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Name: JV S.


Grade and Section: 12-Argon

1. What is Review of Related Literature?

—Review of Related Literature is a critical summary of existing research and publications related to a
specific topic or research question.

2. What are the purposes of a literature review?

—The purposes of a literature review include providing context, identifying gaps, evaluating existing
research, and supporting the rationale for new research.

3. What are the structures of literature review?

—The structures of a literature review typically include an introduction, the body with organized themes,
and a conclusion.

4. What are the types of literature review?

—Types of literature reviews include narrative, systematic, scoping, and meta-analyses.

5. What are types of sources for a literature review?

—Sources for a literature review can include academic journals, books, reports, websites, and other
scholarly materials.

6. Where can you find the review of related literature?

—Review of related literature can be found in academic libraries, online databases, and research articles.

7. What are the steps in writing literature review?

—Steps in writing a literature review involve defining your research question, searching for relevant
sources, evaluating and synthesizing them, and writing the review.

8. What are citations?

—Citations are references to the sources you used in your research.

9. What are the types of citations? Explain each.

—Types of citations include in-text citations, which are brief references within the text, and reference list
citations, which provide full details of the source.

10. What is a reference?

—A reference is a detailed citation of a specific source in a standardized format.

11. What is a bibliography?

—A bibliography is a list of all the sources (references) used in a research project, paper, or thesis.

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