Speaking Units 1 - 6

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Speaking Units


Integrates: Christian Eduardo Castillo Padilla

Natalia Rodriguez Rodriguez
Ana Karen Gallegos Garcia
Noe Quezada Almara
Profesora: Emma Hernandez Cazares
Grupo 4DIA
Friend 1: Hey guys, how are you doing?

Friend 1: What are you guys doing this weekend?

What do you usually do on the weekends?

Friend 2: Well, I usually play soccer. Last weekend I was playing with some friends in the park.

Friend 3: That sounds fun. I've been hiking a lot lately. I've been hiking in the mountains and exploring some


Friend 4: I've never hiked, but I'd like to try it sometime. have any of you ever


Friend 1: Yes, I have camped once. I camped with my family when I was a kid.

Friend 2: I've camped a few times myself. Last summer we camped near a lake and it was great.

Friend 3: I haven't camped yet, but it's something I'd like to do. I hear it's a great way to connect with nature.

Friend 4: Speaking of things we'd like to do, have any of you traveled to another country?

Friend 1: I have traveled to France. I was in Paris a few years ago.

Friend 2: And I've been to Japan. Last year I was exploring Tokyo.

Friend 3: I haven't traveled abroad yet, but I plan to visit Spain soon. It's something I've always wanted to do.

Friend 4: That sounds great I've always wanted to travel too, but I've been so busy with work, how I'd like to
work in another country.

Have any of you ever worked abroad?

Friend 1:I'm currently working on a project with an international team, so I've been traveling quite a bit for

Friend 2: I worked briefly in Australia a couple of years ago. It was a great experience.

Friend 3:No, I have always worked in my hometown.

Friend 4: Sounds interesting. I hope to work abroad someday, too.

Friend 1: Well, it's never too late to start planning your dreams. You just have to take the leap when the
opportunity arises.

Friend 2: Of course! You have to make the most of every moment.

Friend 3: That's true. Well I gotta go guys, it's been a great talk, I'll call you later.
Friend 4: I have to go too. You guys are the best! Thanks for your support, I'll talk to you later.

Friend 1: Bye take care

Friend 2: Bye, see you next time

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