Sequence and Series (Lecture Sheet - 1)

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SEQUENCE AND SERIES e=—==—) ‘More than One correct Answer Type Questions m n Given, $,,=S,i Qa (m—N)d)= 5 (2a+(n=Id) => On simplifying 2a +(m-+n—Ld = 0 m+n 3 (2a+(m+n—1d}=0 = ifm+n= 10 then S9=0 Now Son = 100 Wehave 4.5 toot gn =D + 09) =F ll) and 2+ 4 tot X09 = Qe edt ng) 21 uf) 5 3 149 4 ‘Solving equation (1) and (2) we get 4-5 = Sona = Also eo = 33 ‘Now sum of infinite G.P = a 5 (2a+(n-1d) 2 Dd LAs a-1 (given) 3, Letnumber of terms =2n =» k = —2—_____= Fl2la+nd)+ (nD 43d = Fork to be constant d= 0, 2 1 5 B)Sumof values of k= 1+ 3 = (A) Absolute difference = LAL COAP sare givenby 13.5 39 Sum of all terms = (1+1+1 H+ 434540439) = 20421439) = 420 ‘Ans ‘2Orerms D) The non - zero common difference ‘d’ = 2 =» Number of non - zero values of d= 1 = (y-x) =3(x-2) mana y+3e3 2552 7 5. AS Ty ayy, dyn gg, gp 89 are in AP => SO a + ayy =, + ayy = » Yilogttang?) = jog(tana?.tand..tan ay .tan &) = log] = 0 6. V,= 2a, +8, = —4+(n+D)] +$L-8+(n-D] = V,, is minimum for n = 2 of n = 3 and value is ~9 7. aq is sum of reciprocals of natural numbers starting at n+1 and ending at 3n wt Ll 34) 5 6.2) APEX SERIES for [SEQUENCE AND SERIES ee tg ole al J+ tue 0 ad an, aed 1 1 I beet ie ayy 8 = Seab Insane] Gat DGntDGned) 3n+ an pice at ial 8 Let A=a-B,B=a,C=a+B = Now At 4 aN ‘ 12 212 _, sin(or-B)sin(a+B)= 55 Also sin.sin(o —B)sin(a+B)= = sin(or-| -pysinar+ = 32 2 si 25 B)sin(o +B): Be 7 cwsap-costa= 2 ssa =) 2 0 00828 = HE = cosC-A) = As 00828 = 55 mw 2g _txc0s2B _'" 25 ots +0328 is % = tanB= # 1 uy t= tna 4 et Now tan = tafe P= MONEE = Tg on TT Fane.tinB 751 #5 & Also cos A cosC = cos(t—B)cos(a+B) = cos? asin? B = cost C-A)_1-cos(C-A) c-. =). tan?| <= |= 49 ane =" ( 2 ) ene co 2 Also, (A+C)= a = sin(A+C)+cosec(A+C)=1+1=2 9, aula, +d) (ay +2d) an. nd by (ly +c )s(y +2dh un = Hence dag = a + 99d Broo = +9944 Add ayqy +b,q) =100+9%(d+d,) => Hence d+ dy =0 = d=-dy (a) , (b) and (c) are ov=> d=d obviously true Se +) =", +b)1+(@.9 +0) = 0x2 104 = @ fusing 5, = S(a+d)] 10. 7, =84—4n = T, =0 = n=21 = option (a) is correct T,4 Tp =T,+Tin = To +7 option (b) is corret f(n)=T,.Ty-3 = (84 - 4n)(88—4n) Option (c) and (4) are correct Linked Comprehension Type Quest Passage - (11-13) Let numbers in set A be a - D, a, a + D and those in set B be b - db, b + d, Now 3a = 3b= 15 or a=b=5 setA=(5-D,5,5+D}set B= 5-d,5,5+d) where D=d+1 (25- Dy Also A ase 5 So the numbers in set A are 3, 5, 7 and the number in set B are 4, 5, 6 Now can of product of numbers in et A taken two at atime is 3x5+3x7+5x7=71 . The sum of the prodcut of numbers in set B taken two ata time is 4x5+5x6+6X4=74 Also, p=3x5x7=105 and q=4%5x6=120 = q— p=15 rr Bi =325(8-7)=8 (d +1)? -7d? = d=-17,1 but d>0=>d=1 AICS SOLUTIONS-Xi eo ‘| SEQUENCE AND SERIES ha, tay +. Where bj, by, b3.... “+a, => Where ay, ap, inare in A.P with d= 2 and dy = by + by +b + + by are in AP withd=2 Nowe, = pa? +gx+r > y= Paes tqaj+r @) From Equation 1) adn (2) we get o, —¢ 1 = pla? —a? +006, <6 nt = PCG, ~ a 4)+ qa, ~ int) > Gy = (Ay ~ 44.1 )1 PCy +4, 4)+ 9) (3) (On putting n = 2 and 3 in equation (3), we get a, = d[p(a, +a,). +4] 5 a; = dl pla; +a))+q] Now equation (5)-(4) we get 8% “Alla ~a,)) _ fio @ a tae Pa eee Ceeuine n-12 in above equation we get cy = a, = pa? +qa,+r => cy =a, +, = pa} +qa, +r +25 Way +2)? +4(a,+2)+r = (pa +qq,+r)+4ajp+4p+2q (4p=1) 2a, +2= oa, 4142g butay =a +2 > 2a, (=a) = 2a,+2=2a, 41429 = a4 16. Ifr=0, 2,1 +5414 = 41) = af -2a,=0 >a, =0 oF a Also d, Fed => bP-2b, =0 = bj =0orby =2 but ay 1568 => [s0+0-0 1508 3 n 112+8n Ss. 6 > 1568 sont +14n> 9 x1568 = 1176 =n? +14n-1176> 0, oF, (m+42)(n-28) > OAs nis positive, n—28 > Oie.,n>28 Minimum value of n = 29 : 3a sla ght 95% 4257 Gi) Since sis 4 51-*,2 75% 4 25-* are inAP,, wehave 25 = 5!" +5)" + APEX SERIES for CBSE XI Students. 22. 25. Sa 2 1 Now, put 5* = t to that t>0, we then have @=S5t+7 +U +5e(e ass woe sfonefie gp) o] ed] adh nee Thus, values of a are given by the inequatlity @ 212 =2logya+4log,a+ Glog, a+...+ 40log, a Civ) (b) logy a+ logy. a+ logy. a + Login A+... saad =840 = logy a 20 =logzal2 +446+...¢40] = 72+ 40)0g,4 = 420l0g, Integer Type Questions Let d be the common difference of the A.P. then ay, = a,_; +d 10" 10" 10” 10” ahead (23,44) a day= Ziti #10” d. 10 10” 1010-1) 10 = 10% +10%d > d=——— = > +10" 1 10” 6 (100+6d+100+11d) = (200+17d)3 > (2) Sq = 3200+ 5d)...(1) => S,f0S,3 = according to question d=-10 We have 2a = 10-+b and a + ab = apa OP +b)=2b = b=-2or-5 sa=4or3 eae ) 4 Oy +g +g + ne yg = S => ALSO ay + ay + a + Ag +... gy + dg = 137 3 (ay =I tay + (ay = 1) + 4g + A dgg = 1) + gg = 137 => Udy +g tones gg) = 137+ 49 = 186 => $= 93 Let M, ={5-d,,5,5+d,} and M, ={5~d,,5,5+d2} _ pene 5(25-d3)-5(25-d?) _ Sid? Sai = 2) sy yas d, +d, dy +d) Let a & b be the two numbers given a + b= 13/16 Let Ay, Ay, Ay-..-Ay, be AM’s inserted between a and b given A, +A) + Ay +... Ay, = 20+! 4A, + Ay tot Ayy +—(a-b)= 2n4+1 (222 }ca+6)- (a+b)=2nt1 j nla+b)=2n+] > 13n=12n+6 => n=6 now 44.4 —— = 10 ya yds gp e001 If dpa) | aya) de-4y dan) Goon 1) Goa) | Oo 4 = 4, Sa 0 4 aa, aya yg 41400044001 1) : 400d o1(4-)-044 H 41027 = 10 => @,a499) = 400... 1 mal a Ayo01 day day) 1 400 But d+ dygq9 = 4 + ayo, = 50(AS use of terms equidistant from beginning and end in finite A.P is same) Hence a (ay ~ dygos)? = (a + ago)? ~4ayqn) = (50)? —4 (400) = 900 =a, ~ go] = 30

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