives for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree. We assure
that this report is the result of our own efforts and that any other institute for the award of any
degree or diploma has not submitted it.

Date: Kanika Sharma

Preeti Singh
Place: Gwalior


This is to certify that Kanika Sharma and Preeti Singh of BBA Semester – IV, of Prestige
Institute of Management and Research, Gwalior have successfully completed their Major
Research Project Report. They have prepared this report entitled Technostress on employee
performance under my direct supervision and guidance.

Dr. Chanda Gulati Mam


We Kanika Sharma and Preeti Singh express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Chanda Gulati Mam
giving us the opportunity to work under her guidance on the report entitled Technostress on
employee performance.
We thankful to other faculty and staff members that guided and helped us very kindly at each
and every step whenever we required. We also acknowledge & convey thanks to the library
staff, computer department of PIMRG for their kind and valuable support.

Kanika Sharma



chapter 1
1.1 introduction 6
1.2 literature review 7
1.3 objective 8
chapter 2
2.1 research methodology 9
2.2 the study 9
chapter 3
3.1 result and discussion 10
3.2 references 12
3.3 conclusion 12



Information and communication technologies (ICTs) pervade work as well as personal lives in
the 21st century. Technostress is a modern disease caused by one’s inability to cope or deal with
ICTs in a healthy manner. Technostress is a stress experienced by individuals due to the use of
ICTs . Technostress is a kind of stress creator rather than feeling of stress itself.
Technostress results in physical, emotional, behavioral and psychological harms such as acute
pain in whole body and high blood pressure increases anxiety and leads to depression.

Employee performance

Technostress on employee performance is a negative impact on the attitude, thoughts and

behavior experienced by employees at work . The use of technology in companies ends up with
a paradox productivity on the employees , where the ICT devices they use while working only
make their work more complicated and complex , and reduce their productive time just to learn
how to use the devices.

Impact of technostress on employee performance

Employees of IT consulting company with a low degree feels that technology doesn’t make a
gap between families. It’s a useful which brings closer to each other.
They often still together to just talk, which can maintain a close relationship between each
family member.
Employees who live with a families are in a high degree of a family technostress, employees
who live alone not with a family they are in a low degree of a family technostress.

Review of literature

❖ Cardona et al ,(2013) : This study is to investigate the dark side of the technology as a
cause of stress and its effects on task performance at work, It comes in mind that without
technology, we don’t have advanced societies. Technology which makes everyones
lives easier , but it also have the potential to create stress in individuals.

❖ Weil and Rosen ,(1971) : This study is about technostress on employees of IT consulting
company can appear in two forms. Firstly, when the employees are unable to adjust
with the environment in which they need to use the computer or technological devices.
Secondly, when they are able to adjust , but attach to much to it and even build their
identities with it.

❖ Larry D Rosen , (1975) : This type of study of technostress are the main variable of this
study. Participants of the study are 30 employees of the IT consulting company from
different divisions. The instrument used is the personal technostress inventory.

❖ Ginno , (2011) : This type of study reveals participants is sampled from 20 large firms
in South Korea that comply with IT security standards and apply information security
policies at the company level. This study especially targeted participants who have
atleast five years of job experience at their current position and who have to deal with
information security technology and policy as part of their day-to-day tasks but
members of departments are not directly responsible for managing the information
security of the company.

❖ Robert, (2013) : This type of survey includes a random sample of 450 employees. A
total of 362 usable questionnaires were completed with the 80.4% response rate. We
carefully checked these questionnaires and removed the ones that are incomplete.
Among the 285 respondents, 77.5% are female and 22.5% are male .


To find the effect of technostress on employee performance .

Proposed model


2.1 The Study

The study was causal in nature and survey method was used for data collection.

2.2 The Sample Design

The population of the study was students of education sector.

Sample Element
Employees was the sample element of this research.

Sample Size
The sample size will be the 54 respondents for the study.

Sampling Technique
Non probability purposive sampling technique will be used for current study

2.3 Tools for Data Collection

The data will be collected using the standardized questionnaire on Likert type on a scale of 1 to 5, where
1 for Highly Disagree and 5 stands for Highly Agree.

2.4 Tools for Data Analysis

PASW Software is used to analysis the data.
Reliability test will be applied to compute reliability coefficients to check whether data input major the
variable there are supposed to measure. Regression analysis will be applied to identify the pause and
effect relationship between variable.
Anova analysis will be applied to check which variable will dependent.


3.1.1 Reliability Statistics

Reliability coefficient was applied by using PASW software. The reliability test value of all
scale are given below.
The reliability value from the above table indicated that the reliability coefficient
Cronbach’s Alpha was more than 0.7 which is good and it can be seen the reliability was .747,
.721 respectively of the questionnaire was high and it was suitable for study.

Reliability Statistics

variable Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

technostress .747 11
employee performance .721 11

3.1.2 Regression

Model Summary
Model Change Statistics
Std. Error Sig. F
Adjusted of the R Square Chang
R R Square R Square Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 e
1 1.000 1.000 1.000 6.03288 1.000 117445.325 1 53 .000

a. Predictors : (constant), VAR00001

b. dependent variable: VAR00002
R square indicates the % of variance explained by independent variable on dependent variable. In the
above table the adjusted R square value is 1.000 indicating that there is 10.00% variance explained by
the independent variables on dependent variable.

Model Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4274494.778 1 4274494.778 117445.325 .000

Residual 1928.968 53 36.396

Total 4276423.745 54

a. Predictors : (constant), VAR00001

b. Dependent variable: VAR00002

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .020 .844 .024 .981

VAR00001 .957 .003 1.000 342.703 .000

a. Dependent variable: VAR00002

Anova table shows Model good fit through F-test value which was 117445.325 significant at
.000a level of significance.
The coefficient table indicating that there is significant effect of technostress having beta value
1.000 tested through t-test value 342.703 which is significant at 0.000.


This study says that the pressure to use technology may harm employees performance . The
organisations demand to adopt technology can result in technostress generation. This stress brings
physical and emotional exhaustion among employees and negatively affects their performance.
Technostress is also experienced by the employees of the IT consulting company .


Abdel-Hamid, Т. К. 1999. "The Impact of Goals on Software Project Management: An

Experimental Investigation," MIS Quarterly (25:4), pp 52

Aborg, C., and Billing, A. 2003. "Health Effects of 'the Paperless Office' - Evaluations of the
Introduction of Electronic Document Handling Systems," Behaviour ¿¿Information
Technology (22:6), pp. 389-396.

Agervold, M. 1987. "New Technology in the Office: Attitudes and Consequences," Work &
Stress (1:2), pp. 143-15

Beehr, T. 1998. An organizational psychology meta-model of occupational stress. C. Cooper,

ed. Theories of Organizational Stress. Oxford University Press, New York, 6–27

Bentler, P. M., D. G. Bonnet. 1980. Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of
covariance structures. Psych. Bull. 88 588–606.

Bollen, K. A. 1989. Structural Equations with Latent Variables. Wiley, New York.

Corbett, J. M. 1987. A psychological study of advanced manufacturing technology: The

concept of coupling. Behav. Inform. Tech. 6(4) 441–453.

Davis, A., L. Gibson. 1994. Designing employee welfare provision. Personnel Rev. 23(7) 33–

Dolan, S., A. Tziner. 1988. Implementing computer-based automation in the office: A study of
experience stress. J. Organ. Behav. 9 183–187.

Dear respondent,
I, the undersigned are conducting a study titled technostress. It would take around 4 minutes
for you, to submit your responses.
The data will be collected using the standardized questionnaire of Likert type on scale of 1 to
5, where 1 for highly disagree and 5 stands for highly agree.
We would like to assure you that this is purely an academic exercise and the information
provided by you shall be kept confidential and anonymous. Your participation in the survey
indicates your consent and that participation is voluntary. The outset, we thank you for your
valuable response and support!
I’ll be obliged if you could spare few minutes and give your valuable contribution to my
research work.

With Warm regards.

Kanika Sharma

Email _______________________________________

Name _______________________________________

1. <18
2. 18-25
3. >18
1. Male
2. Female

Questionnaire on technostress
Strongly disagree neutral agree Strongly agree
1. I would 1 2 3 4 5
complete this
job using the
package if I had
much time to
complete the
job for which
the software
was provided.
2. I can use this 1 2 3 4 5
technology to
improve the
quality of my
3. I can use this 1 2 3 4 5
technology to
improve my
4. I can use this 1 2 3 4 5
technology to
perform my job
5. Our 1 2 3 4 5
sharing to help
deal with new
6. Our 1 2 3 4 5
teamwork in
dealing with
7. I spend less 1 2 3 4 5
time with my
family because
of technology.
8. I need a long 1 2 3 4 5
time to
understand and
use new
9. I do not find 1 2 3 4 5
enough time to
study and
upgrade my

10. I have to 1 2 3 4 5
upgrade my
skills to avoid
being replaced.
11. I am threatened 1 2 3 4 5
by co -workers
with newer

Questionnaire on employee performance

Strongly disagree neutral agree Strongly

disagree agree
1. i am rushed in 1 2 3 4 5
doing my job.
2. it often seems 1 2 3 4 5
like i have too
much work for
one person to
3. the 1 2 3 4 5
standard of my
job is too high.
4. i lack 1 2 3 4 5
information to
carry out my
5. new 1 2 3 4 5
contribute to
better quality
of life.
6. technology 1 2 3 4 5
give me more
freedom of
7. technology 1 2 3 4 5
gives people
more control
over their
daily lives.
8. technology 1 2 3 4 5
makes me
productive in
my personal
9. i feel tired 1 2 3 4 5
working with
my new
10. working all 1 2 3 4 5
day with

technology is
a strain for
11. i feel burned 1 2 3 4 5
out from
working with


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