Possible Questions For POLI123 Semester Test

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Possible questions for POLI123 semester test

1. Write an essay in which you (1) discuss the concept of the separation of powers and (2)
the different spheres of government within the framework of the Constitution. In your
answer, highlight the (3) roles/functions of the three arms of government and (4) explain
the importance of the separation of powers within the context of democratic South Africa.
Your answer should be supported by practical South African political examples.

2. Write an essay in which you (1) explain the concepts of political economy what it means
for South Africa to be a developmental state. In your answer, (2) explain the
meaning/distinction of economic growth and economic development, (3) what are the
main challenges and opportunities afforded to South Africa in an era of economic
globalisation? (4) What impact did the Covid-19 pandemic have on the political economy
of S.A? Your answer should be supported by practical South African political examples.

3. Write an essay in which you discuss the concept of (1) public policy and/or public policy
making in South Africa. In your answer refer to (2) the different state and non-state actors
that may be involved in public policy-making making, (3) discuss the process that is
involved in public policy-making (white paper - Bill), and (4) explain the importance of
public policy within the context of democratic South Africa and challenges thereof. Your
answer should be supported by practical South African political examples.

4. Write an essay in which you discuss the concept of public policy and foreign policy. In
your essay, highlight (1) the difference between public policy and foreign policy, (2)
discuss the main issues (at least 3) that should dominate SA’s public policies and that
should inform SA’s foreign policy agenda, and (3) discuss some of the challenges to
South Africa operationalizing its developmental foreign policy. Your answer should be
supported by practical political examples.

5. Write an essay in which you discuss (1) the meaning of judicial independence
and (2) the importance of judicial independence in a democratic society. (3) In your
essay, make sure to mention the separation of powers, (4) the functions of the judiciary
as well as (5) the meaning and importance of constitutional supremacy within the context
of S.A. Your answer should include practical South African political examples.

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