There Is No Hope of Doing Perfect Research (Griffiths, 1998, P97)

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There is no hope of doing perfect research (Griffiths, 1998, P97)

Discussing about this point without knowing the meaning of the word research would be meaningless. The word research holds a special place in every field. Research means, a systematic investigation to establish facts. A systematic way means a step by step procedure. If we hault the research at a point and examine, it might look incomplete, it might be lacking in some aspects. But one cannot say that there is no hope of turning it into a perfect research, until all the side effects of the research are minimized, which is possible only at the end of that research. By taking an example in the field of mathematics, most research have had done based on some constants like , equal to 3.14, which is strongly believed by everyone to be true. So, all the research based on this value must be perfect. But here comes the another case. Height of a person when sleeping is more than, when is in standing position is more a fact than a myth. So, all the research done on humans height turns to be erroneous by considering this fact. If it is the magic of the nature, we humans cannot face it. But, let us think, if it is our machine, our own technology, we will be able to face the challenge perfectly. Because every success brings a new challenge along with it. Otherwise the world would have been jammed and slowed down at the inventions of telephone and bicycle.

Jeevan Reddy Mandali

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For example, that we are able to use a cell phone and all its applications today, perfectly, is only because of a perfect research. But the success of cell phone brought new challenge, that is radiation problem. So, our next step is to eradicate the problem of radiation. Research is thus a never-ending process. It is also a continuous process. So, if we consider all the discussion, a research is perfect for a minute, until a success and imperfect being facing a new challenge right the way, the next minute! Coming to the field of physics, another famous controversy that is still in existence is between Newtons third law of motion and Bernoullis principle of conservation of energy. Both scientists through their research have found out a theory that justifies the reason for an airplane to fly in the air. Newtons third law of motion as we all know states that, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. On the other hand, Bernoullis principle of conservation of energy says that, Faster moving air has a lower pressure and that the converse is true, which is controversial to Newtons third law of motion. Researchers in aeronautical engineering have confusions about which one to rely on, in making airplanes. So, I conclude that agreeing or disagreeing with the point There is no hope of doing perfect research (Griffiths, 1998, P97) depends upon the particular point in an ongoing research and the area of research.

Jeevan Reddy Mandali

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Jeevan Reddy Mandali

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