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Name: Shaira Lorraine M.

Course & Section: BTVTED 2-E

Module 1-3 Output

A. Write a short reflection by answering the questions:

What did you learn from the 6 different philosophies?

-Studying educational philosophy may teach children the value of
understanding why Aside from the intellectual development of the children, it will
boost our current societal demands and make us more reasonable. Teachers work
as advisors, actively encouraging students to think for themselves.

How can these philosophies help you become a better teacher?

-A teacher who studies philosophy will be able to see and understand things from
the viewpoint of their students. Aside from knowing why students behave the way
they do, educators are also capable of understanding how students interpret their

B. Write a short reflection by answering the question:

Does the kind of education in the early civilizations have influence on the kind of
education you have today? Why do you say so?
-Understanding ancient history helps us comprehend where we came from and
why we are here, including how the ancients' efforts to influence their futures
connect to our own behaviors now.

C. Create your own infographic or poster on the three major perspectives in sociology
(Rubric found in module).

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