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Group Assignment
Do in a group of five
1. Staff reading of field book is given in below table. Some readings are missing. Calculate
the page given with all arithmetic checks using HI method.

Station BS (m) IS (m) FS (m) HI (m) Elevation (m)

BM S.101 0.496 t 152.46
0+000 0.15 a
0+020 0.54 b
0+040 c 152.1
0+060 0.82 d
0+066.28 0.854 e
0+080 f 151.5
0+100 1.9 g
0+120 h 150.4
TP 1 0.758 2.997 j i
0+140 k 150.06
0+143.78 0.678 l
0+147.02 0.695 m
0+160 0.82 n
0+180 o 149.97
0+200 p 149.23
TP 2 0.044 1.755 r q
BM S.102 s 146.1
2. A 30-m steel tape standardized at 12°C and supported throughout under a tension of 5.45
kg was found to be 30.012 m long. The tape had a cross-sectional area of 0.050cm2 and a
weight of 0.03967 kg/m. This tape was held horizontal, supported at the ends only, with a
constant tension of 9.09 kg, to measure a line from A to B in three segments. The data
listed in the following table were recorded. Apply corrections for tape length, temperature,
pull, and sag to determine the correct length of the line. (5pts)

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